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Author's Chapter Notes:

Dedication: Dedicated to my reviewers, who I will affectionately refer in this missive as…my seven dwarves.  Thank you JAZZY, YumYummy, Flossee, TAGgy, DavidR…sey, and Dec2. And to my invisible dwarf but ever present…..Horny!

A/N: Last scene written by TAG for your sexy pleasure.

Chapter 14

The Engagement Party

Last time on 104 Days...

      “Justin!!....Don’t let go!!!”

   There was a blinding white flash.

And now…

   The white light faded away again

   “AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” screamed Brian and Justin in abject horror.

   “Oh you boys! Now stop it! Geez, you’d think you were meeting Justin Beiber instead of l’il ole me!”

   “Wait a minute…who??” asked Justin.

   “Oooops! Sorry, wrong dimension! My point is…calm the fuck down!”

   Standing before them was the most grotesque, bizarre apparition they had ever come across so far. It was a tall drag queen with big lips, a high forehead, and otherwise unfortunately overly masculine features. She wore a blond wig and was heavily made up; too much rouge, mascara like a raccoon, huge fake eyelashes, and bright red lipstick that shone repulsively wet. S/he was dressed as a bride. His/her dress was long and flowing and elaborate with silk and satin folds and ruffles and ribbons. It buttoned up with seed pearls and was adorned with diamonds, white sequins and pearls necklaces that wound around about 5 times. She wore white gold and diamond rings on every finger. S/he wore white fabric gloves that reached up to his/her elbows. His/her veil was pulled back and light and airy. S/he was surrounded by a bright, white aura that pulsed gently, yet strong and steadily.

   “Who…or what…are you?” asked Brian brusquely. He pointedly pushed Justin gently behind him and drew himself up to his tallest most imposing, most leathery self as he could muster.

   “Brian! And Justin! How glad I am able to come to you at last!” the apparition gushed, completely ignoring Brian’s distress. “And oh my! All that luscious, black leather! You look positively scrumptious! You contrast exactly with my white outfit! Mind if I get a picture?”

   And without waiting for an answer, she shoved her way over, pressed himself in a tight buddy hug with Brian and snapped her fingers. A small black box appeared in midair. There was a second white flash that left Brian with spots in front of his eyes. There was a whining and the He/she took something out of the box. The box vanished in a puff of smoke.

   “What the hell was that?” asked Justin.

   “Polaroid….Oh right….Just more inter dimensional stuff. Don’t worry your sunshine-ey head about it!”

   “Hey! I asked you a question! Who are you!?” asked Brian again.

   “Someone who’s been waiting to help you for a long…long time,” the drag queen answered, “I am the Fairy of committed, lasting love. The love that comes with wanting to be married.”

   “I’ve had that kind of love for ages,” said Justin, “Why couldn’t you come to us before now?”

   “Because, my sweet ray of sunshine,” the Fairy answered, “The love needed to flow both ways and until Brian felt the same way and proposed, I could do nothing. Shame on you, Brian Kinney, for keeping me waiting so long! But you’ve proposed at last, so now I can help you.”

   “Help us? You’re here to help?” asked Justin tremulously, “But then why were you dragging us away? Where are we?”

   “Honey…You’re in the same place you always were. Ben’s place. Look around.”

   They shook their heads and blinked madly a little still trying to get over the dazzle effect. But they saw that the Fairy was right. They were still in Ben’s apartment and their friends were still there around them, stock still and silent as statues in various poses of applause.

   “But…what’s wrong with them?” asked Brian.

   “There’s nothing wrong with them,” answered the Fairy, “You see, the pulling you felt was me pulling you out of time. We’re…in a kind of bubble…in a single moment in time. This way we can chat for as long as we like and when we’re done, I’ll put you back and none of this will have taken up any time at all. You can tell your friends all about it….or not. They’ll never know the difference.”

   “We would never do anything like that to them!” Brian yelled, outraged.

   “Well, that’s entirely up to you,” said the Fairy, “And that’s very admirable Brian. I was just letting you know about the choices you have.”

   “I’m sorry, did you say you could help us?” Justin asked, taking over, while Brian calmed down.

   “Oh yes! I’m not sure how much this will help you but it’s all I have to give. First, for you, Justin, is this. The Fairy plucked a small crystal vial full of a sky-blue potion out of the air. S/he handed it carefully, placing it into Justin’s palm as if it were a bomb. Which it was, as it turned out. “This potion is the liquid form of the time loop spell that you rescued Hunter from. Keep it safe. Do not drop it unless you intend to use it. And do not let it drop on you or you will be caught in the spell yourself and trapped in the loop and there will be no escape unless someone else rescues you the way you rescued Hunter.”

   “Good grief! Why would you give me something like this!?” Justin asked in consternation. He put the bottle on the coffee table as if were the aforementioned bomb.

   “As a weapon.” The Fairy said honestly, “I feel there will be a time, and soon when there will be opportunity to use it. Whether you do, will be up to you. Use it. Keep it. Pass it down through your family. It’s entirely up to you.”

   “Brian. For you, I have information. Look carefully.” The Fairy held out a hand and a few inches above her palm, an image of a flower appeared. It had a long stem and five wide petals, each a different color. There was a silver one, a blue, a green, an orange, and a snow white one.”

   “Do you know what this is?” asked the Fairy.

   “It’s a flower,” Brian said as if it was a no brainer, “But I’ve never seen the likes. The petals…they’re the colors of the fairies who’ve helped us. Except the orange one. I don’t remember that one.”

   “That is the color of the Fairy of Puppy Love. He helped Gus so you did not see him. But he saved your life.”

   “Oh. I didn’t know. Can you thank him for me?”

   “I can. I’ll pass along your regards. As for the flower, it is growing near the Witch’s tower. But you must hunt for it. It and it alone will allow you to penetrate the Witch’s barrier and allow you to enter the castle to free those who are trapped within.”

   “I understand,” Brian said.

   The image faded. “The next gift I can give is for both of you. It is the gift of male pregnancy. Would you like it?”

   “Hells, yeah!” shouted Justin.

   “Be careful, Justin. This is a serious gift. Babies last a lifetime.”

   Brian looked a little green around the gills. “Kids? Shit, Sunshine, are you sure?”

   “Yes Brian. If I start a family with you, I’d definitely want kids with you eventually. I was going to bring up the idea of adoption in due time but this would be better! Our very own kids, think of it, Brian!”

   Brian looked down in consternation at Justin looking up in abject need and hope. And knew he could deny him nothing.

   “Aww, shit, Sunshine! I can’t say no to you! We’ll make it work.”

   “Very well. Now…which of you wants to be the bearer?”

   There was total silence as both of them stood stock still in shock. Justin turned pale and Brian turned even greener.

   “Ahh…” said the Fairy.

   Justin turned to discuss it and saw Brian’s green face. He rolled his eyes. ‘Oh for heaven’s sake, Brian! It’s childbirth, not a death sentence!”

   “Are you sure?” croaked Brian.

   “Oh for….” Justin turned away from his frog Prince and squared his shoulder and took a deep breath. “I’ll do it,” he said, with bravery he didn’t feel.

   “Very well, Justin. Good luck.” The Fairy reached out and touched his forehead with the tip of her index finger and left a shining white mark on his forehead that pulsed three times and then sunk into his body. “When the curse is broken and you are married, within a year you shall bear your first child. But be forewarned….Your first will not be your last.”

   “Oh….thank you! Oh! But what about Gus and Randal!?”

   “You are under the curse of the Witch and I’ve been sent to help you. I’m sorry. I cannot help them.”

   “Oh please! I’ll feel terrible if we come out of this state with this blessing and they don’t! Isn’t there anything you can do?”

   The Fairy sighed hugely. “Oh, you humans and always wanting more!” S/he sighed again and thought a bit. “OK. Here’s the deal. Tonight I will come to them both in a collective dream and offer them the same thing regarding male pregnancy. However, in the meantime, you must not warn them that I am coming or that they even have this opportunity. You can tell them that you have the gift but nothing about them or that they are eligible. They must find out on their own and it must be solely their decision. Understand?

   “I’m not sure I understand but I’ll agree to your terms,” said Justin. Brian merely nodded.

   “I’m sorry Justin but it’s the most I can do without breaking a lot of serious rules. Just hang tough and everything will go back to normal tomorrow.”

   “Justin just nodded quietly.

   “Now…one last thing I can do for you. Take this…” She handed over a perfectly round pebble that was a beautiful aquamarine color. “Just mention where you want to go and throw this on the ground in front of you. A portal will open up and take you there. One time use…one way only so use it carefully.”

   “Portal!?” Brian was leery, “Are you sure that one’s…safe?”

   “I am familiar with what happened to you, Brian. This one is different. It will only take you anywhere in this world. OK?”

   “Yeah, OK. That sounds all right then. Thanks a lot.”

   “Yes! Thank you…for everything!” Justin gushed.

   “You’re welcome fellas! Congratulations! And good luck on your new lives together! Good luck! And…farewell!” The apparition faded and grew even more ugly and then indistinct to boot and then there was another blinding flash.

   When it faded, it was gone and everyone else was back and clapping tiresomely and unaware that anything had happened at all.

   That is, until Gus saw Justin take a huge sigh and drop down onto the sofa and rub his eyes a little tiredly. Brian plopped down beside him and put his arm around him.

   “Jus? Everything ok?” Gus asked.

   “Yeah…Everything’s cool,”

   “You seem different. A little tired. And…and you’re glowing a bit! Did something happen just now? Oh, my God! Did you have a visitation?” he asked excitedly in a spurt of inexplicable insight.

   “Yes. As a matter of fact we did. We’ve been talking with someone, a Fairy of Committed Love for the last half hour or so. She pulled us into a kind of place where time didn’t matter. Anyway, we got some great stuff…Look at this…”

Some time later…

   “And that’s the whole story,” Justin finished.

   Hunter was eyeing the vial of blue liquid like it was a snake or bomb and was trying to control his breathing with difficulty.

   “Hey guys? Be…very careful with that, will’ya? And do me a favor? Put it somewhere safe…now!”

   He was only able to breathe a bit easier when Justin made sure the stopper was tightly jammed in there and had tucked it away in one of his belt pouches.

   Both of them decided not to mention the pregnancy issue at all until tomorrow.

   After that the whole thing turned into a kind of engagement party. And since the apartment over the shop started to feel a little close, and since Brian was ever the extrovert, they all decided to go to the pub and share the good news and the suit.

   The walk to the pub elicited a lot of catcalls and whistles and rubbernecking. Many people dropped everything and followed them. Brian loved it. Justin hated it. He kept tight hold of his leathered lover’s waist in propriety. Brian led the way like a leathered up pied piper.

   Inside the pub was even better…or worse. The loudest catcall of all came from Debbie.  Things were slightly dampened when it turned out the ruff and buff butcher; the bodybuilt baker and the lean but blond and ropy muscled candlestick maker were all there!

   However, it turned out the buff butcher had more eyes for Brian than he did for Justin! He blatantly eye fucked the leathered stud and copped a feel of the codpiece both front and back.

   “Mmmmmm! Your rump roast is mighty firm! Is the front just as impressive?” the beefy meat marketer asked lecherously.

   “You’ll never know! Besides…I don’t bottom so my ass is irrelevant…and now off limits…except to my boy!” Brian indicated Justin.

   Of course that was the perfect time to spring the news that they were engaged and Gus and Randal too. There was a huge cheer and the entire pub turned into an engagement party with toasting and drinking and free lemon bars. The buff baker and the candle maker discreetly slipped out. The butcher slumped in his stool, a little disappointedly.

   However, he perked up again when Brian and Justin both took pity on him and sat on either side of him started a hot 3 way make out session. However, he was warned he’d have to be content with making out and as long as they were all playing together.

   Half an hour later, the gym built baker and the candlestick maker returned! It turned out they had slipped out to retrieve gifts from their shops. The baker brought three plates of gingerbread men cookies for everybody, 4 chocolate cakes with Congratulations in white frosting on the top, and four very special, very anatomically correct, gingerbread men, one for each engaged man. The candlestick maker brought four bunches of assorted scented candles, tied up in a ribbon for each of them.

   Their joy was complete. They munched their cookies and cake and ohh’ed and ahhh’ed over their candles. Justin stood.

   “On behalf of my partner and me, we’d really like to thank you all for…”

   BANG!! The door slammed open.

   “Hot stuff…coming through!!!” called a loud voice, “I hear some-body’s gettin’ MAARRR—IIEED!!!”

   And in walked a huge man wearing nothing but black leather boots, tight, black leather pants, a deep, muscular chest on mouthwatering display and black, leather bow tie and wrist cuffs. In each hand he carried a huge tray piled high with a round pyramid of assorted cupcakes. On his head, he perfectly balanced a third tray piled high in a huge pyramid of brownies.

   There were catcalls and whistles and cheers and screams and all the gay and bi men’s dicks sprang to attention. And each and every one yelled out: “HI TODD!!!” because they all knew who this was. Yes that’s right! It was the MUFFIN MAN! Yes that muffin man! The one from Drury Lane!

   After that, the party got even rowdier. It turned out that a LOT of people really knew the muffin man. (If you know what I mean, wink! wink!) And Todd loved the attention. After the trays had been put down and the newly soon-to-be weds had taken first pick, Todd cleared a space and began to dance. He lined them all up in a row and gave them all a four-way leather lap dance. He gyrated his hips and moved in close but pulled back teasingly just in time. He gave them all equal attention so nobody had to be jealous. And then…he moved back…and pulled…and his pants flew off! Underneath was a leather jock strap and nothing else! He gyrated and danced with a lot of hips and the music got faster and more primal. He moved into a more central location and soon a brave soul joined him and received a deep kiss for his bravery.

   “Hey Todd! This ain’t that kind of place you know!” Deb yelled.

   She pulled few switches under the counter, and the lights dimmed and a small, multifaceted ball on the ceiling that everybody otherwise ignored started turning slowly. Other, dimmer lights switched on and flashed and bounced off the ball and suddenly the place was a dim, flashing, multicolored nightclub!

   “NOW…It’s that kinda place!” screamed Deb, and she cackled like a wicked witch.

   Todd loved it. His movements became more and more pronounced, more and more sexual. He pulled in another person and deeply kissed him. At the same time, he eye fucked with the newly engaged. Then someone else joined in. Soon, Todd was surrounded by gyrating, half naked guys and a few girls in what was basically a vertical orgy.

   Soon the whole place was a sexy dance club. The music got louder, the booze flowed and the night passed. Everyone was extremely happy. Eventually there came a time though where Brian, Justin, Gus, and Randal had had enough. Brian called for attention and told them all to keep partying for as long as they wanted but as for them they were moving on to something more private. Gus and Randal left with Ben and Hunter and the Brian and Justin left for their little back room. Everyone cheered a send off but at last they were in their own little room with the door shut and locked tight. And it turned out this was a good thing to do as more than once as the night progressed did the knob turn as a drunken hopeful decided to try their luck.



However, safe in their dim room, with the candlestick maker’s gift candles burning, that wasn't the knob that either Brian or Justin were interested in at that precise moment. Justin had been wanting to investigate that spiffy new leather codpiece of Brian's all day. The leather looked soft and supple but at the same time, so incredibly firm! The boys were barely in their room before Justin started stroking and rubbing at that intriguing codpiece, excited by the idea of the treasures it held.

"Oh, Brian. I don't think you've ever looked hotter than you do tonight," Justin groaned as he quickly stripped off his own clothes and then started humping at Brian's leather-clad leg. "Fuck, it's so soft against my skin and it smells so . . . Leathery. It makes you seem so virile and manly. You've got to fuck me right now!"

Brian was more than willing to comply with his beautiful boy's commands. He immediately tore off the small leather cap and started to unlace the leather tunic. He didn't get far, though before Justin's hands were pulling his own away and retying the leather laces.

"Oh no, Big Boy," Justin whispered into his manly man's ear. "The leather stays ON! I want to feel that soft buckskin all over every single inch of my body."

Brian held his hands up in a gesture of surrender. Justin glowed at him with approval and then started to move and writhe and shimmy around the larger man's body, rubbing up against the lengths of leather every time he moved. It was exquisite torture. It was rapture. He was soaking in every tiny fold of supply hide, every waft of saddle soap, scratching against every stitch of strong thread and sinew. And, even better, it was all wrapped up in the natural musky scent of Brian. Before he was through with his shaking shimmying dance around his fiancée, Justin was already hornier than a longhorn bull in a springtime meadow full of heifers.

Justin slowly backed away towards the bed, towing Brian along by one belt loop. Brian, who was enjoying the show almost as much as his partner seemed to be, put up no resistance. When Justin felt the edge of the cots pinch against his calves, he slowly sank to his knees and trailed his hands down his leatherman's long supple sides until his hands reached the waistband of the amazing codpiece. All it took was a quick *snap, snap* and Justin had the cup of the codpiece flipped down and all the precious cargo inside was revealed in its full glory.  

Justin bent forward for his first taste of the dark plum colored head that was already starting to leak droplets of sticky white. He licked delicately at the tip, just grazing the hot soft skin. Brian's dick jumped at the barely there touch as if it was eager to help out.

Gripping Brian's hips with both hands, the feel of the smooth buckskin heating up against his palms, Justin pulled his big leather treat closer. The smell of the leather was working with the pheromones of his partner to make the young blond almost rabid for more. He leaned back and pulled the leather-clad hips after him, forcing Brian to reach out and stop himself before smashing into his smaller framed lover.  

The duo inched up higher on the cot under them, their eager mouths meeting and their lips fusing together. Justin helped Brian move so that his body was completely covered by the lengths of leather draping Brian. He felt almost cocooned by the feeling of the cool skins which slowly warmed to match his body temperature. Brian was equally thrilled by the feeling of the totally naked, velvety smooth, alabaster skin that was now all his. They were rutting against each other continuously now, their bodies absorbing the complex new sensations, tastes and textures that Brian’s new suit engendered.

As the friction between them increased, their sweat caused the leather to dampen in spots and rub differently, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Justin rather liked the way the warmer, wet buckskin dragged at his nipples and the thin flesh around his hips. It was a wholly new sensation and it egged his lust on higher than ever before.

It wasn’t long though before the youth couldn’t take any more without exploding. “I need to feel you inside me, Brian,” Justin whispered huskily, his hips pressing upward against Brian’s magnificently large and ready cock.

“You ARE MINE!” Brian insisted, still not feeling totally reassured after his journey into that weird otherworldly portal not so long ago.. “Always mine. Now that I’ve got you, I’m never letting you get away. We WILL break this curse, Justin. We will!”

And with that final ‘will’, Brian thrust deep into his young soon-to-be-husband. Justin could feel every long, achingly wonderful inch of Brian’s wondrous cock as it slid home. Brian paused briefly to let them both adjust to this abrupt intrusion but couldn’t hold off for very long. Before Justin had even caught his breath, Brian was rocking out and in, out and in, out and then in again, each time deeper and harder and more passionately. The drag of the sweat slick leather against his groin enhanced every thrust and pull for the randy, naked youth, and the edge of the cod piece’s cup chafed in delicious ways whenever Brian sank in especially deeply. His own cock was trapped between his stomach and the tough yet smooth leather of Brian’s tunic. The sensitized skin of his dick was even more aware of the erotic pull of the buckskin as it became drenched by his leaking precum and alternately rubbed or slid across his hard shaft.

The aphrodisiac qualities of the magnificent leather suit had done their job on both men. Neither were likely to last very long. Each time Brian rammed into his willing companion, he nudged against the boy’s sweet spot. Between the luscious leather touching everywhere against his skin and the pulsing warmth caressing him from the inside, Justin was ecstatic. A tingling warmth welled up from his gut and ebbed until he was closer and closer to the edge. One more thrust. Another. Another. Then the welling warmth became a flood and it washed through Justin, cooling the tingling flames as it swelled over and around him and then swamped through Brian’s senses as well. The liquid heat flowed out between them, evidenced by the thick streams cum that filled the boy with joy and splashed all over the front of Brian’s brand new tunic.

When they were lying together, momentarily sated, their panting breathing echoing together against the almost bare walls of their little room, Justin looked down at the sticky mess between them. He tried to move away a little but found he was practically glued to Brian’s leather shirt which was in turn stuck to it’s wearer’s body with sweat. The leather suit had definitely looked better.

“You think maybe somebody in this village has a magic spell that can clean cum stains out of leather?” Justin asked with chagrin.

“Wasn’t Todd wearing leather?” asked Brian.

“I think so.”

“Well, let’s hoof it down to Drury Lane tomorrow and see if he knows a place. Otherwise, we’ll just wipe off as much as we can and hope for the best.”

Brian looked down as well, not sure what the etiquette was for showing up to break a spell while your special magical leather suit was spotted and cum stained. Brian figured that it really shouldn’t matter. It was the thought that counted, right? Then they both broke out into peals of unrestrained laughter. It wouldn’t have been quite as much fun going up against Craig without the now well decorated suit.

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