Chapter 3
Remmie and Aaron talked non stop for the first half hour. At that point, they ventured beyond their familiar surroundings, and the scenery began to transform. As they got closer to the lake, Remmie was trying to decide how to tell Aaron that Jessi set this all up and had planned to be there with him. Aaron made the decision easier by saying, “Jessi would love it here. Her photos would be amazing. “Just look at those mountains over there, the fog at the top—she would geek out.”
“It is stunning.” Julian took a deep breath and went on, “Aaron, I need to tell you something. Jessi was supposed to be here this weekend. The place we are staying at is a friend of hers.” Aaron was just staring at him. “The call I got during dinner last night was from her. There was a typhoon that closed down the airport.”
“A typhoon? Is she Ok? Is she in danger?” This spilled out of Aaron’s mouth.
“She is fine. She texted before we left and said they were getting a lot of rain but they were not in the path of the storm.” Remmie was surprised he accepted the news so well.
“So she was going to spend the weekend with us?”
“Actually she was going to spend the weekend with you. I would have probably headed into the city. Her friend wanted us to come up anyway.” He glanced at Aaron and saw he was lost in his own thoughts. After several minutes Remmie said, “I’m sorry Jessi isn’t going to make it.”
“I would have loved that but since I wasn’t expecting it, it doesn’t hurt as much. We are going to a beautiful area where we don’t have to do anything if you don't want to and if she was planning to come, it lets me know she will get here sometime in the next couple months.”
Remmie reached over and squeezed Aaron’s forearm lightly, “Your sister really loves you.”
“I know and I really love her. I’m not saying we never fought but it is never serious.” Remmie didn’t respond but he wondered how anyone ever really got mad at Aaron.
The GPS told them to get ready to turn. And when Remmie steered them off the main road, he stopped. “Jessi said we were going to be by the lake but this is leading us away from it. Should I keep going to the lake? I mean she got the directions wrong.” Aaron started laughing. “What’s so funny?”
“I was just thinking what Jessi’s reaction would be if she heard you say she was wrong. Jessi was never wrong.
“I didn't get that feeling from her.”
“It was more of a joke by the time she was ten. One time when she was about 6, she brought her pony into the house and managed to get him all the way upstairs and into her bedroom before anyone knew it. Emma, who managed the house heard the thumping up there and, when the pony was placed back in the barn, Jess had to face our dads. Dad Brian, was worthless at correcting her. All she had to do was throw her arms around his neck and say ‘Love you, Daddy’ and he couldn’t be stern.
”So Justin had to handle it?” Remmie had never heard Aaron open up like this.
Aaron continued, “Ya, he said something like, ‘Jessie, you were wrong to bring Coco Puff into the house. Ponies do not belong in the house.’ Jessie just looked at him, from Dad’s lap, and said, ‘Daddy, I tried to tell Coco Puff he wouldn’t like it but he followed me in the house and up the stairs. And Dad asked, ‘Did he like it?’ and Jess just looked at him and said, ‘Coco was wrong. He missed Cookie and Catari.”
“Cookie and Catari?” Remmie asked.
“Cookie was my pony and Catari was Gus’ paint.” Aaron had a far away look. He was lost in thoughts of his family.
“At six she thought that all up?”
“Ya. I think we have sat here long enough. Let’s follow her directions. We have a lot of light left. We can enjoy the scenery and if we have to turn around, we can enjoy it on the way back.”
Remmie began up the rough road that continued to move up the mountain. Sometimes they couldn’t see the lake at all and then there would be a break in the foliage and the sparkling lake appeared again. “Since we keep spotting the lake, I am guessing the road will head downward again.”
“I’m enjoying the ride. I can’t remember the last time I was so relaxed.”
After driving a short distance, the GPS indicated they had reached their destination. What they had reached was a driveway so they turned and followed the path. The elevation began to get a little lower and when Remmie made a turn the cabin came into view. It was a small structure that blended into the nature around it. There was a lovely view of the mountains over top of the building but the lake was not visible from the parking area.
“This may not be what we expected but we can always drive to the lake. I don’t know the last time I saw any other signs of civilization and that is just fine with me,” Aaron said as he exited the jeep.”
“I couldn’t agree more. I love being with people but every so often I don’t want to be in a crowd.”
“You have a job where you always have to be social.”
Remmie looked at him, “So do you.”
“Not always, I don’t have to be polite to the chicken that seems to be injured.”
“I guess that’s true but you do to the owner.”
They met at the back of the jeep and each grabbed their clothes and the food baskets and bags. Walking to the door, Aaron said, “How do we get in?”
“Jess said it was your birthday, two digit month and two digit day. If I remember correctly that would be 0718. He punched the numbers in and they heard the lock disengage. Aaron entered first but stopped dead in his tracks, blocking Remmie's entry. “What is it, Aaron?”
Aaron moved in far enough for Remmie to enter. “Only Jess could stumble onto the person who owns this place. I wonder what he or she does for a living.” Aaron set down the food and clothes he was carrying and moved ahead. The house was much larger than it appeared.
“Wow! And I didn’t think we were near the lake.” Remmie set his load down as well and together they moved into the house. There were large windows and French doors leading out onto a large deck, all looking over the lake.
Aaron reached back and took Remmie’s hand and excitedly said, “Let’s go check out the deck.” They walked across the living room and opened the doors, stepping out onto the deck. Although it was a very warm day there was a breeze coming off the lake making it feel much cooler. At one end of the deck there were lounge chairs with umbrellas scattered around. On the other side there was a grill as well as a dining table that was under a pergola. “Look at the size of this deck and the lake is huge! I bet the steps over there lead down to the lake.”
Remmie walked to the railing to get a better view of the shore, “You’re right but I’m not sure we would want to. Come see.” He waved Aaron over.
Leaning over the rail, Aaron saw what he was talking about. At first glance he could see three large Nile crocodiles. “Glad I don’t sleep walk. Teddy did when..” he paused but then finished the sentence. “When we first met. Let’s go put our food away and check out the rest of the house.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” Remmie said as he followed Aaron into the house. A smile played across his lips, knowing Aaron was finally starting to trust him with his past.
After getting the food put away, Aaron opened a bottle of wine that had been sitting on the counter, and poured them each a glass. There had been a note on the counter for Jessi that any wine in the kitchen was theirs to drink. There was a nice variety and there was no way they could drink all of it this weekend. They moved out of the kitchen and down the hall toward the bedrooms. The first door was to a small powder room so they moved further down the hall. They found a study behind the next door. There were three doors left and since there were supposed to be three bedrooms they weren’t surprised to see two comfortable rooms similar in size with queen sized beds and a jack and jill bathroom.
The last room was large. There was a seating area with a view of the lake. “What a view. Can you imagine what the sunrise looks like from here? Or would it be a sunset?” Remmie said as he looked at the sunshine creating diamonds on the lake.
“Why don’t you sleep here and you can find out? You’re tall enough to enjoy the king sized bed.” Aaron stepped into the on suite bathroom. “They didn’t skimp on anything in the place.”
Remmie stuck his head in, “It is very nice but I don’t need to stay in here. Why won’t we both just take one of the other rooms. It will be less for us to clean up before we leave.” He really wanted to suggest they share the big room but he knew that was never going to happen but he could dream and he was fairly sure he would tonight.
Aaron started some music and they sat out on the deck under an umbrella as they drank a second glass of wine. “Thank you, Julian.”
Julian Remington nearly fell off his chair. As far as he could remember Aaron had never called him Julian before. He loved the way it sounded coming from him. “Thanks for what? This was all Jessi’s plan.”
“You had already tried to get me to go away with you. Jessi just scored this great place for us. You getting hungry? I am.”
“Let’s go make dinner and get another glass of wine.” Remmie stood and offered his hand to Aaron who took it and stood as he was pulled up. The meat had been roasted by a local herdsman so they worked side by side chopping vegetables making the side dishes. While Remmie stirred the vegetable, Aaron sliced some rolls and then took a pitcher out to fill with water. He tried to g out of the fridge door but nothing came out. When he opened thet icee freezer door he saw there was a bin of ice in there along with a container with another note on it.
After filling the pitcher with ice he set it down on the counter and then pulled out the container. He covered the ice with water and then picked up the note on the tub. He read it outloud. “Jessi and friend, a sweet treat for you. There is some of my finest in this batch. Don’t eat too many of them.” Aaron took off the lid and found a dozen brownies with a thick fudge frosting on the top.
“Is that what I think it is?” Remmie asked, looking over Aaron’s shoulder.
“I think so and they smell amazing.” Remmie bent over Aaron’s shoulder and breathed in deep.
“I guess I know what we are having for dessert.”
They carried their meal out to the deck, along with another bottle of wine. The meal was great. The roasted meat was perfectly tender and had been seasoned delicately. “I have to say the spices they use were different than I was used to but now I really like it.” Aaron cut off another bite of meat. “On the ranch we always had a variety of different meats.”
“What was your favorite?”
“I don’t know if I really had a favorite but I did live bison which you just can’t get in many places.” Aaron added, “We had a herd of bison. We probably actually had beefalo most of the time.”
“I am sure I have never seen the type of place you grew up in.”
“Well, I have only been in London a couple times. We spent time in Ireland.”
“Your sister in law is from there, right?”
“She did and my grandpa has family there on the Kinney side.” They continued the light banter as the light faded and they began to see lights coming on around the lake. “It is beautiful here. Now we can see how many places are built around the lake.”
“It would be easy to forget there was any other human life around without having this view.” Remmie said and then picked up the empty bottle of wine. “I’ll get a new one.”
Aaron stood as well, “We might as well bring the food in and bring dessert out?” He raised his eyebrows as he said it.
“Are you sure we should eat them? Why don’t you text Jessi and ask her about this friend.”
“That’s a good idea. Hope she has service.” Aaron texted her and moment’s later his phone rang.
“He isn’t gay? He isn’t attracted to you?”
“My lovelife is not why I texted. Whose house are we staying at?”
“She didn’t want me to tell you her name.”“Hey, bro! Are you having a good time? I really wanted to be there with you! From what I’ve gotten from our conversations, I think Julian is a good substitute. I think the two of you might be a good…he is gay, right?”
Aaron moved out of the kitchen, away from Remmie, hoping he hadn’t heard Jessi’s comment. The truth was a couple times today he had looked at Julian and asked himself the same thing. “Jessi, that’s not going to happen.”
“Ok, her business is what we really want to know about.”
“Did she leave you brownies? Damn, I am so jealous. Her edibles are so good. And yes she is a large exporter of the best weed in all of Africa but she does it as legally as possible and she never starts the battles.”
“How did you meet her?”
“She gave me an interview when she was visiting Bali recently. It is safe to eat those brownies just don’t eat too many at one time.”
“Thanks, Jess, and the place is beautiful. I haven’t been this relaxed in months.”
“It sounds like you have been drinking some of her wine, too.”
“Goodbye, Jessi. When are you coming to visit?”
“I’ll get back with you next week and see what I can work out. Text me your calendar. Love you, Aaron. Give Julian a chance.” Then the line went dead.
“Sorry I left you to clean up. Jessi wanted to talk.”
“All I did was put dishes in the washer and food in the fridge. Did Jessi give you any information about the owner?”
“Just that the owner is a she and she grows the best cannabis in Africa and that she does it the most peaceful way possible.”
“Well, may I suggest we open another bottle of wine and go outside with a couple brownies.”
“Sounds good to me. I kind of wish we would have taken a walk this afternoon. I feel like I need to move a little.” Aaron commented as they moved back out on the deck.
“I guess we could walk down the steps to the lake and back up a couple of times. Well, maybe not all the way down. The crocs may be hungry,” Remmie said as he looked down at the lake.
They both could tell they had drunk a bottle of wine. “I think this is going to be an amazingly relaxing weekend.” Aaron moved to the outside speaker and turned the music up louder. It had been on all day but they hadn’t paid much attention to it. Remmie sat on one of the cushioned loveseats setting the wine and the brownies on the table in front of it. Aaron came over and sat next to him. He picked up half of a brownie and took a bite. “Jess was right about these. This is one of the best brownies I have ever had.”
“Guess I better try one.” He picked up the other half and took a bite. “Oh, Jessi wasn’t kidding. This is great!” He relaxed back and said,”Tell me more about all the animals you had on the ranch. Or maybe tell me about your island. Was it anything like this?”
Aaron turned toward Remmie and as he laid his leg on the seat his skin rested against Remmie’s thigh. “The island was great. The only thing similar to this place is we had a large deck, however, we had a pool and it was about four stories down to the water. Of course, we didn’t have crocodiles down there.” He nibbled on his brownie. “The parties we had out there were so much fun. Dad had a lot of artwork scattered here and there with wonderful stained glass scattered around. Teddy loved visiting there. There was always love in that place. Uncle Em and Uncle James are still there. James was in government for years but he just retired. They are a great couple. They came with us from Pittsburgh.” They both finished their brownie.
Aaron stood and swayed to the music coming through the speakers. He was certainly feeling the effects of the brownie and the wine. “I remember visiting Pittsburgh but I don’t really remember living there. My bio father lived there but he died years ago. My grandma moved away years ago.”
“Your bio dad? I thought Justin was your blood father.”
“Justin is my half brother by blood.Come dance with me, Julian. I want to dance.” The music had changed and Aaron offered Remmie his hand.
Remmie stood as he took his hand, “I hope you know how to swing dance,” he said as he spun Aaron against his chest. Their eyes met for a moment and they both grinned before they fell into step as if they had done this a hundred times.
After three tunes the music changed. It was now soft and slow. Remmie cautiously put an arm around Aaron’s back and gently pulled him in. He didn’t fight it at all. As he rested his head on Remmie’s chest and Remmie’s arm pulled him closer. Aaron relaxed against him and they swayed through the remainder of the song.
“Remmie, will you kiss me?” Aaron looked up into his handsome, mocha toned face. “It has been so long since I have…” Julian’s mouth lowered to Aaron’s and very gently brushed his warm lips against Aaron’s. When Aaron leaned in and parted his lips slightly. Remmie didn’t need any more prompting. He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into Aaron’s greedy moth. Aaron’s arms went around his neck and pressed the full length of his body against his companion.
Slowly Remmie loosened his grip and slowly put space between them. “Aaron, I don’t think …”
Aaron stepped back, creating more space between them. “Thank you. I should…”
“Aaron, don’t do that. Don’t run away. We did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. You are not cheating on Teddy. You are living for him. I know I never got to meet him but anyone you loved so much had to be wonderful and he wouldn’t want you to continue this way.”
“My head knows you’re right but my heart is still wary.”
“Why don’t you tell me all about him. We both have another half of a brownie waiting for us.”
“Teddy was shy. I remember when he moved to Colorado. His parents were diplomats so were out of the country a lot of the year. His grandparents, at that time, lived about an hour away. He was a boarding student but it wasn’t long before he started spending every weekend at the ranch. He was my very best friend and we were just friends until later in our junior year.” Aaron adjusted his position and he half leaned, half laid on Remmie’s lap. Remmie wrapped his arms around him as he continued to talk.
“As kids we spent hours out with the mini animals. We would sit on hay bales and as we played we talked about working in the same town when he was a doctor and I was a vet. As we got older, it was where we stole away to kiss and just be close. He wasn’t comfortable showing affection around my family. I still remember the first time he kissed me at the end of a meal and my whole family cheered.”
Aaron talked until the sky began to lighten. He sat up and said, “I’m sorry, Julian. I kept you up all night.
Remmie blushed when Aaron called him by his given name. “Thank you for trusting me with that.” Together they stood and moved into the house. We can sleep as long as we want.”
Aaron hugged Remmie as they separated for the night. “You’re a good friend, Remmie.”
Julian moved down to his room and got in bed. His mind was whirring. He trusted me with his memories with Teddy. He called me by my name. He had never heard Julian said so sweetly.
The remainder of the weekend was full of relaxation, exploring the area, good food, and getting to know each other. Now that he had broken down the barrier, Aaron didn’t shy away from bringing up Teddy. Although they were much closer, and they didn’t avoid contact, there was no more romance between them.
As they were packing up for the weekend, Aaron got a text. “This weekend just can’t get any better!” he said excitedly.
“What is it, Aaron?”
“It’s Jessi! She is coming to our village the next weekend we have off.”
“Oh, that will be great. I can’t wait to meet her.”
“You are going to love her and you’ve seen pictures. She is stunningly beautiful.”
“Yes, I happened to notice that. Your entire family is gorgeous.”
Aaron reached out and touched Julian’s cheek, “You didn’t miss out in the looks department.” He ran his hand down to Remmie’s chest and left it there, “Or in your physique.” Their eyes locked for a moment but Aaron quickly dropped his hand and picked up a basket of leftover food. “I think if you grab that bag, we have everything. Hopefully we left it clean enough to be invited back. There is so much more around here we didn’t see.”
“I couldn’t agree more. That deck out there might be one of my favorite places in the world.” As they pulled away, they both went into their own thoughts. Aaron felt like he was leaving a load of bricks on that deck. There were still a few in place but he felt freer than he had in four years. Remmie felt the same way. Now that the barrier was down, would Aaron ever be willing to share his heart again.