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Chapter 7 


Justin let Brian know he had landed safely and he had attached a list of cities he was going to and an approximate date he would be there. He said the schedule still had a little fluctuation but he would call him when he was switching locations. Brian had decided he was not going to bother him. He needed time away and Brian knew he would be busy with this case and he needed to focus on that right now.

Brian set up a meeting with John Thomas for that afternoon at the lawyer's office. Brian didn't waste time. "What is your plan for him? He's going to try to convince the world he is mentally unstable or something like that, right?"

"Isn't he? Unstable that is."

"No, he never hesitated when he raped a victim. He planned and plotted until he sucked them in. I didn't even realize that was what he was doing when he pulled me in. Now it is all very clear to me."

"Brian, you know your situation is slightly different then the rest. It is no less terrible, but a little less violent."

"I realize that. I know I might not be the best witness to be on the stand. Please tell me how you are proceeding?"

"We are going to try not guilty by reason of mental defect."

"He's defective alright. If he doesn't want to talk again, I'd be thrilled." 

"I'm starting to wonder if I should have allowed you to ever talk with him."

"Trust me, I would rather not ever talk to him again. If he is ready to shut down, please let me know. I don't want to be near him." Brian stood and walked to the office door, "He needs to be locked away for life. He is not crazy. He is deviant. He is not crazy."

"Crazy is where my case is."

Brian walked out and immediately texted Jake. Now that he had an idea what Caleb was planning, he couldn't tell Jake what he knew but he could tell him as much as he knew and he could encourage the other men to remember details.

The plaintiffs had come into town. Jake and Daphne were planning to review each man's statements with them but after the first round it was obvious that the men were not comfortable talking to Daphne. "Let me talk to the next one. I have a feeling if you stay in the back you will be able to corroborate the statements but they will be talking to me instead of a woman. That should make it less uncomfortable for them."

"Sure, Brian. I hated how nervous I seemed to make the last one."

By the end of the afternoon, twenty statements had been verified. Brian knew the right way to broach the subjects they wanted to avoid and more than once brought up his own story to help the plaintiff relax. At 5:00 they stopped for the day. Jake had lined up dinner in the hotel for all the men that had come to town. They had a private room so all of them could feel more at ease.  While the men were arriving and eating hors d'oeuvres, Brian mingled. Many of the men were having mini reunions. They had been classmates, some were even old friends who had not realized the other had been abused as well.

As the last of the men arrived, and Daphne slipped in and stood by Jake's side, Brian stood on a chair. "Hey, everyone, can I have your attention?" When everyone had quieted down, he continued. "I want to thank all of you for coming tonight, and more importantly that you are brave enough to show the world what real men look like. Some of you have met this wonderful young woman over there. Daphne jumped in with both feet when I brought up the abuse that went on.  Some of you may recognize her from high school. Without her investigative skills I am not sure we would be here tonight. I know when this is over, none of us will have won, but no more young boys will have to live through what we did." Brian looked around, "Please enjoy yourselves tonight. The food is coming out now. I just want to thank you for coming and for those of you that are sticking around, I look forward to getting to know you all better."

The food was ready and everyone went through the buffet setup. As the food was eaten and the alcohol flowed, some of the conversations became quieter as stories were shared. As the event began to disperse, Brian tried to say goodnight to each one as they left.

After saying goodnight to Daphne and Jake, all Brian wanted to do was crawl into bed with Justin. He drove past a couple of clubs but he wasn't in the mood. When he got home he checked one of his hook up apps but no one caught his attention. Instead he just went to bed and looked at the schedule Justin had sent him. He pictured him asleep or more likely, he was just getting up for a new day. Fuck! What was happening to him? He wasn't one to be philosophical but since spending time with Justin Taylor, he was seeing life very differently and Justin was always there with him.


The next couple weeks had been hectic. Jake prepared for an initial hearing with the judge. It would be the first time he saw Caleb in the flesh and Daphne planned to be right behind him in case he had any questions or needed any documents. She had become essential to his law firm and to him personally.

Brian never went back to talk to Caleb. John had convinced his client that talking to Brian would affect him adversely. Caleb's only complaint was he had signed an exclusive with Brian so if he didn't talk to him, he wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.

When Brian walked into the courtroom and sat next to Jake, representing all of the men listed on the lawsuit, Caleb could barely take his eyes off of him. Then, over time, more than a dozen of the men listed in the suit came and sat in the gallery, surrounding Daphne. Brian kept an eye on Caleb who couldn't stop looking at the men. When he realized they were all previous students, he smiled over at some of them but they all ignored him. They had decided no one would acknowledge him until they were at the podium reading off their victim statements.  

When it was about time for the hearing to start two older women walked in and sat down at a third table near Caleb and John. Brian looked at Jake who said softly, "That is the infamous Ms. Perdue. I wasn't sure if they would manage to get her here today. She has a lot of people in high places. You don't look too surprised."

"I'm not. I made a couple calls myself. I don't have much power but I have interviewed many people who do. I contacted people on a couple of the Boards she sits on."

"And all I had were the district attorney and police to threaten her," Jake said, smiling at Brian. When he had first met this man, he wasn't sure he could deal with the cocky, good looking man but as he got to know him, he realized that Brian had a commitment and loyalty that you rarely find. He was glad he would probably continue to socialize with him from time to time since they were dating best friends.

Everyone stood as the Judge walked in and then they were all told to be seated. The female judge addressed the courtroom. "Today we are here to look into the allegations that Caleb Jonas, also known as Caleb Franklin and Caleb Franken, did abuse in excess of 25 teenage boys over a 12 year period." The judge then turned to look at Ms. Perdue. "We also have a second accomplice, who may or may not be charged with one or multiple offenses."

At that Ms. Perdue blanched, losing all color in her face and her lawyer stood, "Your honor, I do not think my client should have any charges brought against her, but even if the DA decides to bring charges against her, they should not be compared to Mr. Franklin's.

"You are correct that it is up to the DA and I happen to believe your client might actually be more responsible for the defendant's actions. She was complacent and even worked to keep him employed for the years he spent in Pittsburgh and then any later victims there could be."

Now it was John's turn to stand up. "Your honor, my client has not been convicted of anything at this time and yet you are already..."

Her honor interrupted, "He is the defendant who has been accused of a multitude of things. I just wanted to make sure everyone who may have anything to do with this case is here from the start. And the defendant is aware this is not the trial, correct?"

"Yes, your honor," John said. "It has been explained that this hearing will decide what Mr. Franklin will be charged with."

"It sounds like you have done your job. Now, Mr. Ryan, will you make your opening statement."

Jake stood up and started, "Your honor, I know everyone involved has read the charges. Thank you for giving me permission to have some of the gentlemen named in the suit speak at this hearing."

One by one, the men took their turn at the mic. After hearing about half of them the judge recessed until the next day. She was visibly shaken by the stories she had heard. "My docket is full the rest of the week. I am sorry for the delay but we will reconvene a week from today." With that the judge stood and left the room. Then Caleb was led out to return to his jail cell before the rest of the room began to clear out.

Brian saw John coming over to the table. He tapped Jake on the shoulder, nodded to John and then moved back with the rest of the men in the gallery. Brian spoke to each of the men that had addressed the court. Caleb had reacted very little during the testimonies. He smiled at the first couple men who had spoken but he realized his charm was not going to work on his victims anymore. After that he did everything he could not to make eye contact. Brian had watched him get more nervous with each new survivor.

As the men started to walk out to the hall, Brian looped an arm around Daphne's shoulders and moved toward the door. Glancing over his shoulder, John and Jake continued to talk at the front of the hearing room. "Brian, what do you think they are talking about?"

"My guess is John is hoping to get a plea bargain."

"Do you think Jake will go for that?"

"What do you think? You work at the office with him. What have they talked about? They had to bring this up at some point."

"Yes, they discussed a couple options. They were hoping he would just admit to it and save all the time of a trial."

"I am not sure he will do that. I don't think he will ever admit what he did was wrong. In his warped mind, I don't think he sees it as wrong. Somehow he has convinced himself that all of them really wanted him, really did want it." 

Daphne slipped an arm around Brian's waist, "Have you talked to Dr. Shannon since Justin left?"


"Because I think you could use someone to talk to."

"Have you heard from Justin?"

"No more than a couple texts as he traveled to Spain."

"Yeah, I got that, too."

"Brian, do you love him?"

"I'm not sure I know what love is, but I do know that I miss seeing that face. I miss the feel of..."

"I get it, Brian. There is something about Justin. If he lets you in, he shares his full heart."

"I told him I hoped we could continue when he returned."

"Well, maybe he needs some encouragement to return."

"Do you know what hotel he is staying at?"

"I could find out from his agent. Why?"

"I think I might send him something just to remind him I'm waiting for him."

"Have you actually been waiting? No one else?"

"I was going to but I realized I didn't want anyone else."

"Brian, I would say that is love."

"Who's in love?" Jake came up behind Daph and Brian, brushing his lips on Daphne's temple.

Changing the subject, Brian asked, "What did Thomas have to say?"

"He wants Franklin, Jonas, whatever his last name is, to take a plea bargain. I am going to draw up a document and hopefully it will be accepted."

"Oh, Jake, is that what you want? I mean I don't want him to get off too easily." Daphne switched her arm from Brian to Jake.

"I agree, however, I am sure Jake will make sure he doesn't get out," Brian said.

"Well, we are looking at 25 years."

"25 years! That isn't long enough!" Daph said as she looked between Brian and Jake."

"My darling, Daph, that is per victim." Jake pulled her close.

"Jake, do you really think he will agree to that?" Brian asked and then said to a group of the men, "Drinks at the hotel at 6:00 for anyone around."

"I am not sure but I know Perdue doesn't want her name drug through all this. Right now I think she just hopes to resign and retire out of town. Of course it isn't her choice, but I think if anyone can get this to happen it is her."

"You're right there." Brian responded.

"What are your plans for the night?" Daph asked him.

"I am having drinks with..." he pointed down the hall where the men were getting on the elevator.

"Why don't we join and then you can come to dinner with us?"

"No, you two don't get much time alone as it is. I'll grab a bite at the hotel and then just head home."

"Brian, give him a call. If you call now he will be awake and if you wait until later, he won't mind being woken up."

"I'll see. I'm going to head home for a bit and then go to the hotel. You two enjoy your evening."

Daphne kissed Brian's cheek and Jake and Brian shook hands. "Thanks, Brian. Oh, by the way, I think Caleb wants you to tell his story yet. I just want you to know that he may be calling."

"Thanks, Jake."

Brian walked away and once he was out of range Daphne said softly, "Brian is in love with Justin but he doesn't know how to deal with those feelings."

"Knowing his history, I can understand that. Do you think Justin feels the same?"

"I think he does. I think he needs someone that can relate to what he went through. I have never seen him react with another man."

"Well, let's get this case wrapped up so Justin can come back." He took Daphne's hand and they strolled down the hall. "Where do you want to eat dinner?"

"My place."

"That is the best idea I've heard in a long time."


Brian changed into jeans and a comfortable shirt and then looked at the clock. It was 5:00 pm.  That would make it 11:00 in Spain. Maybe he would give him a call. Brian sat on the sofa and called Justin. It rang several times before he heard his voice.

"Hey, Brian, I didn't expect to hear from you." 

Brian heard a voice in the background talking to Justin. "I just wanted you to know there is a plea deal in the works but I can hear you are with someone."

"It is just my driver. I am on my way back to the hotel."

"Well, I just wanted you to know. We have a one week window for everything to fall into place."

"Oh, good." There was some muffled noise and then Justin was back on the line.

"Brian, I hate to do this but I have to go. There is something going on ahead."

"Sorry, of course you are busy. Please let me know you arrived at  the hotel safely."

"Oh, sure..." and with that, Justin ended the call.

Brian stood and walked over to pour himself a shot. He threw his head back as the liquid slid down his throat. He then picked up his phone and set up an Uber. Of course Justin had activities going on. He was promoting his work. He was making a name for himself in Europe. They had no commitment to each other. Tonight he would drink and hopefully in the morning, he would have gotten rid of this heavy feeling in his chest. Was he coming down with something? Nothing a night of drinking wouldn't fix and if the right guy came along... He could use a quick fuck.


Brian skipped dinner and drank until two of the other survivors walked him out to an Uber around midnight. They paid the driver extra if he would make sure Brian got into his building. As they arrived at his flat the driver helped him unlock the door and got him on the lift before leaving. Brian went up and fell into his home. "Justin. Ah shit, you're not here, but I want you here." He locked the door and stumbled to the bathroom to pee before staggering to the bed and dropping on it face first and immediately passing out.


Justin had an early meeting. He woke from a dream at 6:00. He could have sworn he heard Brian's voice. He missed him more than he expected. He had a couple offers from men to join him in bed but he realized he didn't want any of them. He could only imagine touching Brian's long, lean legs. He only wanted his strong arms around him. He still had three weeks scheduled. Maybe the case would be done by then. If not, he had more options to continue his tour.

On a whim he picked up his phone and texted Brian. ‘You are probably still out for the night. Sorry I cut you off last night. There was an accident and the driver was flustered. Let me know what happens with the judge.'

Justin stretched and stood up. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He had a gallery show planned for the rest of the week. The breakfast meeting was to discuss the arrangement of his pictures. After that he was going to Ibiza. He was going to have some of his pictures on display for two weeks. His agent had a friend with a place on the beach so the rest of the time he was going to spend a relaxing couple of weeks soaking up the sun and painting. 


The week went quickly. By Tuesday, Jake and John had come up with a plea bargain and Caleb agreed to it. His only stipulation was that Brian would interview him before meeting with the judge again on Friday. So on Wednesday afternoon Brian met with his abuser one last time.

The first hour Brian reviewed the questions he planned to ask and then he set up the camera and the real interview began. Caleb told Brian about his childhood. His parents had divorced when he was only a toddler and because his mother had some mental health issues his father gained custody. He told Brian how he had been abused by his father. It was obvious early on he was gay and his father was sure raping him over and over would ‘break' him of his ‘chosen' sexuality. If it wasn't his father it was one of his father's friends.

Brian believed some of what Caleb was saying but he had a feeling some of it was exaggerated.  He continued to ask questions and Caleb told him about his father's death and his mother taking over his upbringing. Her family had money and sent him to boarding school. Of course there was more abuse there.

When he was done telling his story, Brian said asked him, "So the abuse you suffered ‘made' you abuse others?"

"You don't understand. That is the way I grew up, I thought that was..."

"Wait a minute, Caleb. The college you went to to become a teacher didn't go over what child abuse was and how, as an educator, you were to report this kind of behavior?"

"But I didn't realize..."

"Don't try to bullshit me and the million people that might be watching this. My childhood wasn't pleasant but I didn't grow up to hurt others. You chose to repeat the abuse."

"I didn't hurt anyone. I just showed those young men..."

"Boys, Caleb. None of the men who are named in the case were men when this happened to them. It all happened when they were boys. You seem to lose interest once they hit 16. Face it, you like to dominate and you didn't feel like enough of a man to dominate someone your own age and size so you picked vulnerable boys. Just like you had been vulnerable with your father, you hurt them and threatened them to keep quiet. You felt weak so wanted to dominate someone, anyone."

"That is not true. I am not weak. I controlled every last move we made when you and I were dating."

"Oh, Franklin, we were never dating. I was just one of your victims. You knew my homelife was not ideal and you know I was gay. You did everything you could gain my trust at the same time you raped me. I was a child, you were a teacher. Even if I had followed you home and crawled in your bed, I was a minor and you were a pedophile." Brian took a deep breath and stood, "I have more than enough to show the world who you really are."

"Brian, that just isn't the way it was. It really wasn't." Caleb kept talking as Brian picked up the camera and tripod and walked out the door of the interview room, hoping he would never have to see that man again.

On Thursday, Brian received a call from John. "I don't know what happened yesterday at your interview but whatever you said seems to have sunk in. Tomorrow morning, DA Ryan and I will meet with the judge and Caleb to sign the agreement. There will not be another open hearing."

When Brian ended the call he actually whooped. He got permission to meet with the local men who had planned to be there on Friday and met them for dinner on Thursday.  At 7:00 p.m. Jake and Daphne walked in and Jake announced that the case would be settled tomorrow and they were all free to go home after dinner of course. As the information soaked in, a cheer went up first but then one by one some of the men became solemn and then tears began to flow for some of them while others hugged the men that were most shaken. But then, after several minutes, everyone seemed to realize that although their nightmare would never be over, no more children would ever be touched by the man who took their innocence. Now maybe they all could heal.

Brian did go to the courthouse and waited for the lawyers to come out Friday morning. Jake and John walked out together and after giving Brian a thumbs up, they stopped and gave a brief statement to the press but Brian didn't wait around. He went to put the final touches on the interview, needing to do a few voice overs for it and do a final clip stating the plea agreement and stating that Caleb Jonas, AKA Caleb Franklin, AKA Caleb Franken will be sentenced to more than 300 years, assuring everyone that he will never touch another young boy.


Brian hadn't been home long on Friday night when the building buzzer went off at the same time he got a text. ‘Let us in.' It was from Daphne and with Justin out of the country, he figured he was Jake. He pressed the button letting them in and opened the door to the loft. 

"Brian, I just saw a click for your show tonight. It looks so amazing!" Daphne rushed over and hugged him.

"I'm just glad it is over. Now maybe Justin will come home."

"You know, you could go to him."

"Daphne, how do I know he wants me to?"

"I know my best friend. The couple times we talked and every text he has asked about you."

"Kinney, man up and go get your man!" Jake said and for the first time Brian noticed he had been drinking. "Yeah, I have been celebrating. I plan to take this beautiful woman to Puerto Rico for a week." He draped an arm over Brian's shoulders. "May I suggest you book a flight to Ibiza?"

"Fuck, why not!"


The next couple hours were filled with phone calls and web searches. By the time Daph and Jake left, they had tickets and reservations to fly to Puerto Rico on Sunday and Brian had a flight out at 9:00 pm Saturday and would arrive around noon on Sunday. Justin had a news conference on Monday morning that Brian planned to attend.


By the time Brian arrived in Ibiza, he was exhausted. He had slept some on his flights but traveling for 20 hours, he only wanted to have something to eat, shower, and sleep until morning. Brian showered and then ordered a light dinner. As he waited for it to arrive, he stood on his small balcony and looked out at the sea. He had an idea what area Justin was staying and he found himself looking in that direction. He could see someone near the beach and took a picture of the figure. He zoomed in and could see there was an easel standing in the sand. Just to be sure he was really looking at Justin he texted him, saying ‘Daph told me you have a news conference tomorrow. Good luck.'

Brian had barely hit send when, through his camera lens, he saw the figure pull out his phone. He sent a return message that said, ‘Thanks, I don't like to be in front of the camera'. Brian responded that he would do fine. 

Brian watched him until there was a knock on the door announcing his food was there. Brian went into his room and answered the door. He ate his dinner and then, after taking a quick look to see that Justin was no longer on the beach, he turned off the light and got into bed. Knowing Justin was so close had his mind buzzing, but jet lag overtook his need to be with him and soon he was sound asleep.


Justin tried painting after his text from Brian but he couldn't focus. He had the feeling he was being watched, but looking around the beach he was sure he was just missing Brian and that was what was making him unsettled. He packed up his art supplies and brought them into the house. After showering, he walked along the beach to a nearby bar. He ordered some seafood and a cocktail and he sat looking out over the tranquil sea. Brian would love it here. He wondered if he invited him if he would come for the weekend. But he couldn't ask him to do that.  He was busy wrapping up reporting on the trial and it was just far too long a flight for just a weekend.

He watched the sun set over the Mediterranean and then, after walking around, mingling with tourists, he made his way back to his house. He turned on some music and grabbed his sketch pad. An hour later he looked down and saw a picture of Brian, reclined on his bed, looking like he did after they made love. Justin felt his cock stir. Damn, he hoped this court thing was really almost over with. Justin showered and got in bed. Soon he was asleep and dreaming about Brian.


Justin took an early morning swim and again had the feeling of being watched as he walked out of the waves. 

Brian had asked for binoculars to watch the ‘sea birds' and he was now watching Justin walk out of the sea. He knew it would be just a matter of hours and he would have Justin in bed next to him where he belonged.

The news conference was scheduled for 10:45 that morning and as he ate breakfast, Brian watched the beach. He saw Justin, dressed in linen pants and shirt greet a gentleman with a handshake and then, together they walked into the hotel. 

It was time for Brian to put his plan in place. He had made sure he had brought his press pass along, unsure if they would honor it here but when he had checked in, the concierge assured him it would be a low key event and he couldn't see any reason why they wouldn't allow him in. He slipped into the room after he had seen a half dozen reporters walk into the room and then he followed, ducking behind an archway so he wasn't in full view of the table where Justin would sit. 

Brian was surprised when another six reporters walked in. He listened to their conversations buzzing between them and had to smile at the admiration they were giving Justin's work. Somehow Brian felt proud of his lover's accomplishments and he was so happy for him.

There was a stir in the room as a door in the front of the room was opened about an inch and then shut again. A server from the hotel soon rushed in with a tray that had water and glasses on it and set it on the table. As he left out the main door, the side door opened again, this time all the way, and Justin, along with another man, walked in and sat at the table.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," the man with Justin started in heavily accented English.  "I am Mario Carrera. I own the gallery where our guest, Justin Taylor, has his work on display. If you have yet to see his work please stop when we have finished here. Now, who has a question for our artist?"

For the next 25 minutes Justin answered the questions that were asked. There were questions about his training and his family. There were questions about what he had planned for the next year. The whole time Justin spoke Brian stood just outside of his view.

"Do we have any more questions? Mr. Taylor is giving up time from his vacation for us today."

Brian leaned close to the woman standing next to him, "Ask him about his love life?" 

The woman smiled, "Mr. Taylor, I know there is no hope for me but I was wondering if you have a special man in your life?

Justin hesitated and then said, "I am not involved in a committed relationship at the moment."

"That sounds like you might have someone in mind." The woman had seen the look on Brian's face throughout the questions and answers and was fairly sure she knew what was going on here.

Justin smiled wistfully, "Let's just say I met someone shortly before I left the states and I am hoping I can pick up where I left off when I return."

Mario began to stand but the woman spoke once more, "You wouldn't happen to be attracted to tall men with dark hair, would you?" As she said this she pulled Brian's arm, sending him off balance and into Justin's view as he regained his balance.

"Yes, Justin, do you think you could be interested in a tall, good looking..." Brian looked at the woman and smiled before continuing. "Do you think there might be a chance you could pick up where you left off right here in Ibiza?"

Brian slowly moved toward the front of the room and Justin quickly moved so the table wouldn't be between them. At first Justin took Brian's hand and Brian reached to touch Justin's cheek. They moved simultaneously into each others' arms and then they kissed. At first not noticing their surroundings, but as the others attendees started applauding, Brian and Justin took a step apart and Justin turned to Mario, and then the others. "I think this is going to conclude our press conference today. Thank you all for coming and please do go take a look at my work."

Brian and Justin left through the closest door and without a word, Justin led them onto the elevator and then stepped into Brian's arms again. They kissed once and then Justin said, "I am guessing you have a room here? What floor?"

Brian reached over and pushed the button for the top floor and then pulled Justin into his arms for a few more moments until the doors opened and they walked out into the hall and then entered Brian's room.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Were you here already last night when you texted?"

"In reverse order, yes, it wouldn't have been a surprise if I told you, and... I needed you in my arms and in my bed." He began to unbutton Justin's shirt and it wasn't long before they lay in bed exploring each other with their hands and mouths. For the next hour they made love, only needing a few moments to rekindle the need after an orgasm. Finally they were spent and lay facing each other.

"Justin, your tour, did you extend it?"

"I am in negotiations."

"Will you stop those negotiations for something I want to propose?"

"Caleb is really locked away?"

"He will never see the light of day outside the prison walls."

"Then I just might be willing to negotiate with you."

"Come back to Pittsburgh and move in with me. Let's see if it will work. I have never felt like this before. I have never wanted someone to move in with me. I have never missed someone before and yet since you left, I have felt alone."

"Ok, if either of us want to end it, I will move out." Brian nodded. "We aren't going to totally close off our individual lives." Brian nodded again. "And if one of us isn't coming home at night we will let the other know."

"I can live with all of that and, in fact, I can't wait to try." Brian pulled him even closer and kissed him.

"Oh, one more thing," Justin started.

"What is it?"

"I have this house on the beach for ten more days. Stay with me?"

"Now that is a promise I know I can keep!" 



One year later-

Brian sat in the second row of the venue. Justin stood next to Daphne as she said I do to Jake in front of about 60 guests. As he watched Jake slip the ring on Daph's finger, he patted his pocket to make sure the ring box was still there. He wasn't sure when he would do it, but before they left for home tonight, he planned to offer Justin the ring and if all his dreams came true, tomorrow they would begin planning their own wedding.

Justin glanced at Brian and smiled and his heart skipped a beat. Maybe Justin would agree to elope.


The End.
Simply written is the author of 42 other stories.
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