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Brian and Justin arrived home around lunch time. Jessi was standing on a stepstool stirring something in a pan with Emma standing next to her. She let go of the spoon but then glanced at Emma for approval to leave her task. Emma kissed her cheek and nodded.

By the time Jessi made it out the door, Justin was moving toward the door as Brian got the bag out of the back. She quickly closed the space between them and flung her arms around Justin's waist. "Daddy!" 

Justin picked her up and kissed both her cheeks and then the tip of her nose. "Hey, baby girl, I missed you."

She hugged him around the neck and said, "I missed you, too. Did you know Emma and Joshua slept upstairs with us? I wasn't scared though. I only got scared the first morning. I'm not a baby anymore."

From behind her, Brian tugged at her playfully. She let go of Justin and went into his arms. "I need some of that love." Jessi kissed him just as Justin had kissed her, lips to both cheeks and the tip of his nose. "Thank you," he said and kissed her forehead. 

"It was very nice of Emma and Joshua to sleep near you." Justin took the bag from Brian and Brian put Jessi on his hip as they walked to the house. "Where are your brothers?"

"Aaron is with Dusty and Gus went for a ride with Joshua," Jessi said as Justin held the door open for her and Brian. 

"There's my sous chef," Emma smiled at the three as they walked in. "Jessi was making lunch for us all."

Jessi wiggled. "Daddy, let me down please. I need to help Emma."

"We thought since it was a chilly day we would have..." 

Jessi shouted, "CHILI!" and then giggled.

"Chili," Emma smiled at the little girl. "We are having some fry bread, too. Have you ever had fry bread, Daddies? It is SO good. She needed a taste tester. It is staying warm in the oven drawer."

"It smells delicious." Justin looked into the pot. "Emma, if you can spare your assistant, I could use her help unpacking."

Justin bent a little bit and Jessi climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Giddy up, Daddy." Justin ‘trotted' out of the kitchen with Jessi and the bag in tow.

As soon as he was sure that they were out of earshot, Brian leaned over the island near Emma. "We don't know any details, yet. One of Gus' moms called and said something about an old partner of hers, and that Gus could be in danger, but then the call ended and she won't have service again for a few hours. That's why I don't have details about anything. Mel gets herself into crazy situations. She's an international lawyer so she travels all over the world for work and probably finds a woman at every destination."

"Well, it sounds like all of these children have found the home they belong in." Emma turned as she heard the door open. "Ah, the boys have returned. Have I told you how much I love having children in the house?"

"Hey Dad!" Aaron came over to Brian and hugged him. 

Brian hugged him back. "What have you been up to this morning?" He took a couple deep breaths. "I am thinking you have been in the stables."

"I'll go wash up. I was helping Dusty groom the horses." 

As Aaron walked away, Brian walked over to Gus. "What have you been up to this morning?"

"I rode around with Joshua. We checked out some spots I haven't been to before. He showed me a cabin in the woods. He said he talked to you about sleeping there overnight."

"We will do that sometime. I need to talk to Justin, and I just got a text that Terry and Griff will be moving sooner than expected. Maybe we can all go after they get here."

"Dad, you do know we can go more than once. It's on our land." Gus looked at his dad and rolled his eyes.

"Smart ass," Brian responded with a smirk. "Go wash up. I'm hungry."

Ten minutes later everyone was in the kitchen eating bowls of chili with toppings and fry bread to dip into it. Brian and Justin told them the plans for a pool and Brian mentioned Griff and Terry may be arriving earlier than expected.

Emma pulled out her phone and added a note. "I will get someone up in the next week to clean their house."

"That would be great," Justin said.

"We need to get another pony for Elian."

"Don't worry, little man," Dusty said. I have seen a couple ready to go on auction. We will find the right one for your friend."

"Thank you, Dusty. When are they coming, Dad? I have missed my friend."

"I will know more once I talk to them tomorrow. And yes, I will tell you as soon as I know."

"Thanks, Dad."


Brian and Justin spent the afternoon with the kids, and after dinner and baths they played a game at the kitchen table while sharing bowls of popcorn. When they finished, Justin brought the younger two up to bed and Brian asked Gus to help put the game away. 

As Gus closed the lid on the box, Brian patted the chair next to him, "Gus, I want to talk to you about something."

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, no, Gus. Nothing like that. Melanie called yesterday."

"Mom? Is she coming for a visit?" He tried to keep the excitement out of his voice but Brian heard it.

"I am not sure. Our call was cut short because she was on a plane. I expect her to call back tonight or tomorrow."

"Why did she call, then?"

"She was a little worried that someone might be looking for you."

"For me? Why?"

"That I am not sure of. I just want you to promise if you see any stranger on the property you come right back to the house and don't go far from the house without one of the adults."

"That sounds weird."

"When I talk to her again I will tell you what she says. Just promise, until we talk about this again, you do what I ask. You know Mel is a lawyer and meets some pretty tough guys."

"Ya, I guess. When you talk to Mama will you ask if she is coming for a visit soon?"

"I will, Gus. You ready to head to your room?"

"Ya, the moon is really bright tonight. I hope I can see the bison herd in the valley."

They both stood and Brian hugged his oldest before kissing him on the top of his head. "I love you, Gus."

"I love you, too, Dad."


In the main suite, Brian and Justin sat in front of the fireplace with a movie playing above it. "I didn't realize how much I missed this on the islands. We rarely had a reason for a fire there."

"I know what you mean. With a nip in the air most evenings, there are more reasons to curl up like this." As he pulled Justin in for a kiss, Brian's phone rang. He glanced at it and said, "It's Mel." He sat up straight and answered it, "What the fuck is going on? How dare you start that conversation and..."

"Fuck you, Kinney. Has Justin figured out what a loser you are yet?"

Justin reached over and took the phone out of Brian's hand and put it on speaker. "Mel, it's Justin. Yes, I am still married to the best father in the world." He had to put her in line a little. "Now, you scared the shit out of us. What is going on?"

"Sorry. I was having trouble getting a call to go through, and when it did I had lost track of time and had to turn my phone off."

"So what were you saying about Gus being in danger?" Justin asked. Brian put his arm around Justin and let him continue to lead the conversation. He was much more level headed when it came to Mel.

"My last case was in Italy. It ended in my client's favor and there is a mafia Don who isn't very happy."

"Did he threaten Gus?"

"Not directly, but he knows about Gus and he has the ability to track him down."

"Mel, he isn't locked up?" Brian asked.

"No, it was a payout situation. He swore he would make me pay him back, and taking my son..."

"Your son? Mel, you haven't seen Gus in almost three years, not since that time you spent a couple days on the island, with your new girlfriend." Brian was getting angrier again.

"We just want to know what we need to prepare for." Justin's patience was running short now. "We are talking about our son's welfare."

"You don't think I care?" They could hear Mel take a deep breath. "I will figure out where he is. I have a call out to my law office in Milan and they are checking the details. I promise I will get back to you tomorrow. How was I supposed to know this guy would be so angry?"

"Sure, tomorrow," Brian said, "By the way, Gus wanted me to ask if you were coming to see him."

"Oh, tell him I'd love to but..."

"Mel, I don't lie to my children. I won't tell him anything." Brian grabbed the phone and ended the call. He drew his arm back but Justin stopped him.

"Smashing your phone won't help anything. You know in her own way she loves him. Mel just never quite had the mother gene." Justin kissed Brian.

"When I gave them my sperm I thought they would be good mothers, and I wasn't going to have anything to do with him. Obviously, I don't know what makes a good mother."

"It doesn't matter, Brian, when he has an amazing father. How did your conversation go with Gus?"

"I kept it light. Basically I told him if he saw anything strange he needed to go to the nearest adult or get to the house."

"Brian, there is nothing else we can do. We have security. People around here know what is going on, and face it, more than half the adults here can shoot a gun."

"You're right. I know." 

They got ready for bed, and then, laying together in the dark Brian whispered, "What are we going to say when he asks what's wrong with him, why she doesn't want to come and visit? Why neither of his moms do?"

"Brian, he knows he has two parents that would give their life for him and an extended family that is also always there for him." Justin's arms went around Brian and pulled him close. As Brian's head rested on Justin's chest, Justin gently played with his hair until he felt his breathing change into the deep breaths of sleep.


The next two weeks they went on with their lives. Mel had kept them informed the best she could. The Don had left Italy, but his passport said he was still in Europe. 

Terry and Griff had let them know they would be there in two weeks. Some of their belongings had already started to arrive. Everyone was getting excited. Emma made sure their house was clean and stocked with everything they may need to start with. Joshua made sure the small runway was clear so it would be ready for Terry to use once he started his mobile clinic.  

A new pony named Blaze was acquired for Elian. If El wanted to change his name he could, but Blaze fit this spunky, brown Shetland with a white mark on her forehead. One afternoon the three kids and Dusty were going to take their horses for a ride. Dusty asked Gus to ride Blaze so they could make sure he handled well.  

"Sure but I hope Catori doesn't get jealous."

"When we get back, you give her some extra treats and a good brush and she will forgive you. I would ride Blaze but I am just too big."

"It's okay. I'll get her a couple apples or some carrots."

"Are we going to talk all day or are we going to ride?" Jessi called as she swung her leg over the saddle.

"We're riding. Do you need help getting your foot in the stirrup?" Dusty asked as he led his horse closer to her.

Jessi shoved her foot in the stirrup and said, "Nope, I got it." 

Dusty made sure all the kids were sitting on the back of their steeds and they started down the drive and then off on a path. 

"Where are we going, Dusty? We have never taken this path before," Aaron said as he rode next to him.

"I needed to make sure you were all able to take a ride like this. It's a little harder trail than we usually take."

"Are we going to a specific spot?" Gus asked.

"We are. Mom packed us a snack so we are going to ride to the cliff and watch the bison herd.  There are a lot of calves right now and they are so much fun to watch." 

"Yeah! I love to see the babies," Jessi added.

They would ride in silence for a few minutes and then someone would point something out. The kids had all learned not to yell unless they felt in danger. They wanted to see their faces, not their backsides. When they arrived at their spot they dismounted, and after stringing a rope between two trees, they tied the ponies to it. They were in the shade with plenty of grass, so they all sat down, looking down to the valley at the herd of bison.

"Can they hear us up here?" Jessi asked Dusty in a soft voice, pointing at the large animals below.

"If you stood up and screamed and jumped up and down they might hear you, but as long as we talk in normal voices they won't notice." They sat and laughed at the babies as they headbutted in play and then ran back to their moms for a snack. Emma had packed peanut butter sandwiches, grapes, and bottles of water. They ate their sandwiches and then started to toss grapes to each other to try to catch them in their mouths.

As they started to pack up to make the ride home, Gus thought he saw something. "Hey, Dusty, what is that on the other side of the valley? About halfway up the mountain I can see something."

"Remember my dad talking about a cabin that we camp by?"

"Ya, my dads say we are going to go after Terry and Griff get here. Is that where it is?"

"Yep, that is the place. You can't see it from here, but there is space for several tents there and the cabin can sleep six in beds. We do keep it locked up because it was trashed once. But there is a key under the steps by the backdoor. Doubt you will ever need to use it but you know where it is now."

"It looks like a long way from here."

"It is, but on horseback it doesn't take long to get there. I've even walked it a few times, as long as the herd isn't too close."

"It reminds me of something you would see in an old movie."

"It really does, but the inside isn't nearly as rustic as what you picture but it does have a loft like some of the old shows."

"Cool," Aaron commented. "I can't wait to go there with Elly. I have missed him."

"It will be great to meet him, and I can tell Blaze will be a good pony for your friend. Gus has done a great job with him today. All of you are becoming great riders."

"Dusty, what is that on top of the hill over there?" She pointed in the opposite direction of the cabin. 

"I'm not sure. There is an old logging road over there. Dad is probably checking out something over there or somebody wants to see the bison." Dusty didn't think his dad would be over there but he would check. "Time for us to head back to the house. Gus, why don't you and Aaron lead. I'll let you know if you need to turn but I bet you can guide us home." The real reason he did it was he wanted to make sure he had his eyes on him at all times.

Aaron and Gus only needed help in what direction to go one time, and soon they could see the buildings ahead. The ponies picked up speed, probably dreaming of the bucket of oats that they would be given soon. 

As soon as they were all off the mounts, Dusty took Blaze from Gus so he could spend some time with Catori. Before he entered the stable he messaged his dad, 'Are you out on the north logging road?'

Dusty's phone rang and he answered, "Dustin, I am on my way back from town. I haven't been on that road for a couple weeks. What is going on?"

"Someone was out there today."

"Where are you now?"

"I am with the kids at the stable."

Joseph stepped on the gas. "Stay there and don't let them out of your sight."


Justin got a message from Mel and rushed to Brian's office, "Bri, I missed a call from Mel. Did she call you?"

Brian looked at his phone, "Fuck, I turned the ringer off."

"He's here. The Don that she was worried about. He flew to California yesterday and then rented a small plane. His flight path brought him to Denver."

"Where's Gus? Where are all the kids?"

"They took a ride with Dusty. That was over two hours ago. They should be back soon." As Justin talked they both were heading out the back door of their room and ran in the direction of the stable.

Dusty was just putting the phone into his pocket when Brian and Justin came running up. "I  was just going to text you."

"Did you see something? Did you see someone on the property?" Brian's speech was rushed.

Justin put a hand on Brian's shoulder, "Dusty, the man that threatened Gus..."

"Oh, shit, I saw him! Well, I didn't see him, but there was a truck on the old road north of here. I brought the kids right back."

"Do the kids know anything?"

"Jessi saw that there was something on the road. I said it was probably Dad or someone just looking for the bison."

"That was perfect, Dusty. I am glad you brought them back." Justin glanced into the stalls. "I am going to go check on them." He moved into the building, taking Blaze with him.

"Where is your dad?" Brian asked.

"He should be here very soon, although I think he will check the road before he comes back here, but I am sure whoever it was is gone by now. I wanted to go check but I knew I needed to get your children back here."

Brian took Dusty's arm and led him to a hay bale. "You aren't looking so good. Do you have food or drink?"

Dusty pointed at the saddle bag on the horse and Brian grabbed it and brought it back. He handed Dusty a bottle of water and a couple cookies. "Should I get your mom?"

"No, this is more a panic attack than anything."

Brian sat next to him. "Dusty, you got Aaron, Gus, and Jessi back here safely.  We owe you."

"I did what needed to be done. I'm feeling better and that's Dad coming now."

Brian patted his shoulder and rushed toward the arriving pickup. "Did you see anything?"

Joshua got out as soon as he had turned the truck off. "Someone was definitely up there. Tell me what you know." Joshua said as he and Brian walked to the house talking.


Justin brushed Blaze while his children groomed their own ponies. When Aaron finished he walked over to Justin and helped finish Blaze. As he moved the brush along Blaze's spine, he asked, "Dad, what is going on? That thing Jessi saw, was someone on the land that shouldn't be? Does this have to do with Gus?"

"What do you know about Gus?"

"Dad," he said sarcastically, "You aren't sneaky. Is Gus in danger because of Mel?" Aaron whispered.

"Daddy, can I go to the house? Coco is eating her dinner and I always help Emma make dinner." Jessi started heading to the door.

"Wait, baby girl." He pulled out his phone and texted Emma to make sure she was in the kitchen. "I want Emma to know you are on your way."

"Daddy, I know how to get to the house. I can see it from the door." Jessi said, putting her hands on her hips. 

Justin's phone pinged and, after reading it, he looked at Jessi with a smile.  "Of course you know the way." He kissed his daughter on the top of her head. "Go on, Emma is waiting. Tell her we will be in soon."

Once she was out of the stable, Gus walked over to Justin and Aaron. "You two were talking about me. Aaron, I didn't tell you about my mom."

"No, but I can tell something is going on."

Justin sat on a bench and had the boys sit on either side of him. He looped his arms around both of their shoulders and began, "We aren't sure who was on the road today. Joshua checked on it and I haven't heard what he found out, but Mel contacted us today and said a bad guy didn't like how much money he had to pay because of her. She said he threatened to take Gus so he can get his money back."

Gus moved a little closer to Justin. "Dad, should I be scared?"

"Gus, you need to be cautious but you have a lot of people watching out for you."

Aaron reached over and took Gus' hand, "I will watch out for you, too, Gus."

Justin tightened his arms around both of his boys and kissed the top of their heads. "We love you both, and Aaron, it is very sweet of you to want to protect your brother. We will all just stick together and, Gus, you don't go anywhere alone."

"Anywhere?" Gus looked a little put out but still a little scared.

"For now, Gus. Now, let's go clean up. You both smell a little too much like Cookie and Catori." Justin stood and the boys did, too. 

"Dad, I like the way Cookie smells. Do I still have to shower?" He looked at Justin seriously and then a little smile hinted at the corners of his mouth and all three of them laughed as they walked out of the stable.


During dinner, they discussed the situation and made the rule that none of the children were to leave the house alone. "We have someone posted at both the gates and we will have someone moving around the ranch at all times. By the end of next week, Terry and Griff will be here which will give us more adults." Jessi crawled into Brian's lap as he spoke. "Just promise that no one goes out alone."

"Daddy, why is that man trying to get Gus instead of his mom coming to get him?"

Justin spoke before Brian said something he couldn't take back. "Jessi, Gus' mom knows he is as safe as he can be here with us. And now, why don't the three of you go find something to do upstairs. Gus, you know how to start a movie in the cinema room."

"Come on, rugrats. Let's find something to watch." Gus moved toward the door and his brother and sister followed.                                                                                                                                     

Once the adults were sure they were out of earshot, Joshua began to talk. "There was a large SUV on the old road. I can tell by the wheel base. There were also the tracks of two men where the vehicle stopped."

"You're sure they were men?" Brian asked.

"Well, that or we are looking for a woman with a huge foot. The chief of police got some good pictures because the soles don't look like shoes I have seen before. They are checking them against Italian brands."

"That's a good idea. No one saw anything in town?" Justin asked.

"No, that is the problem out in this big country. If they found that out of the way road, they must have done some scouting. I am wondering if they used a drone to find other trails not on a map."

"Is there a way for us to track a drone in the area?" Dusty asked.

"Not that I know of." Joshua responded. I can track things on this earth but it is harder in the sky."

There was a moment of silence before Justin said, "Is there anything in that shed down by the air strip that might be able to track?"

"I'll ask Terry about that," Brian responded.

They talked for another few minutes about how many extra people would be around and how the schedule was running. At that point they separated. Dusty left for the bunkhouse where he lived, and Emma and Joshua left to take a ride around the buildings. Brian and Justin went upstairs to get the kids down for the night. First they went in to see Jessi. They found her with a book in her hand but she was looking at stars through the skylight in a dark room.

"It's a little hard to read in the dark, isn't it?" Brian asked as he dropped down on the bed next to her while Justin walked to the other side of the bed and stretched out on the other side of her bed.

"Daddies, I was thinking. What if every star had a police officer on it looking down with binoculars? Then Gus wouldn't have to worry."

Brian glanced at Justin and then responded, "That would be great, wouldn't it." Brian leaned over Jess so Justin put his hand over Brian's as he talked. "We do have lots of cameras and alarms and people out watching all the time. You don't have to be scared that someone will try to get to you."

"Oh, I'm not scared for me. I'm scared for Gus. If anyone tries to get Gus, I'll smack um."

Justin kissed the tip of her nose. "I am sure you would, Love. Gus is lucky to have a little sister like you. Now I think it is time for you to get some sleep and for us to say goodnight to your brothers. Love you, Jessi." This time he kissed both cheeks and her forehead before sliding off the bed.

"I love you, too, and I promise we will watch over Gus." He kissed her before standing up and putting his arm around Justin's waist as he walked up. 

"I love you, Daddies.  You always make me feel safe."


Brian and Justin moved on to Aaron's room and, after answering some questions for him and making sure he was comfortable they moved on to Gus. The first thing they noticed was that he didn't have the doors to the balcony open. He was sitting by the closed doors with binoculars in his hands and the lights out. He didn't turn to look at them but said, "Why are they looking for me? If they think it will bother Mama, they're wrong. I haven't seen her in so long I can't remember when it was. Why would she care if they take me? Do you think they want to sell me to make their money back?"

Justin walked over to Gus and wrapped his arms around him. "Gus, I know you don't see Mel very often, but she does love you. She just, well, she has never been one that shows her feelings."

"Why did she want me then? Or was she just making Mom happy? She took Mom to Europe when I came to live with you." He stood and turned on the lamp by his bed. "I'm not saying I want to go live with either of them. I always want to live with you, at least until I'm grown up, but I just can't figure out..."

Brian took Gus' hand and they sat side by side on the bed. "When your moms asked me to be your dad, I wasn't sure I wanted to be a dad, but that was the best thing I ever did in my life. Now, can we do anything for you before you go to sleep? Do you want one of us or both of us to sleep up here with you?"

"No. I know the house is locked and the alarms are on. I know there are police watching so I'm good."

"Gus, you can come to our room any time you want." Justin hugged him and then it was Brian's turn.

"You are loved, Gus. We love you, and even though they don't know how to show it, your moms care. They just don't seem to know how to show it." Brian hugged him a little longer than Gus first felt was needed, but when Brian started to loosen his hold, Gus held tighter for a few more moments.

"Do you want me to turn off your lamp?" Justin asked.

"No, I think I will leave it on tonight if that is alright." 

"You can do whatever you want, as long as you stay in the house," Justin answered.


Later as Brian and Justin lay in bed, Brian said, "Mel better come visit soon. If she doesn't, can we just make her disappear?"

"Our son still loves her because we taught him how to love. And as he gets older he will realize it isn't him, it's her. He will continue to love her because she is his mother, but he won't expect anything more. Now, can I admit I am scared to death? That guy is brutal. What will he do to our boy if he gets him? Is he even able to get in touch with Mel? Brian this isn't someone that sits back and waits. What will he do to Gus?" Justin rolled so his body was pressed against Brian. "Bri, what will we do if..."

"Don't say it, Sunshine. I can't even think it. I know nothing will help us forget what is going on, but maybe we can distract each other for a while." Brian's hand moved down Justin's body and into the opening of his briefs.

Justin sighed, "That might almost do it, and by the way, you said giving sperm was the best thing you did in your life? Creating Gus was definitely important, but I hope that sperm deposit isn't the first one you think of."

As Brian slipped out of his briefs and then tugged Justin's off, he softly whispered, "You are and always will be the only sperm depository that counts." And that was all that was said. They didn't need to say another word as they became one, mind, body, and spirit.


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