[Reviews - 432] starstarPrinter ePub eBook


Several months after Brian and Justin part ways, a private airing of their dirty laundry results in a night of passion that neither one can forget or stop. But what happens when Brian is tired of playing second 'fiddle' to the fiddler? And how the hell do they keep the Gurus of Gossip aka the 'family' from finding out about their affair?
Based on the plot bunny from TAG!

Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Plot Bunnies Characters: Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Ethan, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bashing, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Hatred, Jealousy, M/M, PTSD, Real Life Issues, Season 3, Toppy Justin, Voyeurism, What if...
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Humor, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Justin/Ethan
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 53 Completed: No
Word count: 294162 Read: 249932
ePub Downloads: 127 Published: Sep 13, 2016 Updated: Jul 22, 2023
Story Notes:



All recognizable characters, plots, props and plots, are the property of their respective owners. This author is in no way affiliated with any franchise mentioned therein. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, plots and places are the sole property of this author. 

A couple of things: First, although this is not marked as an Anti-character fic per se, many if not all will do something or another that will not be to a certain demographics liking. That said, I'm going to tell this story the way that it's coming to me. I will not apologize or defend why I choose to portray characters the way I do. It is what it is and I, as always, will remain true to my storyline. If there are any 'Tags' that I missed or haven't used yet, I will try to update them ASAP... Also I took the original plot from canon and placed it here in good ol' 2015-16 so be prepared for certain curveballs to be thrown at Brian and Justin. After all this is the Information Age...LOL

Secondly, although this is NOT a song fic, many of you know that I am actually one of the few authors that write to music (even sometimes I choose not to). That said, I will post the lyrics to the song that inspired the chapter in the story notes. You may, or may not, want to read them but they do pretty much set the tone for each section.

Last but NOT least at all, I would like to thank my Writing Wenches, the LLLC, who are constantly encouraging me and making me laugh through all of my real life insanity. A special thank you once again goes out to TAG for passing this plot bunny on (also as a way to torture me, LOL-joking) and to that taskmaster of punctuation Lorie, who without her dilligence this hot mess would be an even bigger one! 




**P.S. Don't worry! Everything is still right on target with my other work too. I haven't abandoned any of it and I won't. While the forthcoming chapters are still cooking up chaos in my brain before it reaches paper, I just choose to remain busy!**

1. PROLOGUE... AT THE END... by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 21] starhalf-star (2710 words)



Definition: a term coined by Chris Dunphy for a relationship that is undefined and/or devoid of labels by understanding between mutual parties


2. Chapter 1: MISTY BLUE- Justin by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] half-star (2446 words)



Four months can seem a lifetime...

3. Chapter 2: WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN: Brian by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] half-star (2645 words)



Brian's coping skills shines a light on the his codependent relationships with Michael and Lindsay... it also brings out a new revelation he isn't going to like...

4. Chapter 3: CRY ME A RIVER: Justin by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] half-star (2352 words)


A confrontation and a few hard truths...

5. Chapter 4: SOMEBODY ELSE'S GUY: Brian by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] half-star (3016 words)


Brian issues a rebuttal... well in a manner of Kinneyspeak that is.



6. Chapter 5: AS WE LAY: Justin by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] half-star (3151 words)



The morning after brings about some revelations and internal changes...

7. Chapter 6: LOVE CHANGES: Brian by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] half-star (5587 words)



Still some morning after revelations and a meeting that will give some much needed clarity to Mr. Kinney.

8. Chapter 7: DIRTY LITTLE SECRET by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 13] half-star (3581 words)



Justin makes Brian an offer he's hard pressed to refuse... or not!


9. Chapter 8: WHAT ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS? by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starstarstar (8406 words)



Some heavy-handed TRUTH amongst friends and about friendship... Surprising-

and not so surprising- allies emerge...

10. Chapter 9- TEENAGE SENSATION: Brian by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] half-star (2885 words)



Brian's version of "Let's Make a Deal."

11. Chapter 10: FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY: Justin (and others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 12] half-star (4851 words)



We get a glimpse of what Michael is really up to with Justin's money.

Meanwhile, Justin is making some strategic moves of his own...

12. Chapter 11: THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE: Justin (and others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] half-star (6106 words)



Justin's peace of mind is threatened and Lindsay... well the WASP really needs

her stinger aimed at her own ass! 

13. Chapter 12- AT YOUR BEST: Brian (and others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 10] half-star (6194 words)



The Aftermath of the vandalism of Justin's car... and an ass kicking long


14. Chapter 13: THE BOY IS MINE: Ethan (and others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] half-star (5871 words)



A little pill called "Pure Unadulterated Truth" is often hard to swallow...

15. Chapter 14- DARK HORSE: Brian by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 11] half-star (7960 words)



Brian's thoughts after his confrontation with Ethan...

16. Chapter 15: POSSESSION OBSESSION: Michael (and others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] half-star (8201 words)



A plot worthy of Puccini indeed!

17. Chapter 16: CRANES IN THE SKY by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] half-star (11985 words)


A few words about using this song: We've all had the feelings of disillusionment and rejection before; it's not limited to a culture or gender. Whereas this song is possibly taken from the POV of a Black woman living and dating in America, the struggle of trying to move on from feelings of hurt, rejection and loneliness is universal; the act of trying to put on a brave face when you're dying inside- very real. It's a song about pain management and what happens when you have to comeback from whatever fantasy world chosen for the moment and face reality such as it is. It's also about healing in its many facets... It's about life as we know it- both a vicious cycle and a continuous journey. I hope I've managed to convey those thoughts and feelings for Brian and Justin throughout this chapter. ENJOY!! 

18. Chapter 17: OUT OF TOUCH by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] half-star (3561 words)


Meanwhile In Pittsburgh... LAWD HAM TURKEY! Folks are about to lose their minds...SMH

19. Chapter 18: DON'T ASK MY NEIGHBOR by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] half-star (3872 words)


FINALLY some real PROGRESS!!! WHEW! Took them long enough! LOL

Blame the characters, not the author! 

20. Chapter 19: FOOL'S GOLD by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] half-star (9765 words)


Some eye-opening conversations and reflections....

21. Chapter 20- TEENAGE DREAM: FIRST Date Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] half-star (8547 words)



A day of 'Firsts' for both Brian and Justin... So far it's split up into three parts but we all know that Brian and Justin are generally unpredictable and untamable. So however many interludes this ends up being, I hope you enjoy each and everyone of them as much as I will writing them out. 

Happy Reading,


22. Chapter 20.2 LOVE IS.... TEENAGE DREAM: FIRST Date Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] half-star (4425 words)


Okay, so as a reminder, their FIRST date is split into three parts. This part isn't long like last chapter or as long as the next chapter will be but it is important... ENJOY!! 

23. Chapter 20.3 REFUGIO de AMOR (You Are My Home) the FIRST Date Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 11] starhalf-star (11742 words)



**Foreword about this upcoming dance sequence in this chapter...

I've always thought that even though Brian was somewhat rhythmically challenged on the dancefloor of Babylon unless of course he was pressed up against Justin (now there's an image for you, LOL), that he excelled in dances where there was a rhythmic count such as it were. To support my theory, think back to all of our favorite dance "Save the Last Dance" sung by the Drifters feat. Ben E. King. The composers of that song, and many others like it including "Spanish Harlem" and my personal favorite, "Stand By Me" also sung by Ben E. King, always used latin beats. In the case of "Save the Last Dance," they used an easygoing cha-cha rhythm which actually could be applied to other dance styles (latin rhythms often share interchangeable qualities).


So saying, the song chosen for this particular chapter has three different versions. The version used for this chapter is Refugio De Amor- the ballad. There is also Refugio De Amor- the Salsa version and the English version simply titled and translated as "You are My Home." I really hope you've not only enjoyed this glimpse of a very important section of this chapter, but a brief history lesson into the song which featured a favored scene of all of our hearts- one of intense joy and extreme anger and sadness.  


The three versions of the song will be posted at the end of the chapter. The lyrics within the chapter are so you can read them both as Justin and Brian hear them, and so you can understand their beauty. I have to give it to Diane Warren- an absolutely wonderful songwriter, whose lyrics and melody tugs relentlessly at the heart strings. I hope the script of this chapter has done the song justice. 




Happy Reading Babes!



24. Chapter 21: GIVE ME THE REASON (Melanie and Others) by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starstarstar (5386 words)



Fallout in the Pitts... we'll get back to the date next chapter but in the meantime, enjoy this glimpse of what's happening while Brian and Justin are away!

25. Chapter 22: I REMEMBER YOU by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starhalf-star (6133 words)

26. Chapter 23- UNFAITHFUL by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar (6165 words)

27. Chapter 24: MY LITTLE SECRET by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 11] starstar (5524 words)

28. Chapter 25: THE BEAUTIFUL ONES: My Little Secret Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] starhalf-star (13044 words)




So on another more melancholy note for the moment! This chapter is named for one of my favorite songs by Prince... Hope you're finding peace in the "Land of Neverending Happiness." I miss your voice, your music, but most of all I miss that enigmatic smile you always wore when speaking in public.

Rest in Royalty Prince Rogers Nelson!  

Image may contain: 1 person, text

29. Chapter 26: TOXIC- My Little Secret Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starhalf-star (3089 words)

30. Chapter 27: YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] half-star (4833 words)



Part 1 of the morning after....

31. Chapter 28: YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] starhalf-star (6557 words)

32. Chapter 29: MY SECRET ENEMY by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] half-star (3370 words)

33. Chapter 30: ENEMY Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] half-star (6198 words)


First a disclaimer: I am NOT an attorney or in an expert in law. This is strictly going off of creative license and what I think should be able to happen with the law in terms of Michael and Lindsay's machinations. 



34. Chapter 31: ENEMY Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] starhalf-star (4945 words)

35. Chapter 32: NO EASY WAY OUT by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starstar (8233 words)

36. Chapter 33: CLOSER Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] starstarstar (5130 words)


Thanks to everyone that has left reviews thus far! I really do appreciate them. Hopefully in the midst of everything, I'll be able to keep writing... In the meantime, ENJOY!!!

37. Chapter 34: CLOSER Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starstarstar (6759 words)


Third time's the charm, y'all!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


38. Chapter 35: ALL ABOUT US by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] starstarstar (10083 words)

39. Chapter 36: THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS... by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] starstar (6608 words)

40. Chapter 37: SORRY, NOT SORRY by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] starstar (11335 words)


The title of this chapter is also my theme song for the year 2018. I've never been one to apologize for my thoughts, views, opinions, my work... ANYTHING that I may think or feel, so this song is just a testament to the way I live my life. I hope you all ENJOY it!  

So here's to hoping that you all will become the BEST, UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU that you can be. Love you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOLKS! 



41. CHAPTER 38: SECRETS by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starstar (5886 words)

42. Chapter 39: CONFESSIONS Part I by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starhalf-star (4247 words)

43. Chapter 40: CONFESSIONS Part II by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] starhalf-star (4411 words)

44. CHAPTER 41: ONE LITTLE SLIP by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 12] starhalf-star (5153 words)


The criminal version of "Deal or No Deal" LOL ENJOY! 

45. CHAPTER 42: FOREVER YOUNG by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starhalf-star (3678 words)

46. CHAPTER 43: BABY MINE- FOREVER YOUNG Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 10] starhalf-star (3481 words)

47. CHAPTER 44: NO HOLDING BACK by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (3092 words)


48. CHAPTER 45: SHAKE IT OFF by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar (4504 words)

49. CHAPTER 46: EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (3258 words)

50. CHAPTER 47: BARELY BREATHING by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarstar (3849 words)

51. CHAPTER 48: HIT THE ROAD, JACK... AND JOAN by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (4064 words)

52. CHAPTER 49: THERE'S SOME HOES IN THIS HOUSE/I'LL BEAT THAT B*TCH WIT' A BAT by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar (2214 words)


53. CHAPTER 50: FEELS LIKE HOME by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (3074 words)