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After the room cleared, Brian leaned down and kissed Justin, "I am so sorry, Sunshine. I just needed to piss and grab a coffee. Your dad wasn't really here. I am sure you were just dreaming."

"It was so real!" Justin attempted to sit up a little more and Brian helped him get comfortable.

"If you are alright with it, I am going to the nurse's station and check out the cameras. I can see your door from there."

"Ok, everything seems so loud and echoey in my head. Turn off the light please."

Brian dropped a kiss on his forehead and then left the room. He walked to the nurses' station and was glad to see Henry was still there. "Henry, did you see anyone go into Justin's room when I was getting a coffee?"

"Funny you should ask that. I was checking on another patient and when I came back she asked me who the new orderly was. I mean we don't know every employee in the building but we weren't told there would be someone new on the floor today." While Henry talked he was looking at footage. "There he is. He doesn't look like an orderly."

Brian walked around the desk so he could see the screen. "Is there a shot of his face?"

Henry went through the footage really slowly until Craig's face appeared on the screen for a split second. "Do you know him?"

"That is the man that kidnapped him and had us all thinking he was dead."

"His father?" Brian nodded. "Damn."

"Do you have any idea how long Justin will be here?"

"If he doesn't have anymore episodes like tonight he should be out by the end of the week as long as he has a quiet place to go."

"If I hired a nurse, could he leave earlier?" Brian asked Henry.

"They might. His father won't know where you take him?"

"He won't. Do you have any vacation time? Can I hire you for a week? We aren't as afraid that he is trying to get Justin, but we adopted his son and he wants him back. This time I think he is looking for anything he can find that might be a reason we shouldn't have Aaron." Brian glanced over his shoulder at Justin's room. "I need to get back in there. When the doctor comes, have him come talk to me. Or if you would like to explain it to him it would be even better. I don't want Justin to worry."

"I will do my best and if he wants to talk to you I will go in the room with him."

"Thanks, Henry. I knew you would understand, having been there the first time."


An hour later, James arrived. He told Justin he happened to be in town but Justin didn't know he was staying at the end of the hall for a few hours and he would be switching out with a couple other guys. Connor was in charge of security at Britin during the day and James will be back at night. They would do anything to keep Justin and Aaron safe and they were the only people Brian would trust. 

Justin was still sleeping most of the time. They were given permission to leave the hospital the next day as long as Justin didn't have any more episodes before then. The staff noticed that if Brian left his side it was almost as if Justin's brain was searching for him. He also stayed reasonably calm if his mother, Kevin, or Emmett were with him, but if Brian was gone long even they couldn't keep him calm.  

That night, the security James had in place saw a suspicious man but before he could get to him, the man had slipped away. After looking at surveillance, they were sure it was Craig. Brian had stepped out of the room and did a video call with Aaron and Jessi. He missed his kids but he knew they were well cared for and Jenn was spending the next few days with them. She realized Justin didn't need her as much as her grandkids did. Gus had been spending his time with Lindsay but she needed to leave town for work so she asked if he could go back to Britin until she returned. Of course, Ronni said he could and when Lindsay talked to Brian, he was actually glad his son would be back with the family. When he had talked to Gus a day or so ago, Gus sounded sad. He needed to be with his brother and sister and they needed him.

At 5:00 a.m. Kevin arrived at the hospital. He was going to ride in the ambulance with Justin and they hoped, if Craig was around, he would either follow Brian or he would go back up to Justin's now vacated room, but by that time Justin would be nearing Kevin's house. The EMTs would get him upstairs and Henry, who had taken the night off, would arrive at the house about the same time as Justin arrived.  

The doctor had covered Justin's eyes, knowing the move would be painful but at least the light wouldn't hurt his head. As they moved Justin upstairs, moving slowly, he whimpered. "Brian, where's Brian? My head hurts so bad."

Kevin stood at the top of the stairs. He said a prayer under his breath and crossed himself. "Justin, he will be here soon. You are at my house, son. You are safe here." As soon as Justin was at the top of the steps, Kevin leaned over and kissed his cheek. And when he heard a knock on the door. Kevin moved downstairs and opened the door, letting Henry in. He pointed up the stairs. "I am waiting for Brian. He should be here any minute."


As soon as Brian was sure he wasn't being followed, he would circle back to Kevin's. He didn't want to be away from Justin too long or he might get upset. He put his car in the back alley. He didn't think Craig would think of this place but he didn't want it to be obvious he was staying here. He entered the kitchen and found his dad making coffee, but before he could say anything to Kevin, he heard Justin cry out upstairs. He took the steps two at a time and rushed into the room. 

The EMTs had gotten him into bed but when they started to take the bandages off his eyes Justin had cried out and started thrashing around. As soon as Brian stepped in, Henry directed the EMTs to step out a minute and Brian sat on the edge of the bed and laid his chest against Justin's. Justin immediately put his arms around Brian and Brian kissed him. "I'm here, Sunshine. You are at Dad's." 

Henry walked up behind Brian. He whispered, "Will he let you take the bandages off his eyes?"

"Sunshine, I am going to take the bandages off your eyes and then, after the EMTs get your vitals it will just be us, ok?"

Justin nodded slightly and Brian very gently took off the patches on his eyes. Henry turned off the light in the room and then he let one EMT back in. He quickly checked him over and Henry went out to the hall with her for the official hand off. Brian laid down next to Justin and draped his arm over Justin while Justin turned to face him. "I hurt."

"Do you want me to go tell..."

"NO! Don't leave." Justin pressed the uninjured side of his head onto Brian's chest.

"Alright, Sunshine, I'm not going anywhere."

A few minutes later, Henry came back in. He walked to the bed, "Justin, I am going to give you something for the pain." He spoke very quietly, "and I am going to reattach your IV."  He was happy to see Justin respond by holding out the arm that still had the line in it. About ten minutes later Justin was sound asleep.  

Kevin walked in with a cup of coffee and a toasted bagel with cream cheese. "You need to eat something."

"Thanks, Dad. I'm just glad we got him here." He spoke in a whisper, not wanting to disturb Justin. He sank his teeth into the warm, crisp bagel. "I didn't realize I was hungry."

"Oh, I meant to tell you, James is hanging out in the neighborhood for a while. He will go if it stays quiet. Oh, and if you need anything let them know. Emmett is willing to come over if you need a break. I am on my way to Legacy. Let me know if you need anything."

Brian stood and set his food on the dresser before hugging his dad. "Thank you for everything."

"Try to get some rest, son." Kevin said as he left the room and headed down the steps.


Justin slept for several hours. Brian worked on his laptop for a while but he started dozing so he shut the computer and crawled into bed with Justin. Instinctually, Justin turned toward him and rested his hand first on Brian's stomach and then it slipped down his body and rested his hand on Brian's crotch. Brian shuttered and groaned softly. When Justin started to move his hand in a circular motion causing Brian's body to react, Brian looked at him, wondering if he was really awake. He turned so Justin's hand rested on his hip and he leaned closer, dropping a light kiss on his lips before closing his eyes and sleeping.

Brian woke as Henry helped Justin to the bathroom. By the time they came back to the room, Brian had gotten up and he moved to take Justin's arms. Justin lifted his mouth toward Brian and Brian kissed him before helping him back to bed with Henry. "Justin, Henry will be here with you. I am going to go get you some lunch."


The third afternoon Justin was at Kevin's, Brian told Justin he was going to go home to spend a couple hours with the kids. Justin hadn't been excited about him leaving but Henry assured Brian he would stay with him and Kevin had said he was on his way. 

Justin would sleep most of the time anyway. Every day Justin seemed to be a little less tired and in a little less pain. He had a long road ahead, yet. He still was very sensitive to light and sound so they kept the house as quiet as they could. Brian was reluctant to leave but he needed to go to his kids.

As Brian arrived at Britin, he saw a car parked across the road. Whoever it was had every right to park there, but James had told him there had been a car there for the past two days. It wasn't always the same car or the same person, but he was sure they were all connected. Brian pulled into the gate but then got out of his car and ran across the road. He rushed to the car and knocked on the window. 

"Hey, buddy, can I help you? Are you lost? Do you have car issues?" Brian said as he grabbed the car door handle. To his surprise it opened.

"What the fuck?" Brian had surprised him. He took a breath and Brian was sure the guy knew who he was. "No, I just, um, had a phone call and I needed to look at something so I pulled over."

"It is very unusual that you have a phone call that lasts for eight hours right outside my place.  Go back to the asshole that hired you and tell him if I see someone sitting surveillance again, I will call the police and tell them what is going on."

The man had finally regained his thoughts and said, "I am on a public roadway, not blocking traffic. This isn't your property so get the fuck away from me." He yanked the door out of Brian's hand and slammed it shut. Before Brian could cross back to the estate, the car was out of sight.  

Brian was sure his camera system would have caught the license plate. He would ask his lawyer to check into it. What he wanted to do was go to the bastard's house and smash his head in but he knew that was a bad idea. How that excuse of a man could have such amazing children.  

He kept stewing as he drove the rest of the way to the house and before the garage door was down, Gus flung the door open and he and, after helping Aaron down the steps, they both ran to their dad. Brian dropped down and put his arms around both his boys. "I have missed you both so much."

Aaron looked around Brian trying to find his other Daddy. "Where Daddy?" 

"Let's go in the house, boys. I need to see your sister, too." Brian picked Aaron up and held Gus' hand as they moved into the house. Jessi was standing by the sofa, bouncing up and down. "Look at you, beautiful. You will be walking any day now." 

"Brian, it is good to see you," Ronni smiled at him. Brian picked Jessi up and set Aaron down in one movement and then sat down on the sofa.

"Where Daddy?" Aaron put both arms up, palms to the sky.

"Daddy, is Daddy J coming home?" Gus was old enough to understand a little of what was going on. Mostly he knew his daddy wasn't here and he missed him.

Brian reached around and gave Gus a hug, "Daddy is doing good, boys, but it will still be a little while before he can come home. He is staying at Grandpa's while he gets better."

"Can I visit him?" 

"Maybe in a couple days we can let you see him. You are big enough to be very gentle and I know he misses all of you."

"I will be very good, Daddy." Brian saw a tear run down Gus' cheek and then Aaron started crying, too.  

Ronni came over and took Jessi so Brian could hug both boys and they both held on to him. Ronni started tearing up and walked away with Jessi. "Little lady, would you like to watch me start dinner?" She pulled the high chair near her and set a few small cereal pieces on the tray and went to work peeling potatoes.

Aaron and Gus now sat on either side of Brian who talked to them about Justin and asked them questions about what they have been doing. "Daddy, Mia was here. Love her."

"Mia?" Brian questioned.

"He means Amelia, Daddy," Gus told Brian.

"Oh, did Em bring Amelia over?"

"Aaron kisses her all the time."

Brian wished he could completely relax and enjoy the kids but he kept thinking about Sunshine.  He ended up getting Jessi when she was tired of sitting there and he sat on the floor with his kids and played. 

"Look who's here, Amelia," Em said as he walked into the kitchen. Ronni immediately walked over and took her granddaughter and snuggled her. Brian got off the floor and Em came over and gave him a hug. "How is Sunshine?"

"He is doing a little better every day."

"Is he up to visitors?" Em asked as he walked back and took Amelia from Ronni so she could keep working and moved back to sit by Brian who was now sitting on the sofa. Brian picked up Jessi who instantly started reaching for Amelia.

Henry had messaged Brian every half hour and Justin was doing fine. Kevin was in the room with him and they were putting dinner together for him. He had mostly been eating high calorie soft foods. If he had to chew too much his head would hurt so protein shakes worked best for him. He also ate a variety of soft food but if he was up for ten minutes he was tired and had to lay down.  

Emmett listened to Brian talk about Justin and asked a few questions. After a few minutes Ronni  came over and took the boys to wash up for dinner and Emmett laid Amelia down in Jessi's bassinet while Jessi herself was playing on the floor.

"So, how are you really, Brian?" Emmett looked deep into Brian's eyes and Brian turned away as tears dripped down his cheeks. "You have a right to have emotions. The man you have loved for six years is going through a hard time. You have a huge business and three children along with this estate. And we all know Justin runs most of it," Emmett saw the corners of Brian's mouth twitched. Em put a hand on his shoulder, "We are here to help."

Brian reached down and picked Jessi up, holding her tight. "I don't know what I would be doing without all of you." Not knowing what to do, he kissed Jessi's cheek.

Em wrapped his arms around both Brian and Jessi. Em kissed Brian's cheek and whispered, "He is on his way to being the best man he has ever been. He is so loved."

Almost inaudibly Brian said, "I know. I just miss..."

"We know what you miss. And you have had to deal with this before. You both will be even closer for the experience."

Now Brian had to laugh. Em was right but it sounded so philosophical. "Ok, Em, I think it is time we eat before you start quoting Shakespear or the Bible."

"Are you moving in on my husband, Kinney?" James had arrived while they were talking. He walked over and, after kissing Em, lifted Amelia out of the crib. "I am a bit surprised to see you.  Is Justin doing well?"

"Dad was coming home early and I just needed to see the kids." As he said it, Aaron ran up to him and launched himself onto his lap. Brian tossed him in the air above his head and caught him and then kissed him several times. "I will go back as soon as the little ones are in bed, unless Dad asks me to come home earlier. I hate to go before Gus is in bed but that would get too late."

"I will put him down tonight." James volunteered. "We are sleeping here anyway so I will try to do something special for him."

"Thank you. You two have a one month old and you are helping out here so much."

Before James could respond Ronni called them to the table. "Connor and Charly will be back shortly and they will be in the house tonight as well as Shadow so we will have lots of hands to make light work."

As they ate Brian looked at James, "I assume you got my text?" He had told James about the car and his driver after the incident.

"Yes, I have your lawyer working on it for us. He is checking on how involved Craig really is, if they can track the connection quickly," James looked at the children. "That order you had is no longer in place." He was talking about a protection order they had at one time against Justin's father.

"Daddy, did you order something?" Gus asked from across the table where he sat next to James.

Brian smiled, "It was a different kind of order, something at work."

"Oh," he sounded disappointed.

"What did you think it was an order for?" Brian asked Gus, seeing the look on his face.

"I was hoping you ordered someone to let Daddy J come home."

"Oh, Gus, I wish I could do that but I promise it won't be long."


Soon dinner was finished and before Brian could help put the little ones to bed Kevin texted that Brian should come back. Justin was getting agitated. Brian had kissed the little ones and then had picked up Gus and carried him to the sofa where he sat down with him. He softly said, "Gus, your daddy J is getting better. You are being so patient. I promise I will call you tomorrow and maybe you can talk to him then and very soon you will be able to visit."

"Promise, Daddy?"

"I promise, Gus." Brian hugged his oldest son for some time before he kissed him and left for Pittsburgh.


When Brian arrived at Kevin's he heard Justin as he walked up to the house. He started running. This wasn't good for Justin. It would cause him to have more pain after he calmed him. He bounded in the house and took the stairs two at a time.

When he rushed into the bedroom, Kevin looked distraught and the night nurse was trying to give him a shot. "Sunshine." Justin stood in the middle of the room striking out at anyone near him. Brian walked up to him talking softly.  "Justin, I'm here. Please calm down." It took a minute for Justin to actually realize it was Brian and then he grabbed onto him. Brian could feel his whole body trembling and tense. When the nurse caught Brian's eye, he nodded and he came closer and gave Justin a shot. He didn't even react to the prick. Brian then nodded toward the door and Kevin and the nurse slipped out. Brian guided Justin to the edge of the bed and they sat next to each other, Justin clinging to him.  

After a few minutes Brian spoke. "Justin, what happened? You have been calm. Did you forget I was going to the kids?"

"I know it is stupid but it was a dream about him again. He doesn't know where I am, does he? Have they seen him anywhere? Has he come around?"

Brian helped him lay down as the shot took hold and laid down next to him. "He hasn't been seen but he did have someone sitting outside Britin. James is checking into it but he hasn't been anywhere near you."

"I'm sorry. I tried to calm myself down but then... I am such a mess. I just can't control my emotions." His speech was starting to slur. "The kids, how are the kids?"

"They miss you so much. I told Gus if he promises to be calm and quiet he might be able to come and visit soon."

"Love Gussy. Miss all of them." Justin was quiet for a couple minutes. Before he fell into a deep sleep, he softly said, "I love you, Brian. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about." Brian kissed him and moments later he could see Justin was now sleeping. The neurologist had warned them he may dream more and could be over emotional for a while as his brain adjusted. He hoped this would clear up soon. J.Jay had talked to him for just a moment when he came down from the studio and he was very excited about something he wanted to tell Justin about. Justin had already mentioned wanting to talk to J.Jay to see what was going on with the young artists. Maybe in a week he will be ready for a little more activity. Brian kissed him and slipped out of bed, knowing he'd be sleeping for a couple hours.

Kevin met Brian with a bourbon as the nurse went upstairs to sit with Justin. "Sorry, I had to get you home but we were worried he would hurt himself. He just woke up and started screaming."

"It is his father's fault. Because of all the threats he has made about Aaron, and what he had done to him, it is no wonder it freaks him out. If I knew where he was I'd..."

"I know what you would like to do but you know that wouldn't help anything. It would just get you into trouble and you would never do that to your family." Kevin patted Brian's shoulder and led him to the living room.  

Brian looked around. "You know, I have never felt this at home in this house. I lived here for about 18 years and never felt it was home."

"You know you are always welcome and this is your home away from home."

"Dad, I have been so wrapped up with Justin, I haven't asked if they have any leads on the guy at Legacy."

"They are fairly sure they know who the guy is but he seems to have disappeared. They are talking to his family. And speaking of family, the young woman who was in the hospital has moved into Legacy. Her brother is really a great young man and is supporting his sister. I think she is going to adjust well."

"I'm glad. Oh, do you think Justin is up to seeing Gus?" Brian saw the smile on Kevin's face.

"I think that would do him a world of good. Gus is old enough to understand. When do you plan to do this?"

"After seeing how upset he got today, I think the quicker the better."

"I will see if Ronni can drive him in tomorrow."

"I think that could be just what Justin needs."  

"I agree, Dad. I am going to text Ronni and hopefully after Gus gets out of school tomorrow she can bring him here."

"Brian, you look exhausted. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"

"The night before the surgery when I could make love to my husband." Brian sighed loudly.

"Maybe that would help him sleep too. I am not saying to... He may need you in that way as much as you need that from him. It may not be as active as you are used to but..."

"Maybe you're right, Dad." Brian laughed, "And by the way, it's humorous how flustered you get about sex."

"Well, you're 35 right? That means the last time I had sex was 36 years ago. I might be a little rusty."

Brian groaned, "I can't imagine. Well, I am going to head to bed. He might be looking for me soon."

Kevin stood up with Brian and the men hugged. "I know it may not seem like it, but Justin is getting better. I have seen it." Kevin said.

Brian undressed and slipped into bed naked and as Brian moved next to Justin he slipped his hand into Justin's briefs and slowly began to stroke him. Justin began to react quickly.  Brian pressed himself against Justin's covered ass and he felt Justin pushing back against him.

Brian heard his soft voice say, "Bri, love me."

"Are you sure?"


Brian tugged Justin's briefs down and as gently as he could, he entered him and moved slowly.  Justin sighed and as Brian began to move, Justin's breathing increased and as they both got closer to climax, he said, "I love you, Brian."

"I love you, too, Sunshine"


The next day, Justin did seem a little better and the visit from Gus made all the difference in the world to him. Gus sat very still on the bed with him and he spoke softly, telling Daddy J all about his brother and sister and about baby Amelia. It was a short visit but it was what they both needed. "Daddy J, will you be coming home soon?"

Justin pulled him close, "I hope so, Gus!"


The next week Justin made great gains. He still slept a lot but his pain had lessened greatly. He also was well enough to tell Brian to spend a couple nights with the kids and get them ready for him to come home. 

After Brian had spent the whole evening with the kids and got them all to bed, he called James, "Hey Brian, thanks for calling."

"Did you find out something about Craig?"

"Ya, Brian, he is talking to a lawyer who specializes in custody cases. It looks like he is going to try to get custody, using Justin's surgery as a reason."

"Fuck," Brian mumbled under his breath. "What are our chances?"

"Let's just say the quicker Justin can get home, the better."

"James, thank you for taking care of all of this for me." Brian hung up and wandered down to the family room and poured himself a glass of wine. He glanced at the door and saw J.Jay there.  He waved him in.

"Excuse me Mr. Kinney, is there any word when Justin will be coming home?"

"Hopefully in the next couple days. He will go in for a checkup tomorrow and we are hoping they will say he can come home. Of course, he won't be ready for work right away."

"Yes, I know that. I guess... Don't be angry with me, but I miss him. He is the first person who gave me a chance and, well ..."

"As long as you don't try to take him to bed, you're fine." Brian smiled at him. "Have a drink if you like. I am just unwinding and going to sit by the fire for a few minutes before bed."

J.Jay poured himself a glass of red wine and sat down near Brian. Neither of them said a word and after a few minutes J.Jay's glass was empty. He stood up and put his glass in the dishwasher and said, "Night," and he was gone.  

Brian got up and saw him walk to the pool house. He wondered what his story was. He wondered if Justin knew anything about the shy, young man they employed. Maybe he would be able to ask Justin that soon. As he climbed the stairs and then got into their bed, he realized he had missed this bed, but without Justin he couldn't get comfortable. He walked across the hall to his boys' room and, lifting a sleeping Aaron out of his crib, he placed him in Gus' bed and then he got in between them. 

"Daddy?" Gus said softly.

"May I share your bed?"

"You miss Daddy J?"

"I do, Gus."  

Gus turned over and laid his head on Brian's shoulder, "You can sleep with us." With that Gus closed his eyes and went to sleep.


The next day, Brian went back to Justin. He went straight upstairs and Henry stepped out of the room giving them some time alone. Henry knew his time with Brian and Justin was coming to an end. He had enjoyed working for this couple. Their love for each other was so evident, so visible. He didn't mind spending time with such beautiful men either. He wasn't looking forward to going back to the hospital. Maybe he would look into private nursing. Even though this house was small, it was filled with warmth and acceptance of anyone who came through the door.

Brian dropped onto the bed and took Justin in his arms, careful not to hurt him. After a long kiss, Brian looked into his eyes and noticed the sparkle was returning. "How are you today, Sunshine?"

"Much better now. I missed you."

"I slept with the boys last night because I couldn't face that bed alone. We will need to get you dressed for your appointment. And hopefully, tomorrow you will be able to go home." Brian helped Justin up and ever so gently ran his hand over Justin's head where the hair was now fuzzy. He watched his face making sure he wasn't hurting him.       

"Brian, I need to get the rest of my hair cut so it is even. Do you think we can line that up before I go home to the kids?"

Brian put his hand on the back of Justin's neck and kissed him deeply. "Damn, it is good to see you looking so healthy again."

"I am still so tired." Justin said as he touched Brian's cheek.  

"Have I ever complained if you want to be in bed?" Brian kissed him again.

"Well, I haven't been able to do much of that either, although the first night at home, I hope you are willing to really make love to me."

"Oh, love, the minute you get a clean bill of health you will understand what real exhaustion is."  Brian tugged Justin's t-shirt off. "Go shower. I will get your clothes out for you." Justin dropped his pajama pants where he stood and as he stepped out of them, he wiggled his ass at Brian before stepping into the bathroom and pulling the door shut. Brian smiled broadly at the now closed door. Sunshine was coming back.


Brian and Justin were both happy after the appointment with the surgeon. They were told Justin could go home as long as he promised to spend at least 16 hours a day reclining. As for the other question they had about sex, the doctor smiled and let them know as long as they were not over enthusiastic it should be alright. Then on the way home Brian stopped at their stylist where he was waiting for them. He cleaned up Justin's haircut, buzzing the sides to match and added some layers to the longer portion which helped cover the scar on the side of his head.

"I know it isn't what you usually prefer but I hope it will do until your hair grows out. Come back in a couple weeks and I will trim it. In a couple months it will be back to the way you like it."

Justin looked in the mirror. It wasn't what he would choose but it was much better than it had been and the way he had kept the top a little longer it really did help hide the scar. "This is great.  Thanks for getting me in so quickly." He yawned and Brian realized he had been up a long time.

"Let's go back to Dad's so you can have one more quiet night before going home tomorrow." Brian guided Justin to the door. 

"I can't wait to see the kids but I have to admit I am a little nervous. I know I haven't had anything weird happen for the last several days but..."

"I am going to see if Henry can stay on for a couple weeks or until you feel comfortable."

"I like that idea. I know we don't have a reason to hire a nurse but I really like the guy. I don't want him to just be dropped with no plans."

"We'll treat him right." Brian opened the door of the car and helped Justin in. He bent and kissed him.

Justin grabbed the front of Brian's jacket and said, "And I expect you to treat me right tonight." Justin reached out and rubbed Brian's crotch.

"Oh, god, Sunshine. The only problem with that is I need to remember to control myself and right now, I'm not sure I can. That little ass wiggle this morning didn't help." Brian heard Justin laughing as he walked around the car.

Justin started dozing off on the short ride back to Kevin's. Brian had texted him to let him know they would be moving back to Britin in the morning. As they neared the house, Brian messaged Henry and asked him to meet him in the back of the house. Justin had fallen asleep and Brian wasn't sure if he could get him back into the house by himself.  Henry helped Brian get him to the steps and Kevin met them at the door.

"Brian? Brian Kinney?" A man about Brian's age called to him.

"Dad, not sure who this is but can you help get Justin upstairs?"

"Sure, son. Could it be someone you knew when you were a kid?" Kevin asked as he took over for Brian.

"Not sure but I guess it could be." Brian walked toward the man that had appeared at the alley.

"Ya, do I know you?" Brian asked as he walked closer to the stranger.

"You don't recognize me?"

"No. Should I?" Brian could now see the man clearly and he got an eerie feeling when he looked at the man.

"Is Justin doing better?"

"How do you know my husband?" Brian straightened to his full height.

"I don't, but I know his father and Brian Kinney, you and Justin Taylor are being served." The man tucked an envelope into Brian's jacket, before turning and jogging away. 

Brian moved into the house before opening the envelope. He stood in the light of the kitchen and opened it. He read the paper. They were to appear in court one month from today to answer to the claim that Justin Taylor had deserted his adopted son, Aaron, and his biological father, Craig Taylor, wanted custody of said child.

"He's asleep," Kevin said walking into the kitchen. "I thought we could order..." Kevin looked at his son, "Brian, what is it? You look like you could pass out."

"He did it."

"Who did what?" Kevin walked over to Brian and put an arm around his waist.

"Craig is claiming we have deserted our son and he wants custody. I can't tell Justin this. It would set him back. Promise you won't tell him."

"Oh, Brian, I won't tell him but you have to tell him."

"I will, but I first need to get him home."

"Don't wait too long. If you do, it won't be good for anyone."    




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