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Drew told me to take it easy on the kids. Dylan told me that he loves to shop with me. Linda wanted art supplies, on the way to the stores she asked if Justin was serious about letting her work with him. I told her Justin loves to create and would love for her work with him. Max, after catching Grandaddy, told us Chad wants his help with his fishing post.


I think my new family is going to be fabulous. We loaded Linda down with everything she would need for art. Dylan and I shopped for clothes, and Drew took Max to sporting goods. I was looking at a shirt that would look good on Max, when we ran into Jen. She was looking for a new pair of shoes. I introduced the Dylan and Linda to Jen. Jen treated them like they were hers. She told me to give them her number if they needed anything. I told Jen we were all going to Kennywood tomorrow for an outing. Jen checked her appointments and said that she would bring Molly. Linda could have a friend at least a little closer to her age, Molly still liked to act like a kid even though she wasn’t. Molly grew up to be a sweetheart and will probably be at my house to welcome my children.


Being a new Dad is fun.




Mel got the test results and told me thank you but she would help her daughter. We tried but they will have to live with it. I only want the offer on the table. No kid should be a statistic. I told Ted and he said that we tried but Mel wasn’t going to give us the satisfaction of being right.


I told Ted I really wanted to look into the foster parenting of LGBT teens. Ted works a lot of hours and small children would need us for more personal care. A teen needs us to love them and give them a home. Ted handed me the card Drew had for the social worker and told me to call Monday. We could at least get started.




I wouldn’t mind a teen, I love Chad and Mia, but Justin works from home and can give small children more attention. A teen like Hunter was just needs to know they are wanted and we are  willing to take care of them and be there for them. I don’t see us taking on three at once but one would be something we could do. I want to be able to participate in their lives. That is half the problem with Mel and Linds, they left the kids to fend for themselves.


JR was a sweet little girl but turned into her mother. I wanted to tell Blake even if they agree that JR isn’t going to go quietly. JR is on her way to being Michael.


Linds is calling again. I debated the merits of changing my number. I answered only to get it over with.


“Ted. Finally someone answers. I have been calling Gus all day. I don’t know if you know that Brian is trying to throw us out on the streets or not, but I think that it’s unfair to make us the bad guys,” Linds really needs to find someone who believes this shit.


“Linds, you and Mel need to start packing. Brian isn’t kidding. You should have planned for eventually moving out. Brian only bought the house so Gus had a home. Mel should be ashamed of herself. You and Mel need to stop trying to blame everyone else, including Gus, for your lack of parenting. I know that you called for a reason, so get to it.” I tell her.


“We need Gus’s support check earlier, tomorrow if possible. Maybe you could give us the next two months. Brian didn’t think about how we are going to make it. I wanted to ask Brian if we could use his loft for a while till we get on our feet,” Linds must have forgotten Gus is 18 next week.


“I would love to help you but you know Gus’s last support check is the last one Brian owed you. As for the loft, Brian would burn it to the ground with you and Mel in it if you moved in there. Find a new bank, the Taylor-Kinney bank is closed.” I hang up.


I decided this can wait till tomorrow. I got roped into Kennywood by Chad and Mia. I don’t mind, their the first kids that find me funny.





Pop went over the schedule at the house, in the car, and at the entrance. Mia told Pop that we get it already. Dad huffed a laugh. Dad told Pop that he and Chad can stick to the schedule but Princess and Gus were on their own schedule. Pop went to find Blake, he will humor Pop.


We all headed for the different areas, Justin, Chad, and Max went for the roller coasters. I do those last with Emmett. Emmett screams all sort of weird southern phrases during the ride and it makes it fun. My absolute favorite was “Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick,” every time we descend a steep incline. Dad takes Mia to the kiddy rides since she isn’t tall enough for most rides yet. I like the Auto Race and Ted comes with me. Ted and I do that and Gran Prix, Ted said that is as exciting as he gets. I make Ted go on the Paratrooper because he screams like a girl.


We all meet up at Pedro’s for Mexican because Dad refuses to feed his kids junk food before riding again. Ted suggested we get there at 1pm because Pop will be looking at his watch when we walk in. Mia tells Dad she wants Deep fried Oreos and everyone but Dad perks up. Emmett tells his kids if they want something don’t be afraid to ask anyone.


We ended the day at the water rides and Pop hands his messenger bag to Dad. Dad doesn’t ride anything that will mess with his hair. We are soaked and Pop hands out towels. Did I mention he’s a planner?




I did go on rides, just not all of them. Emmett took off with Mia, so I took Drew and Linda we rode all the roller coasters together. Drew has been dividing his time between his team members and us. Mia needed me to ride the kiddy ones with her. It’s been good to see them all racing around having a good time. Gus is having fun and not worried for the first time in days.


Ted told me about Linds and I have to wonder how you forget your kid’s birthday, and the fact that if I have him I shouldn't be sending his support to them. Blake said at lunch they probably assumed that I would forget. I have to give it to them, they are willing to try anything. Michael and Deb called all day yesterday. They alienate everyone but you better help when they order. Jen joined us with Molly, and Molly took the kids with her. Gus loves Molly, she turned out beautiful and turns heads. Molly doesn’t really notice.


We were all going to go eat dinner before heading home. I was carrying Mia, and Justin, Chad, and Gus were talking about tomorrow. Justin told me I have the day off, I don’t ride horses. I need to go to the breeder I found and get a puppy for my princess. I asked Gus what he wants to do for his birthday, yes, I celebrate birthdays. Gus told me that he wanted a small party at the house.


Michael is standing next to the car when we get out of the park. I hand Mia to Justin and tell him to take the kids and go ride with Blake and to send Ted over here.


“Michael, you should have come to the park, everyone got in free.” I tell him as he stands there scowling at us.


“I have better things to do. I want to talk to your son. JR is in trouble and your brat needs to tell the truth. I also need you to leave the girls alone. You’re kicking my kid out of her house. Where do you think they are going to go? You need to do right by me, you owe it to me,” Michael says, as clueless as always.


“It’s not your business what I do with the house I paid for Michael. A house that is in Gus’s name. A house that he was thrown out of. If you're so concerned, go buy them a home and help them move. Wait, you don’t support your own kid. Don’t you think you owe it to Mel and JR to support your child? I mean I paid through the nose for mine. Which benefited yours. I mean, between three of you, none of you pay as much as I did. Get this through your head, and tell your mother and the munchers to learn to help yourselves. I no longer need to pay for friends,”  I tell him.


“This is different Brian, JR is in trouble. Instead of helping you are making it worse. Where are they going to go?” Michael acts like I am the one who should take care of his kid.


“Well, they could get on a bus like Gus did when they kicked him out. I mean, my son, who had bruises from Mel, had to sit on a bus for hours by himself. I figure the three of them could handle it better. JR might have a problem, no Crystal Meth on the bus, but she likes to throw parties maybe she can invite her dealer and get everyone high with her. I need to take care of my family, good luck with yours.” I tell him before I head to Ted’s car.


“What happened to you Brian, I used to be able to depend on you. When did you become so selfish?” Michael yells.


“Always have been and always will be Michael.” I tell Ted to drive.




Mel called to tell me to get my best friend under control. I couldn’t believe it when they told me Brian is throwing them out. Mel said David is supposed to throw them out tomorrow. I told her not to worry I would get Brian to listen. He acts like he isn’t going to do it, but I know he’ll change his mind before it happens.


I go back to Ma’s house. She called and said she needed to see me. I got home and she is pacing the living room. She asked if Brian is going to help. I told her that he is being an asshole, but he will probably leave the girls alone. Ma said that she is in trouble at work. I ask her what happened.


“I was asking everyone to help me get you to JR. I’m always there for everyone at the diner, they could help me. A bunch of queens complained to the manager that they came to eat not be begged for money. I got a write up and have been suspended for a week. I have money saved so I’ll be okay, but I can’t give you the money to go.” Ma tells me.


I tell Ma that it’s bullshit they complained. I’m going to have to tell Mel I can’t help. I could try Ben, see if he would help. I mean JR was like a daughter to him too.




I called Brian and reconfirmed he wanted them evicted. Brian said yes. He told me they wanted Ted to give them two months child support. I know Mel isn’t that stupid. I called the locksmith and the police to ask for a couple officers to be on the scene. I also wanted them there on the walk through, I have movers to pack their stuff for them. Brian wants the house appraised and sold. The money will go into Gus’s trust.


I called Jen and asked if she could come for the walkthrough. She is going to send another of her agents. She told me that it was a bad idea to have her and the girls in the same room. I wonder how Mel ever made it out of law school. I mean Brian hid nothing, she signed to get a house but didn’t read the lease. Maybe she thought she could get Gus to sign the house over to her later. I feel sorry for any child that came from these two.

I was just about to go to bed and there's a knock on my hotel door. I open the door to Lindsay.

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