[Reviews - 127] starPrinter ePub eBook

I love the supernatural twist to the Brian and Justin romance. Very different from other stories and it's well written and entertaining to read. - samcdee


Justin moves into a new loft apartment in preparation for starting his first term at PIFA.  Upon arrival, he finds a “Welcome Letter” from his new landlord, Brian Kinney. But, when he goes to respond, odd things start to happen.  Can these two men reach across time itself to realize their love?  (Loosely based on the plot of Alejandro Aresti's The Lakehouse - one of my all-time favorite movies.)

Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!)
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Completed: Yes
Word count: 62382 Read: 127825
ePub Downloads: 60 Published: May 03, 2016 Updated: Sep 07, 2016
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

My Banner Goddess, Marny, Gets all my Thanks for the beautiful new banner.

1. Chapter 1 - Moving Day (August 4, 2001) by Tagsit [Reviews - 10] starhalf-star (953 words)

Be gentle kind readers. This was my very first fan-fic. Before this I was a mere lurker. However, one night at 2:00 am, unable to sleep, I was inspired and found myself digging through a stack of old school notebooks, pulling out a pen and frantically scribbling down everything in my brain. This was the result. I hope you enjoy. TAG

2. Chapter 2 - Welcome (August 5, 2001) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (1244 words)

3. Chapter 3 - An Eager Correspondent (August 5, 2001 ­ 4:45 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (1019 words)

4. Chapter 4 - Meet Brian. (August 5, 1999 ­ 9:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1355 words)

5. Chapter 5 - The Mailbox (August 7, 2001) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (910 words)

6. Chapter 6 - Can This Really Be Happening? (August 6th, 5:15 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1261 words)

7. Chapter 7 - Resigning Oneself to The Impossible. (August 7) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1595 words)

8. Chapter 8 - Distractions. by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (907 words)

Be prepared for Babylon Backroom scenes - definitely "R" rated, folks!  TAG

9. Chapter 9 - Meanwhile, Back At the Ranch . . . by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1503 words)

10. Chapter 10 - Discussing Photos. by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (645 words)

11. Chapter 11 - Self Portraits (August 9) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1626 words)

This is my favorite chapter I've written so far!  Hope you like it too! TAG

12. Chapter 12 - Terrors in the Night (August 9, 2001 ­ 2:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (991 words)

Ready for some plot-twisty goodness?  Kind of short chapter but very important - read carefully

13. Chapter 13 - ­The Lost Boy (August 9, 1999 ­ 7:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (1513 words)

14. Chapter 14 - Sweet Dreams (August 10, 2001 ­ 8:00 am) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (1921 words)

PWP, Anyone? Definitely an 'R' rated chapter!  Enjoy.

15. Chapter 15 - Opening Up (August 10, 2001 – 4:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1504 words)

More plot-twistiness to keep you guessing. TAG

16. Chapter 16 - Welcome to The Liberty Diner (August 16, 1999 – 8:00 am) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1550 words)

Please don't get angry at me for rehashing too much cannon.  I'm trying to set up a plot element which, if it works, I think you will enjoy.  Don't worry, I DO know where I'm going with this - I have a detailed time-line already completed.  TAG

17. Chapter 17 - Reciprocating Gifts (August 21, 2001 – 2:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1752 words)

18. Chapter 18 - How to Accessorize, by Brian Kinney ­ (September 5, 1999 – 1:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1676 words)

Humorous chapter - hope you like! TAG

19. Chapter 19 - Playtime (September 6, 2001 – 6:20 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1021 words)

Warning - certain readers may require a cold shower immediately after viewing this chapter.  (I know I did after writing it!) Be prepared!  TAG

20. Chapter 20 - Gus (September 7, 2001 – 7:30 am) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1913 words)

This chapter is more touching than hot - very important plot points involved though. You might want to start taking notes. TAG

21. Chapter 21 - At the GLC (October 2, 1999 – 7:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (2555 words)

Get ready to squeeee!  TAG

22. Chapter 22 - After the Art Show (October 2, 1999 – 9:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 6] half-star (2690 words)

This chapter should make many readers very, very, very, happy!  TAG

23. Chapter 23 - Back to the Future (October 3, 2001 – 6:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1481 words)

Oh, oh, oh - this plot is twistier than a plate full of curly fries! It's getting so confusing (even for the author). Enjoy!  TAG

24. Chapter 24 - Pain and Panic (October 5, 1999 – 7:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 5] half-star (2453 words)

Romantic!Brian. Yay! TAG  

25. Chapter 25 - Dinner with the Munchers (October 8, 1999 ­ 6:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (2757 words)

This chapter should help answer some of those pesky questions many readers have been posing.  Hope you enjoy.  TAG

26. Chapter 26 - ­ Following Directions. (November 10, 2001 ­ 6:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (958 words)

Short & Silly. I just couldn't resist.  TAG

27. Chapter 27 - The Prom. (November 20, 2001 ­ 2:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (2812 words)

Justin sees Hobbs again.  What will come from this inauspicious meeting?  Oh my - things are really starting to get serious now!  TAG

28. Chapter 28 - Debbie. (November 26, 1999 ­ 10:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1620 words)

Partners need to take care of each other, right?  It can't be all one sided.  So, here's Justin's contribution.  TAG

29. Chapter 29 - The Babylon Experience. (December 18, 1991 ­ 10:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (1531 words)

Poor lonely confused Brian!  TAG

30. Chapter 30 - Broken Date. (December 27, 2001 ­ 6:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 6] half-star (2229 words)

This was the hardest chapter to write! TAG

31. Chapter 31 - Alone. (January 7, 2000 ­ 9:30 am) by Tagsit [Reviews - 2] half-star (2498 words)

More Brian angst.  Sorry, folks.  Things are looking up though.  Better things definitely on the horizon. TAG

32. Chapter 32 - For Justin. (January 31, 2000 ­ 4:00 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (2411 words)

33. Chapter 33 - Best Laid Plans . . . (May 20, 2000 ­ 1:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 4] half-star (2815 words)

34. Chapter 34 - Don't Go, Brian! (May 20, 2002 ­ 5:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 3] half-star (1808 words)

35. Chapter 35 - In Unison. (May 20, 2002 ­ 8:30 pm) by Tagsit [Reviews - 14] starstarhalf-star (4905 words)