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"But Dad, I helped find Uncle Quinn. Why can't I..." Gus was begging Brian, and as Justin walked through, Gus turned to him and said, "This is all your fault!"

With that Brian took Gus' shoulders and said sternly, "Gus Kinney, that is enough. This was not just Daddy J's decision. He was smarter than me about this and I totally agree that it is an adult only meeting first. You will join us for dinner."

"It isn't fair!" Gus stomped his foot.

"One more word out of you and you won't meet him at all." Brian looked directly into his eyes, "And if you say anything else to Daddy J about this, that counts, too. Now, go out to the van and pull yourself together." 

Gus looked up at his dad and then at Daddy J before he pulled on a jacket and walked out the door. Rachel and Sonya each took one of the little ones out to the van while Justin put on his coat. He walked over to Brian and kissed him. "I've never seen him like that."

"He was out of line, Love. We agreed on this together and I know it was my fault for talking before thinking it through completely."

"Neither of us handled this well from the beginning. I'll get some time with him alone and try to smooth this over."

"I'll text you sometime this afternoon. I love you." Brian gave Justin a hug.

"Love you, too." Justin said as he rushed out the door.


Gus was silent all the way into town. Justin thought about talking to him but decided to wait a little while. Kate opened her home, welcoming everyone. She had small beds made up for her youngest, Jessi, and Aaron to take naps, and a craft table set up for Fi and Gus to play at. For the adults she had hot tea and sweets. Justin sent Sonya and Rachel out to enjoy a little shopping while he and Kate stayed with the kids.

Once Fi and Gus were involved in the artwork, Kate handed Justin a fresh cup of tea and a home baked scone. "So you want to tell me what is up?" Justin reached out and touched her hand and she noticed his ring. "Wow, what a great ring!"

Justin had to smile, "Brian got us each one for our seventh anniversary."

"You are too young to have been married for seven years."

"It has been seven years since we met. The weekend was spectacular, but on the way home there was a little bit of a disagreement."

"Between you and Brian?"

"Yes but," he nodded toward Gus, "he was involved."

Kate looked over at her daughter's playmate. "I take it there is still some tension with the young one."

"He didn't want to come today. He thought he should stay and meet Quinn."

"He will have more fun here with my lass."

"I agree."

There was noise at the table where Fi had jumped up and was now standing. "Mam, I'm sorry.  I spilled my water."

"No problems, Love. We will go get you some dry clothes." Kate smiled at Justin and went upstairs with her daughter.  

Justin walked over with a cloth and wiped up the water on the table and floor where Fi had been sitting. He noticed Gus glance up at him so he sat down across from. "Gus, can we talk?"

Gus looked up at him and then he said, "I was so mad at you, Daddy J. I wanted to stay to meet our visitors."

"I know that, Gussy, but I'm your dad and I wasn't sure it was safe for you there."

"Daddy wouldn't let anyone hurt me."

"Oh, I know your daddy would take care of you, but we just don't know what your uncle is like. I will always do what I think is best for you, even if you get mad at me for it."

Gus' eyes shimmered. "I'm sorry, Daddy J. I didn't mean to get so mad. I could use a hug," he said as the first tear rolled down his cheeks. Justin rushed around the table and dropped on his knees next to Gus, wrapping him in his arms. Gus circled his neck and held on.

When Kate and Fiona reentered the kitchen, Justin was wiping Gus' eyes but both looked much more relaxed. Gus hugged Fi and said, "You look pretty, Fiona. Let's draw kitties."


Kevin received a text letting them know that the Cain relatives would be there in about ten minutes. The undercover carpenters were working outside the room they would have their meeting in and Molly had been sent to her cottage. If everything went smoothly the garda would contact her and let her know she should come back to start supper.

As the car drove up, Brian and Kevin looked at each other and then opened the door to greet their guests. The first door to open was the driver's. A twenty something man got out and immediately opened the door behind him. Young Quinn got out of the passenger side and came up to Brian and Kevin. He shook both of the mens' hands as they continued to watch the long, black town car.

"He is definitely an intriguing man." Quinn gave Kevin and Brian a knowing smile. "There are very few people who know what he looks like."

"What we want to know is who is the fourth person? Is it his bodyguard?" Brian wasn't going to beat around the bush.

Quinn smiled, "Well, sort of. Where is the rest of your family?"

Kevin put a hand on Quinn's arm, "Until we met your grandfather, we thought it was best they weren't here. I hope you understand."

"I do. I used to be very intimidated by Poppy, or at least some of his companions." He watched as the driver offered a hand and assisted an elderly man out of the car.

On the other side of the car the door popped open and a pretty redhead got out. "I've got him, Timothy." The woman rushed around the car and took the elderly man's arm.

"She a nurse?" Brian asked.

"That's what he thinks, and she is, but she is also part of the Garda Síochána." Brian looked blank. "That's our version of MI5. My grandfather still has people threaten him regularly. Please don't mention that part to him."

"Who would want..." 

Brian stopped his question when Kevin moved to the car and, smiling at the nurse, said, "May I assist you, Uncle Quinn? May I call you Uncle?"

Brian watched his father offer his arm to his uncle and Quinn took it. There was a definite family resemblance. It appeared all the Cain men were fairly tall and lean, although the man Kevin assisted was now stooped with age. Brian could feel the man's energy as he came closer. "So, you are Kellan's son?" The man's voice was strong and commanding.

"Yes, I am." Kevin gave him support up the step and then led him into the house.

"He's dead?" Uncle Quinn asked.

"Yes, he is. He has been gone more than twenty years."

"Ha!" It wasn't a laugh really. "He was worried what would happen if he stayed here, and then he still died young. Was his life a happy one?"

Kevin led him to a chair and the nurse appeared and helped him sit down. Quinn nodded to her and said ‘thank you, Cara' softly. "My father and mother were happy. It was a hard time to live anywhere. He and my mother raised us with lots of love in a big, mostly happy, family but I won't lie, there were always secrets and both my parents always seemed to be on edge, like they were waiting for something terrible to happen."

"I am sure they were. And this is your son?"

"This is Brian."

It was obvious Quinn was not shy, "I thought you were a priest. Are priests allowed to fuck in the U.S.?"

"I wasn't a priest at that time. I was a young soldier back from war."

"Did you love her or were you just a randy young man?"

"Uncle Quinn, that is a whole other story, but I love Brian and his family."

"I hear he is a fairy." Brian and Kevin bristled. "I know that isn't what people say now. I don't care where you stick your cock. My Quinn also tells me," he now turned to Brian, "That you are a wonderful father and family man. That is something I couldn't seem to pull off."

"Poppy, you have changed that, now." Quinn said to his grandfather.

"A little late I'd say, since you are the only family member that comes around out of the seventy plus I spawned or are spawn of my spawn." The look he gave his grandson showed emotion. Brian couldn't decide if it was the look of love or regret or maybe a bit of both.

"Sorry, I'm not sure what to call you," Brian said, looking at his great uncle.

"Call me Cain. Most people think Cain is fitting."

"Cain, I hope to introduce you to the rest of my family at supper tonight. My husband, Justin, is in town with our three children playing with friends. This would not have been exciting to them."

"And you are protecting your family from a murderer. I may be old but I haven't lost my wits yet." Cain started coughing a bit. 

"Would it be possible to get him some water?" Cara asked.

"Sure," Brian stood and moved to the door.

"I'll come, too, if you don't mind." Cara followed Brian out of the sitting room and into the kitchen area.

"The bathroom is over there." Brian figured that was why she followed him.

"I will use that before I go back to the other room. I just needed to stretch a bit."

"What is he really like?"

"He has a truly evil past and I am sure he deserved all the time he did, but we have to believe he did his time and in many ways, he still is doing time. Until Quinn showed up a couple years ago, he had not seen any family members since he was released."

"How long have you worked for him?" Brian put a pitcher of water on a tray with several glasses.

"I have been with him almost since Quinn arrived." 

The driver, Timothy, came in. "Cain's water? He is still coughing." Brian handed him the tray and he growled a bit.

"Timothy, I'll be there as soon as I use the loo."

"Fine!" He left the room.

"Is he with the garda, too?"

Cara laughed as she walked toward the bathroom, "He got out of prison three months ago. He was only allowed to get parole if he had employment and the only way he got employment was with another ex con. He wouldn't be here if I didn't work at the house."


As the afternoon continued most of the conversation was between Kevin and his uncle, while Brian and Quinn listened to all they said. He let Justin know dinner would be at 6:00 and they could come home any time after 5:00. He also sent the undercover garda home. 

"Please tell me what led up to my grandparents' death."

"That's a polite way to ask how or probably more likely why I killed my parents." He took a sip of water, "I am not going to blame my parents although the beatings my father gave us, well mostly me, made a boy like me rebel more, although your father got it for being too meek sometimes. I am sure you know most of it. After all the small arrests and one final beating, I left for Dublin. I then got caught up in a gang. It was all bad and when I decided I wanted to get out of it, I wanted to repair my reputation..." He thought for a moment, "Kellan had already taken his bride to Iowa." He took one more breath and said, "My father would not listen. He wouldn't let me in the house. He said if I didn't leave he would call the garda. So I left for the bar. I honestly don't remember going back hours later. I started a fire. I didn't think it would kill them, but it did." There was little emotion in his voice.

"So it was a mistake? You didn't mean to kill them?" Kevin looked like a boy as he listened to his uncle.

"Hell, it doesn't matter. They were dead and I deserved to pay the price. I am sure you heard that I was a cold blooded killer. I am sure that is what your father was told." Cain looked at his watch. "Would you mind if I closed my eyes for a short time? I would like to be rested when I meet the rest of your family."

"Why don't I take you to the den. There is a comfortable sofa there and it is away from the activity of the house," Brian said, and then he led Cain and Cara to the den. Once Cara made sure he was comfortable she came to the kitchen. Timothy took a walk around the property while Quinn and Brian sat on a back sun porch. They had on their jackets but with the afternoon sun they were comfortable. "I don't feel like I had a chance to thank you for what you did for Justin that day on the Cliffs.

"No thanks is needed. I am sorry I scared you all. If I would have gone to the library like you did, I could have solved the mystery long ago. I'm not a stupid man, but I learn best by doing. I just have never been one for books or being indoors."

"I can understand that, but it would have been easier on Justin if you hadn't snuck around."

"How are Justin and your children?" Quinn asked as he accepted a cup of tea from Cara. 

She gave one to Brian as well and then sat down with the two men. "You know, it is obvious you two are related. You look like you could be brothers and I know I only met you this afternoon," she looked at Brian, "but I have a feeling you are similar in a lot of ways."

"Dad will be leaving at the end of the week and we will be around until the end of November. I hope you can visit again before then," Brian said to Quinn.

"I would like that.Thank you for the invitation." As Quinn finished his sentence there was the sound of a motor and then it was cut off.

"Oh, I hope you two are ready for my hellions." 

Aaron was the first one through the back door. "Daddy! Missed you!" Brian scooped him up just as Jessi toddled in holding Rachel's hand. 

"Dadada!" Jessi threw herself onto Brian's knees.

"Cara, Quinn, I'd like you to meet my two youngest. This handsome boy, who looks so much like my husband, is Aaron. And that gorgeous beauty," he said as Jessi walked over to Cara, who picked her up and set her on the cushion next to her, "is Jessi. She has too much character to be like anyone but Jessi."

"And this is Gus," Justin said as they walked onto the porch, hand in hand. 

Brian had to smile because it was obvious Gus and Justin had mended their rift. "Cara, this is my oldest son, Gus, and," Brian, still holding onto Aaron, walked over and kissed his love, "this is Justin. He has put up with me for seven years and I love him more today than any day previous. Justin, this is Cara. She is Cain's nurse and also happens to be part of the garda."

"Cara, that's the police, right?" Gus asked politely.

"It is, Gus," Cara then added, "It is obvious you are a Cain as well."

"Actually, I am Gus Kinney now, but I helped look up a lot of the information to find Grandpa's family."

Justin silently walked into the kitchen. Molly looked up from the stove and saw Justin's face. "Now what has wiped the smile off of your face. I thought you would be happy that today has gone well."

"Molly, I just don't like..." he stopped and rephrased what he was going to say. "Was I being unreasonable about Gus coming with us?"

"I understand, Justin, but here in Ireland, you can love strongly, but a blood tie..."

"So Gus is the chosen one because he came from Brian?"

"All your children have their own bloodline."

"And all of them have prison in that bloodline. I just can't think about that. Our children are all Taylor-Kinney's, and I never want anyone to differentiate between them." Justin left the kitchen and decided he needed a minute. He went down the hall and into the den. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the elderly man sitting up in a chair.

"Well, you must be Justin. You are the one who didn't want your children to meet me." Cain looked at him. "You would have been everyone's favorite in prison."

"Sorry I barged in. I didn't know you were in here."

"Sit, Justin. I was rude. I'm old. I sometimes forget."

"And sometimes you just choose to be rude." Justin looked at the old man who did resemble Kevin. "And I will protect my children above anything else on earth, so until I knew you would be civil with them, I was not letting you near them."

"I deserved that," Cain said smiling broadly. "I can see you have what it takes to keep a Cain in line."

"I have what it takes to keep a Kinney in line. We have created our own bloodline. Brian was raised a Kinney, and I'm glad he found you, because I know it was important to him, but we will always be the Taylor-Kinney's."

"You can say that, my boy, but one of those children is my blood. I don't care what his name is, he will always be a Cain."

Justin turned around and left the room nearly running directly into Cara. "What did he do?" she asked softly, putting a hand on Justin's shoulder.

"He just hit me where I'm the most sensitive. I'll be fine."

"A bit of advice? If he brings it up again, ignore it. If he knows he is getting under your skin he won't stop and will use it against you any time he can. I think I started some of your irritation earlier. I am sorry."

"It's alright. Thanks for the advice, Cara." Justin walked back down the hall to see if Molly needed help.


The table was filled with people and a great deal of food. Timothy filled a plate of food and chose to eat out on the porch by himself. "He is welcome to..."

"No, he chooses to stay withdrawn." Cain commented. Sitting at the head of the table, he asked Quinn to sit on one side of him and Kevin on the other, while Brian sat at the other end of the table. Jessi sat between Brian and Justin while Gus sat next to Kevin. Aaron sat next to Cara and since the table was full, Sonya and Rachel sat by the counter and helped Molly serve when she needed them.

"Is something wrong, Justin?" Brian asked softly.

"We'll talk later. Now's not the time." Justin smiled at Brian and Brian kissed his cheek. Jessi reached up and patted their cheeks.

Cain ate mostly in silence and as soon as they finished eating, he announced they were leaving. "You will be my guests for breakfast before we go back home. 8:30." Cara helped him get up and Quinn helped him put on his jacket, and without another word, he took Kevin's arm making sure he walked out to the car with him.

Justin asked Rachel and Sonya to start getting the kids ready for bed,  promising to say goodnight before they fell asleep. Gus was tired himself so followed the others upstairs. Brian slipped his arm around Justin's waist as they looked through the window at Kevin who was leaning over to talk to Cain.

"Want to tell me what happened today?"

"When I left the porch I didn't know he was in the den. He instantly attacked me verbally. He made it clear that I was not part of the family and neither were Jess and Aaron."

"I'm sorry, Justin. You were right about Gus today. It looks like you two cleared things up today?"

"We did. I probably didn't handle that the right way but there is something about all of this that sets my hair on end." 

"Well, he won't be an issue soon. Dad is leaving and he won't make the trip again." Kevin walked in as Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. "So what did Cain have to say?"

"He was just making sure we were coming for breakfast."

"I am not going to breakfast and the kids aren't either. Sitting in a pub for breakfast isn't necessary when we can eat great food right here." Kevin looked at Justin and then at Brian. Justin stated, "Let me guess, he doesn't want us to go, anyway. No wait. He wants Gus to go."

Kevin glanced at Brian and then looked at Justin. "Justin, I know this is a lot to ask. It is obvious he didn't treat you with respect, but he is an old man with no family except those at the table tonight."

"No Kevin, the only family at the table tonight was the Cain bloodline, and I am not included, as well as two of our children." Justin looked up at Brian.

"Babe, I know this isn't what you want and I am not agreeing with it, but it is the last time we will see him. He can't live long and we will be leaving the country in a few weeks."

Justin stepped out of Brian's arms. "Do what you want. I promised the kids I'd kiss them goodnight." He moved up the stairs.

Kevin looked at Brian, "I do understand his hesitancy. My uncle is not an easy man."

"I'll talk to him. I'll be able to tell how strongly he feels. And I won't mention it to Gus until I am sure Justin is okay with it."

"Brian, you know whatever happens, Justin is your life. Nothing is worth making him that upset."

"I know, Dad, but he needs to understand this is the last time we'll see him. I think once he thinks it through, he'll be fine." 

Kevin hugged Brian tightly. "Thank you, son. I am learning so much about my father from Cain."

"Good night, Dad. I love you."

"I love you, too, Son."


Justin was filling the bathtub when Brian walked in. He walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Justin and kissed his neck. "Is that for you or both of us?"

Justin turned into his arms and rested his head on Brian's chest. "I'm sorry I feel this way but that man is evil. I don't want my children anywhere near him."

"I understand, Justin. I really do. I did this for Dad. Well, I did it for myself, too. I feel a connection to this country. I really do like Quinn. He couldn't choose his family any more than I could choose mine." Brian reached down and turned off the bath and then tugged off Justin's shirt. He kissed Justin's shoulders and as he did so he undid Justin's fly, letting the pants fall to the floor. He waited to see if Justin invited him to join him. As Justin started to unbutton Brian's shirt, Brian's mouth locked with Justin's and by the time Justin pushed the shirt off Brian's shoulders, he was rock hard. 

Brian began to drop to his knees but Justin stopped him. "I need to feel your arms around me right now."

Brian stepped into the tub and offered his hand to Justin who followed him into the bath and then sank against Brian as Brian wrapped his long, strong arms around him. They sat in the tub without speaking but their actions spoke volumes. The fact that Justin received strength just from being in Brian's arms.

Half an hour later they dried each other off and got into bed. Justin moved to the middle of the bed and Brian met him there. Their bodies fit together and when Brian was sure Justin was willing, he entered him very slowly but didn't move. He just draped his arm around Justin's chest. Painstakingly slowly, Brian began to move. Soon Justin groaned and as he climaxed Brian let himself go also but he didn't move away. 

As they continued to come down from their orgasms, Justin softly said, "Take Gus along. Give the old man what he asked for."

"Thank you, my love. That will make Kevin and Cain happy."

"Just don't make me regret it," Justin said and Brian then felt his body relax and he knew Justin was asleep.


Justin was already out of the house when Brian got up. He found Gus in his bedroom. "Hey, Gus." Brian walked over and kissed his son.

"Dad, I am going to breakfast with you, right? Uncle Cain wants me to."

"Yes, Gus, you can come to breakfast but let's sit for a couple minutes." Brian sat in an overstuffed chair and Gus squeezed in next to him.

"What is it, Daddy? Where's Daddy J? Isn't he going to breakfast with us?"

"No, he is staying home today. Gus, do you know why Uncle Cain asked for you to come to breakfast and not your brother and sister?"

"Well, they are a lot littler."

"Yes, that's true, but that isn't the reason."

"Oh, I just thought it was because I was bigger."

"Gus, I know this might be a little confusing but you know we have a special family."

"Yes, we all love each other more than lots of people."

Brian smiled and hugged him close. "You know Daddy J and I love all of you the same, right?"

"Ya, I know that."

"The reason Cain invited you is because you have the same heritage."

"Oh, okay. What heritage do Aaron and Jessi have?"

"Well, Aaron's is like Daddy J, and Jessi has her own heritage."

"She is special. Well, she is our only girl so of course she's special."

"Oh, Gus, you make life so real. Let's find something for you to wear." Once the clothes were picked. "You get dressed and then come over and I will help with your hair."

"I love you, Daddy."

Brian smiled as he crossed the hall. "I love you, too, Gus."


At 8:00 Brian, Kevin, and Gus were on the road heading to town. Cain and Quinn were waiting for them at a table in the back of the hotel restaurant. As soon as they sat down, full Irish breakfasts were served to all of them. After he had taken a bite of every item on the plate he looked up. "I am proud to see my family here today."

"Uncle Cain?" Gus interrupted, "not all of my family is here." Both Brian and Kevin put an arm around Gus.

"Young man, you are young. You will learn what family truly is." Cain continued, "I am glad we have met, because I want my grandson, my heir apparent, to have someone. I was not successful in fostering my family, but you seem to have figured that out. I hope you will accept him into your clan once I am gone."

As the elder of the American Cains, Kevin spoke, "Quinn will always be welcome. He is family."

"More important, he is blood."

Brian saw Gus was about to say something and gently tapped a finger to his lips.  Gus understood and sat back, leaning into Brian.

"I will not act like we will see each other again. My time is coming to an end. Quinn will let you know when it is over." And after saying that, he stood and walked away from the table. Cara had appeared out of nowhere and she assisted him out of the room.

"I will be in touch," Quinn said.

"Quinn," Kevin said, "You will always be welcome."

"Thank you, Kevin. I don't know why Poppy is so fixed on blood. I mean..." he had almost said he killed his own parents, but he glanced at Gus and didn't think that was appropriate. "I am really glad we did meet, and again, please tell Justin how sorry I am that I stalked him. I really did but... you know what I mean."

The men, along with Gus, stood. "Please keep in touch, Quinn." Kevin hugged the man that looked so much like his own son. "If there is anything we can do for you, let us know."

"I will, Kevin."

Gus gave him a hug and then Brian shook his hand, "You know I have an estate and I can always use another helper around the place. I have heard I will be losing some of my employees, so I will be looking for some people."

"That would be cool. Anyone that works at our house is part of the family." Gus smiled up at him.

"He's right. You are part of the family."

"I better go up. Poppy will expect me."

As Brian, Kevin, and Gus walked out to the van Gus said, "Uncle Cain isn't very happy is he?"

"I think he misses having a family. That's why he liked meeting us."

"Well, maybe it is his fault he doesn't have a family. I mean we have lots of family but he only wanted to be with half of us."

"That is true, Gus. That is very true."

Gus talked about Fiona and then he got quiet. "Gus, what is it?" Kevin asked, looking over his shoulder at his grandson.

"Grandpa, I don't want you to leave."

"Awe, Gus, I need to get back, but remember, Grandma Jenn will be here in a couple weeks and it will only be a little longer and you will be back home."

"I know, but then I will miss Fi."


The last couple of days Kevin was there, he spent as much time as he could with the grandkids, but he also realized Justin was really working through a lot. The night before he was to leave, he saw Justin go back to the studio after putting the kids to bed. Brian stood at the back door and watched Justin's shadow in the window. Kevin put his hand on Brian's shoulder before walking past him and jogging over to the studio. 

Kevin entered the studio and headed up the steps, he stopped before going all the way up.  "Justin, may I come in?"

"Sure, Kevin." He glanced over his shoulder as he came up. "Sorry, I haven't been very sociable the last few days."

"Justin, you don't have to apologize. I don't want this family reunion to hurt your family. I know you are trying to protect what you have."

"I wish Brian could understand that."

"He does, Justin, but other than you and your kids, family has never been important."

"I know that. It is just hard to think that... that man didn't care about the rest of our kids."

"He's an old man. You will never see him again."

"For that, I'm grateful."

Liam was at the house bright and early and Kevin said goodbye to everyone. As Liam and Kevin drove away, Justin kissed each of the kids and Brian before walking back to the studio.


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