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Author's Chapter Notes:
They say everything always looks better in the light of day. Just who are they, and what do they know?

Title: Christmas Presents…
Story Type: AU
Word Count: 6528
Rating: R, Porn…
Warnings: Passion, Lust, M-Preg…
Beta Queen: BigJ52
Banner: aaa_mazing

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are property of their respective owners, including, but not limited to Russell T. Davies, Cowlip, and Showtime. The author of this story is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended…

Summary: They say everything always looks better in the light of day. Just who are they, and what do they know?

Chapter Twenty Three ~ Daybreak…

Justin’s POV

As the sun crests over Pittsburgh’s skyline and peeks into the window, its golden rays bring hope. Brian wakes to Gus squeezing his hand, and asking for a glass of water. I’m so grateful that our prayers have been answered, his coloring has returned to his skin, and his eyes are sparkling brightly. Tears runs down Brian’s face as he pulls Gus into his arms, holding him tight as he tells him how much he loves him. I go to find Dr. Rose, who’s the pediatric specialist in charge of the Children’s Intensive Care Unit. Several minutes later we return and Brian finally releases Gus from his embrace.

This whole experience has shaken him, and he seems even more committed to us and our family. I guess it takes almost losing someone to get your priorities straight. I already know that Brian will be more focused on his personal life, and finally start delegating more responsibilities at Kinnetik. His business means a lot to him, but I now know that our family means more. You only get to experience your children growing up once, and he feels like he’s missed out on so much with Gus.

Dr. Rose starts a series of procedures testing Gus’s sight, hearing, speech and reflexes. Gus cries when they draw his blood, he’s frightened by the needles. But Brian’s right there reassuring him that it will only hurt for a minute. He tells him how brave he is, and then of course it’s finished before he knows it. Dr. Rose reassures us that he thinks Gus is going to be just fine, but he wants to do a complete physical just to make sure.

I’ve kept everyone away from Brian, knowing he needed his privacy while we’re waiting for Gus to regain consciousness. I’ve taken several breaks to update my mom and the gang throughout this whole ordeal. I’ve also been updated on everyone else’s condition, but I haven’t told Brian about any of it. I just didn’t want him to worry about everyone else. But now I need to tell him, and I know it’s going to ruin the happy moments he’s having with Gus right now, so I wait.

I tell him I’m going to get him a latte from the Starbucks in the cafeteria and that I’ll be back soon. When I get to the waiting room I’m greeted by Emmett, Ted and David. My mom’s asleep in the chair while Debbie’s with Michael and Carl. Josh has been called back to the station as there’s been a break in the case. I think they’ve arrested Keith. Mel’s in with her Rabbi, her family is flying in from Florida this afternoon. I know she has her hands full and I’m worried about how she’s handling everything.

I update everyone on Gus’s progress and they’re all relieved, it seems he’s out of the woods. The doctors have been in and out of Michael’s room throughout the night. The thing about all of his injuries is, you can’t really operate or mend them. You basically have to wait for them to heal on their own. He’ll be bedridden for months, and hopefully the swelling in his brain will go down and he won’t lose any cognitive abilities. He hasn’t been informed about JR’s death. He’s barely conscious himself but, thank God, he isn’t in a coma.

I wake my mom and let her know that Gus is conscious and the doctor’s running tests, then I insist that she go home and get some sleep. Emmett and I go down to get some coffee and muffins for everyone. It’s been a long night, and most of us have been here since early yesterday afternoon. Mel’s extremely distraught, feeling like her life is spinning out of control. Debbie goes and checks on her, knowing that she shouldn’t be all alone. She hates to have to break the news to her about Michael’s hospitalization. They comfort each other as only family can. Both in need of a break, they end up in the cafeteria just behind us

“Em, it just doesn’t seem right celebrating a marriage with so much pain and sorrow happening in the family right now.”

“Whatever you think is best. I totally understand.”

All of a sudden we hear Debbie’s voice, “Wait just a Goddamn minute!”

We turn around and see her and Mel standing a few people behind us.

“Deb. How are you?”

“Well, I’ve been better, that’s for sure. But we’ll all get through this.”

“I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened to Michael, and of course I was devastated when I heard about Jenny Rebecca.”

I reach out and hug Melanie. She’s barely holding it together and I’m not sure what I can do to help, except just let her know that I’m here for her. She tells us that she’s planning on having a service for JR this evening. I’m surprised that it’s so soon, but Em explains to me later that it is a Jewish custom to have the funeral right away. We sit with them and sip our coffees as we catch them up on Gus’s progress. They both seem relieved, and grateful that he’s pulling through and will have a full recovery.

“Now, Sunshine, I don’t think it’s a good idea to cancel your wedding. It isn’t for a couple of weeks and by then we’re all going to need something to look forward to, something to celebrate.”

“Oh Deb. I don’t know…”

“Nonsense. I’m serious. We’ll need some happiness to balance out all this sorrow. It will help take the focus off of all our worries, and it will do both you and Brian some good to get away and go on your honeymoon.”

“But Deb, Michael will still be in the hospital and… I just feel awkward after just loosing JR. It seems so callous, you know.”

“No. I think Deb’s right. You and Brian shouldn’t change your plans.”

“Really, Mel?”

“Yes. Yes absolutely. Jenny Rebecca’s funeral tonight is a celebration of her life. In no way do I want you to feel the need to postpone your wedding. Debbie’s right. We’ll need a reason to come together as a family. Celebrating your marriage is a new beginning and we all need to share in your happiness.”

“Wow! I just thought that with everything that’s happened… But you’re right, we need to celebrate our love and the beginning of our new life together. I feel so much better than I did. But now I have to go and tell Brian about everything that’s happened. I’ve kind of left him in the dark, not wanting to upset him more than he already is.”

“Justin, I’d like to come and sit with Gus for a while. You and Brian can take a break. Maybe go and sit in the park across the street while you tell him. Then when you come back we’ll tell Gus together about Jenny’s passing. I’m not sure he’ll really understand, but I think he’ll remember when Ben passed away. He’ll feel better knowing that they’re together now, looking out for each other.”

“Okay. You’re right. Just let me get Brian his latte and I’ll see you up in Gus’s room.”

They all walk to the elevator together but when we get to the ICU we part. I thank Mel again. I really do feel better now, even though I’m still very sad about everything. I call Maria and ask her if she wouldn’t mind bringing Jamie to the park. I think we both need to see him, and make sure he’s alright before we head back up to Gus’s room.

When I enter Gus’s room he’s chattering away. He looks so much better, even happy as him and Brian read a book the nurse gave them. A few minutes later Mel comes in and hugs Gus, she’s happy he’s feeling better. Of course he doesn’t remember any of it and just wants to go home. His lunch arrives and Mel offers to help him with it so we can take a break.

Brian’s pacing, obviously distraught by all the news. I hate that I have brought him down like this, but he needed to know. His emotions are on a rollercoaster. He’s furious with Lindsay, and shocked about Jenny’s death. He feels guilty about Michael’s abuse, and he’s angry that he didn’t drag him out of the dump and protect him.

He can’t imagine how Mel’s feeling, and knowing that we have to talk with Gus when we get back is stressing him out beyond belief. But when Maria shows up with Jamie he’s so grateful to be able to hold and kiss him. So grateful that Maria is part of our little family. She understands us so well and always knows just how to take care of us.

She’s brought with her a picnic lunch, but Brian’s says he can’t eat anything as he’s too upset. Then he proceeds to eat two turkey sandwiches and the whole container of fruit salad. I’m glad. He needed to eat something, and he didn’t have any lunch or dinner yesterday. I’m more than happy to eat half the pan of brownies. I can’t help wondering how she knew I needed chocolate.

Just holding Jamie has helped relieve some of his stress, and I wish we all could just go home and relax. But we have Gus to care for, and we’re not sure when he’ll be released from the hospital. Jamie, of course, fell asleep about twenty minutes ago, and we both know that we have to go back and join Mel in telling Gus about JR. I know this conversation is going to be hard. I wish there was some way we didn’t have to do this. But I also know honesty is best, even if he is so young.


Lindsay gains access to a phone by sweet talking Dale, one of the male custodians. She’s shamelessly flirting with him, suggesting they meet up during the late shift. She calls Brian cell. She’s sure there’s been some mistake; she shouldn’t be here. He’s left his phone on the nightstand next to Gus’s bed. Thank goodness it’s turned off. Lindsay’s mad, cussing at the nurses and demanding to be released. She doesn’t understand why she’s been admitted to the hospital, let alone the psych ward. She’s furious. After all she didn’t do anything wrong. If anyone’s at fault it’s Maria.

She wants to know if Maria’s been arrested. The longer she waits for Brian to answer his cell, the more vicious her words become. Of course the nurses and attendants don’t know what she’s talking about. They just know that the police have brought her in for a forty-eight hour observation. Dale seems to have disappeared, as the head nurse chastises Lindsay for disobeying the strict policy of no phone privileges. Lindsay panics, acting like a caged animal. Finally she’s subdued and given a tranquilizer. This knocks her out for a few hours. When she awakes she finds herself tied to the hospital bed.


Gus and Mel are crying as she rocks him in her arms, he doesn’t understand what’s happened to Jenny. He asks Brian if he’s going to die too, and it breaks my heart. Brian comforts him, telling him that she was smaller and weaker than him, making sure he knows he’s going to be fine. Then Gus surprises us by asking if Jamie’s going to die, because he’s even smaller and weaker than Jenny. Death is never easy to understand, especially when you’re only four years old; it can be terribly confusing.

Dr. Rose returns with all of Gus’s test results and reports that he’s fine and has a clean bill of health. Gus still needs to drink lots of fluids, and rest. But he should be able to go home in the morning. Brian pushes, asking if he can please go home this afternoon. Brian tells Dr. Rose that we all need to be in our own home, together, resting. He thinks Gus will recuperate faster in his own bed, than if he stays in the hospital. He finally agrees, and goes to get all the paperwork ready for Gus’s discharge.

I encourage Brian to go and visit Michael, and to check in with Debbie, Emmett and Ted. When he returns Gus will probably be checked out and ready to go home. He finds Michael’s room, but hesitates in the hallway. His feelings of grief, regret and guilt overwhelm him. He blames himself, if only… Debbie sees him out of the corner of her eye. She comes over and hugs him. They’re both struggling to accept that Keith has beaten Michael within an inch of his life.

Finally Deb pulls away, looking Brian in the eyes. “This is not your fault. Do you hear me? This is not your fault. Michael chose to stay with Keith. I doubt that anyone could have gotten through to him.”

“I know… It’s just that I was there this morning. I should have seen this coming. I mean, we all knew Keith would be angry and resentful.”

“Yesterday morning I was still in denial about Keith and all his issues. We all thought that he’d be locked up for a while. We never could have guessed that this would have happened.”

“I knew what a bastard he was. I knew something bad would eventually happen. Michael can be so gullible sometimes. How can I not feel responsible for all this?”

“Oh please. Stop with the guilt trip. That’s my thing, remember. “No apologies, no regrets.”


“Stop! I don’t want to hear it. Now go and sit with him. I think he’ll know you’re here even if he is still unconscious.”

Again Brian’s curious how the doctors can determine when a patient is unconscious, or in a coma. Weren’t they the same thing? He watches as Michael shifts in his bed, similar to Justin when he was having a bad dream. Brian stands, but he has no idea what to do as he looks down at him. Ted and Emmett grin slightly, letting Brian know that they’re there for him, that they understand what he’s feeling. For the first time Ted and Emmett see behind the famous Kinney wall. They see his emotions, even as he tries so hard to bury them.

Emmett breaks the silence. “So how’s Gus? I understand he’s awake.”

“Yeah, he’s good. He’s really good. I convinced the doctors to let me take him home this afternoon. I think it’s best for him to be some place familiar. Some place he’ll feel safe. I know I will.”

It’s a given that Gus will be staying with Brian and Justin. It’s unlikely that Brian will let him out of his sight, except for short periods of time. Like the service for JR this evening. God, that still shocks him, making him realize just how fragile life really is, reinforcing even more that you have to live in the moment. He knows now that he needs to learn to express his emotions. He has to let people know how he’s really feeling, because he might not get another chance.

“I talked to Josh, he said that there was an accident on the bridge. Apparently Big Jack’s limousine plunged into the river. Everyone inside drowned, including Keith.”

Brian glances up at him but remains silent. It’s understood that this is the best outcome possible. It saves everyone the agony of a trial, and Michael having to face him after everything Keith’s done. Michael shifts in the bed again, and then he cries out as he cowers under the covers. Brian remembers Michael’s words, “Keith has a temper… Besides, it’s probably my fault...”

Brian can’t help wondering how common it was for Michael to cower and withdraw from all of Keith’s actions and words. He stays with Michael another half an hour to see if he’ll wake up. But he seems to be in a deep, deep sleep. That’s probably a good thing, his body needs rest so it can heal.


Once they get home Maria makes them a light snack, and Justin rocks Jamie while giving him his bottle. Brian and Gus snuggle down and watch ‘Beauty and the Beast’ again. Gus loves this movie. Soon sleep overtakes them as they’re all exhausted from not having much sleep over the last twenty-four hours. Brian tosses and turns as the past day’s events cloud his dreams and his guilt sets in again. It seems to take forever for his brain to relax and let go.

Brian’s finally settled down and is sleeping peacefully. Justin hates to have to wake him up, so he lets him sleep a little longer. He lays out their suits, shirts and ties and starts a strong pot of French roast brewing in the kitchen. Back in the bedroom Justin snuggles up against Brian, running his hands through his hair, gently caressing the side of Brian’s cheek.

He kisses Brian softly, pulling him from his sleep. Brian eyes flutter open as he gazes into Justin’s eyes that sparkle like sapphires. A few minutes later they crawl into the shower. The hot water awakens their senses, and eases the tension they’ve been feeling. Justin brings Brian back to life as he floats down to his knees to give him one of his phenomenal blowjobs. Brian grasps his wet hair as he thrusts his hips. Moments later he’s tipping over the edge, pumping himself down Justin’s beautiful throat. They quickly dress and kiss Gus and Jamie good bye, leaving time to pick up the gift basket that Justin ordered.

Unsure what is an appropriate gesture following Jewish customs, and not wanting to come empty handed, Justin ordered a gift basket. It’s filled with apple coffeecake, chocolate, cinnamon and raspberry rugelach, assorted dried fruits, black and white cookies, honey sticks, Sahale glazed almonds, and dark chocolate bars.

There’s a small crowd in the synagogue, all of Mel’s family including many aunts, uncles and cousins who have traveled to be with her during her time of mourning. Mel and her family greet their visitors in a small chamber before the service, receiving condolences from everyone showing their respect. As the service starts the rabbi distributes black ribbons cut from a cloth, then starts the service reading the “Minyan.” Many of Mel’s close relatives recite prayers from the book of psalms, followed by the traditional memorial prayer.

The service is relatively brief, followed by a short walk to the small cemetery located behind the synagogue. More psalms are recited at the grave site followed by the attendees who take turns to place a shovel of dirt on the coffin.

It’s a very somber occasion as family and friends gather at Mel’s home. Everyone shows Mel their support, letting her know she’s not alone during her time of mourning.


Lindsay is led from her lockdown ward to the small cafeteria for dinner with the other patients. Afterwards she is escorted to a small office to consult with Dr. O’Malley, the psychiatrist in charge of her case. She works exclusively with the police department for patient evaluations.

“Ms. Peterson, do you know why you’re here?”

“There seems to be some misunderstanding. They say I’ve endangered my children. But I can assure you I would never harm Gus and Jenny. I love them very much.”

“But do you understand that leaving them unattended in a car put them in danger?”

“I only meant to be gone a few moments.”

“Any amount of time is detrimental to your children’s welfare. Anyone could come by and take them. Do you have any idea how many children are abducted in the Pittsburgh area each year, let alone the country?”

“But I locked the car. I planned on returning just a few minutes later.”

“Surely you must have considered the consequences. What you did is considered neglect in the eyes of the law.”

“Why can’t you understand that I was coming right back? They were fine.”

“Hasn’t anyone told you? Don’t you know what’s happened?”

“What’s happened is that illiterate fat Mexican housekeeper of Brian’s is making trouble for me, when all I wanted was to see my son.”

“Your son? You’re not the biological mother of Jamie, are you?”

“He’s better off being raised with his brother Gus. I was supposed to have guardianship of him once he was born.”

“So then the answer is no.”

“The answer is, ‘Not yet. You stupid shrink!’”

“Ms. Peterson. It’s in your best interest not to become hostile towards me. After all I’m the one who will decide if you’re fit to be released.”

“I’m not crazy! And I don’t need some bitter shrink, who no doubt couldn’t cut it in medical school to evaluate me. I’m perfectly sane!”

“Psychiatrists have the same education and medical degree as all other doctors, they simple specialize in mental health. And I agree with you. I don’t believe you’re insane. I believe you’re simply angry and hateful, but fully capable of understanding right from wrong.”

“Of course I know right from wrong! I’m not some stupid lunatic.”

“Good. I’m glad we understand each other. Tomorrow afternoon you’ll be released from the hospital and formally charged with neglect, child endangerment, child abuse and manslaughter.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“What you’ve done is a crime. I’m sure your attorney will explain everything.”

Dr. O’Malley stood, smiled cunningly and dismissed herself. A nurse was waiting to escort Lindsay back into the patient lounge where she’s allowed to read or watch TV, as long as she doesn’t disrupt the other patients. The words of Dr. O’Malley start echoing through her head. ”Formally charged with neglect, child endangerment, child abuse and manslaughter.”


Justin’s POV

When we remodeled the loft decorated a guest room for when Maria spends the night, and it’s come in handy recently. Maria’s spending the night knowing how stressful the last couple of days have been. She’s making waffles for everyone, even Brian. We’re having a lazy day just relaxing, reading books and watching Disney movies. We plan on taking a long walk this afternoon, and if it’s hot enough outside maybe we’ll even go for ice cream.

Brian’s reading the newspaper and checking his email when there’s a knock on the door. He looks up at me and I shrug. I’m not expecting anyone, so I answer it, wondering who it might be. Again I’m faced with more police officers who question me about our hired help. I can’t help thinking hired help… Maria is so much more than an employee, she’s part of our family and I hate the condescending tone of their voice.

“Is she here?”

“Yes, may I ask what this is concerning?”

“We have a report that she’s in the country illegally.”

“That’s not true, you’ve been misinformed.”

“May we please come in?”

“Yes, of course.”

I wave them into the loft, knowing this is going to piss Brian off and it’s the last thing he needs. Brian looks up again and then stands, walking towards them. They’ve caught Maria’s attention as well, but she just continues frying bacon, watching the officers as they enter.

“What can I do for you, officers?”

“Mr. Kinney, we need to ask you some questions about your housekeeper, Maria Sanchez?”


“How long has she been employed by you?”

“About three and a half years. She worked for me part-time until several months before my son was born.”

“Did she show you her green card?”

“Yes. The agency that referred her assured me she had all the necessary documentation to be employed in this country.”

“Most green cards are usually only for a year or two. Are you sure she still has the proper documentation?”

“Yes. Absolutely.”

“You’ve actually seen her paperwork, and verified that it’s current?”

“Yes. Maria is a US citizen. I sponsored her, and my personal financial consultant filed all the official paperwork for citizenship. I even accompanied her to court when she was sworn in.”

“I see.”

“What’s this all about? It’s starting to feel like Nazi Germany, you coming to my door asking to see her papers.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Kinney. It’s just that we’ve had a complaint and I’m going to have to ask to see her actual citizenship paperwork.”

Maria looks nervous and says, “I not have… It’s at home.”

“It’s alright, Maria. I have a copy in my office safe.”

Brian excuses himself and returns with the documents. After reviewing them the officers apologize repeatedly, and Brian shows them out.

She’s still looking nervous, and it’s obviously upset her. She apologizes, “I’m so sorry, señor Kinney.”

“There’s no need to apologize, you haven’t done anything wrong. It was wrong of them to come here like that. They should have called Immigration first. Then they would have been informed about your citizenship. Please don’t let them upset you.”

She still looks unsure and shaken up. I motion for her to sit and have a cup of coffee. I finish making breakfast and serve everyone, including Maria. We really do think of her as family.


The next few days are very stressful for everyone as we all come to grips with everything that’s happened. Debbie visits Michael often and is grateful for the night nurse Maryann. She sits with Michael after Debbie leaves for the night, knowing that Deb hates the idea of him being all alone. Several times she’s caught Maryann reading the Bible to Michael as he sleeps, this somehow seems to comfort Deb. Maybe this is just what Michael needs in his life. After everything he’s been through, finding God might be just the right thing.

It took the police several days working around the clock to thoroughly investigate the crime scene/Keith’s apartment. Once Carl gave them permission, Ted and Emmett went over and cleaned out Michael’s things, storing them in Debbie’s basement. Who knows where he’ll be living once he’s released from the hospital? And that won’t be for several months from now.


After being arrested and brought to the police station Lindsay is allowed her phone call. She calls Mel, angry that Mel hasn’t been to see her, or had her released from the hospital. Mel’s voice is tense, and she’s a little curt with Lindsay. She reminds her that she was under a court order for observation and wasn’t allowed any visitors. Mel informs Lindsay that she can’t represent her. Lindsay needs someone who specializes in family law and child welfare cases. But Mel does agree to recommend someone who can help her.

“When are you coming to visit me?”

Mel takes a deep breath, trying to keep her cool and not go off on Lindsay.

“I should probably be doing this in person, but I just can’t see you right now. I think we need to take a break. I’m very angry with you, and I can’t be a part of your life right now.”

“What? Why?”

“Why? Where do I start? First of all you promised me that you’d let go of this whole obsession with Jamie, and wanting to be his mother. I can’t understand the things you’ve done, you’re unfit to be a parent.”

“Mel, Melanie, you can’t mean that. I love you, I need you. I love Gus and JR. I miss them and I need to see them.”

“No! Lindsay! Listen to me. I’ve filed paperwork with the court asking that your parental rights be revoked. And I’ve asked that Brian and Justin be granted full custody, allowing me visitation rights.”

“No! No. I don’t want him raising my son!”

“I’m not finished! You lied to me, and led me to believe that you still worked at the gallery. But when I called Sidney, he said he had to let you go.”

“Mel, I can explain. I didn’t want to upset you. I was going to look for another job. Really, I was.”

“Listen, Lindsay, I need you to hear this. When we bought the house you didn’t qualify for the mortgage, so it was put in my name only. Then you promised that you’d start paying part of the house payment, but you never did. Therefore, I’m packing all your things up so you can make arrangements to have them picked up. I’m keeping the house, and I don’t want you coming back here to live.”

“Melanie. You can’t abandon me like this. I need you. I love you. Please forgive me. I promise, I’ll make it up to you.”

“You’ll make it up to me? How? How can you ever do that? I buried my daughter, my darling sweet baby girl! I’ll never see her grow up! I’ll never see her again… How can I ever forgive you?”

“What are you talking about? What do you mean you buried Jenny Rebecca?”

“I know the police arrested you for child endangerment. You’re being charged with manslaughter. You’ve admitted to leaving Gus and JR locked in a car. You never came back for them! Do you know how hot it was in the car? It’s a Goddamn miracle that Gus didn’t die too, that he doesn’t have residual brain damage!”

“No! No, this can’t be right! I don’t believe you! No! No! No!”


Mel can’t even talk to her, she’s so hurt and upset. It’s lucky she’s in jail because Mel just might actually kill her if she wasn’t.

“Mel? Melanie, please tell me you forgive me. I need you to forgive me.”

“I’ll call you an attorney. He’ll contact you at the jail in the next day or so.”

“Mel! Don’t hang up! Mel! Mel!”

Lindsay sinks to the floor, feeling sick to her stomach. She can hardly grasp what Mel has told her. She’s scared and frightened. For the first time she’s really all on her own. She can just imagine how upset Brian must feel, how he must really hate her. She sits on the floor crying, feeling sorry for herself as the cold hard truth of her actions sinks in.


Michael floats in and out of consciousness, he’s now sleeping a good part of the day while his body recovers. Debbie notices that Maryann has taken an interest in Michael, she now visits him even on her off hours. They talk often about Michael’s progress and Deb’s really beginning to like Maryann. It’s like Michael has his own guardian angel watching over him. Deb has taken leave from the diner so she can spend most of her day with Michael. Carl’s glad, he hates how much she works and he’d rather she not work at all.

She makes her famous chicken soup for him now that he’s more alert, although he’s in a great deal of pain and on some strong painkillers. So she discounts his snarky and snide comments, writing it off to his injuries. She understands how hard it is to have to know you’ll be hospitalized for months to come. He’s having some trouble with his hand and eye coordination, and that frustrates him. He now has a sense of what it was like for Justin after the bashing. Not that he actually feels sorry for the way he treated Justin, he’s still spiteful about Justin’s place in Brian’s life.

Ted and Emmett visit daily, bringing him comic books and lemon squares. Mostly they just hang out and catch him up on all the gossip from Liberty Avenue. They try to avoid talking about Jenny Rebecca, as well Brian and Justin. The last time they brought up the wedding, he was back to being resentful and angry, making it clear that he thought Brian should be here with him while he’s in the hospital. They had hoped that he had gotten past all his jealousy. But it seems angry Michael is back, and he thinks it should be him marrying Brian, not Justin.


Brian’s POV

I’ve only visited Michael twice since Gus left the hospital. I’ve sat with him for a while reading ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ to him. I picked up a copy in the gift shop. Michael mostly sleeps and when he’s awake he’s quiet and withdrawn. Sometimes it feels like we’re strangers instead of best friends. Michael seems so sensitive these days when I mention some of the things that have happened, I feel like I’m tiptoeing around landmines. The truth is that after Jamie was born, and Michael had his meltdown at Christmas, we’ve been drifting apart. We really don’t seem to have much to say to one another anymore.

Gus is back to his usual self, playing and reading. He paints with Justin during the day and helps Maria make dinner. He’s still fascinated by everything that Jamie does, and he loves being a big brother. Justin’s butterball is starting to grow and it’s becoming noticeable, which excites and frightens Justin at the same time. We talked about it and decided to go ahead with the wedding. We just got the invitations from the printer and Justin is addressing envelopes like a madman. I suggested that we just print labels for them but apparently that’s a no-no according to Miss Manners. So I have my work cut out for me when I get home.

Justin’s POV

After spending the good part of the evening addressing invitations we’re finally done. I’m pretty sure my hand’s about to fall off, it’s been cramping on and off most of the day. I’ve been able to hide it from Brian for the most part so let’s just hope tonight’s activities focus more on my big bubble butt. I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but it seems to be growing just like my belly. It’s a good thing we’re getting married in two weeks because my suit might not fit if we wait much longer.

I love how round it’s getting and Brian can’t seem to keep his hands off me. He loves standing behind me, circling me with his arms and running his hands across my not-so-little butterball. Most of my clothes fit a little too snugly these days and Brian insists that we go shopping. Of course I still want to wear cotton t-shirts, sweats and cargo pants as they’re comfortable. Besides I’m only hanging out at home, painting or cooking.

Brian has other ideas. He thinks I should wear more sophisticated clothes so he’s made an appointment for me with his tailor. I agreed to let him design a suit for our wedding, because I did want something stylish and classic that actually fits. But I don’t wear dress slacks, tailored shirts, and lightweight sweaters. It’s not like I’m some high-powered ad executive.

Brian cringes when I joke about looking more like Larry the cable guy, than a high-fashion model stepping off the cover of GQ. I can just imagine them doing a spread on Fashions for the Expectant Father. Thankfully Brian’s favorite way to see me is unclothed. I worry that he might be turned off by my chubby tummy. After all he’s always boasted that he’s not into fat. But he tells me I’m not fat, just pregnant and he thinks I’m beautiful. We’ll see what he thinks when I’m nine months pregnant. But then again he’s been there, so maybe he knows what I’ll be feeling like when I can no longer see my swollen feet.

God, it feels good lying here on our big comfortable mattress with Jamie sleeping on my big belly. I think my heartbeat calms him, maybe it lulls him off to sleep. Brian’s busy tucking Gus in and reading him a bedtime story. He was surprised, but very happy when Mel asked us if we’d consider agreeing to full custody of Gus. She still wants to spend time with him on a regular schedule, with him staying overnight on the weekends. But she works ten hours a day and really doesn’t have the time and energy to be a full-time single parent. We all agree that it’s best for him being home with me during the day, and not at some daycare center.

I’ve almost fallen asleep when Brian comes into the bedroom, carrying a tray of milk and Oreos. I smile broadly, he knows I’m always hungry these days. I’d probably be in the kitchen looking for Twinkies in the middle of the night if I didn’t have a bedtime snack. Besides, I now know that he loves milk and Oreos as much as I do. After he’s gotten Jamie snuggled down in his crib, he comes and joins me. I’m dunking the cookies in milk, and then popping them in my mouth. I can’t help dripping milk drops across my stomach and chest. He licks them up, in between eating the milk-soaked cookies I’m feeding him.

The feel of his wet tongue across my warm skin is sending shivers through me. I can’t help sporting an erection just feeling the sensations as his tongue glides across my chest. Soon the cookies are forgotten as he makes a meal out of me instead. I arch my back and sink deeper in the mattress, my minds flooded with endorphins. No one ever talks about it, but being pregnant heightens your need for sexual contact. You’d think that now that I’m pregnant our sex life would be decreasing, but it’s just the opposite. We’re like little bunnies, okay, maybe he’s not so little and neither am I these days.

I’m panting and I’m pretty sure I’m drooling as my body comes alive with desire. I relax here on my back and let him do all the work. I know I’m spoiled, but he likes to always be in control. Soon he’s climbing up my body leaving a trail of wet sloppy kisses across my torso and chest. Our eyes meet, reading all the lust and passion we’re feeling for one another. Soon his lips capture mine as our tongues dance together.

I moan and whisper his name as my yearning increases. I feel him hard against me and I need him inside of me. He senses my desire and brings my legs up onto his shoulders. Considering how horny I am these days I sometimes wonder if I even need lube. But he’s not willing to take a chance that he might hurt me. Even knowing that it’s coming, I’m always surprised by the coolness as he spreads it across my rosebud.

He’s fast. Soon he’s inside of me, gliding against my tight walls, sending ripples of pleasure through both of us. He takes it nice and slow as the sensations build, long steady thrusts as he pulls himself in and out of me. Then down again, as he picks up the pace driving deeper into me. I’m like the surf cresting, drowning in wave after wave of pleasure, lost in my own tide pool.

I’m chanting, “Brian, Brian, Brian.”

Then he’s there with me. We’re both satiated, washed up on the shore like beached whales as the tide rolls back into the sea.


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