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Two weeks later...


   Timothy's death hit them all hard but Gus and Justin most of all. Gus had been his obvious favorite as he was the first child he had met in like forever, and was the only one with whom he had been truly comfortable around. And Justin had been the first to meet him in the first place. He had no adult relatives left and he had considered Tim to be his real grandpa.

   And so, the two of them grieved especially hard, made sure the funeral was extra nice and leaned on each other for support. They also went to grief counseling with Sam (the shrink), which helped a little.

   They buried him at the edge of the lawn, beside the door that led to his house and marked it with a simple cross. Since no-one, not even Timothy himself knew his age, it was simply carved:





   The door that Wolfe had smashed and ruined was taken away and replaced with a simple iron barred gate. The ivy was cut away and the break in the wall was no longer a secret but only Gus, Justin and Brian had the keys. And so, the novelty soon wore off and everyone forgot about it.

   Timothy's house was closed off, a new door built to keep out the elements but otherwise it was closed and locked and then closed off from the outside world by the gate as well. It, as well, passed from most minds except Gus and Justin's. Jackson Wolfe's body was taken into the forest by a bunch of workers and buried in a nameless place. And that's all I'm saying on that.

   Jackson's assistant was a man named Zach O'Toole. Zach was a huge man who loved digging in the dirt and playing with his tools. Gardening tools, honestly! Will you please get your mind out of the gutter! Honestly!!

   Anyway, Zach was immediately promoted to head groundskeeper. This suited him just fine. And where Jackson had turned out to be corrupt and evil, Zach was a good and faithful servant. He was in charge of cleaning out Jackson's suite and disposing of his personal effects. In the process of this Zach came across the golden string ball. He had no idea what it was for or what it was worth but Zach decided not to throw it away. He took it home to his own suite and left it on the kitchen table.                     

   The next day, the ball was where he had left it but now it was sitting on a small piece of paper. It read simply: TAKE ME TO THE MAZE.

   Obediently, he did so, and when he reached the entrance it jumped out of his hand and rolled away. Zach was extremely surprised but quickly followed the golden line, keeping up easily with his long and huge tree trunk legs.

   Well, of course, it took a while but of course the golden ball led him to the center. Zach was no fool and quickly realized this was how Jackson had so effortlessly navigated the maze. After eating an apple from the tree and staying the night in the house (well, honestly, wouldn't you?) he made his way back the next morning.

   And being a good and faithful man, he immediately went to Jack and the Patrons and told them the whole story and the Mystery of the Maze was at last solved. Zach was rewarded custody of the golden ball as well as a hefty bonus in his next paycheck. The Maze became less of a scary and impassible place. Instead it was much more recreational and fun and lost people were able to be retrieved easily. Britin Castle became an even more fun place to be.



   And so, the two weeks passed. And then another two weeks. Activities at the castle were fun but had somehow become more somber started to get back to normal. Gus and Justin were still somewhat of a mess but that was to be expected and they desperately tried to get back into real life.

   Leo went...not exactly forgotten, mind you, but for a while, their grief was so fresh and strong, the nature of how he was taken away went on the back burner, so to speak.

   Until, one day, when Brian was talking on the Overlook with a handsome male couple. They were lying on deck chairs sunning themselves and watching people try their hand at the Maze. There was a buffet table set up nearby. Their conversation turned toward supernatural things and Brian remembered in a flash. He started violently and forgot what he was saying.

   "Is everything all right, Brian," said the sensitive one, with mighty muscles on mouthwatering display and brown, shoulder length hair.

   The other one was hard packed but more toned. He also had brown hair but it was cropped almost militaristic into a severe conservative cut. He was more taciturn and simply lowered his sunglasses and raised an eyebrow.

   "Uhhhh...yeah. I just remembered something. I have to find Justin! You two enjoy yourselves. You make a lovely couple." He threw on a Hawaiian shirt and moved off.

   Over the years, at Britin Castle, "You make a lovely couple."...was synonymous with hello, goodbye and You look well.

   The two men exchanged a knowing look. "Actually...." said one.

   "We're brothers..." said the other.

   Brian had already moved off and didn't hear. The two men sighed as one. Then the muscled one chuckled.

   "It's not funny!" the other one all but growled. This shut the other one up quickly. He knew that tone. He settled back and positioned himself to keep an eye on Brian.

   There wasn't much to see. Brian didn't have to go far. Justin was on another deck chair nearer to the buffet table. Justin was also in summer attire but his eyes were sad and he wore a black armband on one arm to let everyone know he was grieving.

   Brian bent down and spoke earnestly to the blond man with the strange hair that went down long and straight over one half of his face. Whatever he said made the blond man take notice and get up as well.

   The brothers looked at each other and nodded as one. It was time to make their move.

   They got up, threw on their own shirts and made their way over to Brian and Justin.

   "All right you'se two! We need to have a talk!" said the gruff one.

   Brian and Justin looked up surprised and a little startled. Britin Castle was such a happy place, angry voices had become like shouting in a library.

   "Uh...what my brother means is...Brian...our talk over there about supernatural things was not an accident. We were gauging your reaction because of certain things we've been cataloguing and investigating at your castle for the last week. And you jumped a foot in the air. So we want to know what's going on here!" said the younger but burlier brother.

   "What?? What things? There's nothing going on here!" protested Brian.

   "Hmmmm, let's see! A ball of thread being used to get to the center of an incredibly hard maze! People spontaneously teleporting! Being able to pay a 5 million plus tax bill...oh yes! We've investigated your income tax records as well!"

   "We had a good year?" offered Justin weakly.

   "Boy, I'll say! A very, very good year indeed...." The younger brother petered out ominously.

   "Are we talking taxes or wine now?" Justin tried some levity to dispel the brevity.

   "ARE YOU GUYS CONSORTING WITH DEMONS!!!??" yelled the older brother suddenly.

   "WHAT THE FUCK!? FUCK, NO!!!" yelled Brian. After two weeks of pussy-footing, it felt good to yell. And swear.

   "Demons!!? Good grief, what are you talking about?" asked Justin, "Look, let's all just calm down. All those things...well, they're just special effects!"

   "We've been up in the White Tower," they quietly informed them.

   Brian and Justin needed to take a moment with that one.

   Finally, Justin offered a hopeful smile and asked, "Did you enjoy yourself? We here at Britin Castle strive to provide perfection... Besides..." he smiled as bright as sunshine, "You make a lovely..."

   "Can it!!" growled the elder.

   "And besides..." growled the younger.

   "We're BROTHERS!!" they both yelled.

   They both stared daggers at Brian and Justin.

   "Look!" said Brian exasperatedly, "There is nothing going on! There is absolutely NOTHING supernatural about this place!"

   "You sure about that?" growled the brothers grimly.

   "Absolutely!" declared Justin brightly, "This place is completely normal!"

   At that moment, a young woman with a brown ponytail at the end of the buffet table turned with a slight frown clouding her pretty features. She wore a white and blue dress and was otherwise as beautiful as a Disney princess. She held a plate of cake.

   "Oh dear! I've forgotten to get a fork!" she declared.

   A dessert fork obediently got up, ran across the length of the buffet table past them all, and jumped into her hand. She caught it deftly. Then she wandered away, enjoying her cake.

   The brothers looked darkly at Brian and Justin. There was a pause.

   Brian rubbed the back of his neck. "Well....this is...awkward," he managed.

   Justin sighed gustily and gave up.

   "Sam...Dean...Have a seat. You're right. You got us! There is something magic and supernatural about this place. But it has nothing to do with the devil or demons or ghosts or anything horrible. OK...here's the deal..."



   "And that's the whole story," said Justin.

   It was several hours later. At first they had considered starting when Britin Castle was formed but that led to the question where did everybody come from. And of course that didn't make sense unless they told them about the terrible factory. And that didn't make sense unless one told about what they were doing there in the first place to help them.

   And so, Brian and Justin began from the very beginning, telling the whole, messy story, much the way I've told it to you. And believe you me, it took almost as long to do it!

   Jack saw that they were deep in discussion and even heard a little bit and quietly shoo-ed everyone away and then closed access to the Overlook. And so, for much of the time, Brian and Justin, Sam and Dean had their privacy.

   "Well, now you must think we're insane!" Justin said, "Or feeding you stuff from a fairy story!"

   "Not necessarily," Sam said, "Besides, we recently found out Oz was real!"

   "And I've been to Hell....and Purgatory," said Dean trying to impress them but kinda grossing them out instead.

   "We've both had near death experiences," explained Sam, trying to placate them, "And dealt with demons and angels. So all this is pretty tame. But it does explain what's been going on here. That's a real shame about Leo. Is there anything we can do to help? We know an angel who gets around."

   "I'm not sure this situation is angelic. But I wouldn't turn my nose up at anything at this point," said Justin, "However, we really shouldn't do anything without Gus here. This concerns him too. Oh, Gus dear!" he called.

   "Yes Papa?" said Gus, stepping out of no-where. His Hoody was...well, in hoody mode actually, unzippered and open, showing off his rock hard abs and teenage chest. The white and gold melded beautifully together tonight. "OH! Is everything...all right?" he asked, seeing Sam and Dean, and realizing he'd just been teleported in front of strangers.

   "It's all right, son. This is Sam and Dean Winchester. They figured a lot out. They're...paranormal investigators."

   "We're hunters!" barked out Dean.

   "They helped us remember Leo. It's past time we figured out what happened to him," said Justin, "And we figured you'd want to be a part of it."

   "Thanks Papa. You figured right," said Gus.

   "OK then...I never thought I'd call this name again....GORDIE! GORDIE!"

   There was a long pause. Nothing happened.

   "GORDIE!...Dammit Gordie! It's been a long time and we've never asked you for a thing! But this is important so I'm calling now! Gordie!"

   "Yes Brian! All right!!" said the hunky man in white, stepping out of nowhere. "You don't have to shout loud enough to call down the moon!"

   He was just as they remembered. He was so handsome and muscular and he wore white sandals and white club clothes that shone with their own light.

   "The moon's the least of your worries! You and this....Power you work for have a lot to answer for!"

   "What's the problem Brian?" asked Gordie.

   "One of the Bright Men under our charge...one that calls himself Leo...was unfairly banished and transformed into one of those Wards. We want him back."

   "I know Leo's case well. I'm sorry, but it's very cut and dried. Leo went against the Power. He abandoned his post more than once and gave supernatural power to a mortal. The Power had no choice but to punish him." Gordie's voice had taken on a decidedly prissy, beaurocratic tone that nobody liked.

   "But that's not fair!" yelled Gus in youthful indignation, "He did all that to save my life! As it was, he prevented my rape, disfiguration and murder! And I can't remember, but apparently he saved me many times over by just being there when I was a kid! He deserves a medal! He's a hero! And you've punished him like a criminal!"

   "I'm sorry Gus, but the Power's word is law. The Power's word must not be questioned. The Power is all-seeing and..."

   "Gordie, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" asked Brian. He didn't mean to swear (well, 80% didn't mean to) but Gordie was acting totally out of character and like a total dick.

   "The Power is all-seeing..." repeated Gordie meaningfully. Then he whispered quickly, "They're watching me...!"

   "Uhhh, Gordie...Has this...Power been acting differently in the last little while? Erratic? Overly dictatorial? Unreasonable? And perhaps...did he suddenly take on a specific name?"

   "Why yes, actually," Gordie whispered, "But I dare not tell you. He'd know..."

   "Just nod. Was this name perhaps....Metatron!?" asked Dean, softly and furiously.

   Gordie nodded once.

   "CAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!!!" Dean yelled so loud the people in the house in the center of the maze heard him. He took everyone by surprised and elevated more than one heart's rate.

   "Dean, how many times have I told you not to do that! Geez mon!" admonished Sam.

   "It gets results," Dean was unrepentant.

   "Dean, how many times have I told you! I am an angel! Not a genie! You can't just summon me whenever! I am NOT at your beck and call!" said a sexy, gravelly voice and suddenly Cass was standing in the midst of them, looking sexy as all get out with his stubbly jaw and tan trenchcoat.

   "We found him," Dean said simply and that was enough to shut Cass up.

   "Where?" Cass asked, all down to business.

   "After he escaped Heaven's jail, he must have invaded this being's realm and taken their boss captive. He's been impersonating him for an unknown amount of time."

   None of the Castle's humans had the least idea what he was talking about. They stood there, feeling completely flummoxed and out of the loop.

   "What being?" Cass ground out.

   "That would be me," Gordie offered.

   Cass turned.

   "Oh no!" Gordie and Cass screamed together, "Not YOU!!!"

   "What!!? What is it?" they all asked.

   "He's a fairy!"

   "He's an angel!" they screamed together again.

   "Yeah!" the Winchesters ground out, "So what!?"

   "So...angels and fairies...don't get on," Cass said in disgust.

   "What's the problem?" ground out Dean dangerously.

   "They're so..."







   "JERKS!!!" they yelled together.

   "Hey...BITCHES!!!" Dean yelled, scaring everyone into silence, "How ‘bout you take this into the ladies room and have a good bitch slap fight about all this later! We've got a super-villain fraud messing up the order of the universe right now! I can't be bothered about your stupid little feud right now! Gordie...just take Cass to...whatever realm you come from and he'll take care of the rest!"

   "Me!!! Go to his realm!?" Cass was horrified, as if Dean had asked him to jump into a dumpster full of medical waste and dirty needles.

   "Hey, it won't be a picnic for me either," Gordie said, "And if you just take off the holier than thou colored glasses, you'd see it's not so bad!!"

   "I am holier than thou!" ground out Cass gruffly.

   "GO!!" yelled Dean.

   Gordie rolled his eyes, and grabbed Cass by the forearm. Before he could object further, the two of them vanished.

   The five humans were left behind in relative shocked silence.

   "Well....I had no idea!!" muttered Justin, "Did you..."

   "No! Absolutely none! That was...that was just weird!" Sam replied.

   The five of them sat down to wait, each lost in their own thoughts.



   It was about two hours later when Cass and Gordie finally reappeared. Gordie wore his club clothes as usual and a disgusted expression.

   Cass wore a HazMat suit.

   "Oh for Gosh sake! We're back! You can take that thing off and stop over-reacting now!" Gordie said.

   "I'd like to see you visit Heaven without sunglasses," retorted Cass. Nevertheless, the suit vanished to be replaced with his comfortable trenchcoat.

   "That would be completely diff-...Oh for... UUUHHGGGG!!" Gordie turned to the mortals who were highly amused by the supernatural's antics. "I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. The perp has been taken into custody. The real Power had been taken captive but was watching the entire time. Leo has been returned to normal status and as well you have been rewarded with unfettered access to him. And...him to you, I suppose," he added unnecessarily. "Brian....Nice place and life you've built for yourself here. I know I put you through a lot...but I hope there's no hard feelings. I wish you could see what I see...in your spirit. It's about as different as before as night is to day."

   "We're cool, Gord," Brian said, "As it is...you were right. I was an asshole. And things..." Here he grabbed Justin and Gus around a shoulder each, "Things turned out pretty darn great!"

   Gordie gave a small smile and a slight bow and vanished.

   "That's my cue as well. Metatron isn't going to put himself on trial. Sam, Dean...did you guys want a ride back to the Men of Letters bunker?"

   The Winchesters decided for it since the mystery of Britin Castle had been solved to their satisfaction. They said goodbye and as suddenly as he had come, Cass vanished, taking the Winchesters with him.

   And two seconds after that, there was a streak of gold like a comet that rose up from the forest. It rose in a high, beautiful arc and landed right on the Overlook. It coalesced into the figure of a man and that dimmed, and in half a moment woodsman Leo stepped forth in his plaid and denim glory.

   Leo and Gus rushed into each other's arms. Leo gave a shuddering sigh, the kind one gives when one feels a pure, complete, contented pleasure.

   "Oh Gus!! Oh my little Gus! I knew you wouldn't forget me! I knew I had to wait but I knew you'd come for me!"

   "Well, of course Leo! Of course! And you're allowed to be around me whenever you want now! No more sneaking off!"

   "Yes!! I can feel that too. Unfettered access! In fact, you're my first priority again. And if you want...I can appear like this most of the time. A bit easier on the eyes that a glowing Bright Man."

   "Well...sometimes...this form is great too...but Leo, I'll give you a piece of advice given by a very skinny and wise man. Always be proud of...and always feel free...to let your flame burn bright!!"

   Leo smiled and his teeth were so white they gleamed. They shone. They burned. The burning spread to everywhere. He was a great burning, glowing, Bright Man.

   "I'll return to the castle now. But if you need me....if you want me...Just call my name."

   Leo shot straight up into the air in pure joy in a golden streak and then...CRACK!!! He exploded into a golden firework in the night sky and melted away into the darkness.

   Brian threaded his arms through Justin and Gus' arms and led them inside. "Shall we go inside and see what Debbie and Randy have cooked up for us tonight?" he asked.

   "Sounds great. Gosh...How'd we get so lucky?" Justin waxed a bit moony.

   "Well...it all started when you hooked up with me..." Brian started, tweaking a nipple.

   Justin laughed and slapped at his hand. "Shame on you Sir! You are supposed to be charming!"

   "And we are supposed to be living happily ever after!" Brian retorted, kneading one half of Justin's perfect ass.

   Justin gasped and rolled his eyes. Brian was incorrigible.

   "And are we? Are we living happily ever after?" Gus asked.

   "We're giving it a damn good shot! And that's all anyone can do in this lifetime, don'cha think?" Brian asked.

   They all entwined arms in a perfect love and went in to dinner




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