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Author's Chapter Notes:

Very short ending. Thank you for reading and enjoying this.



I was planning Beth and Victoria’s second birthday when Max came in and told me Linds was finally sentenced. It took almost a year for Linds’s attorney to be ready for trial. Linds had been at a secure psychiatric facility since trying to kill her mother. Nancy woke up three days after nearly having her brain bashed in. She suffered a stroke and now requires in-home assistance. Ron is still running around like nothing happened. Brian said it just made it easier for him to fuck around now that Nancy can’t interfere.


Linds got the maximum they could give, fifteen years for second degree attempted murder and fifteen for the assaults and stalking charges. Brian told Kell thirty years didn’t seem like a lot. Kell reminded Brian that Linds is 37 and she would likely die in prison. She isn’t going to get paroled for good behavior. I wasn’t allowed to be at the trial. I didn’t really want to be there anyway. Emmett said they played the recordings of her voicemails and it freaked him out. I told Max after the first time listening, I didn’t want to hear them. The psychiatrist who is treating Linds asked to talk to Brian and me, Brian told him “Bat shit crazy doesn’t need an explanation” before hanging up.  


Kell wanted her transferred to a prison closer to the BAU. He told me he wanted to make sure anyone treating Linds didn’t get fooled by the sweet earth-mother she projects. Brian told him they should just transfer her ass to the middle of a volcano and drop her in.


Gus had some bad days. He worried his mother would escape and hurt the family. Brian had told Mel to block Linds from calling the house. Mel forgot to do it. Linds called and told Gus that once she got me away from Brian, she would come and take him with us. Gus told her he wanted to stay with Brian and Mel. Linds told him not to worry, Brian and Mel wouldn’t be around. Gus called Brian in hysterics. Mel had a very bad day after that.


Brian hired Allen to stay with us permanently. I like Allen, but I didn’t think we needed around the clock security. Brian told me groupies come with fame, so it was better to be prepared for a situation now. The girls love Allen, and I will admit, he makes it easier when I have three kids to haul around. Allen found a boyfriend, it was Ben. You could have knocked me over with that one. Allen is six foot six and reminds me of Vin Diesel in build. Nothing about him screams Michael. Ben was at the diner a couple months ago with Hunter when we ran into each other. Allen was practically eye raping Ben. I told him to call Ben. Allen, who doesn’t have a shy bone in his body, kept making excuses for not calling. Brian finally had enough and told Ben to fuck Allen so Allen could keep his job. Ben seemed surprised, but they started dating.


Michael seemed to disappear from our lives. Brian was thrilled. Ted was contemplating a restraining order of his own. Blake, being the kind, caring, and easily duped man he is, tried to help Michael. Michael suddenly took his hero worship to Blake and all anybody heard from Michael is “Blake says…”. Blake told me it happens to him all the time with the patients from the clinic. Brian let go of the restraining order on Michael because he is chasing Blake now. Michael tells everyone that Blake is really his best friend. I love to watch Ted groan when Michael says Blake’s name. Michael set up daddy dates with Blake, so Blake could help him with JR. JR told us Blake only agrees because he can watch Michael. Blake is trying to set Michael up with a patient who is as big of a comic book geek as Michael. Brian told Blake once you become Mikey’s hero, you're stuck until the next moron gets Michael’s attention.


Brian and I have been able to be the parents we want to be. Mom and Deb help out when we spoil the kids too much. Brian wanted to dress his kids in designer outfits all the time. Deb told him to enjoy getting the many stains little kids get on their clothes, out. Brian finally compromised and keeps the designer outfits for business parties and my shows. Well, I am off to celebrate my life with Brian.


The End.
starlight is the author of 43 other stories.
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