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Author's Chapter Notes:

I had SOOOOO much fun writing this chapter - I was giggling maniacally at my computer pretty much the whole time. I hope you like it too. I only wish my Graduation had been half as pleasurable! TAG

Chapter 9 - Graduation.

The next couple of days were heaven, as far as Justin was concerned at least. He spent most of each day playing with his new art supplies, sketching, painting, and just enjoying all of it. Brian even had his IT guy from the office come by and install a scanner and a new graphics program on the pool house computer for Justin to use. The young artist had never had this much time to spend on his art or this much support for his endeavors. And each night, when Brian got home, Justin did his utmost to show his appreciation to the big-hearted man who’d given him all this.  

It wasn’t until Friday that real life again intruded on Justin’s happiness. The alarm had gone off only a few minutes earlier and Brian was still in the shower when Justin heard his cell phone ring. Digging through the pile of clothes on the floor by the bed, he eventually found the phone and managed to answer it before it went to voicemail.  

“Hey, Jus,” Daphne’s always cheery voice came through the phone loud and clear. “Sorry to call so early, but I’ve got to be at work by 9:00 and I didn’t know if I’d have time to call you later. Hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No. It’s okay, Daph. Brian already got me ‘up’ earlier,” Justin responded suggestively, making Daph giggle on the other end of the call.

“That sounds like a pretty pleasant way to wake up if you ask me! *He he he* Anyway, enough about your sex life, Jus, especially since I don’t have one yet. The reason I called was to see if you need a ride tomorrow.”

“What for?” Justin asked.

“Duh, Graduation?” Daphne replied, “You know, you put on a hideous polyester dress and a funny hat and then walk down the aisle between rows of uncomfortable folding chairs set up in the gym while everyone claps as they call your name?”

“Ha. Ha. But, to answer your question - No, I don’t need a ride because I’m not going,” Justin said matter-of-factly.

“Why not?”

“Because I hated that place, they were all horrible to me there and for the last two months pretty much everyone from the principal down to the nerdiest freshman acted like they had a free pass to bully and denigrate me. Why the hell would I ever voluntarily go back there?” Justin said heatedly.

Brian had heard the last part of this as he was shaving in the adjacent bathroom. The angry tone of Justin’s voice was what initially got his attention, but then when he heard the subject of the discussion, he started to get interested.

“Come on, Jus. This is Graduation. Who cares what everybody else says or what they did to you in the past. You should do this for YOU. We deserve this. We earned it.” Daphne tried her best to convince her friend.

“Fuck Graduation, Daph. It’s just a stupid meaningless ritual. Besides, it’s more for the parents and families anyway and I conveniently don’t have either of those anymore to worry about.”

“My family will be there and so will I. It’s not like you won’t have anyone. Plus, who else is gonna cheer when I finish my Valedictorian speech?” Daphne asked smugly.

“You’re the Valedictorian? That’s fantastic, Daph. Way to go!” Justin raved.

“So, does that mean you’ll come?”

“Sorry, Daph. You’ll have to give me the recap of your speech later. I’ve got no reason to be there. Nobody really wants me there anyway. You’ll be fine without me.”



Daphne knew by his tone that Justin had already made up his mind and she knew when to give up. “Okay. But, if you change your mind, just let me know and I’ll be happy to come get you!” Daphne tried to leave the door at least partially ajar, hoping that something would change Justin’s mind.

“You have fun, Daph. And, good luck with your speech. Later.”

Justin hung up and tossed the phone back onto the pile of clothes. Then he rolled over and grabbed Brian’s pillow, a habit he’d gotten into already, since it usually helped him drift back to sleep after Brian had left in the morning. He secretly found the scent of Brian’s ridiculously expensive cologne, mixed with his sweet, clean sweat, unbelievably comforting - although there was no way he was going to tell Brian that.

“You should go, you know,” Brian said while he adjusted his tie using the mirror on the inside of his closet door.

“Huh?” Justin said from his nest of pillows and covers.

“Your Graduation. You should go.”

“Why the fuck would I go back to that hell hole?” Justin raised his head off the pillows just enough to answer.

“Because if you don’t, you’re letting the fucking breeders and bigots win. You should go and show them all that you’re the biggest fucking success of any of them and that they can kiss your big fat fairy ass if they don’t like it,” Brian said all this in a calm voice with an undertone of conviction.

“But I’m not a success, am I, Brian?” Justin said resignedly as he rolled onto his side, propping up his head with his hand. “I’m nothing. If it weren’t for you, Brian, after tomorrow I’d probably be living in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere. All I am is your rent boy for the summer.”

Justin rolled back and pulled the pillow over his head so he wouldn’t have to say anything or listen to anything more. Brian merely patted his shoulder in goodbye and headed towards the door as he always did, off on his way to work. This time, though, he surreptitiously picked up Justin’s phone off the floor as he passed.

“Hey, Jus. Changed your mind already?” Daphne said when she noted the caller ID on her phone a few minutes later.

“Daphne. It’s Brian Kinney,” Daphne was surprised to hear the older man’s voice. “I could use your help with something. Do you have a minute . . . ?”



Saturday morning, Justin was surprised when Brian rolled over him to turn off the alarm as usual, but then didn’t get out of bed. Instead, Brian simply pulled Justin closer into his chest, nuzzling into the crook of the younger man’s shoulder, and started to drift off back to sleep. Justin was thrown by this odd behavior and tried to wiggle out of the tight embrace so he could nudge Brian awake.

“Brian. You’re going to go back to sleep. You better get up,” Justin said and added a kiss on Brian’s cheek along with the warning.

“Relax. I’m taking the day off,” Brian said, trying to get Justin back in a more comfortable snuggling position - although if you’d pointed this out to the man he would have denied it.

“What for? You never take a day off,” Justin was more than curious.

“It’s my company. I’m the boss and I can take a day off when I want,” Brian said defensively. “Besides, they say that all work and no play makes Brian a very dull boy. And you don’t want me to get dull on you, do you?”

“Brian, I don’t think you could be dull if you tried,” Justin laughed, rather pleased that he might get to spend a little more time with the sexy brunet today.

“Besides, we have a lot of other stuff we need to get done today, little boy,”

“What?” Justin was confused by Brian’s obvious use of the word ‘we’.

“Well, first of all, we’re going shopping.”

“Why? I hate shopping?” Justin moaned, flopping back into the pillows and trying to hide from the mere idea of shopping.

“Justin Taylor, did I just hear you say you hate shopping,” Brian teased. “Are you sure you’re gay?”

“You mean you like it?” Justin accused - he couldn’t imagine a more masculine man than Brian and the thought of the elegant man in a suburban shopping center just like his mother was ludicrous.

“What? Do you think I was just born wearing Armani? Of course, it all depends on WHERE you shop. I wouldn’t be caught dead in the Big Q or getting ‘malled’. However, real shopping is a completely different matter,” Brian replied haughtily.

“Oh. 'Real shopping'. Well, I’ve never been real shopping, so I wouldn’t know,” Justin laughed.

“Just stick with me, little boy, and we may turn even you into a real gay boy someday.”

“I thought I WAS a real gay boy,” Justin said, rolling over and quickly maneuvering so he was sitting astride Brian. “How about I show you everything I’ve already learned about being a good little gay boy, hmm?”

“That’s a great idea. And maybe I can give you pointers along the way, if you need any prompting,” Brian said, smiling up at the provocative young blond and already reaching for another condom and the lube from the table next to the bed.




By lunchtime, Justin found himself in possession of a brand new Hugo Boss suit along with several dress shirts, a pair of prada boots and a couple of random outfits that Brian had informed him would be appropriate for ‘clubbing’, whatever that meant. He had tried repeatedly to protest Brian buying him all these things but Brian didn’t listen at all - he just kept picking out additional things which Justin was ordered to try on. Eventually, Justin gave up, hoping that his submission would keep Brian from forcing more things on him. And soon after that, Brian determined that they were finished, directed that everything be delivered to an address that Justin didn’t recognize and Justin finally got to leave the high-end boutique where he’d been held captive for the last several hours.

“Brian, when you said we were going shopping I thought you meant to get YOU stuff,” Justin tried again to figure out what Brian was up to with this uncalled for consumerism. “You hardly got anything. And where the hell am I going to wear all this stuff anyway. I mean, a custom tailored suit? That’s not going to be much good in a few months when I’m homeless again, now will it?”

“Justin, stop complaining,” Brian admonished. “I am allowed to buy you a suit or any other clothes if I want. There wasn’t anything in our agreement against it. So, just be quiet and graciously accept it all like the good little WASP you are. Now, are you hungry? Wait - forget I asked, since we both already know the answer.”

Brian drove them a few miles from the boutique back to the Liberty Avenue area. Justin vaguely recognized a few of the places from his one previous trip here with Daphne. Brian parked several blocks further down the street than the bar where they’d met, though. When they got out of the corvette, Brian wrapped his arm around Justin’s shoulders in a familiar manner and led the young man to a colorfully decorated diner on the corner. The neon sign in the window said this was the Liberty Diner.

As soon as the pair had entered the building, and the little bell over the door had chimed, they were inundated with greetings from several different directions. Justin tried to shrink back a little behind Brian, but the arm around his shoulders wouldn’t let him. Brian simply guided him through the throng towards an empty booth in the back of the restaurant.

“Brian, sweetie, It’s fucking fabulous to see you. I was beginning to think you’d fallen off the face of the planet, it had been so long since you were in here," a large, loud, red haired woman clamored at Justin’s companion before she was even halfway across the room from them. “So how have you been, baby?”

“I’m fine Deb. I’ve just been busy - I’m sure Mikey told you, since we were just out together a week or so ago.” Brian tried to quell the vociferous woman.

“All Michael told me was that you were too busy to tell him why you were busy. But, whatever. I’m glad to see you anyway.” Then the boisterous redhead turned her attention to Justin and started in on him. “And who the fuck do we have here, hmm? God, you’re fucking adorable, that’s what you are, Sunshine. Where’d you find this one, Brian?”

“Deb, this is Justin. Justin, this blustering beldame is the closest thing I’ve had to a mother since I was fourteen. And now that the introductions are over, Deb, can we please get some lunch?” Brian asked, his lips curling in to show that no matter how harsh his words, he meant it all with a certain degree of humor.

“Of course, you little asshole.” Debbie always returned as good as she got. “I assume you want a turkey sandwich on wheat, dry and iced tea, right? Now, what can I get you, Sunshine?”

“He’ll have a bacon cheeseburger, fries and a cherry coke. And, since I’ve starved him AND forced him to shop against his will all morning, you’d better bring him a slice of your chocolate silk pie for dessert, too.” Brian said, silently checking with Justin to confirm the order was okay.

As soon as Debbie left to put in their orders, Justin turned to Brian and finally pressed him for answers. “Brian, are you going to tell me now what all this unheard of generosity is about? Come on - what are you up to? What exactly did I do to deserve all this - clothing, lunch, everything?”

“Well, for starters, you managed to survive four years of high school in that, and I quote, ‘hell hole’ out in the breeder burbs. So, since today is supposed to be your Graduation, I thought you deserved a little celebration.” Brian answered nonchalantly.

“You didn’t have to do this, Brian,” Justin was embarrassed. “I really didn’t mean all that shit I said yesterday. I was just pissed off, you know. But, really you don’t have to do anything for me and you really shouldn’t have bought me all that stuff.”



“I’ve already told you to stop it about the shopping, Justin. Enough. I never do anything I don’t want to do. I wanted to do this and you complaining about it isn’t going to change anything, so quit grousing.” Brian was never good at accepting thanks and today was no exception. “Now, can we please just change the subject?”

“Whatever,” Justin capitulated. “So, tell me about Debbie. You said she was like your mother - what’s that mean?”

Maybe it was a sign of how much Brian didn’t want to talk about the shopping any more or maybe it was something else, something less well defined, but, while they waited for their lunch order, Brian found himself telling Justin a little about how he’d met his best friend, Michael, and his mother Debbie. And, to his own amazement, Brian even heard himself telling this man he’d only known for a few weeks about his shitty childhood, his abusive drunken father and his cold, uncaring mother. Debbie, who overheard some of this conversation, was almost more amazed than Brian was that he was opening up to this boy. And, while she was dying to find out about the younger blond man that Brian was with, she didn’t dare jinx it by asking about him directly, so she just watched and listened from a distance.  

When Justin was finally done eating enough food to astound Brian, it was almost 1:00 pm. Brian immediately hustled the young man out of the Diner, back to the car and then drove a few blocks away and parked behind what appeared to be a renovated red-brick warehouse. Justin had no idea where they were or why they were there but, since he figured he was just along for the ride today, he followed along behind Brian as he entered the building, got in the ancient elevator and then got out on the top floor. Brian then went over to a large, grey, metal, sliding door - the only one on the top floor as far as Justin could see - pulled out his keys, unlocked the door, and slid it open, ushering Justin inside.  

Inside, Justin was amazed at the glamorous loft apartment. He wandered around, looking at the luxurious furniture and expensive art work on the walls, as well as the top-of-the-line appliances and electronics.

“What is this place, Brian?” Justin finally gave in to his curiosity and asked.

“It’s the loft I used to live in before I bought the house out in West Virginia. I still use it occasionally when I need to be in town or when I’m out late,” Brian answered. “Now, we’re running a little late. The shower is through there. Go get yourself cleaned up. The clothing we got earlier should have already been delivered and I asked the super to put everything in the bedroom. When you’re done with your shower, put on the suit and then we’ll get going.”

“Why? Where are we going, Brian?” Justin was so confused.

“Don’t ask questions, Sunshine,” Brian directed, unconsciously using the nickname Debbie had given the blond earlier. “I’m taking you out and you need to look good so just do as I ask and wear your new suit. Okay?”

“You are unbelievable, Brian," Justin said but headed towards the shower nonetheless.

“I know. Now, hurry. I would join you in the shower, but then we’d never get out of here and we’re on a timeline. Go.”

By 2:15, both men were dressed to kill in elegant designer suits and Brian was helping Justin with his tie when Brian got a text message.  

He looked at the text briefly and then told Justin, “it looks like our ride is here, Sunshine. Are you ready?”

“I have no idea, Brian. You haven’t actually told me what we are doing, so how would I know if I’m ready?” Justin teased, still angling to get more information on what Brian was up to.

“Shut up you twat. Let’s go,” Brian said indulgently, lacing his fingers with those of the young blond and towing him out the door.  

Downstairs, in front of the loft, Justin was stunned to see a black stretch limo waiting for them. Brian walked to the limo confidently and waited while the chauffeur opened and then held the door for him. When Justin hesitated to follow him, Brian smiled back at the youth with true affection.




“I guess. Where are we going, Brian?”

“You’ll know soon enough. Just get in here and kiss me, Sunshine,” Brian smirked at the other man and held out his hand to lure Justin into the lavish limo interior.

Brian managed to keep Justin, and Justin’s lips, busy for the entire time they were in the limo, effectively quashing any further questions from the curious boy. When the limo finally stopped, Justin looked up and, when he discovered where they had ended up, he turned to Brian, anger evident in every plane of his face.

“What the fuck, Brian? Why are we at St. James’? I already told you that I don’t want to be here,” Justin accused.  

“I know what you said, Justin. But you’re wrong. You are NOT nothing and I don’t want you to think like that,” Brian tried to explain his reasoning to the angry young man. “From what I’ve already learned about you, I know that someday you’re going to be an amazing man. You’re already amazing - look what you’ve already been through on your own at your age - and you’ve managed to survive with style. Just forget what your asshole father and all those other breeder bigots told you. Let’s go in there and show them that you don’t care what the fuck they think of you. Be proud of yourself. I am.”

“You’d come in with me?” Justin was amazed.

“Of course. I love making breeders look like idiots. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Brian was smiling, and Justin melted inside at the look of pride and affection on the older man’s face as he said this. “Now, come on. We’ll make a big splashy entrance getting out of the limo and then, while everyone else is waiting to get their gown and mortarboard, I’ll take you in the men’s room and give you a celebratory fuck that will make you glow all through the ceremony!”  

Brian then knocked on the glass panel separating the driver from the rear compartment and told the chauffeur they were ready to get out. The man proceeded around the back of the car, opening the door with a flourish and first Brian and then Justin emerged from the back of the limo, watched by several dozen sets of eyes. Brian then firmly took hold of Justin’s hand, lacing their fingers together and, with a huge ‘fuck you’ grin on his handsome face, confidently led the graduate up the walkway and stairs to the front entrance of St. James Academy.  

Daphne and her parents were waiting for the pair next to the front doors. The petite young woman squealed when Justin got near and ran to hug him. She then surprised Brian, pulling him down by his lapel and giving the tall brunet a huge smack on his lips as a thank you for managing to get her friend there.  

“Justin! I’m so glad you came after all,” Daphne gushed. “And, thank you, Brian, for making him.”

“I should have known you were in on this, Daph,” Justin said, disapproval heavy in his voice.

“It was Brian’s idea, not mine, Jus. I just gave him the address and told him what time to be here.” Daph winked at her co-conspirator. “But I’m really glad he got you here anyway.”

Daphne then introduced her parents to Brian and promptly shooed everyone inside. Daphne and Justin, with Brian in tow, headed off to the library where all the graduates were supposed to pick up their caps and gowns and assemble, while Mr. and Ms. Chanders went with the other parents towards the gym. They promised to save Brian a seat.  

“God, Jus,” Daphne couldn’t help but comment as the three of them stood in line for their gowns, “you look amazing. Where’d the suit come from?”

“It was a graduation present,” Brian interjected, winking at his young companion, who in turn gazed back adoringly.  

“Nice present!” Daphne gushed, unable to get over how amazing Brian was being about all this and how attentive he was being to Justin.  

“Brian, you got me here, alright. You don’t have to stand in line with me,” Justin said. “Why don’t you go sit with the Chanders?”

“No way, Sunshine. From what you’ve said so far, I don’t trust these breeder spawn not to act like the pricks they are and give you a hard time,” Brian was in full-out Protector Mode by this point - if anything, further endearing himself to both Justin and Daphne. “Besides, don’t forget that one other little Graduation present I promised you. As soon as you get your cap and gown, I’ll help you try it all on in the men’s room.”

“Justin. You wouldn’t,” Daphne was shocked by the implication.

“Fuck yes he will,” Brian answered for his blond. “He’s going to love it. And I hope all the bigots listening enjoy the show, too. They have no idea what they’re missing, right Sunshine?”

Justin was already flushed bright red and absolutely unable to comment by this time. He’d been watching the stunned faces of his classmates standing behind Brian as the older man spoke and he was embarrassed, amused, and aroused all at the same time. And, in spite of the embarrassment, this had to be the most fun he’d had at St. James Academy in the entire four years he’d been there.  

It took only a few more minutes for Justin to claim his cap and gown from the Assistant Principal, who eyed Brian with obvious disapproval as he handed the accessories to Justin. Brian refused to let go of Justin’s hand the entire time they were standing in line and didn’t even blink at the annoyed man handing out the regalia. As soon as Justin had what he needed for the ceremony, Brian dipped to give Daphne a chaste kiss on her cheek, telling her they’d be back soon and to save Justin a place in the line, then he led the blushing blond arrogantly out of the library and down the hall to the closest men’s room.

Nodding politely to the other students that were already in the bathroom, Brian walked directly to the large ‘handicapped’ stall on the end of the row of toilets, pushed open the door and pulled Justin in behind him. Then Brian locked the door and carefully hung the gown, still in its protective plastic cover, over the stall door where it would be safe. Finally, he removed both his jacket and Justin’s and added those to the other garment draped over the door.

“Happy Graduation, Justin,” Brian said loudly enough so that everyone still in the room would hear, eliciting a bold laugh from the Graduate himself.

And, without further delay, Brian quickly undid the younger man’s belt and dress slacks, kissing him heatedly all the while, then turned Justin around and slammed his body loudly against the metal wall separating the stall from the rest of the row.  Justin, who was still marveling at Brian’s unbounded audacity, hadn’t yet said anything, but was continuously chortling under his breath at the remembered looks on the faces of the other boys as they’d entered the room.  

“Stop laughing, Justin,” Brian whispered in his ear, consipratorily. “I won’t be able to keep it up if you keep giggling like that.”

Then Brian kissed his ear affectionately, and unzipped his own slacks, sliding them down just enough to get access to the necessary equipment. Fishing a condom and travel packet of lube out of his pocket, he efficiently got himself ready and then started fingering Justin’s already throbbing hole to get the younger man ready as well. Justin’s laughter died out rapidly at the exquisite feeling of Brian’s talented fingers entering him, distributing the lube and stretching him. When Brian crooked his middle finger just enough to brush against Justin’s prostate, he couldn’t withhold the groan the sensation provoked.

“Don’t hold back, Justin. I want to hear you scream. I’m not going to stop until you scream my name, Sunshine,” Brian was saying as he reached up under Justin’s shirt, tweaking and pinching at the already erect nipples of the worked up teen.  

“Brian. God, yesssss,” Justin let himself go, hearing his lover giving him permission go wild. “More. Brian, more.”

“Good little boy,” Brian moaned out as he finally deemed the writhing blond ready. “Here we go, Sunshine.”

Brian removed his fingers and immediately pressed his aroused dick into their place, entering that inviting, warm, deep hole in one steady, constant motion. Justin let out another plaintive wail at the excruciating pain and pleasure caused by Brian’s entrance. Then, when Brian began to pummel into him in earnest, Justin hooked his hands up over the top of the metal wall so he could hold on while his ass was being manhandled relentlessly by the eager brunet.  

“Fuck yes, Justin. You are so good. So fucking tight. I want to stay inside you forever. Tell me what you want, Justin. Tell me,” Brian was shouting now, egging his lover on, and reveling in the gasps and complaints he was hearing from outside the stall.  

“Fuck me, Brian. Harder, Brian. Fuck, yessssss. Ohhhhhhh!” Justin did scream then as Brian deftly reached around and pulled at his pud, making sure that the boy was going to experience every single ounce of pleasure he could give him.

It took practically no time at all for both men to reach a climax, both stimulated by the idea of their hetero audience. As Justin let go of everything, moaning and yelling out Brian’s name over and over, he felt his hot cum shooting out in streams and coating the bathroom stall with buckets of jizz. The boy’s convulsions and clenching ass muscles brought on Brian’s climax at almost the same time, and the older man voiced his pleasure as loudly as he could, delighting in the exhibitionism.  

As Brian pulled out and flushed the condom and then helped Justin to clean up and restore his clothing, both men were laughing maniacally, kissing and touching and smiling without constraint. As soon as they were both presentable once again, Brian opened the door and ushered Justin out, smiling smugly at the circle of stunned faces standing around their stall and winking at the occasional bystander. Both men washed their hands then, grabbing the almost forgotten garment bag, they left the room, once again hand in hand.  

A half hour later, when Justin Taylor was called forward to accept his diploma from the Principal, Brian thought it was true that the boy was still glowing with that freshly fucked air that suited him so extremely well. Brian stood as the boy walked back to his seat, applauding loudly and giving one ear-splitting cat call, to almost everyone’s amusement.  


Chapter End Notes:

I really need comments after this one. Did you like it or were you offended and found it all incredibly inappropriate? If you don't tell me, I might just keep repeating my mistakes and you'll be forced to read more and more completely gratuitous sex scenes. Please - I long for your input.  TAG


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