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Craig Taylor watched the TV about the train wreck. It was all anyone was talking about lately. There was one pregnant man that was still unidentified. They seemed not to have any identification on him. Craig drove down to the morgue to see if it was his son. When Justin was small, he was diagnosed with the male pregnancy gene. It was a major relief when he saw it wasn’t his son.

Justin and he had lots of problems over the years, that didn’t mean he wanted him dead. He was also glad his son wasn’t the pregnant male. That would have been just too much to handle. He opened another beer and changed channels.

Ethan had gone to see if the body was Justin’s. Maybe there would have been some settlement if it was. But the dead pregnant guy wasn’t him. It seemed it was a little more common than he thought. Most of the belongings of the victims had burned in the wreckage of the train. They had gotten the dead man and another out just before that compartment completely incinerated everything inside.

He just hoped Justin didn’t try and show back up with the brat in tow. It wasn’t like he wanted the damn thing, that was all Justin. The kid had been fun for a little while but not the marrying kind. His parents would have disowned him if he brought such trash home. Just the thought made him want to laugh. He enjoyed living the Bohemian lifestyle, it helped his music.

But that didn’t mean when he finally went home to Pittsburgh, that his rich family would accept a trashy boyfriend and a bastard baby. Right now he was cut off until he followed in his father’s footsteps. It was looking like he might soon have to go home though. The music career wasn’t taking off like he hoped.

“Are they here yet?” Joan asked Debbie as she paced her bedroom. The damn doctors didn’t want her to get overexcited.

“Not yet, Joanie.” Sometime in the past thirty years, Debbie had gone from just the help to her best friend. It made sense that Brian and Michael were best friends too.

“The baby’s alright though?”

“Yes, the baby is perfectly fine. Brian said he is perfect.”

She nodded her head. “Good, that’s really good. What about Brandon? Is he alright?”

“Yes, he’s fine too. He still doesn’t have his memory, but the doctors are sure it will come back soon.”

Tears started to run down Joan’s face. “I miss Ardan so much. This was supposed to be a happy time.”

“I know. I miss him too. Remember when the boys were thirteen. Brian and Michael had convinced Ardan to try out for cheerleading.”

Joan smile ruefully. “Yes, he made them go to nationals for three years. He was so good at everything he did. Brian always hated it; he had to work twice as hard to get the same grades.”

They continued to talk about the good old days, until Vic let them know that Brian had arrived with Brandon and the baby.

“I’m so nervous. What if he doesn’t want to stay here? I don’t think I can handle if I lose them too.”

“Let’s not put the cart before the buggy. I’ll help you downstairs.”

Once they were downstairs, her eyes landed on her son’s husband. It wasn’t right though…she knew that instantly. Ardan had sent her a small snapshot of them after they were married. She hadn’t shown anyone, fearing what people would say. At the time she was embarrassed about her son having to marry the man because he was pregnant. But this was not Ardan’s husband.

“Debbie, I’m sorry I can’t do this. I’m not feeling well. Can you help me back to bed?”

Debbie looked at her with shocked eyes, but helped none the less. After she got back to her room she sent Debbie away. Quietly, she pulled the small picture out that Ardan had sent her. He was wearing a green dress shirt and black dress pants. Brandon was wearing a suit that looked like it was tailored just for him.

She remembered the police had told her another pregnant male had been found with Brandon. He was identified by his ring. She didn’t know how the young man got Ardan’s wedding ring but that was not Brandon downstairs. That meant her son, his husband and their baby were all dead. Her heart couldn’t take the pain anymore. She hid the picture again and popped her medication in her mouth.

Lying down in her bed, she closed her eyes. Ardan was truly gone, along with Brandon and their baby. She would call tomorrow and have Brandon cremated and put with Ardan in the family mausoleum. She thought about the young man and baby in her front parlor. What was their story? Did they have a family looking for them? He wasn’t on the passengers’ log. They believed he snuck on the train. Maybe there was no one out there for them. Maybe he was here for a reason.

She did have a single, gay son. Not that Brian knew she knew. She had known since she walked in on Brian and Davis Montgomery when they were sixteen. Brian really thought he had pulled one over on her by pretending to be Ardan. She knew her children though, she could pick them out in her sleep. She let him believe it though, he wasn’t ready to tell her like Ardan had been. She didn’t blame him; Jack had been furious when Ardan came out. If his chip-off-the-old-block had come out, he would have probably lost it.

In her heart see knew the young man was with them for a reason. She couldn’t take care of her son and his family; but she could this boy. There was just the problem of Brian. If he knew this boy wasn’t Brandon, he would be sent back to where he came from. She loved her son but he wasn’t the most compassionate person in the world. She would have to play along with the charade. It seemed the boy’s amnesia was genuine. He wasn’t out to trick them, he really thought he was Brandon now. That’s how it would be until he gained his memory. By then maybe he would want to stay.

“Is Mother alright?” Brian asked Debbie as she joined them in the parlor.

“Yes, I think it was just too much. We have to think about how hard this has been on her heart.”

“Of course. I was going to show Brandon to his room.”

“Vic can do that darling. You need to get back to work. I know you, you’re going out of your mind not being there.”

“They seem not to know how to do their job if I’m not there.”

“What do you do?” Brandon asked quietly.

“I run the largest advertising agency on the east coast.”

“Wow, that very important.”

“Yes, it is. I’m going to leave you two here with Deb and Vic. They’ll get you whatever you need.”

“Come on, sweetie. Vic will show you your room. It has a nursery attachment already.”

“Thank you. Please don’t go to any trouble.”

“No trouble. You’re Ardan’s husband, you’re with family now.”

Vic came into the room after being called, and picked the baby up. He carried the baby up to the room with Brandon following behind him.

“What was he like?” Brandon asked.

“Ardan?” Vic had almost forgot that Brandon didn’t remember anything.

Brandon nodded. “He was pretty carefree. The exact opposite of his twin. Ardan picked things up so easy, he could play the piano with just a few lessons. He tried the violin but he didn’t really like it.”

“The violin?” Brandon asked slowly. A dark haired man playing the violin flashed in his head. His husband, it must be. He didn’t look like Brian though. They must be fraternal twins.

“Are you okay?” Vic asked, concerned.

“Yes, I think I may be getting some of my memory back.”

“That is wonderful. Well, here we are.” Inside the room Vic placed the baby in the upscale cradle that Joan had purchased for the him. “If you need a doctor or anything else just call down to the kitchen. If there’s no answer call my cell phone, all the numbers are labeled on the phone.”

“Thank you.”

The older man smiled gently. “Get some rest, dinner will be soon.”

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