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1. Justin overhears a conversation between his mother and Michael outside his hospital room...

"You don't have to worry, Mrs. Taylor. Brian doesn't want anything to do with Justin," Michael stated with confidence.

"How can you be certain?" Jennifer asked, not mentioning the nurse had told her of Brian's nightly visits.

"It's simple. Brian doesn't do damaged goods," Michael said firmly before walking away from a stunned silent Jennifer.

Days later, Justin disappears from the hospital.

2. Justin lives his life as a recluse, miles away from any neighbors or towns. While wandering his property one day, he spots a parachute in his field. Deciding to investigate he discovers an unconscious man with a broken leg and no identification.


It could be possible to combine the two bunnies into one story. Maybe, after hearing the conversation, Justin disappears and Brian spends years searching for him. On one of his many trips, the private plane he's traveling in has engine trouble and he is ordered by the pilot to parachute out. The search for the plane reveals only the dead pilot but the search area doesn't extend far enough to find Brian and Justin finds him instead.

To be continued.
Deb1 is the author of 4 other stories.
This story is a favorite of 2 members. Members who liked Plot Bunny also liked 115 other stories.
This story is part of the series, Plot Bunnies Galore. The previous story in the series is Plot Bunny Madness.
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