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The word came in early the next morning. They had identified Ardan’s body. He was being brought back home by Vic, who was on his way now with the funeral director to get his body. Brandon had been found alive. A man that was in the compartment with him was also killed. Brian was on his way to check on his late brother’s husband.

Michael had wanted to come on the drive, but it felt like something he needed to do alone. The baby was born during an emergency C-section. Brandon was still in a coma. They didn’t know how long he would be in one. Brian was going to work it out with the hospital to have his brother-in-law sent to a private hospital in Pittsburgh. His mother wanted him close, not only that but Brian needed to check on his nephew.

The hospital Brandon and the baby were in at the moment was the best money could buy in the area. His mother had arranged it, and then sent presents there. It was the only way she could cope with losing Ardan. The doctor told her she needed to stay in bed for a few days. That meant Debbie was on call twenty-four, seven now.

The hospital was very nice, at least it was worth the money it cost. A short, pale receptionist greeted him at the counter.

“My name is Brian Kinney, I’m here to see my brother-in-law Brandon Kinney and his son.”

“Of course, Mr. Kinney. Your lovely mother called just a few minutes ago to see if you were already here. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss.”

“Thank you. Can I see my nephew?”

“Of course. If I can see some identification, we’ll take you right to him. He’s such a lovely baby. Thankfully, he wasn’t harmed in the crash.”

Brian pulled out his license and handed it to the woman. Checking it against her computer she then handed it back to him. He was then told to follow her to the nursery. Up one floor and down two halls they finally came to a secured door. She typed in a code and allowed him in. After a band was place on his wrist he was shown the nursery. There were only four babies in the nursery and three of them were girls. It was easy to spot Baby Boy Kinney.

The nurse from the nursery picked the baby up and placed him in Brian’s arms. He sat down in a rocking chair that was provided and just stared at the baby. He didn’t really look like any of the Kinney’s. But that was to be expected, he was just a baby. His looks would change drastically over the next year. This was the last they had of Ardan. He would make sure he was always taken care of.

“Mr. Kinney?”

Brian looked up to see a tall, greying haired doctor. “Yes?”

“If you’d like to discuss Mr. Brandon Kinney’s condition, I can talk to you now.”

Standing back up Brian placed the baby back in his bed. He followed the doctor down the hall to a room. Inside was just a single occupied bed. Before he even got a chance to see his brother-in-law the doctor started talking about his condition. It turned out besides the bruises and cuts over his body he had some cracked ribs. It was his brain they were concerned about the most. He had taken quite a hit. The swelling was going down but now they would just have to wait until he woke up to see how bad it was.

When the doctor left Brian turned his attention to the man in the bed.

“What the hell?” he muttered, stepping closer to the man in the bed.

Several things stuck out to him. First was the man was not his brother’s type at all. Ardan liked guys similar to himself. Brian was the same way. This guy looked small in the bed. Maybe it was just the way he looked in bed. But second, he looked young. Younger than his twenty-eight years that Ardan said he was.

They wheeled the baby in just at that moment.

“It’s supposed to help if he knows he’s near. I was thinking since you’re here already you could place the baby on him. Just be careful about his wrapped ribs,” a cheery, red-headed nurse said.

He placed the baby on the man’s chest, and waited. Nothing seemed to happen. That was a complete waste of time.

“If you don’t wake up, I’m going to name him Sherman.” Still nothing.

Two days later Brandon and the baby were moved to a hospital in Pittsburgh. It was easier than for Brian to visit his nephew and brother-in-law. Brandon still hadn’t woken up. If he was still wouldn’t wake up in a few days, the baby was coming home with them. His mother had already hired a nanny, though Debbie was miffed at the idea. She needed to take care of his mother though.

“Mr. Kinney?” a voice on the phone asked.

“Yes. Can I help you?”

“Mr. Brandon Kinney is waking up.”

It was two days after they buried Ardan. Tomorrow they were planning on taking the baby home. Now they would be able to take both of them home.

“I’m on my way.”

Once he was in the hospital he made his way for Brandon’s room. Inside there were two doctors and two nurses.

One of the nurses looked up at him and smiled sadly. That didn’t make him feel great about whatever was happening.

“Where am I?” a hoarse voice asked.

“Mr. Kinney, you’re at Bethel Lang Hospital.”

“Who? Where?”

“Can you tell me the last thing you remember?” the other doctor asked.

“Umm…I don’t know.”

“Okay, we’ll start easy. What’s your name?”

“…I don’t know.”

The voice sounded so lost and afraid. Ardan and he may not have gotten along all the time but this was something he could do for his brother. Stepping around the group near the bed he made himself be seen. Brandon’s eyes landed on him and something seemed to flicker in those pretty blue eyes.


Who were these people? Why did they keep asking him questions? When a new man stepped closer to the bed something seemed familiar about him. Did he know him?

“Do I know you?” he asked the man.

“No, we’ve not had the pleasure yet. You and my brother were on your way home when the crash happened.”

That made him sit up straighter. “Crash? What crash?”

“You were in a train wreck with your husband last night,” the blonde doctor said.

“I have a husband?” He looked at the handsome man by his bed. “Are you my husband?” He asked but that didn’t feel right.

“No, I’m your brother-in-law. Your husband was my brother, Ardan,” the man said sadly.

“Was? That means…”

“That means your husband didn’t survive the wreck. But your child did, the emergency doctor on site did an emergency C-section. The baby is healthy and waiting to go home.”

“Wait… I have a baby? Like a baby I carried? I can do that?”

“Yes. It appears you have amnesia. But hopefully it’ll about be temporary. Tomorrow if the tests look good you and your son can go home with your husband’s brother.”

“Okay. Can…Can I see the baby now?” He had a baby, he wondered if his son looked like him or his deceased husband. His husband was dead. He wished he could remember him, but he was glad he didn’t too. It would hurt, he knew that. He could see the pain in the brother’s eyes. Why would he want that to happen to him quickly? He hoped his memory would come back soon. It felt awful not knowing where he came from.


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