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Chapter 8 

After the weekend at the lake, the doctor and his veterinarian had no doubts about their relationship.  They belonged together.  They knew they had to be careful as long as they were in Tanzania. After having dinner together each evening they went their separate ways. They felt like hypocrites. Neither was ashamed of their relationship, but in this country, they could legally be arrested for loving each other.  Neither of them wanted that so they waited until the lights in the village homes went out and then they would meet at the designated house for the night.

Right after Christmas Julian’s parents came to visit. Julian’s parents fell in love with Aaron immediately.  They could instantly see that their son was happier than he had ever been before. Julian had never been one to settle but, although they weren’t excited their son was moving to Colorado, at least they knew Colorado was much more accessible than most of the places Julian had traveled to.

Brian and Justin were already very fond of Julian.  They could hear the change in Aaron’s voice and anyone that could make him happy was welcome on the ranch. The timing for their return to the States was perfect.  Terry and Griff, Brian and Justin’s partners at work, were moving back to Hawkin’s Island where their son, Elian, was now living. Elian had been living there since he finished college.  He had gotten married and was going to be a first-time father soon. Terry and Griff couldn’t wait to be grandpas. This freed up their house on the ranch.  If they decided to stay, they could either remodel that house or they could find a location to build something new. 

As the time to move was getting close, Julian and Aaron constantly talked about Spirit Pass. Julian would ask question after question while Aaron told stories about his childhood for hours.  They were going to spend two weeks in London at the Remington’s before taking the trip to their new home in Colorado.

Julian loved showing Aaron around his city.  They strolled the streets of London, hand in hand during the day and, in the evening, they usually spent time with Julian’s parents. Aaron really liked the Remington’s.  They were totally the opposite of his dads except when it came to loving their children.

One afternoon when they were just hanging out at Julian’s sister Victoria’s house, Julian walked up behind Aaron who was making homemade bread with his sister. He put his arms around Aaron’s waist and said, “Dad called. He asked if I could come to his office and then I’ll come back at the end of his day.”

“Sure, Julian. You didn’t want me to come along, did you? My bread…” Aaron said.

“No, it would just be boring for you.  I know a lot of Dad’s coworkers and, I guess Dad wants to show me off or something.”

Aaron turned and kissed him, “Let your dad show you off.  I will finish my bread and,” Aaron looked at Victoria, “I’d love to make dinner tonight.”

“I would love that, Aaron. Julian, you better keep treating this man the way we taught you.  If you screw it up, I might keep him and send you packing.” She turned and looped her arm in Julian’s. Turning to Aaron she said, “I’ll be right back.  I’m going to give Julian a list of errands to do for me.”

As soon as they got out of earshot Victoria asked, “Do you have everything planned?”

“Not yet but by the time I come home I hope I have everything worked out.  Now, I need to get going.  I told Dad I would need an office for a couple hours and Brian and Justin are expecting me to contact them in half an hour so I better get moving or I won’t be ready for the video call. Thanks for keeping Aaron entertained.” He kissed his sister on the cheek.

“You may think I was kidding but I love your man. I can see why you love him.”

Knowing Aaron was in good hands he made his way to his dad’s office.  There was a room available for him and the computer was already unlocked for him. Soon he was looking at the handsome faces of Aaron’s dads. “I am so glad you could make this work for you.”

Brian yawned and lifted up his cup of coffee. “It is pretty early but we are usually up around now.”

Justin smiled at the camera and said, “We were a little surprised you asked for this call since you are going to be here in, what is it, four days?”

“I will understand if you can’t make this work but …”

“Spit it out, Remmie,” Brian said before draining his mug.

“I want to marry your son.  We arrive the day before his birthday and I want to propose to him the night we get there and get married the next day.”

“Oh, Julian, I think that is wonderful. We both do, don’t we, Bri.”

Now Brian did smile genuinely, “You make him happy. That’s all we ask for him. So, sunshine, do you think we can get a wedding planned in four days?”

“I think with Fi’s help we can manage. We won’t be able to get a marriage license without you here but you can take care of that once you are settled in.” Julian smiled through the camera as he saw Jessi walking up behind her fathers. 

“Jessi is going to be pissed she missed it,” Justin said just as Jessi put one hand on the shoulder of each of her dads.

Once all the hugs and kisses were done and they sat down, Jessi perched on Brian’s lap and said, “Remmie and I have been talking about this  since he came up with this idea. I knew I had to be home for this. I told him about Gus and Fi’s wedding.  I am thinking, since this is a surprise, it might work to have the wedding on the plateau that looks over the valley.  We will be able to start setting it up without Aaron seeing it the minute they pull up.”

The four of them spoke for several more minutes making plans. As they wound up the call, Brian commented, “We have plenty of room for your parents to stay.”

“Thank you for that,” Julian said. “My sister, Victoria, is planning on coming as well. 

“The more the merrier,” Justin said.  “Have your parents text me the flight plans and we will make sure there is a car waiting for them.  I don’t think it will work for one of us to meet the plane but we’ll set something up for them.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you.” Julian stated as they said goodbye and ended the call.

Aaron and Victoria spent the afternoon in the kitchen putting dinner together and getting to know each other. After Aaron pulled the bread out of the oven and set it on a rack to cool, Victoria handed him a glass of wine and said, “Let’s sit a few minutes.  We have everything ready. Let’s sit for a few minutes.” They sat at a small table in the breakfast nook. Aaron didn’t say anything as he stared out the window.  Victoria saw the faraway look on his face. “What’s bothering you, Aaron.  I know I’m not your sister but if you want to talk..”

Aaron reached over and touched her hand, “I’m sorry. I’m being a bad guest.”

“What has you thinking so hard?”

“Do you think Julian is really with your dad?”

Victoria responded, “Where else would he be?”

“I’m really not the type that needs him to be at my side all the time but I guess I would want him to come along with me to meet family friends. He isn’t embarrassed of me is he?”

“Oh, Aaron, how could he be embarrassed by you?”

“Well, the other option is he is with an old girlfriend of something.” Aaron shook his head and then said, “I don’t know why I said that.  I think it is because I love him so much and I lost my first love and I don’t think my heart…”

“You don’t have to worry about that.  My brother has never loved before so I know he has no one else he would ever want to be with.”

Aaron seemed to relax after Victoria said that. He picked up the wine and took a sip. “Thanks for that. I don’t know why I was thinking that. It just feels like he’s hiding something.  This morning he was texting someone and the minute he saw me he looked guilty and stuck his phone in his pocket.”

“Have you ever had a reason not to trust him?”

Aaron sat there a moment and then said, “No, I haven’t. I am just being dumb.” Aaron’s phone vibrated and he looked at it, “Well, it looks like we need to put dinner in the oven.  Julian will be here in about half an hour.”  Aaron’s phone buzzed again and he looked at it.  His face softened ad he smiled.

“What was that?” Aaron held up his phone so Victoria could read it. Julian had texted once more and it just said, ‘Love you.’ 

Aaron message back, ‘Love you, too.’ He stood and walked around to Victoria and hugged her. “Thanks for not calling me silly.”

“Aaron, is everyone in your family as sweet as you are?”

“Sweet? I am definitely the most introverted of all of us but my dads were always helping people if they could and we never doubted how much our family loves us.”

“I can’t wait to meet them.” Victoria caught herself and added the word, “someday.”

“You can come and visit us in Colorado any time. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll put the lasagna in the oven.”

When Julian arrived he wrapped his arms around Aaron and by the time the kiss ended, Aaron had totally forgotten his doubts. The dinner conversation was lighthearted as they ate a salad, bread sticks, and the lasagna Aaron had made. Victoria and Julian had a similar rapport to Aaron and Jessi.  Aaron loved hearing their banter and it made him miss Jessi.

After the three of them cleaned up the kitchen, they played a couple card games before Julian and Aaron said goodbye to her. Aaron noticed the two whispered a bit before they left to Julian’s parents’ house. Aaron extended an invitation for Victoria to visit anytime.

As Aaron and Julian lay in bed later that evening, Aaron curled up against Julian as his hand tracked Julian’s treasure trail. “Julian, this afternoon I had to have Victoria reassure me that you really were with your dad and then the two of you whispering before we left her house, I know I shouldn’t be jealous. You have always been 100% honest with me so I don’t know why I feel like this.”

Julian captured Aaron’s hand and kissed the palm. “This may sound crazy to you but that actually makes me very happy.”

“Me acting like a fool makes you happy?”

Julian rolls over and looked at him. “Have you ever felt like that before?”

“Only one time when this guy was hitting on Teddy our junior year of college. They were lab partners.  We had most of our classes together but that was one class I wasn’t in.  I still remember stopping by the lab when Teddy was working with him and, when I walked in the guy had his arm draped around Teddy’s waist and then his hand slid downward. I was just about to walk in and tell them both what I thought about them when Teddy, who hadn’t seen me, stepped away from him and said, loud and clear, ‘Don’t do that.  I have never cheated on Aaron and I never will.  I am sure you’re a nice guy but I will always love Aaron and I will never do anything to hurt him.’ The guy tried to convince Teddy that I’d never know.”

“I promise you will never have to worry about that with me either. I love you and as long as I have you, I don’t need anything more.” Julian rolled further so his body was pressing Aaron into the mattress. Speaking of how much I love you,” Julian’s mouth covered Aaron’s and soon, rather than talking about love, they showed each other how much they cared.

Jessi was in full wedding planner mode.  With the help of Fiona, Jessi planned the surprise wedding.  As Fi and Jessi looked at flowers Fi questioned, “What if Aaron doesn’t want to get married? It seems a little risky planning this. Oh, and I would hate Aaron to have more troubles in his life.”

Jessi smiled at her sister in-law as she cuddled her new niece. “Aaron is crazy about Remmie. He would never say no.  You’ll see when you meet him but Julian Remington is a special guy.  He understands Aaron had a first love and would never make him stop mentioning Teddy.  Teddy made Aaron who he is and Remmie will always be thankful for that.”

“I am so happy for him.  This Remmie is very lucky he recognized what Aaron has to give.”

Both of them agreed Aaron wouldn’t want many flowers.  The wedding was outside overlooking the valley that was covered with wildflowers right now. The yellows, purples, and white flowers would be a gorgeous background.

Jessi could see Fi’s mind working. “Do you think Joshua would make a pine arch? I think if he did that it would be about all we need for the alter.” 

Jessi smiled.  “That would be perfect.” She pulled out her phone and texted Brian. ‘Daddy, come to the kitchen.’ “Daddy B will get Joshua to do that.  Now all we need are boutonnieres to pin on the grooms and  maybe we can just pick some of the wild flowers for a little more color for the reception.”

Brian walked into the kitchen and after kissing Jessi on the top of her head, he took Fi and Gus’ baby from her. The infant smiled at her grandpa. “So what is so important, ladies.” Brian always acted like he wasn’t into weddings but Jessi knew he would do anything for his family and he always had a way to get things done.

Within a few minutes, after Jessi took the baby back, Brian was on the phone, knowing the right person to contact. Now that he had been pulled in, Brian soon had contacts for food, flowers, and rental chairs. After giving Jessi and Fi the numbers for all he had contacted, he again took his granddaughter and left the women to do the work.

Julian’s father drove Aaron and Julian to the airport. As they had said goodbye to his mom at the house, Aaron was surprised his mother had not shed a tear and other than a quick hug with his father, there was no show of emotion.  Once they were on the plane, Aaron questioned Julian, “I know my family can be a bit over the top with hugs and tears but if I didn’t know better, I would think you were going to see your family again in a week.”

Julian hoped Aaron believed his response. “You know we Brits aren’t always the most demonstrative people.”

“I would have believed that if I hadn’t gotten to know your parents a little bit the last week. Your mother especially definitely wasn’t reserved with her emotions.”

“Well, they do know I am going to the mountains of the USA rather than the wilds of Africa.” Trying to take his mind off the conversation, Julian continued, “So what are we going to do with our couple days in New York City?”

Before they realized it, they were heading to the airport again. While in NYC, they saw a couple of broadway plays as well as having dinner with old family friends, Ted and Blake. They happened to be in New York for a few days.  As much as Aaron was enjoying his time with Julian and old friends, he was getting anxious to see his dads and the rest of the family at Spirit Pass.

To their surprise, as they rode to the airport, Aaron got a text from Justin.  It said, ‘Change of plans.  Terry is waiting for you at the airport.’ Aaron gave them directions to the small airport. Aaron gave the driver the new address and soon Aaron was getting a bear hug from Terry. 

“Terry, it is so amazing to see you.  You didn’t have to make this trip. We could have come commercial.” Aaron hugged Terry and then introduced Julian and Terry who immediately formed a bond.

“I know you could have flown commercial but I hadn’t done a long flight in a while.  I need to get used to it because I know we will be going back and forth from the ranch to Hawkin’s Island.”

“I thought you were already at the island.” Aaron said as they got on the plane.

“We’ve already been back and forth a couple times.” Terry said as he got into the pilot’s seat and completed his flight checklist.  

“Julian, why don’t you sit up by Terry.  I’m sure you have lots of questions for him about possible job opportunities.  Since someone kept me up most of the night,” he winked at Julian thinking about their activities in bed the night before. “I plan to sleep for a while.” He put sound proof headphones and closed his eyes as the plane lifted into the air.

Terry and Julian had headsets on, allowing them to hear each other. Once they were at cruising altitude, and assuring Aaron was sleeping, Terry smiled over at Julian, “I have heard the wedding will be ready.  Jenn and Kevin, Aaron’s grandparents are flying in today.  They are flying in just before your family.  Kevin will drive them all up to the ranch.”

Julian grinned from ear to ear.  “That is great news.”

“Now this part is totally up to you but if you would like to ask Aaron, before you get to the house, Jessi is going to have some vehicle for you to drive back to the ranch.  Just ask Aaron to show you the view of the valley. Jessi is sure Aaron will take you to the spot they are setting up the wedding. I promise no one is hiding in the woods out there but I do think they have some cameras that will record it for you.”

“That sounds perfect.  It is driving me crazy not knowing what he will say.”

“From everything I have heard, there is no question. I have never seen Aaron look at anyone like he looks at you.”

“I am sure you knew Teddy,” Julian said softly.

“I did and they had a special bond and if Teddy would have lived, they would have been happy for the rest of their lives but that ended when Teddy got sick.  I can see you two have something special.”

“Thanks, Terry, I needed that. Now what do you know about job opportunities for an English doctor.”

Terry and Julian talked career options for Julian until Aaron woke a couple hours later.  Julian than took the back seat while Aaron and Terry talked about Elian, Terry’s son.  Elian had married and they were now expecting a child. When the conversation waned, Terry said, “I like Julian. I can see you two are a good match.”

“I didn’t know if I would ever say this but I think so too.  After Teddy, you know what a mess I was.”

“You handled that better than most would have.  You two had such a close relationship.  You had been friends so long before you realized you were in love. Teddy did all he could for you as he died.  I heard him say so many times that you needed to do exactly what you are doing now.”

“Ya, I may have to ask that man to marry me someday.” Aaron half turned in his seat and looked at the sleeping Julian.

“I have to say, he is very handsome,” Terry said.  “Of course, there is no one for me but Griff.”

“You two definitely belong together.”

“I couldn’t agree more. We both will always work but I am glad we are both cutting way back.  We plan to spend a lot of time on our boat.”

“Didn’t you sell your yacht?”

“We had but we have bought a new one.  It hasn’t arrived yet but once it does, we hope to spend a lot of time on it. But if you and Julian ever want to use it for a couple weeks, just let us know. We should have it by the end of the month and of course we will be using it the first month or two but after that, we will want to spend time with Elian and his family.”

“Maybe if I actually get up the nerve to ask Julian to marry me, we can use it for a honeymoon.”

“I think that would be a great reason.” Terry couldn’t look him in the eye. “I see Julian waking up.  Why don’t you go back and sit with him for a while. We will be landing in an hour and I’m not sleepy.”

“Thanks, Terry, for all of this.” Aaron put an arm around Terry’s shoulder for a minute and then moved to the back, dropping onto Julian’s lap and kissed him as Julian put his arms around him and pulled him close.

An hour later Terry had them buckle up and he descended for a perfect landing. The three of them disembarked and put their luggage in the back of the vehicle that had been left for them. 

“I just can’t believe how beautiful this is.  I can’t imagine having grown up here,” Julian said as he turned in a circle looking all around them. When Julian got around to Terry he did a slight nod and then took Aaron’s hand, “Aaron, can you show me the valley you talk about all the time. I can’t wait to see my first bison.”

Terry jumped in, “Aaron, why don’t I drop you two off at the trail by the valley and I will go back to the house.  I can send a car back with someone in a little bit.”

“Don’t bother,” Aaron said.  “It’s not even a mile from here to the house. We can walk back, can’t we, Julian.”

“Sure, not a problem.”

“If you’re sure,” Terry responded. “I wouldn’t stay away too long.  I know your dads are excited to see you. If you take too long, they may come get you.” Terry said this for Julian’s benefit.  If he drug his feet, he had no doubt Brian and Justin would be coming to find them. Terry stopped just around the corner from the trail that led to the clearing overlooking the valley.

Aaron and Julian got out and waved at Terry before linking fingers and they started walking down the trail. 

“How far is the lookout from here?” Julian asked.

“Maybe a  quarter of a mile we will go around a curve up there.” He pointed ahead where there was an obvious turn. 

As they walked, Aaron pointed out different species of flora and fawna. Julian was glad Aaron was so absorbed in nature that he hadn’t noted how quiet Julian was. Julian’s mind was going over what he was going to say in a few moments.

“That’s weird,” Aaron said now that they had come around the corner and he could see one of the ranch carts parked near the clearing. “I wonder who left that there? And it looks like there has been activity around here.”

“Maybe they have been using the clearing for something.” Julian was so nervous he nearly tripped over his words.

“I’m confused but that’s ok.” Aaron couldn’t stop himself.  He began to jog and Julian kept up with him. As they got to the edge of the clearing, Julian lost his ability to speak for a moment. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. In front of them was the valley full of the huge creatures he had only ever seen in pictures or on TV.

Aaron pointed across the valley, “Do you see that house across the valley? You have to look closely because it blends in. That’s where Gus and Fi live.” 

“They have this view everyday. It is just breathtaking.” Julian continued to look at his surroundings.

As Julian lost himself for a moment, Aaron looked at his all time favorite spot just off to the side and realized there was a blanket and a basket sitting there. “What is going on here?”

That snapped Julian back to the present. “Going on?” 

“Someone put a blanket out right where I used to spend hours. There is even a basket.” Aaron took Julian’s hand and led him over.  “Terry’s son and I spent hours here. We would make up stories about being cowboys but we were always friends of the native people.” He looked at Julian, “Are you alright? You are so quiet.”

Without thinking about it anymore, Julian reached into his pocket as he dropped to one knee. “Aaron, I love you.  I don’t want to ever live without you.  Wherever you go I’ll go.” He opened the small box he had in his hand, “Aaron, please say you’ll marry me.”

Aaron looked down at the man he loved and stretched his hand out to Julian, allowing him to slip a ring on his finger. “Oh, Julian, I….”

Before Aaron could finish the sentence, Julian stood up.  “Please say that’s a yes.”

Aaron threw his arms around Julian’s neck. “Oh, yes.” He kissed Julian once. “Oh, yes, yes, yes.” Aaron kissed him after every yes.

After several more minutes of murmuring and kissing, Aaron stepped just far enough away to open the basket and inside of it was a bottle of champaign in a cooler along with two glasses.

Aaron handed the bottle to Julian and then picked up the glasses. As Julian poured the bubbling beverage, Aaron asked, “Who set this all up? Who did you talk to about this?”

“Let’s enjoy our champaign and we can talk about all of that when we get back to the house.”

After taking a sip of the wonderful drink, Aaron offhandedly said, “I hope you don’t want too long of an engagement.”

“Oh, I guess I forgot to mention, my parents and your grandparents will be here today and, although it won’t be a legal wedding, we’re planning on having it tomorrow.”

Aaron’s eyes went wide, “TOMORROW!” 

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