Chapter 6
“Aaron?” A female voice reached Aaron’s ears.
Aaron thought he was dreaming but when he felt a hand on his arm, he jumped to a sitting position and said, “Julian!”
“Julian is fine, Aaron. I just talked to the nurse.” Jessa, his first friend in the country, sat next to him and hugged him.
“Oh, Jessa, thanks for coming. How did you know I was here?”
“The whole compound has been up, waiting to hear about the two of you. As soon as I got word you had landed here, I took a car and drove over. How is Julian doing? It sounded pretty serious.”
“I’m most worried about his head. He definitely has a concussion and he is sure his clavicle is broken. He also was having trouble talking because he hit his throat on the steering wheel.” Aaron felt he had to stand. He was having difficulty focusing on anything. “You talked to the nurse. Where is Julian? Are they still running tests? What time is it?”
Jessa stood and put an arm around his shoulders, “Take a couple of deep breaths. Do you want something to calm your nerves?”
Aaron stopped and took a couple slow breaths. “I’m sorry. I know I am being erratic.”
“You are just sleep deprived and worried. The nurse said Julian was done with tests and is sleeping soundly right now. In about half an hour the results will be ready and then they will decide what the next step is.” She guided him back to the sofa to sit down. “Julian will probably need to stay here for a few days.”
“Once I know he is Ok, I will need to go back to the village.”
“You will stay at the compound for a couple days. Remember I’m the psychologist. You need some time to decompress. You have been through a stressful situation, too. I told them to get the visiter’s quarters ready. There happen to be two open next to each other.”
“We only need one, Jessa. I’m not letting him stay alone.”
“Aaron, these are only single bedroom apartments, remember.”
Aaron looked at her and said, “One bed is enough.”
“But…Oooh…” she smiled, “I’m happy for you. You’ve addressed your life with Teddy?” Aaron looked at her quizzically. “I’m sorry. It’s probably none of my business but I am a therapist. I can’t help myself.”
“I’m working through that. When my sister was here we had some good conversations and Teddy would want me to move on.”
“Yes, he would. Now you need something to eat. Close your eyes for a few minutes while I find a sandwich for you and some coffee, or whatever I can find for you to eat in this place.”
By the time he could go back to Julian, Aaron had eaten and, thanks to a kind orderly, had taken a quick shower and put on some clean scrubs that had been located for him. As the nurse walked him back to Julian’s room, she informed him that Mr. Remington would be released into his care. “You are a doctor?” the nurse asked.
“Yes but I’m a vet, not a medical doctor.”
“Well, we have been assured by the patient that you will be able to assist him with his care.”
“I will gladly take on that responsibility.” Aaron stopped next to the nurse who then pointed at a door. Aaron thanked her and pushed open the door to Remmie. He wanted to go and kiss him but they were in a public hospital. Instead he walked to the side of the bed where he was sitting on the edge, wearing scrubs similar to his own attire. Aaron took Julian’s hand and squeezed it gently but then let it go.
“Julian, how are you feeling? How’s your shoulder? Do you have a headache?”
“They have me patched together. Are we going back to the village? The doctor said I could.”
“Remmie, they have you on pain meds, right?”
“I’m rambling aren’t I?” Remmie smiled at Aaron’s kind face.
Aaron placed his hand on Julian’s good shoulder, “Just slow down and let me take care of you. We are staying at the agency compound tonight and then we can decide tomorrow whether you are up to the trip back.”
“Julian, you were right about your friend. He obviously has a good head on his shoulders.” A young doctor stood in the doorway. He introduced himself to Aaron and shook his hand. “He definitely needs to stay in the city today. If the pain stays under control tonight, you can make the drive back tomorrow.”
“Thanks, doctor. Do I need to pick up medication or anything?” Aaron asked.
“Stop at the front desk and they will have everything written out for you. Of course our patient should know what to do and not do but I have it written up for you because doctors are bad at following directions.”
With Jessa’s assistance, Aaron helped get Remmie to the apartment that had been prepared for them. As soon as she made sure they had everything they needed she said goodnight and left the men alone. She could tell that both men were tired and she had a feeling that the two of them needed time together. Although she was curious, she didn’t ask questions on the trip from the hospital. She hoped they would trust her with the whole story sometime but tonight was not the time.
Once they were alone, Aaron sat next to Julian and, very gently, put an arm around Julian’s shoulders and when Julian looked at him, Aaron kissed him. It was so soft Julian wondered if their lips were actually making contact but as a current of electricity sizzled between them, he no longer doubted the contact.
When Aaron pulled back, he said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. You need food and then you need to go to bed.”
“Are you coming to bed with me?” Julian’s voice was still raspy but he had a glint in his eye.
“Ah, Julian, I will be sharing your bed but sleep is the only thing that is going on tonight. You are too injured to think about that for several days and tonight I think we are both too tired to do anything but sleep.” Aaron kissed Julian once more before he stood up and said, “Let me go see what they have for us for dinner.”
Aaron found some ground meat made into burgers, along with a rice dish which was filled with vegetables. Fifteen minutes later, when Aaron had the food on the table he found Julian asleep where he was sitting. He bent and kissed Julian’s forehead. “Julian, dinner is ready.”
“It smells good,” he said softly. “Help me up?”
After supporting Julian as he got up, Aaron put his arm around Julian’s waist and guided him to the table. There was little conversation as they ate. Aaron encouraged Julian to eat a little more but, as Julian’s eyes began to flutter shut, Aaron stood and helped Julian stand up and then walked him to the bedroom.
“I’m sorry,” Julian whispered. “You made dinner and I didn’t eat much.”
Aaron helped him lie down and as he pulled off Remmie’s shoes, he said, “You need sleep as much as you need nutrition.” Next he tugged off the pants of the scrubs and finally he untied the top of the scrubs and gently slipped it off of his shoulders. When he saw Remmie cringe, he slowed the moments. “I’m sorry. I’m trying not to hurt you.”
Remmie reached over and touched Aaron’s cheek. “The only way you could hurt me is to tell me you don’t love me.”
Aaron tossed the shirt to the side and kissed him before saying, “I love you, Julian. That isn’t going to change. Now,” he tucked pillows around Remmie and, pulling a thin blanket up over him, he said, “I need to clean up the kitchen and then I will come join you.” Remmie coughed and Aaron said, “I’ll bring you some water, too.”
Upon moving into the bedroom, Aaron wasn’t surprised to see Julian sleeping in the exact position he had been in when Aaron had left him. As promised he had brought a couple glasses of water with him and set them on the table next to his side of the bed. Aaron was fairly sure Julian would need a painkiller sometime in the middle of the night.
Aaron laid down next to Julian and soon gave into the exhaustion of the last 24 plus hours. As he drifted off his subconscious realized how much he had missed the feel of someone next to him.
Julian woke around 2:00 am. His head and shoulder had begun to throb but he could see Aaron was asleep and he didn’t want to wake him. He watched Aaron’s eyes fluttering and wondered if Aaron was dreaming about him, or were all his visions still about Teddy.
Julian didn’t have to wonder for long. He heard Aaron whisper the name ‘Teddy’ under his breath. “It’s Ok, my love. As long as I have you in my life, whatever you have for me is enough.”
In his dream, Aaron and Teddy were at Spirit Pass Ranch. They were having a picnic overlooking the herd of bison. Aaron thanked Teddy for helping him find Julian. “Teddy, I still love you. I will always love you.”
Teddy replied, “You loved me well, Aary. You gave me everything I could possibly have needed or wanted. But it is now time for me to leave you. I can rest now that I know you have found someone new to love. Build a life with Julian. He loves you as much as I do.”
“Teddy, I don’t want you to go. I can’t imagine being without you.”
Teddy reached out and touched Aaron’s chest right where his heart is and said, “I know I will always have a small part of your heart but it is time for Julian to protect the rest of it.” Teddy’s voice and image faded away just as Aaron realized someone was actually touching his chest.
“Aaron, I hate to wake you but I could use some medication,” Julian said as he touched Aaron’s chest.
Aaron’s reflex was to put space between the hand and his chest but then he realized he didn’t want to and he didn’t need to. There was nothing wrong with him being in bed with Julian. He smiled at Remmie, “Sure, let me get some for you. Close your eyes if you don’t want to see the bright light. He hesitated a moment and then turned on the bed lamp. He got two of the pills out of the bottle and picked up one of the glasses of water. He walked around the bed and set the medication and the water down before helping Julian sit up a little bit. “Here you go,” Aaron said as he popped the pill into Julian’s mouth and then he brought the water glass up to his lips.
Since they were both awake Aaron helped him to the bathroom and then got him resettled before getting back into bed himself.
Julian watched Aaron get in bed next to him and before Aaron could lay down, Julian stretched his arm out so Aaron would move closer to him. Aaron laid his head on Julian’s arm and softly said, “Is the pill kicking in?”
“You are so gorgeous.”
Aaron smiled and said, “I guess it is.”
“Aaron, it is feeling better but that isn’t why I said you were gorgeous. Are you alright? I put you through a lot.”
“You didn’t do anything on purpose. You were doing your job.” Aaron kissed Julian. “I’m so glad you are alright.”
“You didn’t answer my question, you know. How are you? You already lost Teddy and you had to wonder about me.”
“It’s over. We’re here together. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“You were talking to Teddy in your sleep.” Julian ran his fingers through Aaron’s hair, brushing it away from his face. “Did my accident stir up some memories?”
“Let’s sleep now and in the morning I have a story to tell you.” Aaron pulled the blanket up around Julian and his own shoulder before saying, “I love you, Julian.”
“I love you, too.” Julian’s voice was now drifting off and moments later Aaron heard the constant, deep breathing coming from beside him.
When Aaron got up he was surprised to see a note on the front door, facing inward so he could read it from the living room. It said, ‘Hey, guys, hope you got some rest. Step outside and you will find a basket with your breakfast waiting.’ Aaron opened the door and, instantly, smelled fresh bread and some kind of meat. Carrying the basket into the house, he could see several eggs in the bottom as well as the bread and a crock of the meat he smelled.
As he removed the food from the basket he put the crock in a warm oven and took a pan out to make the eggs later. As he turned on the coffee pot he heard a groan from the bedroom. “I’m coming, Julian. Don’t get up without my…” Aaron entered the bedroom and found Julian walking toward the bathroom.
“I’m ok. I’m not nearly as dizzy this morning.”
As Julian entered the bathroom Aaron asked, “Do you need help?”
“Do you want to hold it for me?” Julian winked at him. Aaron flushed at the thought of being intimate with him. Julian touched Aaron’s cheek. “I’ll call if I need your help. I think I might need help washing up later.”
“Call if you need me. I’ll finish breakfast.”
Aaron was cracking the last egg into the frying pan when Julian came out. Julian was wearing shorts and a thin film of sweat over his exposed chest. “Julian, do you have a fever?” Aaron asked with concern moving near him to check his forehead.
“No, love. It took a lot of effort for me to get these shorts on.” He took Aaron’s hand in his good one. “I didn’t think sitting in my briefs would be a good idea.”
Aaron’s eyes drifted below Julian’s waist and it was obvious even Aaron’s gaze was having an effect on him. Aaron turned away and moved back to the stove. “Have a seat. Jessa dropped breakfast off for us.”
“I was wondering how you managed all this. I didn’t think you got up at 5:00.”
“No, they are watching out for us.”
“Can we go home today?” Julian asked.
“Are you sure you are up to that? They have flown another doctor into our village that is taking care of things.”
“I want to go home. If you are up to the drive. You can give me extra meds for the shoulder. My head is much better which means I am healing.” Aaron had been loading Julian’s plate as he talked. Aaron was happy when Julian started eating right away. “Damn, I didn’t realize I was so hungry. This is really good.”
Aaron took a bite of the sausage that had been in the crock. “This is good. I’m not sure what it is but it has just the right amount of spice in it.” They both ate in relative silence until their plates were nearly cleared and Aaron filled their mugs again and buttered another slice of bread, handing it to Julian.
Julian set the bread down and took Aaron’s hand. “Tell me the story.”
Aaron told Julian about his journey to find him in the storm. “Everytime I wasn’t sure which way to go, Teddy guided me. At one point I heard him as if he was in the vehicle with me. He told me it was time for me to move on.”
“You saw him again last night, in your dreams.” Remmie said it with no judgment.
Teddy was saying goodbye. Aaron reached over and put his hand on top of Remmies, “Julian, he told me he knew how much I loved him but now it is time to love you.” Aaron moved toward Julian and kissed him. It started out slow and sweet but as it continued, the kiss deepened when Aaron put a hand on either side of Julian’s head. After another moment, Julian pulled away.
“Damn! I want so much more but today…I just can’t love you the way I want to and I’m not going to do a half ass job. When it is right, I want that whole gorgeous ass.”
“I shouldn’t have done that. Obviously, you aren’t up to more today.
“Oh, trust me, the getting up part wasn’t a problem. Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of it.”
“I could help you…” Aaron started reaching for Julian’s shorts.
“No, Aaron.” He took both his hands. “As much as I would enjoy that, I don’t think this head,” he pointed to one of the bruises on his head, “is quite ready for that.”
“Of course, I should have thought of that. Should I let Jessa know we are staying another day?”
“No, Aaron. I want to go home. I want to get back where we belong.”
“Ok, do you want me to help you wash up?”
Julian stood up slowly, “I’ll wash my face. I’ll just get all dusty on the trip home. Then maybe I could take a bath easier than a shower if you’ll help me get out when I’ve soaked for a while.”
Aaron slipped an arm around his waist and kissed him. “I think I can manage that. Too bad we aren’t at the ranch. My dads have a tub that comfortably holds two. One time when they were out of town and Teddy was visiting the ranch, we just had to see if it really was big enough to…” Aaron looked at Julian’s face. “I’m sorry. You don’t want to hear stories about Teddy and me.”
It was Julian’s turn to press his lips against Aaron’s. “Aaron, Teddy helped make you who you are. Without him in your life, we have no idea what you would have done with your life. And I think a trip to the ranch sounds wonderful!”
“I think that can be arranged. When our year is up with this program we could go back there. I know Terry has been trying to slow down. Remember I told you about our friend who is a doctor and flew to different clinics in Colorado?”
“I do remember but, I am not a pilot.”
“He doesn’t fly around as much anymore. The program is run differently but I am sure there would be something for you there and I can always find work on the ranch.”
“That sounds like something for us to talk about after making love. Damn, I can’t even think about being with you like that without getting a hardon.” Julian glanced down at his shorts and saw how his cock was straining against the material. “I’m going to go wash up,” he said and turned and walked into the bedroom.
Aaron watched him walk into the bathroom before picking up the plates on the table. As he washed and dried them he couldn’t stop smiling. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this. He knew he was in love with Julian and he knew the feeling was mutual.
An hour later, Julian was sleeping in the back seat as Aaron drove away from the city.