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Author's Chapter Notes:

I have a surprise for Linds.



I got home to my mother matchmaking. She invited over some men who worked for Daddy. I asked her what was going on. She told me that she wanted me to meet people she thought were better choices. She also said not to mention that I had a child. I was polite to the men, but Mother doesn’t understand that I want Brian.


I told my father I needed to speak to him. We went to his office after the party.


“I need you to give me the funds to fight the custody paperwork,” I told him.


“Sorry, but I don’t feel I should. Your mother arranged for you to meet men who could take care of you. Pick one that will. I really don’t care who you pick.” Daddy thinks he can just say no to me.


“How about I pick Henry Michaels? I mean you wouldn’t have a problem with that would you?” I need him to know I have him by the balls.


“Why would you want Henry, he’s closer to my age?” Daddy is confused.


“Well, I figured since you're screwing his daughter and your mistress, he should be allowed to screw your daughter too,” I tell him.


I found out that Daddy has more than one woman on the side. Lynett told me. Daddy asked for the amount. I told him to make it twenty thousand, for now. He stared at me. I told him Mom would be very interested to know that her god-daughter was screwing her husband. He wrote a check.


I called the lawyer, Gabe, and told him I needed to see him today. He arranged for me to come. I brought the agreement with me. I hadn’t looked at it because I was still angry. Gabe sat and read through the agreement.


“Do you have enough to pay Brian the amount you owe?” He asked after reading it.


“Why would I need to pay him back? I plan to let him see Gus. I just want Gus to live with me. I would even forgo a lawsuit altogether if he wanted us to live with him.” I know that if I get in the house I can make the changes we need.


“The only person you have to sue for custody would be Mel. Brian’s agreement would be over if you transfer the money to him.” Gabe tells me.


“How much would I need?” I ask him.


“One hundred and forty thousand is your half,” Gabe says this as if I could just get that amount.


“Where is that figure coming from? Is it the total amount that he paid?” I know Brian was generous.


“That is half of the money he sent as support. The rest is from the money you asked from him.” Gabe tells me.


“That can’t be right.” I know I have asked for money, but not that much.


“We can go over it, but Aaron gave you an itemized list with each amount and why it was requested. You can take home the original, but if you retain me I need a copy. You need to also remember that you will need to explain how the money was used and how it applied to Gus’s care. I also wouldn’t be suing Brian, just Melanie Marcus.” Gabe waits for me to respond.


I tell him to let me take this home and read it. I can’t believe it was that much. I ask Gabe what my chances were if I tried to sue Mel.


“The custody agreement you signed is still in effect. If you sue, Brian can challenge it and say he wants Gus to stay with Melanie. Gus will also be called to testify. Are you on good terms with him?” Gabe looks at me and I want to wince.


I told him I would like to schedule another appointment for next week. I need to see if I could get the money. Daddy might not care if I say anything with that amount. Before I walked out, I asked if the agreement was unethical. Gabe asked if we were coerced into signing. I said no, but we needed help to support the kids and Brian wouldn’t agree without a written agreement on custody. Gabe said that the agreement is standard, and when we signed we agreed to the stipulations.


I walked out and decided to go to the diner and talk to Deb.




I was about to make more coffee when the bell rings and Daphne comes flying in. I haven’t seen her in a couple of months. Apparently becoming a doctor is hard work. She screeches and hugs me. She became like a daughter to me and Carl. We adopted her because she told us that Justin wasn’t going to be the only one with a second mother.


We were discussing how long she would be here. I told her about Mel and the kids. She said that she was going to see Justin next, but wanted to get the gossip. We were talking about her college classes. She is almost ready to begin her residency. I am so proud, I finally have a doctor in the family.


The bell rang again and I see Linds walk in. Daphne looks at her, it’s that look you give to someone you want to drop off a cliff. Linds sees Daphne and smiles. She walks over and tells Daphne they need to talk. I don’t know what she is up to now, but God help her if she thinks Daphne is going to help her. I excuse myself and go to call Brian.


“Hey Deb. What’s happening hot stuff.” Justin answers.


“Hey Baby, Linds just came in and is talking to Daphne,” I tell Justin.


Justin starts laughing hysterically and tells me to listen and tell him if Linds survives. I told him I’d call him back as soon as she leaves.




I got into town and wanted to see Deb. My parents are okay, but they are always away on trips. I know that Carl and Deb have time for me. I can call either of them and they would show up for anything. I was overjoyed that everything was good in their lives and wanted to tell her about my fiance. Deb loves Mark, and Mark thinks that Deb is the best. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by uberbitch.


“Daphne, how have you been? I haven’t seen you in years,” Linds is sickeningly sweet.


“I was good, but you know, stupid makes me want to puke,” I tell her.


“Oh, is it the baby? I was like that too with Gus,” Linds asks. I’m confused.


“What are you talking about?” I mean, I know she is all kinds of crazy, but why does she think I’m pregnant?


“The baby you're carrying for Brian and Justin. I don’t know which one is the father. I was so excited when I heard that they wanted to have a child that I didn’t even ask.” Linds is smiling at me.


At this point, I want to kill my best friend. He told Linds I was the carrier? Then it dawns on me, Linds doesn’t know. I look at Deb who is behind Linds. She shakes her head no. This could be fun.


“Actually we mixed the sperm, but since it’s triplets, I might be having both. I haven’t gained much weight yet. I told Brian that he is going to have to rub my feet and carry me around when I get too big,” I love fucking with Linds.


“Triplets!” Linds screams.


“They didn’t tell you? Well, you know it could also be Ted’s. I asked Ted for a sample too. Emmett said he would, but me and Emmett having a child, it’s guaranteed to be high strung. I wanted Ben too, cause he’s hot, but well, HIV. Michael and I talked about it and he said that he wants to wait until Hunter is out of college. Blake said that if it’s Ted’s then he will be happy to just be the other father. I wanted to do it for Carl too, but Deb says they only want to be grandparents. I think after these three, I’ll offer to carry gay men’s children because they are always so grateful. Well, you know about that, don’t you? I mean Brian wanted to be included in Gus’s life, and you were so grateful that you wanted to make sure he pays through the nose for it. Justin should be grateful since you tried to ruin his relationship with Brian so you could get more super dick. Was Sam not enough? I mean I’ve met the old hairy bastard, and I’ve got to say, you went downhill with that one. Then again, you're getting up there in years and rich beats hot, don’t you think?” I watch as Linds turns red.


“Linds do you need a doctor, I’m almost one. Is it your heart? Are you worried about the age thing? I know a great plastic surgeon, you’ll look younger but your face will be doing that weird stretchy thing. I could also suggest you talk to a psychiatrist. They would tell you that talking to me about Justin and Brian will get you absolutely NOTHING,” I feel so much better now.


“Daphne, I was trying to talk to you about what will happen when you have this baby. Look at this agreement. Brian and Justin will cut you off from your baby or babies,” Linds really thinks I’m the carrier after all that.


I took the agreement and read the post-its. I only read to be nosey. I started laughing at how Brian made his word final. When I turned to the itemized list of support, I know my mouth dropped open. Brian has paid over two hundred thousand since Gus was born. I have to give it to Linds, she picked a good provider. I handed it back to her.


“Brian will make you sign one and you’ll be under his thumb until the child is 18. You should tell them that you want your baby and they can find someone else,” Linds certainly is working it.


“If someone wants to fork over that much money, I think I owe them my kid and my womb. I see what you're talking about; but unlike you, who wants to be under Brian, period, I love him as a friend would. I don’t want to be the perfect WASP wife to Brian like you do. Linds, has it occurred to you that without a dick Brian isn’t interested in you? Wait, I think I might know someone who does sex changes if you need that number. Even with a sex change though, you still wouldn’t be Justin. You don’t have the ass for it, but maybe they could do butt implants. Linds wait, where are you going? I haven’t finished yet,” I yell the last part as she gets up and hurries out the door.


“Was it something I said?” I ask the five guys and Deb, who had to put her head down.


“Daphne, I love you,” Deb starts laughing again.




I got off the phone and went to find Brian. I tell him that Daphne is at the diner and Linds showed up. Brian barks a laugh and said Linds might just run to Antarctica after that conversation. Brian tells me that we just need to wait and see.


Deb calls and we fight to hear what happened. Deb was trying to tell us but she couldn’t stop laughing. Finally, Todd gets on the phone and tells us that Daphne is on her way here, and he is giggling too. Brian and I hang up. I always wondered if Todd ever left the backroom, but I guess he does. My best friend is home and I have so much to tell her. She needs to help me and Michael plan. Brian tells me not to make plans for this weekend. I asked why and he tells me that we are going to Vermont. I locked the door. We have at least an hour before Daphne arrives and I want to keep Brian smiling.




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