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I was on my way to pick up the kids. I find it funny Michael was trying to play injured father, yet not once in the last three weeks has he shown up to pick up JR. I started taking the kids to the loft with me, because Linds and Mel decided they needed a break and counseling to see if they have a future together. Linds moved in with her sister, because her mother told her it was time to be more responsible. Mel has the kids because Lynette didn’t want children in her house. Mel told me they were just taking a breather for now. I think they need to stop playing and just end it.


Gus told me it had been non-stop fighting until Linds suggested staying with Lynette and going to counseling. Brian was not thrilled that we were watching a rerun of the Mel and Linds show.


Linds found us at the diner a week after the separation. She told us she had a suggestion for us. Brian wanted to know if she and Mel had come to any decisions.


“Brian, Mel and I just need some space. We aren’t leaving each other, it’s just we can’t talk without fighting and we feel that if we aren’t at the house together it will make the counseling sessions less stressful.” Linds tells us.


“If the kids weren’t involved, I would tell you to do what you want.” Brian is irritated.


“Brian, it’s because of the children that we decided to do this. I actually came here to see if you wanted me to help out Justin at the house. I could stay there and make sure he has time to paint.” Linds really is in her own world.


“Linds, the last time I checked, the reason for this separation was because you couldn’t take care of your family. Justin and I are perfectly capable of taking care of ours, without your help.” Brian tells Linds.


“Justin, wouldn’t it be easier if I was here to watch the girls?” Linds decides to try this on me.


“Linds, when Brian and I had the girls we discussed how we planned on raising them. We, meaning Brian and me. It didn’t include anybody else then and it still doesn’t. I don’t want to be an asshole here, but well, I’m going to have to be. Instead of you being at my house, maybe you could be home to get the kids from me. Mel isn’t going to get pissed if you start showing some responsibility. I have always had time to paint, Brian makes sure of it.” I tell her.


“I was only trying to help,” Linds answers nastily before she walks out of the diner.


I got to the school ten minutes early to pick up the kids. Brian took late lunches so he could meet us at the loft and spend time with the kids. Michael tried to invade the loft, but Brian told him if he wanted to take JR it was fine, but he was not to come and expect to hang out with Brian. Michael tried to play it off that JR was the reason, but after the third time he was told to take her and leave, he stopped coming by.


Michael actually got out of trouble with Ben. We didn’t know that Ben had finally issued an ultimatum to Michael. When Michael didn’t show up on time for the conversation Ben wanted to have, Ben told him to leave the house. Michael told him it was about JR. Ben let it go. Ben and Michael are doing okay, for now. Michael has been hiding his stalking of Brian as checking on JR.


Ted came back to work and told Brian that if it had been twins, he would have come back earlier and worked for free. Blake loves that Ted told him to take a leave of absence and be with Austin. Ted told us that if Austin hadn’t been so adorable he might have tried to give him back. Ted is so lying, he calls the house five times a day to see what Austin is doing.


The kids voted for chicken with vegetables for dinner. Brian was waiting for us. I started cooking, JR always wants to help. I let her arrange the vegetables on the steamer plate. Brian asked when my show was, he was working on his schedule for the next month. I told him it was the last week of the month. Brian doesn’t want me to show the series of paintings I did of the kids. I told him I already had them marked as not for sale.


Mel was early today, she told me she cleared her schedule enough to be home at night. I told her to stay and eat so they can relax when they go home. Mel asked Brian and me if we could talk after dinner. We fed everyone and then the girls and JR went to the bedroom to play. Gus had homework so he went to the desk on the other side of the loft.


“Michael is suing for custody again. I got the summons at my office.” She tells us.


“What are the grounds this time?” Brian asked her.


“Neglect. He is using Linds not taking care of the kids as an excuse.” Mel tells us.


“Does Ben know?” I ask her.


“I talked to Ben, he told me Michael is concerned about Linds not taking care of the kids. He and Michael could just keep JR until Linds and I work out our problems. Ben doesn’t want permanent custody and felt Michael couldn’t be a full-time father. I would be willing to agree to let them keep JR until Linds and I work out our problems, but I refuse to let Michael get primary custody.” Mel tells us.


“Did Ben agree to have he and Michael take JR?” I ask her.


“Ben thought it would work and I thought we agreed. Then Michael left a message telling me he was taking this to court. Brian, he thinks you and Justin will support him. He is probably going to use Justin having to take Gus and JR every afternoon as me being unable to take care of JR.” Mel started to cry.


“Mel, let him do it. Brian told him once and he didn’t learn, nobody stays clean in court. Go talk to Carl about Michael being escorted from the front of this building a few weeks ago. You're going to have to be the bad guy here. You aren’t neglecting the kids Mel, you are the provider for the family. The only reason I have the children is so that you can work. Basically, it’s a nanny situation. Michael is still pissed that no one is siding with him.” I tell Mel.


Michael should know better than to call me as a witness for him.




Sydney finally retired at the gallery. I waited till he was gone to go to the gallery. I walked in and looked around. The walls were being painted and the new floors were put in. It wasn’t something I would do. I was wandering around to see if Brian was trying to promote Justin’s work here. It would be something else to keep Justin from going back to New York where he belongs.


“Good Afternoon, welcome to Bloom Gallery. My name is Reed, let me know if I can help in any way.” I turned to see who was talking. I can’t believe Brian hired someone so young.


“I wanted to see the changes that Brian and Justin are making to the gallery. I’m Lindsay Peterson. I used to help Sydney run the gallery.” I tell Reed.


“I hope you like what you see. We are actually almost finished.” He tells me.


“It’s okay. I liked the flooring the way it was and I don’t understand why you're painting the walls stark white. I think the other white on the walls lent a softness to them.” I tell him.


“Well, I guess if you're less edgy and want to attract grandmothers to look at our paintings we could do soft. The floors are the same floors that were here when I was hired, we stripped and refinished the floors, so the look would be clean.” He says with a smile.


“I don’t know where you got your experience but I have worked in this gallery and know the clientele. Brian is going to expect you to be able to keep this gallery profitable.” I tell him.


“I went to Yale and was a double major in Art History and Business Management. I mean, I’m only a Ph.D., but who’s trying to brag? What about you?” Reed asks me.


“I need to get going and see Justin. Maybe I’ll see you later.” I leave the gallery.


Reed needs to work on his people skills. I think I’ll mention that to Brian. I walk to the diner for lunch. I see Peter and Justin sitting and talking. I think I need to see what they are discussing.


“Hey Justin, I was just coming in for lunch. Peter, what are you doing in the Pitts?” I ask.


“Justin sent me pictures of his new series of work and I wanted to come to see it. Brian is trying to keep Justin from showing it. I came to reassure Brian that the paintings will be returned safe and sound.” Peter said while laughing.


“Justin, you can’t let Brian tell you what to do,” I tell Justin.


“Linds, Peter is just kidding. I wanted to see how much space I had for the show next month.” Justin tells me.


“If you had stayed in New York as I suggested, Peter wouldn’t have to come all the way here to talk to you,” I tell him.


“Linds it was an hour flight and I would fly around the world to see Justin’s paintings. I predict people are going to try to convince Justin to sell them.” Peter tells me.


“You should be convincing Justin to be where he would get more notice,” I tell Peter.


Peter and Justin get up and tell me they need to go to the gallery. Peter is leaving to go back to New York soon. I offered to come with them. Justin told me they needed to talk business. I wanted to say something about Reed but they seemed to be in a hurry. I’ll just talk to Justin later about him.




“Justin, I know you told me to handle Linds with kid gloves, but she needs to understand I am your agent. I wouldn’t try to hurt your career.” Peter seems worried.


“Peter, all I asked was for you to tolerate her. I expect you to keep doing the excellent job you have been doing in managing my career. What did you think I was asking?” I ask him.


“Truthfully, I thought you wanted me to listen to her. We never really talked much about it. You told me to give her some latitude. I guess I thought you wanted her to have information on what you were doing.” Peter tells me.


“No. I knew she would be calling you. I didn’t want you to get pissed enough to drop me.” I tell Peter.


Peter tells me that he would be an idiot to drop me as a client. I told him to only tell her anything that would be in a press release. I’m glad we talked.


I told Brian that I would pick up Gus and JR and bring them to the house. It was our weekend to have the kids. Brian stayed home with the girls so Peter and I could work. Mel called last night to see if we could keep JR. She was seeing an attorney about the custody hearing they had next week. Ben isn’t happy that Michael wanted to make this situation worse.



I got to the school to pick up the kids, Gus was standing there but no JR. Gus got in the car.


“Where’s your sister?” I ask him.


“I don’t know, she wasn’t waiting for me,” Gus tells me.


I pull around to park. Gus and I walk back up to the school. I told Gus we would go to the office. JR wasn’t standing anywhere. I walked into the office and asked if they could page JR.


“Jenny was signed out at 2 pm, by her father.” The secretary tells me.


I thanked her and we go back to the car. I call Mel to see if she knew Michael was signing JR out.


“Mel, did you know Michael signed JR out of school?” I ask her.


“No. He didn’t make plans with me to do anything,” Mel tells me.


She told me to take Gus and she would try to find out what Michael was doing. I started driving home. We were halfway home when Mel called back.


“He told me he wanted you to pick her up at his house. Justin, you don’t have to go back. If Michael wants to suddenly be a dad, let him deal with JR. She is going to be pissed at him, she was looking forward to going swimming at your house.” Mel tells me.


I tell her I’ll handle it. She needs to meet with her lawyer and make sure they are ready for the hearing. I call Brian to tell him about his ‘best friend’s’ latest crap.


“Justin, just come home. I’ll deal with Michael.” Brian tells me.


Michael thinks Brian being sarcastic is bad. He is going to meet Brian, my husband, and the children’s father. Brian hasn’t bothered to talk to Michael much since the day Linds didn’t pick up the kids. Brian said he wasn’t going to father Michael anymore. We have young children that can still accept guidance, Michael is long past the accepting guidance stage.




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