Thanks to Liberty Sun/Marny for the fantastic banner!"
A novel length re-telling of the Little Mermaid,w/QAF characters inserted. WARNING! This is not the Disney version rather an homage to the superior work of Hans Christian Anderson. There is both a sad and happy ending. To keep the sad ending do not read Dawn of a New Day. Although to date, I don't think anyone has done that. If you are still with me, ENJOY!!! Reviews, good and bad are always welcome
I consider this my best work to date.
Orginally updated and finished, May 7, 2011
UPDATE: Dec./2024 : I was re-reading the story and making minor edits when I realized I'd left out an entire chapter on this site. Added Chapter 6 Part 3 The Second Dinner (just before: Interlude: In the Midnight Hour.) Story is now complete.
Rated: YA
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Debbie Novotny, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: None
Genres: Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort, Magical/Supernatural, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other
Challenges: None
Series: Merman Series
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes
Word count: 100878 Read: 60369
ePub Downloads: 15 Published: May 24, 2016 Updated: Dec 04, 2024
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
OK a short note to my fans and those destined to become my anti-fans: After reading a few of the QAF fairy tales by Tigerdust on, I got inspired to do one of my own. However, again, READER BEWARE! This is NOT the Disney version but a re-telling of the original Hans Christian Anderson version. It ends sadly. Also, my writing tends to be more plot driven than most I’ve read on this site so my apologies if there is not enough introspective/angst etc. I do feel it will build in intensity in further chapters. Still with me? Then, may I present:
1. Chapter 1 The Rescue by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 3] (3587 words)
2. Chapter 2 The Sea Witch by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (1978 words)
3. Chapter 3 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (1188 words)
4. Chapter 4 The First day Part 1 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (3107 words)
Opening Note: OK, so here we go! Chapter 4 is a trifle longer but don’t worry I’ve come up with the story arc and following chapters will hopefully be shorter. Some Michael bashing…which is weird…because I actually like Michael in the show. There are other genres besides the ones listed but I’ll let you be surprised. Also I have reconfigured the chapters to show scene breaks. I wanted an interesting curlicue design that looked like waves but…it wouldn’t show up. So, I took a page out of Julesmonster’s stories. Sorta. J-mon, I hope you don’t mind. OK, and now, on to:
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Due to the length, I have broken up this chapter into several parts.
5. Chapter 4 The First Day Part 2 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (2603 words)
6. Chapter 4 The First Day Part 3 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (4541 words)
7. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK The Second Day: Morning to Noon by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (5134 words)
8. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK The Second Day:Noon to Night by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (4031 words)
9. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK Part 2 The Surprise by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (2482 words)
10. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK Part 3 The Ugly Duckling by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (2395 words)
11. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK Part 4 The Contest by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (6005 words)
12. Chapter 5 THE FIRST WEEK Part 5 The Dinner by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (6984 words)
Intro: I wrote intro and my mind went completely blank. I don't know what to think of it myself except to say I hope I made it fun and fairly easy to read. As for what happens, of course I think it's unrealistic smish-mash from beginning to end. So I hope you'll review and tell me what YOU think. ENJOY!
13. Chapter 6 THE SECOND WEEK Part 1 The Fantasy by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (5581 words)
Intro: All right, I can hear the reviews now. Stuff and nonsense, you'll cry! The biggest tease ever! Fluff and filler! Well, you're right. The next part IS fluff and filler. I had nothing. Just...nothin. Sigh. I cranked this out nearly one word at a time. Which is why it took nearly 2 weeks to post. Anyway, I warned you guys earlier when I asked for help, there are huge chunks in this story where nothing. For those of you who don't mind a little fluff...ENJOY!
14. Chapter 6 THE SECOND WEEK Part 2 The Dance Contest Pt 1 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (3160 words)
15. Chapter 6 THE SECOND WEEK Part 2 The Dance Contest Pt 2 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (6638 words)
Disclaimer:I do not own Queer as Folk Any characters and situations and anything else pertaining to real life is referred here for non-profit purposes only No copyright infringement is intended. Although everyone here is now so Out of character, I hardly think this matters. Sorry folks. These things happen.
A/N: OK, here's Part 2. The Main Event! Are you ready for this? This chapter, Parts 1+2 not counting beginning title portion was 9, 623 words! A new record except for The First Day. If you don't like it, just remember one thing...I'm ridiculous!! But I hope you do like it. Please read and review!
16. Chapter 6 Part 3 The Second Dinner by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (5070 words)
17. Interlude: In the Midnight Hour by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (4327 words)
18. Chapter 7 THE THIRD WEEK Part 1 Reversal of Fortune by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (5727 words)
A/N: I just want to say, I’m so, SO sorry for the upcoming soap opera derived scene that you will shortly witness. I racked and racked and racked my brain to come up with something to get the story back on track to the ending that I wanted and came up with absolutely nothing except the whole Witch helping Michael out thing. Which consequently led to this. To me, it’s stilted and doesn’t really fit but it’s what I came up with so there we go. PLEASE REVIEW and tell me what you think. Feel free to be brutal. I know I have been with a few of you.
19. Chapter 7 THE THIRD WEEK Part 2 The Wedding by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (7316 words)
Fun Fact: I know Gus is out of the picture now but I just wanted to share that I just found out that swans are one of the animals in nature that can exhibit homosexual behaviour.
20. Chapter 8 The Darkness Before the Dawn by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 1] (5740 words)
21. Chapter 9 DAWN OF A NEW DAY Part 1 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 0] (4647 words)
OK!! Pheeeww! Here we go! For those of you who wanted/needed a wrap up and a happier ending, here you go! The ace up my sleeve! This is not an A/U/ending rather a continuation. I don’t know what it was about this story but it just wanted to keep going! The finished product without the A/N or titles was 13, 143 words! Oy vey! I have split in half with a very mean cliffhanger for your easier/ time sensitive reading enjoyment.
Besides, I also thought there were too many loose ends. A sea witch. The brothers. Michael. A wayward knife. Better to keep going. Right?
For those of you who enjoyed the sad ending however, my only advice to you now is: STOP READING IMMEDIATELY!
For those of you who disregard this sound advice…and I’m sure that it will be most of you….siiigh….Pls READ /REVIEW!! Thank you! And now….
22. Chapter 9 DAWN OF A NEW DAY Part 2 by Britin4ever71 [Reviews - 2] (8637 words)
Warning! Some public nudity/ not so public nudity.
A/N: For those of you starting fresh, I included the cliffhanger question. Well… …Carry on, then!