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Brian knew Justin had a bad night with Briana last night. He was happy when the guy got her back to sleep. It wasn't a pretty sight for him to go without sleep for a while. So he decided to be nice and take Justin and the kid to the Diner. Justin hadn't really been out since he finished his classes. He had told Brian that he was taking next semester off.

Going down the stairs he stopped at Justin's door. Knocking on it he waited for a response. He could hear Justin's phone ringing inside the loft. There still wasn't an answer after a couple minutes. Brian Kinney did not wait at a door like a sad sack. He wasn't Ted.

The diner was filled with the Saturday morning crowd. Emmett, Michael and Ted were in there usual spot.

"Where's the Professor?" Brian asked as he slid into the booth.

"Working on his next book. It seems like that's all he's doing lately," Michael gripped.

"Aww, poor Mikey. Didn't you know what you were getting into when you started dating a writer?" Brian grinned when Michael scowled at him.

"So, how's everything with Vance?" Ted asked.

"He needs just to pull the trigger and fire me. I have a clause in my contract that if I get fired the non-compete is null and void. But he won't do that, he wants to make me suffer for the rest of the contract."

Brian was still pissed the little daddy's boy went whining to his father because someone had the audacity to tell him to get lost. He had treated Justin way worse when after he had sex with him. Add that to the fact that Justin was an eighteen year old virgin and the boss's son was thirty-two. It was clear who the whiny, clingy one was, and it wasn't the eighteen year old.

"Does he still have you working for Stockwell?" Michael asked as he dug into his eggs.

Brian just gave him a look, he didn't want to talk about working for the homophobe.

"Where's my grandbaby?" Debbie asked. "You said you were going to try and get Justin and Briana out of the house."

"I knocked on his door, no answer. I heard the baby up until about one, he's probably still sleeping."

"I've been calling him all morning. Vic and I went to a couple consignment stores. We found some beautiful little outfits for my baby."

Brian rolled his eyes. He was glad Gus was a boy, not that many people wanted to play dress up with him. Poor Justin had everyone and their brother wanting to doll his child up. He cringed at the thought.

After Brian ordered his breakfast he just listened as his friends talked about their lives. Ted was still a loser. Emmett was still flashy and in your face. Michael was still playing the doting boyfriend to the good professor. Just when he was debating heading out his favorite person came through the door. Nudging Michael to move out of the way he got up.

"Sonny boy, come to daddy," he said outstretching his arms. Gus wiggling in Mel's arms until she handed him over.

"Really Brian, can't you come over to the house. Do you really have to wait until you see us in public," Mel bitched.

Paying no attention to the woman he tickled Gus's belly, making the baby giggle. She really had no room to speak anyway. Every time he went over to their home he was asked for more money. He didn't mind giving them money, he wanted the best for Gus, but Mel could at least act like he wasn't gum on the bottom of her shoe.

"Mel, please," Lindsay said quietly, "don't start."

This had all the makings of a good day. Not. At least he got to spend some time with Gus. The boy was getting big enough to do more than just drool and sleep, he was almost two after all.

His phone started ringing before he could retake his seat. Shifting Gus to his other arm he dug in his pocket to retrieve his cell. The number wasn't unfamiliar.

"Kinney," he answered.

"Brian, I'm sorry to be calling this early but I was wondering if you could do me a favor," Justin's tired voice asked.

"Sure, I could do you for a favor."

"Brian, I'm serious."

"Fine, what do you need today, your majesty?"

"Do you still have the key I gave you for emergencies?"


"Can you get some jeans and shirts for me, and a couple sleepers and blankets for Briana?"

"Why, where are you?"

"The hospital, last night Briana was having trouble breathing. She has RSV, they have her in an oxygen tank right now. Her case is more serious than most. She's so small in the tent."

(Just want to put this out. My nephew had to have hospitalization because of RSV. He was a month old and our friend whose daughter was sick too was diagnosed with it also. Since we were friends they put them in the same room. What I'm describing is how it worked in 1996, it could be totally different now. So just take it as is. Thanks.)

Brian held Gus closer to him. "RSV is that contagious? What is it?"

"It's a respiratory infection. It's very contagious so make sure you wash your hands really well before you touch Gus."



"I'm holding him right now."

"Did you shower this morning? Are you coughing?"


"Then you really shouldn't have that much to worry about. Gus is almost two, right?"


"Well, the smaller the worse. If he does get it he'll just have cold symptoms. The doctor said with older babies and kids it harder to diagnose it's little more than a cold to them unless they are already sick and have a compromised system."

"I'll get your stuff for you. Did you forget your phone?"

"Yeah, I was in such a rush to get her help I was still in my pajamas. One of the nurses gave me some scrubs."

"Are you at Allegany?"

"Yeah, room 404 in the peds unit."

Brian disconnected and headed over to the munchers. He handed Gus back to Lindsay.

"I have to go."

"Can't even be in the same room with your child for more than a minute?" Mel gripped.

"I need to go get Justin and Briana some clothes and take them to the hospital," he bit out.

"What's wrong?" Lindsay asked worriedly.

"Briana has RSV, she's been put in the hospital in an oxygen tent."

Mel gasped, Brian looked both of them and saw a look between them.

"What?" he asked coolly.

"Gus had a touch of RSV. We had to have a couple breathing treatments and hasn't had a problem since then."

"When was this?" he asked suspiciously.

"A week ago. We haven't seen you since you took Gus for the weekend."

"I had Gus around her, did it not occur to you that she is a newborn. I'm the reason she is sick. And instead of warning me or having Justin take her straight to the hospital you just keep it to yourselves. She couldn't breathe last night, that's why he rushed her to the emergency room."

Brian couldn't even talk to them at the moment. They were all about protecting Gus but didn't give a rat's ass about a baby that wasn't theirs. They would have had a conniption if it was the other way around.

He left, ignoring the shocked glances at his outburst he rushed out the door. It wasn't until he was halfway home until he realized he left his breakfast there and the bill unpaid. He would have to give Debbie the money next time he saw her.

Justin's loft looked the same as it did the night prior before he went back to his. It was bit messier than it had been last night. In truth it always was messy, Justin was a messy person. The baby being there and him sleep deprived didn't help matters in the cleaning department.

Opening the top dresser door he looked for clothes. There was none in it; all it had was paperwork. Jesus, Sunshine, get a lockbox for important paperwork.

The second drawer had baby bibs and blankets. He grabbed two of the more fluffy ones. Third drawer held sleepers and dresses for Briana. He grabbed four sleepers. The last drawer had Justin's underwear and socks. He grabbed some before something else caught his eye. It was a sketchbook but not one that he was used to seeing. After a short debate he grabbed it and looked inside it. It was drawings Justin had drawn of him. All of them had him in it. There were drawings of him naked, erotic drawings of him and Justin together. Further back was drawings of Brian holding Gus, or hugging Michael. The very last drawing was the most detailed and the one that he could tell the artist loved the most. It was of Brian holding Briana. It looked like the artist put all his love and devotion in this piece of work. It was an amazing drawing, and Brian didn't feel worthy of the sentiment.

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