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Like I would let a fat exec wear speedos, I was painting my nails when Justin yelled at me. I could hide longer if I want. When Brian called out though, I knew that if I didn’t answer he’d find me. There are only so many places I could go on Liberty Avenue.  Of course, all it would take was Brian turning on the charm and everyone would tell him where I am. I tell Brian enough to hopefully help him calm Lindsay down. Vic and I didn’t want them to find out the truth. Justin mad is something I can handle, because Justin will see reason. Brian will make my life a complete hell, and he never forgets you fucked with him.


I just finished my first hand and was about to start the next one, when I see Lindsay and Justin walking into a room together. Hmmm, that wasn’t supposed to happen. I listen to the conversation and Justin starts getting angrier at Lindsay. I was trying to figure out what they were fighting about when Justin brings up the article. I waited for Lindsay to ask him what he was talking about but I think Justin triggered her memory. I had to get there before she was able to tell him what she did. Brian and Justin aren’t going to forgive Vic and Deb for this.


I wish I could change clothes but at the rate Justin is going, he might choke Lindsay to death before we can stop him.




I was driving to get Justin some food before I have to go act like a jealous friend at Woody’s. I called to see if Daphne wanted anything, Daphne answered Justin’s phone. 


“Hey Brian, I accidently took Justin’s phone when I went to get a drink.” Daphne tells me.


“You decided to see if pussy was for you?” I joke with her.


“At least I could have gotten some. I’m about to enter the building that your loverboy is in, you still want to talk to Justin when I get there?” She asks me.


“Tell Loverboy, I’m bringing him some fatty bad food for him, you want anything?”  I ask her.


“Hold on a minute, something is going on in one of the rooms.” Daphne tells me. I can hear yelling but it’s muted. I hear Daphne ask if that was Justin. Mel tells her yes, but the other person yelling was Lindsay. I call for Daphne to pick up the phone, and tell me what’s going on. She ask me to wait a second, she is trying to hear why they are yelling at each other.


“Brian, you need to get over here, Justin and Lindsay are starting to scream at each other in the other room, everyone is trying to get them to open the door.” Daphne tells me.


“I can be there in five minutes, but stay on and tell me if you can figure out what their yelling about.” What the hell, I know she’s been a bitch lately but usually Justin ignores her.


“Something about an article and then I don’t understand Lindsay’s screeching. Shit, Justin just called her a bitch.” Daphne tells me.


“Can you get in the room and keep Justin from killing her?” I ask Daphne. The only article that would cause Justin to turn into a shrew is the one that cunt showed me.


“We’re trying, some chick named Tannis is looking for the key.” Daphne tells me.


“I’m almost there, see if you can get Justin to the door.” I tell her. I pull up to the door and park there, fuck the ticket. “Daphne, I’m running in the front.” I tell her as I hang up.


I can hear them screaming at each other from the front door. Justin is using language even I could blush at, fuck, what else is going to happen. I pass the group just standing around staring at the door, the fucking idiots think gawking is going to get the door open. Tannis is standing there with a key but seems to be in shock. I wanted to tell the cunt that even gay people curse, but from the sounds in that room, Lindsay might be a step away from Justin turning into Rage. I push Tannis out of the way and yell to Justin to open the door. When they get louder, I started slamming against the door to get in. The door finally opens and the two of them stopped yelling and stared at me. I slam the door shut and lean back on it. 


“Somebody in this room want to tell me why you two are screaming like banshees?” I ask them both. Lindsay turned away and refused to utter a sound. She thinks I’m going to let her get away with this.


“How about the fact that the goddamned cunt over there was so unhappy in her own life that she fucking ruined everything for us.” Justin yells.


“You want to explain that to me Lindsay, because if it’s what I think this is about, you won’t leave this room” I tell her. 


Someone knocks on the door and I hear Marilyn asking to come in. 


“Fuck you Marilyn, you knew.” Justin yells at her. 


“I didn’t know, I promise that I didn’t.” She yells through the door.


“You know what Marilyn, how about I explain to Brian what I just found out about Lindsay. Can you promise you don’t fucking know now?” Justin tells Marilyn.


I stood up straight and opened the door. Marilyn has some explaining to do. Marilyn looked like a cross between Marty and Marilyn, guess she couldn’t change, trying to get here on time. Too bad she about a minute too late.


“Look, I knew Lindsay had some of her future in her head but I never thought she could get it to come out.” She tells us. I yank her in and lean on the door to keep the gossip mongers out.


“Did you know that she was pissed that I didn’t go to New York but was still successful? Did you know that she wanted to prove something, by putting me on the fucking plane? Maybe you could finally tell me the fucking truth sometime before my next life, because I am owed some fucking answers.” Justin tells Marilyn. Marilyn was about to say something but Vic appears.


“Lindsay convinced me and Deb to help her come back in hopes that she and Mel stayed together. In the future, Lindsay and Mel split for good when they move. Not the future you remember Brian, the one that you and Justin should have had. She ended up go back to Sam, when all of you were too busy for her. She ends up losing everything including Gus. Gus ends up leaving to live with you and Justin, because she was too busy trying get you to be like the Brian she knew. She ended up dying of an overdose. She was in purgatory, Deb wanted to see Lindsay, so I took her there. Lindsay talked us into letting her go back to try to correct the things she did wrong. She tried to change everything, starting with Brian and her relationship, she thought Brian might be willing to give her a chance if she got pregnant at college. I was able to stop that. She still wanted Justin and you to meet, but she wanted to be more involved in Justin’s life.  When it came time for Mel to get pregnant, she wanted you to be the father Brian, but Lindsay tried to talk Mel into Justin. She didn’t want Michael being JR’s dad. Justin didn’t go to New York in her future, so she took the article to you this time, she didn’t the last time. She was able to change what she thought were mistakes. She spent years making sure you trusted her Brian, she kept you and Michael dependent on each other, because she knew Justin and you had problems because of that, and Justin turned to her and Mel when that happened. It made it easier to get Justin to listen to her all those years. When we allowed you to come back it was with the same kind of knowledge she had. She had years to work on Brian and turn him into the man he became, by giving you the knowledge of what your friends were like and allowing that Brian was coming back and would see his friends differently, I felt it leveled the playing field. We couldn’t stop her once she got to relive her life, Big Guy was pissed that we did it. He told me that it was time for Deb and I to see what happens when you meddle in someone’s life. Brian when you died he let us send you back because he wanted you to have a chance to live the correct life. Lindsay wasn’t supposed to remember any of it.” Vic tells me.


“You didn’t think that was important to tell us.” Marilyn looks pissed.


“No, I thought Brian wouldn’t hold the future against them.” Vic tells us.


“Is that why you keep coming to me, so I would stay friends with people who treat me like an object?” I ask him.


“I was trying to help Brian, it was Deb and me who helped her go back.” Vic tells us.


“You let this selfish, self serving cunt fuck with my life, and am I supposed to thank you for your help this time?” I ask Vic.


“The Big Guy already gave Deb and I this speech. I don’t need it from you too.” Vic tells me.


“You know what Vic, I honestly don’t give a shit what you need. You and Deb let Lindsay come back and fuck up my life. Deb always acted like I owed your family for everything you did, was that the price for your kindness? Vic, no matter what everyone called me, they never called me stupid. This has Deb written all over it.” I ask him.


“Deb thought she was helping Lindsay. You know how she feels about mothers.” Vic tells us.


“I guess since Brian and I are fathers, we didn’t count? Lindsay knew that we were still together and that we would have a child. Yet she decided that my life wasn’t what she wanted it to be. All because your sister thinks she knows what’s best for everyone. I think I feel sorry for Michael, Deb made him into the needy, whining shit he is.” Justin tells him.


“Justin, Deb believed Lindsay wanted to straighten out her life with Gus.” Vic tells him


“Excuse the fuck out of me for not being understanding, I lost my fucking child and my life with Brian.” Justin tells Vic.


“I loved Kira, I thought you would go and succeed and I would get to be a part of that world. Nobody told me that the plane crashed.” Lindsay blurted out.


“Lindsay, if you hadn’t lied to us, we wouldn’t be here now. I should have tried to help you make better decisions.” Vic tells Lindsay.


“Are you kidding me, Lindsay wanted you to let her come back and you didn’t bother to see what she did?.” Justin tells Vic.


“I thought I was helping. I thought you would go to New York and find success, not that the plane would crash.” She tells me.


“Hold on, has she known all along, that she is the fucking cause of my life fucking up.” I cut in.


“I don’t know when Lindsay remembered anything.” Vic tells me.


“Do you think either of us will believe a word from you Vic. Lindsay why don’t you tell us, how you seem to suddenly remember things.” I look to Lindsay.


“When Justin brought up the article today.” She tells me.


“Can you keep her from remembering anymore?” I ask Vic.


“But Brian…” She tries and I cut her off.


“I won’t help her any longer, she’s the reason I spend the next forty years alone.” I tell Vic.


“Brian, she is going to retain her memories, just like Justin will. She can’t do anymore harm as long as you and Justin do what you’re supposed too.” Vic tells me.


“Only one problem Vic, Justin and I won’t play by rules anymore. Once you lied to us, you don’t get the chance to do it again.” I tell him.


“Brian, I’m sorry this happened, but you get to live your life, can’t that be enough?” Vic tells me.


“Sorry is bullshit, Vic. I hope you enjoy the memories Justin and I are about to create. You get to feel the changes too, don’t you?” I tell him.


“Brian don’t do this.” Vic tells him.


“Mel can bring Gus to visit, but you are no longer welcome in our lives. If Mel comes to her senses, I’ll help her take Gus away from you. My life might give a judge pause but Mel will come out smelling like roses. You should have taken care of Mel, instead of trying to fuck with my life.” I tell her.


“Peter, I made a mistake. I never meant for what happened to happen.” Lindsay pleads with me.


“Justin, please I thought I was helping.” She turns to him.


“You want to help Lindsay?” Justin asks her.


“Anything, just ask me.” She begs Justin.


“Here's what you can do. See the door Brian is leaning on? Walk out it. Don’t call, don’t show up anywhere we are and don’t think there is anything you could do that would help anyone. It would take thinking of someone other than yourself and you’ve shown time and again that you aren’t capable of that.” Justin tells her.


“Vic, I don’t want the help of someone who caused my pain. I hope Kira can forgive you and Deb for this, but you know she’s Brian’s daughter.” Justin tells him.


I walk over to Justin and take his hand, it’s time we do this our way.

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