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Justin and I were laying around the loft, he had the GLC show tonight. Michael whined about not getting laid at the comic shop and I made him go talk to David. I wanted to be able get Michael into high society, the place none of us were invited to. So far it’s going to plan. Michael got laid and suddenly David isn’t some old dude he took pity on. We should see them tonight at the show. Emmett was a little pissed that we didn’t tell him about the whole outfit, he spent a lot of time on it. I asked if he was trying to keep Michael single. 


Justin talked to his mother and she wanted to come to the show. He made sure Daddy Dearest wasn’t coming. She told him she wasn’t ready to give him a heart attack yet. Lindsay wanted Justin to spend the day with her, Justin told her he was coming with Daphne to hang the sketches but otherwise consider him busy.


 Marilyn has been hiding from us, Justin told me we could find him after the show tonight. Then he said “Marilyn you better be available”, into the air.


Ted and Blake are still going strong, I guess a crystal queen would be better than smelly Roger. Emmett was happy that he didn’t have to relive that memory. Justin told Emmett that we should all go to ‘See the Light’. Emmett and Justin were talking about it, I swear they are children.


 Justin leans over and kisses me when there is a knock on the door. 


“It’s Daphne, we’ll be at the GLC most of the afternoon.” Justin tells me.


“Don’t let her run off with any lesbians.” I tell him.


“She just wanted to do something cool.” Justin tells me.


“I’m going to find old Marilyn and tie her to a chair if I have to. It seems interesting that she isn’t anywhere.” I tell him.


“You don’t get to hide from Michael tonight.” Justin tells me.


“I don’t want to hit on David. Can’t we just get someone else to do it?” I whine my best Mikey whine.


“Sure, pick anyone you want, but you have to deal with your best friend after.” Justin tells me.


“You know, you could have held me when you said that.” I tell him.


“When did you grow a twat?” He asks me.


“In 2025 I think, you wouldn’t know because you weren’t there.” I joke with him. Justin told me to stop dwelling on the past/future as if we were going to relive it. We started joking around about what was going on during those times. 


Justin answers the loft door and Daphne walks in. I forgot she was there, she only knocked once, unlike the other two, who will pound on the door like I’m senile and will forget to answer if they stop. Justin told her he’d be back in a minute and runs to the bathroom.


“Hey beautiful, going to take a walk on the wildside?” I ask her.


“Yeah, the fact is though that if I see a hot guy, it’s a waste of time for me to look.” She tells me.


“Hey some of the guys swing both ways.” I tell her.


“You ever swing both ways?” Daphne smirked at me.


“In college, and I still haven’t gotten the supposed lesbian to stop wanting my dick.” I tell her.


“Learn anything from that?” Daphne asks me.


“Yeah, don’t get drunk and stoned until I am sure who is in the bed.” I tell her.


“Oh please, you told Lindsey it was fun.” Justin comes out of the bathroom. 


“It was fine, it was after that it became a pain in the ass. Lindsey started planning my life with her.” I tell Justin.


“When did that happen Brian?” Justin asks me.


“The next morning.” I tell him.


“I’ve never heard that before.” Justin tells me.


“Justin, you’ve been together a couple weeks, Brian probably hasn’t told you a lot of things.” Daphne tells Justin.


“Yeah, I guess.” Justin walks up to me and kisses me goodbye. He and Daphne head to the GLC.


“Marilyn, if you can hear this, you better not make me find you.” I say out loud in the loft. I smile as the phone rings.


“I look after other people too. Not everything is about you two.” Marilyn tells me.


“I could care less if a fat exec thinks he looks good in a speedo, you agreed to help us.” I tell her.


“I am helping, there are just some things that defy explanation. You and Justin can’t seem to stick to anything. I know you're trying to get out of seeing David and Michael.” She tells me.


“I’ll go, but you have to talk.” I tell her.


“What do you want me to say, her timing was perfect because you were changing. Think about her comment, you were being tamed. She wanted you to continue to live the way you were. Did she set out to split you two up, yes, okay. Not because of you, but so Justin could accomplish what she never could.” Marilyn tells me.


“So what the hell is with all the warnings? Like Emmett said, Justin doesn’t get on the fucking plane.” I tell her.


“Duh, I swear you two are dense, we obviously keep Justin off the plane.. That’s not the issue. The issue is someone changed your life.” Marilyn tells me.


“Hey you seen Ethan lately?” I ask her.


“Don’t worry about him, he got sent home without his memory. He’ll show up, but he doesn’t get foreknowledge this time. He got in trouble for trying to interfere with you.” She tells me.


“You're not very helpful, hey, there is something you might be able to help with.” I tell her.


“Wasn’t she always possessive?” Marilyn asks me.


“Sometimes, it calmed down after she meet Mel. Although, the two of them are headed for trouble.” I tell her.


“Brian, when weren’t they?” She has a point.


“Another don’t worry about?” I ask her.


“Um, yes?” Marilyn tells me.


“What the fuck is going to happen now?” I ask her.


“You remember they break up soon, right?” she asks me.


“So what doom and gloom are you going to spread now?” I ask her.


“Nothing, you’re just about to get rid of Michael. I don’t want to be blamed for the fact that Lindsay is going to start hanging around more.” She tells me.


“What is it, I get rid of one whiny bitch and I get to deal with the other?” I really wasn’t asking.


“Quit bitching and go deal with Michael.” She tells me.


“You do know she has been extra bitchy lately?” I tell her.


“You're the one who changed her. If you had let her think it was her idea, she would have supported you two.” She tells me.


“You know what, I have a plan, later.” I hang up. I need to call Justin.




Lindsay and Mel were here when I got to the GLC . I grabbed Mel and asked her to help me and Daphne. Lindsay tried to get involved in helping us, but Mel just looked at her. I guess they are still going at it. Mel and Daphne went with the other girl to get a drink, I think Lindsay was waiting for it.


“Justin, can we talk?” She asks me.


“Talk away Lindsay.” I tell her.


“I wanted to have a private conversation.” She tells me.


I get up and follow her to an empty room. She sits down and offers me a seat, like it’s her house. I sit across from her, instead of next to her like she wanted.


“I was hoping you would interact with more of the younger guys here.” She tells me.


“Why? I doubt they want to trick with Brian and I.” I tell her. 


“You should tell Brian you don’t want that, and that he needs to spend more time with Gus. Lately he hasn’t visited like I expected. He is the one who wants to be a father, it’s time he fulfills the role. Don’t you agree?” She tells me.


“It’s not really my business Lindsay.” I tell her. She really thinks I’m going to get sucked into Lindsay’s version of right and wrong.


“My son is being neglected by his father because he is spending all his time with you.” She tells me. 


“I thought you and Mel wanted it like that.” I tell her.


“I was fine with it, until Brian started playing the dad card to ruin our lives. Mel and I aren’t doing well, because Brian wants to keep bringing up his rights.” She tells me.


“I swear, it’s like you have split personalities, one minute you're up Brian’s ass and then it's Mel’s twat. Make up your fucking mind.” I don’t know why I can’t control my anger at her.


“Who do you think you are to question an adult relationship?” She keeps looking down her nose at me, I’ll show her what a real WASP IS capable of.


“The only adult in this room. I mean you if can’t get me to agree to something, your next move is Brian. If that doesn’t work you work Mel up, until she acts like a bitch. You don’t think I can see below the surface, although with you it’s shallow. You learned to hide your cunty actions with smiles.” I tell her.


“I have never tried to hurt your relationship, I have supported you and Brian. I can’t help that neither of you two could keep your dicks in your pants. I can’t help that when I give you advice you act like you know better.” She starts getting louder.


“You really love playing us don’t you? What’s wrong Lindsay, don’t have an article to get rid of me with.” I taunt her.


“Why the fuck were you still able to have it all? I get stuck in Canada, where my life stagnated. You didn’t take a fucking opportunity of a lifetime, yet you still succeeded. How was that fucking fair?” she snaps at me.


“YOU BITCH!” I yell at her. 







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