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Author's Chapter Notes:



The Aftermath of the vandalism of Justin's car... and an ass kicking long



Chapter 12- At Your Best: Brian (and others)


Chapter 12: At Your Best- The Isley Brothers


When I feel what I feel/ Sometimes it's hard to tell you so/ You may not be in the

mood to learn what you think you know/ There are times when I find/ You want to

keep yourself from me/ When I don't have the strength/ I'm just a mirror of what I

seeWhen you feel what you feel/ Oh how hard for me to understand/ So many things

have taken place before this love affair began/ But when you feel, oh like I feel/

Confusion can give way to doubt/ For there are times when I fall short of what I say/

What I say I'm all about, all about


But at your best you are love/ You're a positive motivating force within my life/Should

you ever feel the need to wonder why/ Let me know, let me know


Tell me what it is/ Make believe, no need to make believe/ Look beyond your own/Try

and find another place for me/ Cause At your best you are love/ You're a positive

motivating force within my life/ Should you ever feel the need to wonder why/ Let me

know, let me know



Written by Christopher Jasper, Ernie Isley, Marvin Isley, O'kelly Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley

  •  Copyright © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC




Hearing the desperate yell of my lover- my true best friend- took me back mentally to a place that I never wanted to revisit. I can still hear the crack of the bat hitting his head and the thunk of his hard fall onto the ground. Panic was trying its best to overtake me again. But I wouldn't, couldn't let it! Justin needed me, and he needed me RIGHT NOW!


Gathering the shreds of my crumbling resolve, I ordered Ted, "Turn the car around now!"


"Why? What's happened?" he asked, even as he made a brisk u-turn in the middle of the Avenue, heading at full speed back to Justin's place of business. 


"I honestly don't know, but Ted... That was him on the phone." My breath caught in my throat and I realized that I couldn't speak anymore just then, or I would break. I could hear Melanie on the phone already calling 911.


"Should I call his mother?" Mel asked me.


All I could do was shake my head, in the negative. I had to get to him. I fiddled around with my phone, looking for the app that would tell me exactly where he is. It was how I was always able to know where Justin was. He and I had agreed to keep the app after the bashing episode specifically in case of moments like this.


It's also the one he keeps separate from his main cell, in case he's unable to get to it. Only four of us have the number to it, and I'm extremely glad that he never leaves home without it. Justin was deep into panic mode this time, there was no denying it by the sound of his voice. So I knew whatever it was that sparked it was very bad. What the fuck could have happened in the few minutes since we'd left him?


Had he seen that fucker Hobbs again? Had someone threatened him in that manner again? These and other questions filled my head, as we turned into the restaurant's parking lot. At first, everything looked the way it did when we dropped Justin off only fifteen minutes before. The cars were neatly parked courtesy of the valet service offered to its patrons.


The employee parking lot was in the back of the restaurant, near the rear entrance. Melanie went inside to confirm that Justin was in there. When she came back, Justin's coworker accompanied her.


"I've been calling him constantly, since the boss asked for him to run the kitchen tonight along with Darren. Ricky called out, saying that there was a problem at home which needed to be taken care of. I don't know where Taylor is but he'd better get his ass back in there asap. I'm not losing my job by covering for him," Nick finished.


"Do you know where his car is parked?" I ask him. Something isn't adding up. "We dropped Justin off in plenty of time for him to get back to work."


"He never came inside."


"Why don't we take a look at his car," Ted says, as he turns away from us to head towards the back of the building.


We all walk back there, including Nick. Something about the kid's stature is just irking me. But because I don't know what it is, I'm not going to say anything to him. I just want to find Justin hale, whole, and perfectly intact. I don't know what I'll do if...


No, NO! I won't think about that right now.


We look around for a while before we spot Justin's car. Or what used to be his car, but now looks like a mangled mess! I rush over to get a better look at the mess and nearly stumble over Justin's prostrate form. His emergency phone is still clutched tightly in his hand, his eyes are closed, and he's murmuring incoherently. I haven't seen him like this in a long time, and my heart breaks to see it again.


A little trickle of blood has pooled around his outstretched hand, leading me to believe that it's because of the shards of glass lying around him. Every protective instinct I possess is warring with my impulse to cradle him until he comes out of his stupor. Thankfully, no sooner than I have the thought, I hear the ambulances in the distance.


"My God, what happened to him?!" Nick looks on with shock and horror.


"That's what I would like to know," Melanie answers, before I could. "Who the fuck would do something like this? Look kid, tell your boss that he is to hand over the security footage from the last two hours to the police when they get here, or I'm going to help Justin sue his ass for lack of security. He won't be able to own or operate so much as a fucking McDonalds when I get through with this place! Hurry the fuck up!"


Nick took off like a shot, in the direction of the employee entrance. Ted moved closer to the car to get a better look, and to see if anything was out of place. Mel bent down next to me, and retrieved the documents that we can only assume Justin had come out to put in his car. 


"Mel, you should go on and call Jennifer," I say, never taking my eyes off Justin's prone form.


I can't stop my hand from reaching out to caress his blond head, hoping that in the middle of his panic attack, he knows that I am here. Thinking back to what Jennifer had said at the restaurant a few weeks ago about Justin's night terrors returning, I can just about imagine what horrible visions are wreaking havoc inside of his mind right now. Again, I have to fight my natural inclination to hold him, to keep him shielded and safe from all this. But I can't. And it fucking sucks that I know I can't.


The ambulance pulls up beside us, having been given instructions from Justin's boss that we were back there. I move away long enough for them to check Justin's vitals and get him hooked up to an oxygen tank. When it came time to heft him into the van, I hopped in alongside the EMTs. "Sir, you can't go with us," the redhead man had the nerve to tell me.


"Like fuck, I can't. I'm his partner," I told him. "You just concentrate on him, and let me worry about what I can and can't do." I was in no mood to deal with the shit storm I already knew was coming because I am with Justin.


"Brian?" Mel and Ted look at me quizzically, wondering what my end game was.


"Ted, I still have his POA. I need you to get a copy of the documents to the hospital. This is why you have the new set of keys to the loft. The same rules apply Ted; no one is to know you have them outside of three of us. They may, or may not have the new ones on file there. Meet me there. Mel, I trust you to call Emmett and Daphne to explain all this as we know it. Also have Jennifer meet me at the hospital. Even though I'm able to make decisions for him, I still need and want her there."


"What about Ethan?" she asks me.


"What about him? If it was up to me, he wouldn't be called at all! He will find a way to make this all about himself, and it's not. It's about Justin."


"I guess I'd better call Lindz and tell her what's happened."


I wanted to decide against it, since she's hanging off of Michael's balls like they're a fucking chandelier lately. But by then the ambulance doors were shutting, and we were on our way to Allegheny General... Again.




Oddly enough, I can understand Brian's reluctance for me to call Lindsay or Ethan. Between the two of them, narcissist isn't a big enough term for the egotists. Adding Michael into the mix is a recipe for disaster as well. All three of them will shit bricks, if they are made aware that Brian still holds Justin's power of attorney just as Justin has Brian's. Outside of all the other changes Brian and Justin have gone through, I am suddenly very glad that this wasn't one of them.


I press the dreaded number of my house phone, and get ready to be given the third degree by Lindsay. When she answers, I rush speaking, before she can even say 'hello'. "Lindz, look I just called to tell you that I won't be coming home for dinner tonight. I'm on my way to the hospital with Brian and Ted..."


"Oh my God, what's happened? Never mind, I will find out when I get there!"


"Lindz, there's no need for you to come down to the hospital. I'll update you when find out more on Justin's condition."


"Justin? What the hell has he got to do with anything?!" she answers snottily, clearly not concerned about what has happened to him.


"We found him in the middle of the employees parking lot, shortly after we left him. It was awful, Lindz, just awful! His car was smashed and spray painted, but Justin is... He's..." I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I can't afford to fall apart right now. I can't actually believe that I'm saying this, but I feel bad for Brian. This is the second time he's seen Justin like this.


"Oh well, I'm sure that Justin will be fine. I'll call Ethan to let him know. Now, about dinner... There's nothing you can do there, so why don't you just come home? I've arranged for Dusty to keep Gus overnight, so that you and I can have some real Mommy time," Lindz says, and I can hear the salacious laugh coming through the phone.


"There is plenty that I can do, since I am Justin's attorney. You really need to get your priorities straight, Lindsay!"


"I have mine straight, Melanie! After all, I was trying to do something nice for my partner! But no, said partner has to step in save Justin's ass once again, without thought or regard to my feelings."


"Your feelings... You know what, Lindsay! Take whatever it was you made for dinner and either eat it yourself, or shove it up your ass! I don't care which one you do! If you need me, I'll be at the hospital where MY FRIEND is being taken at the moment."


"Mel, I'm..." I don't give her a chance to finish her statement, before I hang up the phone.


I swear, if I didn't know better I would think that Lindsay and Michael were twins. More and more, I'm seeing a side to her lately that I didn't know was even there. And I have to say, it's disappointing to say the least. But then again, I don't know why I've never acknowledged that it existed before. Maybe I was stuck in my own world of denial.


Things have got to change and I mean soon, if Lindsay and I are going to make it. I refuse to be in a relationship with someone as self-serving as the woman I just hung up on. I wonder if Ben has that same issue with Michael... And there is my problem right there! Anytime I can literally stand here and compare my relationship with Lindsay to ANY relationship that Michael is in, is an automatic fail on my part.


Yeah, she and I are definitely going to have a talk. But right now, I really have to get to the hospital. Lindsay may not be concerned for Justin, but I am. Strangely, that concern is also extending to a man that I thought I hated. But Brian keeps proving me a liar, at every turn.


I'm not sure how to feel about that, after all these years. But for once, I'm glad that although I've thought of him several times as a heartless shit, this is one of those times when I really understand what is between Brian and Justin. It's love- plain and simple. Brian really loves Justin, even if it means letting him go to reach for happiness and achieve his dreams. I honestly can't say that I feel the same way about Lindsay...


At least, I know I don't anymore.




I went to the loft as instructed, and got everything Brian needed to exercise his rights as Justin's power of attorney. Mel and I tweaked Brian's orders around a bit, so that I would call Em, who would in turn reach out to Daphne and Jennifer. Our reasoning was that Mel would certainly have enough on her plate dealing with the woman Lindz is becoming. Or maybe she has been that way all along and we just chose to ignore it? So with the documents in hand, and Mel calling her partner to explain things, my next stop is to pick Emmett up on the way.


Although we are still looking for a place, and have given up the hope and idea of a relationship between us, he and I are back to being best friends. I can't say that I'm not sad that he and I couldn't really make a go of it. But we're just too different and want different things. However, I am certainly happy that we have gone back to the way things were between us. So our short-lived stint as the porn King and Queen of Jerk-at-Work.net has come to an end.


Thanks to Brian I am helping him by working as a full-time Financial Consultant, while Emmett's catering and events planning business has taken off; also courtesy of Brian's recommendation. So that's why Emmett and I will always be loyal friends to the Stud of Liberty Avenue. And especially to Justin, who has also been working his ass off to help us build our businesses through his artwork, and building a website for each of us. If it wasn't for the two of them taking a chance on us, I'd be in jail right now and Em would be unemployed. It's also why I don't understand Michael.  


I am beyond angry at Michael for what he's done to Justin. Many times, Em and I questioned him on his motives. We all know that Michael is a fair-weather friend, and that as long as he is being served and you're doing what he wants, he'll stick by you. I experienced that firsthand when I was with Blake. Before Vic got arrested Michael was extraordinarily mean to him and took every opportunity to be so.


But that all changed when Vic was falsely accused of flashing a cop in the rest room at the mall. Blake called in a favor from his former dealer and got the information and money needed to free Vic. Suddenly Blake was a hero, until he relapsed and I had to take him to rehab, which he later left again. Michael couldn't understand why that grieved me so and told me in no uncertain terms to move on and that Blake wasn't worth my tears. Michael has a selective memory and conveniently forgot that it was the same man- the one who wasn't worth my tears, according to him- who made it possible for his family not to have to pay the money back from the loanshark Tino referred them to.


In Justin's case, it was a bit different. The young man, who tried to believe the best of everyone got confused when a man who was mean, jealous, and spiteful, befriended him under false pretenses. Michael used Justin's insecurities against him in the most heinous of ways by giving him hope of succeeding with Rage and Brian with one hand, while stealing from him with the other. It was heartbreaking to watch the formerly confident teenager, disintegrate into an unsure shell of himself. I wanted so badly to tell Justin not to trust Michael, not with anything!


But I'm not sure that he would have listened, since he was so desperate just to have some hope to hold onto. Instead, Em and I tried to talk to Michael about it, and were shot down repeatedly, ending with him telling us to stay out of Rage business and mind our own. So when Brian came to me a few weeks ago to review the accounts for the Rage franchise, I jumped at the chance. I felt that something was rotten in the milk from the beginning, even back when Justin was still working at the Diner. And when Justin first quit working there, I was certain of it, although from outward appearances, it was just about Michael and that mangy mutt, Ethan, making it uncomfortable and impossible for Justin to stay.


But I couldn't voice my suspicions to anyone, not even Em until I had proof. So when Brian and Mel gave me the opportunity, I acted on it without hesitation. Now, I know exactly what Mr. Novotny-Bruckner was up to. And I am sad to say that I ever considered the man a friend. Michael was robbing Justin blind, giving him a minute portion of what he really earned, even knowing that Justin had the major expense of college to pay.


Initially, I would have said that this was all about Justin having Brian in a way that Michael never could or would. But I would've been wrong. The amounts of money that Michael has been hoarding is punishment for Justin being born well off in the first place, something that wasn't his fault. If Michael didn't have it, a crime had been committed against him. It didn't matter that Michael was often the villain in his own tale; just that he could, and did, punish the people who had what he didn't.


The irony is that Michael has always been that way, even in regards to Brian.


Brian went to college and earned his degree, while Michael was stuck working a retail job that he hated. I was there each and every time that Brian offered to send Michael back to school to get a degree, and listened to every single complaint and excuse as to why he couldn't or wouldn't do it. So when Brian meets a college-bound, borderline genius and makes him more than a fuckbuddy or best friend- makes him into his partner- Michael's nautural inclination towards jealousy and envy took an even more sinister turn, into a plot worthy of Puccini. And now Brian and Justin are dealing with this new drama, one that the kid certainly does not deserve. I will not lie and say that seeing Justin lying there incoherent didn't affect me.


I remember my own time in such a state, before I slipped into a coma from taking too much GHB. The funny thing is that I made the choice to take it. Stupid, yes, but that's the truth of it and I own it. But Justin didn't elect for any of this to befall him. Who would do such a thing, knowing that young man's history of panic attacks?


I don't give a shit what anyone thinks or says, this was a deliberate act of aggression committed against Justin!


My heart broke to see him just lying there mumbling to himself, unable to move or think rationally; stuck in a waking nightmare not of his own making. I can only thank God that before his mind turned to mush, he had the forethought to call Brian. I have never seen Brian in such a state of distress and shock in my life. I always thought he was heartless, until I witnessed him pull himself together brick by brick in order to issue orders to Mel and I, putting Justin's needs before his own breakdown. I had wondered what was between them, especially after Justin came to live with Brian after the bashing, but I don't have to wonder any longer.


Brian loves that boy! It's plain for anyone to see, except for those who love to live in denial. I really hope that Justin is okay, because if he isn't, I get the feeling that Brian will happily do time in jail for killing the fucker who did this. Emmett jumps in the car and I explain what's happened on the way to the hospital. He calls Daphne and tells her what's going on.


She says that she will call his mom, and meet us there. As soon as we arrive, paperwork in hand, we see the commotion going on in the Emergency Room. Ethan Gold is here, flipping out because he isn't allowed to see Justin. Brian is standing toe-to-toe with the ratty trench-coat wearing violinist, while Melanie has a firm hold on Brian's arm. Emmett runs over to help Mel as Brian looks like he's about ready to separate Ethan's head from his shoulders.


I make my way over to the nurses station, and hand over the necessary documents that would allow Brian to make decisions regarding Justin's medical care. Afterwards, I go and try to reason with Justin's boyfriend, even though to my mind he's biggest mistake. But I'll keep that to myself for the moment. "Ethan, I wish I could say that it is a pleasure to see you. But under this set of circumstances, I won't. What are you doing here?"


"I received a call from Lindsay, telling me that Justin was on his way to the hospital. I don't know why the nurses, or even one of you, couldn't call to tell me that. I don't want that fucker near MY boyfriend! For all I know, he's the reason Justin is in here and not coming home to me, where he belongs!"


I rub my fingers across my forehead, in an agitated manner. The last thing I need- any of us needs right now- is to deal with teenage angst, and young adult histrionics. "First, I can assure you that Brian, Mel, nor I, have any responsibility for how Justin ended up in the state we found him. All I can tell you is that he was found near his smashed up car, and it threw him into one of the worse panic attacks we have ever seen... And we've all seen many! Are you aware of them?"


"No. Well yeah, but I usually just tell him to snap out of it."


I turn to look at Brian out of the corner of my eye, just in time to yell, "No Brian... you are not allowed to kill him. Don't hit him!" I bring my voice down to a soothing level, drawing his attention. "Look, Bri, I know we all might want to at this very moment, myself included. But we have to think of Justin. He needs us here, not awaiting arraignment. Why don't you go to the nurses station and ask to speak with the doctor? I'm sure now that they have the documents, they will be willing to get you the answers you need. Daphne and Jennifer are on their way, and you'll want to be able to tell them something substantial when they get here."


Brian nods his head, and gently pulls away from Mel and Emmett, who only just managed to catch up to him, right before I was able to stop his progress. I have no doubt that if the three of us weren't successful, Ethan's name would have to be changed to 'mincemeat' right now.


"What the fuck?! Why is HE checking on Justin, and not me? I'm his family, not that whore!"


I couldn't help the explosion of anger I felt, directed at this arrogant puppy before me. Brian Kinney is a million times more a man than this wet-behind-the-ear whelp will ever be! Balling my fists to dig my nails in my skin, I inhaled deeply and exhale three times, before I'm calm enough to answer. "Brian has Justin's medical proxy and his power of attorney, in case he's ever in a situation where he cannot make decisions for himself. It was in place long before you, and will remain that way long after you are gone. Make no mistake, Ethan. Justin trusts Brian with his life more than anyone else, regardless of who gave birth to him or whom he fucks. It's something that will NOT be changed."


"Like fuck it won't! Justin and I are going to have a serious talk about this when I go back to see him!"


"Apparently you misunderstand, Mr. Gold. But unless Brian or Justin himself says it's okay, you're not going back there. Now you have two options: you can either go home and wait for Mrs. Taylor to call you, or you can sit here looking like a little lost puppy, waiting to be called from the waiting room. I doubt any of us really cares what you decide to do. But I should warn you that if you continue to annoy Brian, I will have you tossed out of this hospital for the duration of Justin's stay. Are we clear?"


I didn't give him a chance to answer, as I turned away in time to see Daphne and Jenn coming through the doors. In their wake was Vic, Debbie, Ben, and of all people Michael, who was making a beeline for Brian. I looked at Emmett, who had already braced himself for impact in front of Brian, as Michael slammed straight into him. 


"Move, Emmett! I have to get to Brian," Michael demanded.


"No. As you can see Michael, Brian is busy with Justin's doctor. Therefore, I'm sure that whatever you have to say can wait."


"Why the fuck is he talking to Justin's doctor?! His mother is here; she should be doing that, not Brian! The little shit probably orchestrated this whole thing so that Brian would come to his rescue, once again. Shouldn't his boyfriend over there be his fucking hero now?!"


"Be that as it may, Michael, Brian is Justin's proxy and by law and right, he is speaking with the doctor about Justin's condition," Emmett stated calmly, despite Michael's fuming. I couldn't help but be proud of my best friend and ex-lover just then.


"I don't give a shit what a piece of paper says! Brian has other things and people to worry about. You would think he would have learned his lesson from the first time Justin was brought in here when that bat hit him. God, fuck! Why won't the little bastard just fucking DIE already?!"


Before anyone had a chance to move, Michael found himself spun around. All any of us really saw was the right fist, then a hard left uppercut given, in quick succession, to the face of Michael Novotny. As he hit the floor, Daphne stood over him, chest heaving in clearly agitated respirations. She raised her foot and stomped into his midsection, causing Michael's body to bow inward. Ben grabbed her from behind, before she could do any more damage to his partner.


"Let me go, right fucking now!" Daphne screamed. "That fucking little shit deserves that, and so much fucking MORE for the things he's saying about Justin."


I think all of us were amazed that for a small-statured girl, she threw a couple of mean punches. Ben had a hard time containing her, but had just managed to get her far enough away for Michael to get up, unaided.


"I want her arrested! Ma, did you see that little bitch hit and kick me?! I want her arrested for assault!" Michael whined, but it was Debbie's response that really surprised us all.


"Be lucky it was her you little shit, or I would have done it myself! At least, Daphne had the presence of mind to take a slight break before she went back to kicking your ass. I think each of us could guarantee that you would have needed your own hospital bed, by the time she was through. Personally, I wouldn't have stopped!"


"But Maaa...."


WHACK! Deb popped him upside the head. "Don't you open a mouth to me, Michael! You owe Jennifer and Daphne... fuck you owe ALL OF US, including Justin, an apology!"


"I'm NOT apologizing, since I meant every fucking word!" My thought as Michael folded his arms and scowled at all of us assembled was, Pardon me, but did someone lose their five year old? 


"Well if that's the case, Michael, don't bother coming home," Ben said, placing Daphne back on her feet.


"What the fuck do you mean by that?! It's my house, too! This is all Boy Wonder's fault!"


Ben quickly grabbed Daphne around the waist, as she advanced towards Michael again. When he spoke, I was truly amazed by his composed fury. I needed to practice that, because right now, I feel like joining Daphne and placing a few kicks to Michael's ass myself. "No, Michael. It's your own fault! And since you are both a liar and a thief, I had your name removed from the mortgage. That way, when Justin sues your ass, I will still be able to keep MY house. So that said, you aren't welcome there, until you can change your attitude."


"Can he do that?" Michael turns to me, and asks.


It's taking everything in me not to laugh at him right now. One of his eyes is already swollen shut, and there is the small imprint of a fist under his chin. Once again, I can't help but admire young Daphne. "Yes, it's true. Ben was well within the thirty day period for him to change the terms of the mortgage. Since it was just a matter of taking your name off of it, it took even less time," I answer.


Before Michael had a chance to say anything, Emmett gets a look, first of surprise, and then boiling-hot anger on his face. "Oh my God! This is not the first time you said that, is it Michael?!"


"What are you talking about, Emmett?" Michael asks, but the guilty look on his face tells all.


"You know exactly what the hell I'm talking about! Those words are the reason Brian floored your ass at Mel and Lindsay's party, aren't they? And here we all were blaming Brian for hitting you. But it was your hateful comments that caused him to punch you! Well I know one thing, you need to be thanking God right now that Brian didn't hear you say that again, because you wouldn't need a hospital bed; instead, you would need a body bag."


"Ah excuse me, but this isn't about Michael! It's about Justin, and why I am not being allowed to see MY BOYFRIEND!"


I roll my eyes. I had forgotten the little funky-fingered fucker was still here.


"Ethan, for the love of peace and hair grease, no one gives a shit about you or your anger at being denied access to Justin! Brian has his proxy and POA, not you, so get that through your greasy head already! I'm sure before Mrs. Taylor and I showed up, you'd already given your Academy Award- worthy performance. Here's the gist of the matter. No one gives a flying bag of shit if you feel slighted; no one gives a filtered fuck if you cry and throw a tantrum. Most of all, no one gives a FUCK YOUR FEELINGS FRIDAY about whatever the hell you think, spew, chew, or whether you stick your dick in a duck or light socket! THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! So now, unless you want to meet the business end of my fists the way Michael here did, get the fuck somewhere, anywhere that's NOT here and sit the fuck down!" Daphne yelled, just as Brian stepped back into the emergency room.


"He's resting for now. I'm going to sit with him. I'll keep you all updated," and with that bit of information, the rest of us went to have a seat to wait for news of Justin, while Michael silently fumed in the corner away from everyone else.


As for the fiddler, I watched him slink dejectedly out of the building. I knew it wouldn't be the last we'd see of him. But for now, we could all sit back and absorb the peace and quiet for awhile. And that was just about as much good news as the fact that Justin would be awake soon.




I'm sitting here next to him, just happy and thankful that he is alive. The doctor doesn't think that there will be any lasting damage... Well not physically, anyway. He did recommend that Justin seeks a therapist as soon as possible for the nightmares, and this new trauma that he has undergone. Dr. Wheeler has been with us, since the first time we were in this godforsaken place.


It was nice to see him again, regardless of the circumstances. I know that he genuinely cares for Justin's wellbeing. Nurse Nancy is also here hovering as usual, but again I find that comforting in a weird, morbid kind of way. She was the person I would always get updates on Justin's condition from. When she saw me the first thing she said was ‘Oh, now we're done hiding in the shadows? Take care of him personally this time, instead of running away the minute he wakes up.'


I just nodded my head, knowing that she was right. I should have stayed then, but I will stay now. I won't leave him, Daphne, or Jennifer alone to face the aftermath by themselves this time around. Fiddling with my phone, I put on the original to a song that the artist Aaliyah had remade some years ago.


Although her voice was always- will always be- angelic, I prefer the one my dad used to play by the Isley Brothers some years ago. I remember the first time Justin played it for me, right after I had considered signing the papers to give Mel my parental rights. Justin talked me through it, and told me to hold on a while longer to see if there was a way around the current law. He was right and the law eventually changed, so that both Mel and I could be parents without me having to give my rights away.


He was also so optimistic and hopeful, which is why he played "At Your Best" for me. He wanted me to know what I meant to him in those quiet moments, when it was just us. And so here I am, playing it for him so that he'll know that the feeling is, was, and always will be, returned. I need to make some decisions and some changes. It's actually sad that it took this to get me to see that, but until he can come to terms with what he wants, I'll see where all of this leads.


One thing is for certain though... Justin is my end game, and I'll do what I have to do to win him back.




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