Chapter 4
Aaron and Remmie were stopped before they even arrived home. Remmie was needed immediately. A teenage boy on a four-wheeler. His mother was having issues delivering her baby. “Go, Remmie. I know what house he is talking about. I’ll empty the jeep and come over to see if you need help.” He shouted the last sentence as Remmie jumped on behind the teenager and they were off.
A midwife had been with the mother for eight hours but she had stopped progressing. The midwife didn’t speak any English but a young girl translated for Remmie letting him know how long this had been going on and that she expected there were two babies involved. Aaron arrived with extra towels just as Julian tried to manipulate the babies from the outside of the stomach and then, with the woman crying out, Remmie reached into her attempting to reposition the baby. And then he was holding a very small infant.
With the mother crying out again, Remmie handed the first baby to the midwife. Instinctively Aaron moved to the first baby. The mother cried out as another contraction ripped through her and as Remmie focused on her, Aaron looked down at the tiny girl that lay on a towel in front of him. The midwife was trying to get her to move but the baby was not responding. As the midwife began to panic, Aaron took the infant from her and positioning her on her side he ran his finger into her mouth. He then began tapping her back, tilting the baby’s head a little lower than her body and all of the sudden she began to cough and then, just as Remmie delivered the second baby girl, a loud squeal came from the first one.
The midwife began crying in relief. Remmie handed the second baby to her and moved next to Aaron to give the baby he had saved a brief exam. Twenty minutes later, Aaron and Remmie were on their way back to their homes. Neither of them had said a word until they were at the edge of the village. “You saved that baby’s life,” Remmie said softly.
“How do you do that all the time? I have never been so scared in my life. I mean I am concerned for my patients but they aren’t humans.”
“You would be an amazing doctor. I mean how many different species do you know how to diagnose? I am just so thankful you were here. I would have had to leave the mother and the midwife would have taken over but being twins…”
Aaron stopped the jeep at the garage door of the office and Remmie opened the door so he could drive in. Then, after putting everything back where it belonged and restocking his medical bag, they walked back to there house.
“Next time I’m delivering quadruplets I’ll take you along. You know I maybe shouldn’t say it but I just treated that baby the same way I would have treated a kid or a lamb. I cleared her mouth and then worked to get the airway cleared.”
Remmie stopped in front of his own door and turned to face Aaron. “Not the way I expected us to end our time off, This weekend was…”
Aaron reached up and kissed Remmie’s cheek. “Julian, I don’t know if you realize how much this weekend did for me. How much you did for me? I’m still not ready to forget Teddy but I feel more…”
“Aaron, you should never forget your first love.” Julian slowly drug the back of his fingers down Aaron’s cheek. “Just remember, I am always here for you.”
Everytime Aaron called him by his given name he wanted to take Aaron in his arms and kiss him and tell him how much he loved him. This was no exception but he made the right choice and turned around and entered his house. He turned and smiled, “Thanks again for the hand tonight and I hope you sleep well.”
“Good night, Remmie.” Aaron waited until the lights in Remmie’s bedroom came on and the kitchen went dark. He entered his own place and was soon in bed himself.
Aaron and Remmie both had plenty of work with their patients to keep them busy the next few weeks. They spent their evenings together playing games and talking about their childhoods. They both came from relative affluence but both of them had been taught a work ethic and compassion. The relationship had definitely changed from co-workers and neighbors to best friends.
One night when Aaron was talking to his dads both Justin and Brian noticed a change in their middle child. After he had talked nonstop for fifteen minutes about Julian and their adventures, Justin asked, “It sounds like you and Julian have gotten closer over the last few weeks.”
Aaron collected his thoughts for a moment and then said, “Well, we have a lot in common. We live next to each other and have meals together most of the time.”
“What your dad is asking is if you two are screwing,” Brian said bluntly.
“Brian, shut up.” Justin shoved his shoulder so he was out of camera view. “Aaron, I was not asking that. I just get the feeling that you are more content then you have been in a long while.”
Aaron smiled, “I guess I am. Who would have thought I’d find myself back in Africa.”
Brian popped back into frame and Justin said, “We’re happy for you, Aaron. We just want you to find what you want in life.”
After talking about Jessi’s upcoming trip they soon said goodbye. Justin glared at Brian after the call ended. “Really, Brian? Our son hasn’t been able to build any real relationships in four years and when he finally does, you ask them if they are fucking?”
“I didn’t say fucking. You’re not really mad at me, are you?” Brian tried to kiss his neck but Justin pushed him away.
“Sometimes, Brian, I wonder how I could still be with you after 30 years.” Justin tried to keep a straight face but as Brian got on his knees in front of him and he started to unzip Justin’s fly, Justin tipped Brian’s head back and kissed him. “Damn, it’s that face. You know you’re stuck with me,” he said as he dropped back giving Brian full access to his now exposed cock.
“So are you excited to see Jessi?” Remmi asked as he sat a plate in front of Aaron.
Aaron smiled, nodded at the plate of food, and said, “Thanks, I appreciate you making dinner. I know it was my turn.”
“You had enough to do tonight. I can come over and help you with the last minute stuff if you would like me to.”
“I think all I have left to do is put on the clean sheets.”
“Well, I’ll help you. It is always easier to do that with two.”
“What would I do without you, Rem? You are always ready to help.”
Remmie almost added, I always will be, but he stopped himself. “Have you decided who’s sleeping where?”
“I’ll give her the bedroom but who knows. I don’t expect we will get a lot of sleep in the first 48 hours. I hope she gets to stay the full two weeks but I doubt it. She is really excited to come out to the farms with me. I have told her she needs to get permission to take photos.”
“Most of them will be fine with it.” Remmie said as he ate the last bite. “Did you have enough dinner? There is still some on the stove.”
“No, I’ve had enough. As always, it was really good.” Aaron said, touching his hand. “Want me to help with the dishes?”
“No, let’s go get your place ready for Jessi and then I will take care of the kitchen.”
They walked out of Remmie’s door and into Aaron’s. The place looked great. He had fresh flowers on the table and the pillows were fluffed and he had picked up a couple new throws he thought Jessi would like to have. “Julian, I can really…”
“Let’s get that bed made. Then maybe we can open a bottle of wine. If she’s not coming until tomorrow do you want to wait until then to put on the fresh sheets?”
“No, I’m planning on sleeping on the couch tonight. It could actually be the day after tomorrow before she gets here.”
Remmie almost told him she would be here early tomorrow. She had texted him that afternoon and she had arrived in Tanzania and she would be here before noon. He linked his arm with Aaron’s and they moved into the bedroom. As Aaron shook out the bottom sheet a stray pillowcase popped up and hit Remmie in the face. “Oops,” Aaron smirked.
“So that’s the way it’s going to be, huh?” Remmie grabbed the edge of the sheet and did a sharp yank throwing Aaron off balance and at the same time he slipped and the next thing they knew both of them were rolling around on the mattress getting the sheet wrapped around both of them as Julian reached over to hug Aaron when they both jumped.
“Is there room on that monkey pile for one more or am I interrupting something?” Jessi stood in the door for just a second before taking a couple steps and flinging herself into her brother’s now open arms.
“What are you doing here? I mean you weren’t supposed to be here before tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.”
After kissing both of Aaron’s cheeks she looked over at Remmie. “You must be the famous Julian Remington and you can keep a secret!” She scooted off of Aaron and nestled between the two men. She leaned over and kissed Remmie’s cheeks as well. “No one told me you were so cute!” she elbowed Aaron. “Of course, walking in on what I did maybe…”
“You saw two grown men acting like 10 year olds. I’m afraid that’s all,” was Remmie’s response. “And now, I will leave you two to catch up and I will impose myself again tomorrow.”
“Julian, you can stay,” Aaron said as Remmie walked to the door.
“I know I could, and I appreciate that, but I will have lots of time to get to know your beautiful sister.”
Aaron pulled Jessi close, “So Julian knew you would be here tonight?”
“No, but he knew I was in country. The couple pictures I have seen of Remmie didn’t do him justice. He is lushious. You two aren’t together are you? Do I have any chance with him?”
“Julian loves love. He is bi.”about him but tonight, we need to make this bed and then open a bottle of something and talk about everything wonderful that has happened to both of us since we last saw each other.”
“I have missed you so much, bro. I love you.”
“Does that mean you and he are…” Jessi looked hopefully at him. “You do know that Teddy…”
“Please, Jess, I have come a long way when it comes to Teddy and I do want to talk with you
Aaron kissed her forehead and stood up, offering her his hand. As Aaron tossed one end of the sheet to her, he smiled, remembering how he and Remmie had ended up on the bed in the first place.
“What was that smile for?” Jessi asked him as she caught the edge of the material.
“That’s how Julian and I ended up on the bed. I wasn’t ready for a tug and he lost his balance and we ended up in the mess you walked into.” They both tucked their corners in as they talked and then they finished with the top sheet and a blanket.
Soon they were sitting in the living room, each with a glass of Kaniyagi mixed with soda. “Whoa, this stuff carries a punch. I like it.”
“When I first got here I drank way too much of it. If it wasn’t for Remmi, I’d be the drunk vet that stumbled out in emergencies.”
“Tell me about him. He is more beautiful in person than his pictures.” Jess drained her glass and pulled a joint out of somewhere, lighting it and passing it to Aaron. “I may need to get to know that very handsome doctor as long as you don’t have a claim.”
Aaron had never been a big pot smoker. He usually didn’t like the loss of control he felt but he took in the smoke and held it until he felt his head start to drift away. He listened to his sister go on about his best friend. His best friend? Teddy was his best friend, wasn’t he? Could he have another best friend? Aaron opened his eyes and smiled over at Jessi who was taking another deep breath in.
“Hey, bro, I love seeing you smile.” She tapped out the roach and wrapped her arms around Aaron. “You know we were all worried about you. I know Teddy was one of a kind but it has been four years. You can’t stop living because he did.” Jessi knew she would have never said that if she wasn’t stoned and Aaron would have stopped her if he wasn’t high as a kite. Aaron leaned his head against hers and started crying softly. “Ah, Aaron, I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“I’m not sad. In fact, I am having a great time here in Africa. I’m just… He doesn’t come to me at night anymore. I mean, I’m sleeping all night but when I wake up … I don’t want him to think I have forgotten him.”
“Teddy would be telling you he was well loved but now it is time for you to move on and find someone new to share what you have to offer. I would say go out there and play but I know that isn’t you. Hell, it is my goal to meet as many fascinating people as I can and if we end up in bed, let’s just say I’m not sleeping alone too often.” Aaron opened his mouth but she held up her hand, “Don’t ask. Yes, I am always careful with the sex and where I have it.”
“You better.” Jessi yawned and he could tell she was fighting to keep her eyes open. “Time for you to get some sleep. Your body probably doesn’t even know what time zone it is in.”
“It doesn’t matter what time it is. I’m with my brother.”
Aaron stood and pulled Jessi up to her feet. “Take the bed. I’m going to sleep on the sofa. Sleep as long as you like. If I happen to be gone, check next door. I’ll either be there or Remmie will know where I am.”
“Jessi is really stunning,” Julian said as he handed the coffee to Aaron and sat down next to him on the front porch steps.
“Don’t get any ideas. Even though I know sex is her favorite pastime, I couldn’t be your friend anymore if you did.”
“I can understand that.” Without thinking about it, Remmie reached up and brushed his fingers through Aaron’s hair, helping it lay flat.
“I know. I haven’t combed my hair. I didn’t want to wake Jess up by going into the bathroom.” Without saying anything more, Julian reached over again and brushed his fingers through the other side of Aaron’s hair. Aaron tilted his head and smiled at him and after their eyes locked for a moment, they both brought their coffee to their lips and took a sip.
Jessi stood in the door and watched the interaction. She wondered if Aaron knew Julian was in love with him. Last night she had thought about trying to hook up with this tall, beautiful man but now she knew his heart was already taken. She may enjoy her sex life but she did her best not to impact someone’s heart. She hoped Aaron’s heart had healed enough to accept someone new. She had become fond of Remmie through their texts and calls. He would fit into the Taylor-Kinney very well. “You got another mug of that stuff? I don’t see any over here.”
Remmie stood and gave her a quick hug and light kiss on her cheek. “Good morning, lovely. Let me get you a cup.”
Aaron stood and gave his sister a hug. “Did you sleep well?”
“I did. Once I hit the bed I was out and I just woke up a few minutes ago. By the way, does Remmie always smell that good in the morning.”
“He does,” Aaron didn’t realize he had smiled when he had said it but Jess noticed it.
“So what are we doing today?” Jess asked as Remmie handed her the fresh brew.
“Julian told me about a place about an hour away that will probably have some herds of animals.”
“A safari? Give me time to drink this and then a second while I dress.”
“You guys can have the range rover. I don’t need it.”
“Aren’t you coming with us?” Jessi and Aaron said simultaneously.
“I just figured the two of you would like time alone. I didn’t want to impose myself.”
"You are coming with us,” Jessi replied immediately.
Remmie looked at Aaron, waiting for his response. "You are always welcome, Julian.”
“Ok, I do need to run out to a patient but I should be back in a half hour, an hour at the most. Does that work?”
“That is perfect. It will give me enough time for a shower.” With that Jessi strode into Remmie’s place to fill her mug.
It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. The three companions spent the day traveling throughTanzania's Rubondo Island National Park. Because they hadn’t planned ahead at first they thought they would be limited to an observation area but after Jessi flirted with one of the guides who was taking a group out a little later, they were allowed to join the group. Jessi promised to share her photographs with the safari company when they returned.
By the end of the day they were all tired and energized at the same time. The whole way back they talked about all the animals they had seen. Somehow they managed to see all of the big five; lion, rhino, leopard, buffalo, and elephant. They saw several other herds of gazelle and so many different species of animals they couldn’t name them.
Both Aaron and Julian were quiet the last half hour as Jessi continued to chatter as she looked at the photos she had taken. Aaron’s head bobbed a couple times while Julian focused on getting them home.
As the village came into view, Aaron woke as Jessi said, “What are we doing tomorrow? I don’t know how we could beat today!”
Julian glanced at Aaron who met his eyes and they both rolled them. “Jess, how do you always have so much energy? All I can do is think about sleeping until noon.”
“I don’t have time to waste. I don’t have that long here and my publisher could call me out any time.”
“Well, let’s plan locally tomorrow,” Remmie suggested. “There is a lot to see locally.”
“Ok, that’s fine. Do you guys have food at your places? I’m starving.”
“Luckily there is goat stew I got this morning on my visit before we left. In half an hour it should be steaming hot,” Remmie said.
“I will mix up some flat bread to eat with it. I can get that done in 30 minutes,” Aaron added.
“You know what? You two make a great team.” Jessi said just as the Range Rover pulled up in front of their places.
While the men assembled dinner, Jessi took a shower and when she returned, Aaron had put his bread in the oven and went to rinse off himself leaving Jessi with Remmie.
“Have you told him you love him?” she asked.
Julian looked at her. He hesitated for a moment and then said, “He isn’t ready for that. He has only lightened up since our trip to that cottage. I think it was the brownies that got him to loosen up enough for him to tell me all about Teddy. I encourage him to talk about their life together. I know he won’t forget about him. He shouldn’t but I hope he realizes he can love again.”
Jessi wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was more than a simple kiss but she soon stepped back. “Sorry, but I have wanted to kiss you since I got here. I know your heart is taken and I hope, for both of you, Aaron realizes what he has.”
The next 10 days Jessi soaked in all of Tanzania that she could. She went along on visits with Aaron and saw how he worked. She had seen him with the animals on the ranch but here, it wasn’t only the animals he calmed and ministered to. His interaction with the people made her prouder of her brother than she had ever been. Sometimes he couldn’t even speak their language but somehow he communicated his true concern and kindness. He was an amazing vet. He was just an amazing human.
Now Jessi’s visit was almost done. Wednesday evening Jessi said, “So, guys, I talked to my friend that owns that cabin we were supposed to use and it is free this weekend. I thought maybe we could all go up and the two of you could drop me off in the city so I can catch my flight on Monday.”
“If you have to leave, that sounds like a great send off,” Remmie said as they ate dinner on the front porch. “However, I can’t leave this weekend. I have a patient that I expect will deliver in the next few days and she has had trouble in the past so I will just say goodbye to you on Thursday and, Aaron, you can pick up our supplies we need at the Institute before coming back on Monday.”
“I guess it is just the two of us, little sis.”
Friday morning Aaron loaded the food baskets into the back of the Range Rover while Jessi put her bags in the back. They also loaded a box that Aaron would send to their dads after he dropped her off at the airport. They had both picked up some things they thought they would like. It would probably get there before Christmas but they didn’t care.
The trip took longer than the last time Aaron had gone there. Jessi kept stopping him so she could take more pictures. She had already sold several of the pictures she had taken on safari and the views on the way to the lake were spectacular.
Once they arrived at the cabin, Jessi was heading down the steps toward the lake before Aaron had the groceries put away. “Jess, you can’t go down there! There are crocs everywhere.”
“You don’t think I’m going to let a chance to photograph them slip by, do you?” She looked at him like she had so many times in their lives. She was always the brave one and he was always the cautious one.
“Fine, but at least wait until I can be a lookout for you.”
As she waited she said, “You know, bro, I’m not sure I would still be on this planet if it wasn’t for you. I know more than once you got me out of a close call with the bison.”
“I think you would have somehow charmed them into complacency,” he said as he walked over and draped an arm around her shoulders. “I wish Gus could have come to visit. I miss him.”
“I do, too, but he and Fi are busy with their own family now. Fi is too pregnant to fly and of course Gus isn’t going to take a chance he would miss the birth. Are you ready to check out the crocodiles?”
Aaron was fascinated watching the crocodiles as Jessi took hundreds of pictures, first of Aaron’s new intrigue and then of other scenery and nature that surrounded them. They found a safe perch, first near the water line but then on the deck. When the light was gone, they heated up some leftover stew Aaron had brought along. After sharing a brownie from the freezer, they went to bed.
Saturday and Sunday they went out exploring. They had researched a couple small villages in the area and each day they went to visit one of them. They picked up a few trinkets but mainly Jessi took pictures. She loved seeing the local way of dress and the day to day interactions among the residents. The second day she picked up on some similarities but she also noticed the differences between the two communities.
“Let’s go back to the cabin, Aaron. I have taken enough pictures and,” she took Aaron’s arm and laid her head on his shoulder, “it just hit me that in less than 24 hours I will be on my way to another continent and I don’t know when I will see you again.”
Aaron didn’t say anything but put his hand over hers on his arm and moved in the direction of the car.
Later that evening they stood side by side in the kitchen. They were both deep in thought. Jessi chopped vegetables for a salad while Aaron put together a sauce for pasta and prepped some steaks. Once the food was ready they sat down to eat their meal.
They talked until late in the night as they continued drinking wine and then got out the brownies from the freezer. At some point they called their dads who were out on the ranch watching a herd of bison be culled. “What have the two of you been taking and how much of it have you had?”
“Awe, Daddy B, it is just high quality weed and good wine.”
“Well, little girl, I am sure you know it is much better to fly without a hangover.”
“Yes, Daddy. You and Daddy J. need to start planning a trip over here. I’ll be stopping by Colorado after my next assignment. It will probably be around Christmas. I think you should come here right after the holidays.”
“Dads, I would love that. You will love it here. You’ll love Remmie.” Aaron's words trailed off, his mind lost in thought.
“Little girl, take care of your brother,” Justin said.
“I will, Daddy. He is such a lightweight.” Jessi looked over at Aaron who was now leaning back on a chair with his eyes firmly closed. “How much do you know about Remmie?”
“We know he has been good for your brother.”
“He’s in love with him and I think Aaron loves him, too, but he isn’t quite ready for that.”
“Is he worthy of Aaron?” Brian asked.
“That isn’t the way to ask, Brian! What he means is, would he give Aaron what he needs?”
“Oh, yes, Dads. Julian is wonderful and he is all that Aaron could ask for.”
“Tell your brother we love you both,” Brian and Justin said.
They finished the call and Jessi helped Aaron to bed.
The next morning, Aaron and Jessi loaded the vehicle and headed to the city. As Aaron pulled over to the curb, he moved around to the passenger side and got Jessi’s bag for her. As she hugged him tightly for several moments she spoke to him softly, “Aaron, it’s time to let love in. Julian loves you. Don’t waste any more time.” She stepped back and took her bags from Aaron. “I love you, Aaron. Bring that man to visit me in Asia sometime.”
“I love you, too, Jessi. Remember, Julian and I are just friends.”
“Teddy started as a friend, too. I’ll see both of you in Asia.” She turned and ran into the terminal as her flight was being announced.
As Aaron pulled out into traffic he thought about Jessi’s words. She was right. He and Teddy had been friends long before they were lovers. If it was meant to be with Julian, it would take time, a lot of time.