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Okay, don't kill me, this is a very DARK chapter. I'm sorry about that. The story is wrapping up. A few more chapters and it should be done. Be warned that this chapter has infant death in it. Again, I'm sorry.

It wouldn't stop crying; Daphne was sure that all It needed was to get used to her. After all she carried It for almost ten months. She thought she would feel for It but she was wrong.

"Will you shut that fucking kid up?" Logan yelled. That only caused It to cry louder.

"Maybe It is sick," she reasoned.

"You said It was mine, that thing is not mine," Logan pointed at the screaming creature and sneered.

Justin had sent her a picture of the It at a few weeks old. At that time the Its hair was dark and looked like a combination of her and Logan; at least she thought so. But now It was clearly not Logan's. It had Justin's nose and his blonde hair; It didn't even look anything like her.

"Maybe this one isn't ours," she said looking at It again. "Maybe Justin switched It with our real baby. Maybe ours is being hidden by him."

She left It on the bed and walked back to Logan. She couldn't believe how lucky she had gotten with him. It had been months since she started chatting with him online. He had told her about his wife leaving him and taking their daughter. The woman had filed a restraining order against him, and it had stuck. So now he wasn't allowed near his own kid.

It was another month before they met in person again. He had taken her back to his hotel room and they had made love all night long. In the early hours of the morning she had told him about It. He had been ecstatic until she told him about giving It up.

For the next few weeks they talked about Justin and thing she had given birth to. She had told Logan everything about Justin. Then a week ago, Logan called with the plan to get It back. He said he was suing for custody, and Justin had to submit to a DNA test; and then everyone would find out he wasn't the father.

But then Logan got anxious and made a change of plans. He told her not to ask too many questions, which she was okay with. She didn't want to anger Logan, yet.

Logan told her that Justin was staying in Brian's loft. He had seen Justin leaving but never got a good look. She was supposed to follow It, then when the opportunity arose she would take It. It had been easier than she thought.

Once Brian dropped It off at his friend's comic book store she set her plan into action. Michael had bought the story about her having Brian's permission completely. She had been extra lucky when Brian didn't answer his phone when Michael called. Remembering Justin telling her that Michael was raised by a single mother, she played up the mother card. It had been almost too easy. Men - straight or gay, were easily manipulated.

When she had asked Logan what they were going to do with Justin, he brushed her off. Too bad she knew more than Logan did on that subject.

There was a time when Justin had been the most important person in her life. She had thought she would love the thing when it was born but she didn't. It started after she was recused. Nothing felt right… nothing was right. Her parents looked at her disgusted when they found out she was pregnant.

Then there was Justin, he had been the whole reason she was taken. It had all been his fault. She thought he deserved to have the sniveling little brat. But he couldn't even do that right. No, he had to start a happy little family with Brian. Brian, the man who had broken his heart. The one who had used Justin and threw him away like yesterday's garbage, much like Logan had done to her. Brian and Justin had both gotten what was coming to them, and soon Logan was going to get just what was coming to him. She just needed to figure out what to do with It after they all got what they deserved.

Brian paced the floor in Debbie's living room. He was doing his best to ignore all the arguing going on in it. No one had the slighted idea where Justin or Briana was. Carl had called Daphne's family only to find out they had tried to get her institutionalized a few months ago.

She had been under a seventy-two hour hold when she started talking odd. Her mother went to visit her and Daphne talked about how Justin had planned the whole thing out. It was her theory that Justin purposely slept with her so soon after the guy in Florida because he knew she had conceived. Mrs. Chanders said it became clear something was very off with Daphne.

The doctors in the psych unit said that they believed Daphne had a psychotic break. It probably happened while she was still being held captive but she was able to hide it well. Her parents didn't put one and one together until they visited her at school and she kept calling Briana It. She hadn't been a danger to herself or others so they couldn't hold her any longer, or so they said.

After they had gotten over the shock and disappointment they really did want to know their granddaughter. As they asked Daphne to contact Justin about the baby, she started to flip out.

That made him more worried about Briana's wellbeing. If Daphne didn't see her as her own daughter, then what did that mean for the baby.

Then there was the whole thing about Justin missing, it felt too coincidental. He paused when he saw Carl come into the living room. His heart stopped at the look on Carl's face. He was deathly pale and looked like he was going to be sick.

"What's wrong?"

"They found a baby, she was dead."

Brian thought he was going to pass out at those words.

"Briana?" he whispered.

"I don't know, the baby fits Briana's description. I'm going down to the morgue where she has been taken. They need me to identify her."

"I'm going too," Brian said, sounding stronger than he felt.

"No, I'm her grandfather, it needs to be me."

"AND I'M HER FATHER!" he screamed.

The house became deathly silent after that. "She's mine, everyone in this house knows she's mine as much as she is Justin's." Carl thankfully didn't argue and just nodded his head.

They had to pull over twice on the drive for Brian to be sick. His baby girl was in a morgue waiting for him to identify her.

Justin was really getting tired of his new friend, well old friend. Okay, not friend at all. The Masked Man had left earlier, now he had a new warden. This one didn't use a mask, he didn't need to. Justin would be able to identify him easily.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"You know why. This is all your fault. I'll never be able to play the same way again. I touch a violin and my hand starts to hurt. You just had to flaunt yourself in front of Tevye and act surprised when he wants you. You couldn't just let me have him, could you? You had to have all the guys drooling over you."

"That's not true, Ethan. I only wanted Brian, it's always been Brian."

"Even when it was Vas?"

"That was a mistake – wait. How did you know about Vas?" He had gotten with Vas after Ethan's attack and the man moving back in with his mother.

"Are you really that stupid? How did I ever think you were worth it to even fantasize about? I'll explain it in simple words for you. You screwed your best friend for the last time. She was sick and tired about everyone and everything just falling to your feet. Now she's with her child's father and has her child back. We just needed to take care of you until she is out of the country."

Bile rose in his throat, Daphne took Briana. "We?"

"Oh, haven't you figured out who you let fuck you? Not that that is such a big deal for you, who haven't you let fuck you?" Ethan sneered.

"You," Justin said smugly. His arms were really starting to hurt from being in the same position for almost a full day.

"I'm the only one," the asshole said.

"And your little boyfriend who busted up your hand," he taunted.

"Aww, honey, have you forgot last night already? Maybe I should give you a reminder."

Justin's eyes shot over to the door where Tevye was standing. It was then he realized why he didn't recognize him last night. It was in a dark alley and Tevye had gained at least ten pounds of muscles in a year. He also had dyed his hair black.

"Oh god," he whispered. "I'm going to be sick."

He barely got the words out before he vomited all over himself. Maybe they would let him go to the restroom now. He had been made to use a gross bedpan since he was handcuffed.

"Dammit," Ethan shouted.

"Gross," Tevye bitched.

"Un-cuff me and I'll shower and even wash the sheets," he tried to bargain with them.

"Not so fast, sweet pea. We're waiting for one more. Ethan, clean him the fuck up."

"Who else is coming?" For the first time since the whole ordeal started he felt real, true panic. He had been too stoned earlier but now the happy drugs were long gone.

They didn't answer him, just smiled and went about their business. Ethan cleaned him and was able to strip the bed by having Justin arch his back. When he was cleaned and new bedding shoved under him he settled back down. He wasn't scared of Ethan or his psycho boyfriend, but the unknown third party was terrifying. Oh, he knew Ethan and Tevye could kill him, but he had decided a while back not to give then that power anymore. It was something he was going to stick to, until his last breath if need be.

Brian walked into the cold, sterile hospital. The morgue was on the first floor; his steps were stilted. It wasn't too late to back out yet. He could still turn around and not go into the room where his daughter was. He wasn't ashamed to say it anymore, at first he had felt stupid with Justin's cracks about her calling him Daddy. She was too small to say anything but gibberish. Now all he wanted in the world for her to be able to do just that. But that would never happen now, she was in a hospital's morgue waiting for him to come and get her. Had she been scared when the end came? How was she killed? Who could hurt an innocent little baby?

He didn't care how sick Daphne was, if he found her before the police he would make her wish for death.

"You don't have to do this, Brian?" Carl said hoarsely. His eyes had tears in them; Brian knew how hard it was on him…on all of them. They had left Debbie and Molly crying at home, C.J. and his wife were with them trying their best to stay composed.

As much as he wanted to find Justin right now his priority was Briana, Justin would understand. Hell, Justin would cut off his balls if she wasn't his priority.

"You can go in now," a somber looking woman in scrubs said to them. He really was going to be sick again.

"What'd you do with It?" Daphne asked as she lounged on the hotel bed.

"I dumped it like you told me. I can't believe you thought that thing was mine," Logan said with a shudder.

"How was I to know, I hadn't seen It in months."

"Maybe we should make one now," he said leering at her spread out on the bed.

"Maybe we should, but first a game."

"What kind of game?"

"How much will you bleed?"

Faster than he thought she had in her she lunged at him. He felt the knife pierce his skin but then he felt no more.

Daphne watched the man gargle on his blood. Her revenge was almost complete. Now she only had one more person to see, and it was going to be glorious. She would take time in killing him. Soon he would find out that It was dead. She would get to be the one to tell him, and bathe in his misery before his blood.

Brian followed Carl into the morgue. He saw the table right away. There was a tiny body under a white sheet. His heart was beating like a drum in his chest.

He couldn't do this, he couldn't.

Turning he ran out of the room, he just made it to the bathroom before he started dry-heaving. There was nothing left to throw up though. He slid down to the floor and started to cry. He hadn't cried since Justin's attack. Mikey had been there for him then, this time he had no one.

"Brian," a hoarse voice said.

He didn't answer… he couldn't.

"Brian, it's not her."

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