Brian and Justin have moved the family to Atlanta for the summer. Justin planned to focus on his art students and his own work. J.Jay, his assistant, would be helping him at the gallery and with the other young artists that would come and go throughout the summer.
Brian had a couple leads for new clients he planned on working on this summer but his main plan was to spend as much time with his kids as he could. He especially wanted to spend time with Gus. Since Lindsay had come back to the states, Brian felt like he was missing out on so much more and Gus was growing up so fast. Henry had come along to take care of the kids. A housekeeper had been hired to do some of the cooking and to clean while they were there. It was the perfect home away from home for the Taylor-Kinney clan.
Kevin had started the Center years earlier and now had bigger plans for Legacy Atlanta. Tom Butterfield had been running the place since Kevin had moved to Pittsburgh. His wife, Natalia, had been working with Brandy and Sally, Kevin's adopted daughters, and he couldn't wait to meet his newest granddaughter, Kelin Cae, who had been named after him. They planned to open a new, expanded Center that would be able to help more struggling, young adults.
Another benefit to the trip was to get away from Craig Taylor. If it was the last thing they did, they were keeping full custody of Aaron. Craig may have donated sperm, but that was his only contribution. He was still on parole, so he wasn't allowed to leave the state... or was he?
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Father Tom Butterfield, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: 10k+ Word Count
Genres: None
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: Legacy
Chapters: 14 Completed: Yes
Word count: 71727 Read: 4198
ePub Downloads: 3 Published: Apr 08, 2023 Updated: Apr 08, 2023
As with her other stories, this was written by Simply written, not by me. I am just posting it for her.
1. Chapter 1 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5332 words)
2. Chapter 2 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (4511 words)
3. Chapter 3 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5047 words)
4. Chapter 4 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5430 words)
5. Chapter 5 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (4744 words)
6. Chapter 6 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5086 words)
7. Chapter 7 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5174 words)
8. Chapter 8 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5630 words)
9. Chapter 9 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5285 words)
10. Chapter 10 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5051 words)
11. Chapter 11 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5349 words)
12. Chapter 12 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (4950 words)
13. Chapter 13 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (5609 words)
14. Chapter 14 by Simply written [Reviews - 0] (4529 words)