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Author's Chapter Notes:

End of Sydney, start of Portland





                “Guys if you’ll excuse me, it seems I have a wife to placate.”


I’m surprised to find Norma’s hand on my arm.


                “No you have an evening to enjoy.  Now come on.  It doesn’t matter when you placate that little harridan, so you might as well get hung for a sheep as well as a lamb.”


She pats my arm and kisses my cheek.


                “So another brandy?”  Faal whispers to me.




After all I have done for him, how can he just disregard me like that?!  And as for Lydia putting that trollop on my table, words will be had.




                “Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen your carriages await!  Thank you all for coming and goodnight!” 




                “Could the staff from Bloom and Uptown please wait to leave until after all the guests have gone thank you.”


I am attacked from behind by Martine who has tears in her eyes.


                “England!  I’m going to England.  Aunt Liddie I don’t know what to say!”


                “That you will represent Uptown superbly as always and carry the Glendale name proudly!  Oh and sink as much guiness as you can!  Now who are you taking?”  I ask hugging her back.


I spot Hunter sitting at the table just staring at the ticket, I manage to catch Ben’s eye and jerk my head.




                “So Japan huh?” 




                “It’s going to be a good experience for you.”


                “Two tickets.”




                “There’s two tickets.”


                “That’s good you can take Matt with you.”


He looks at me with tear filled eyes and shakes his head.


                “He doesn’t want to go…”


                “Oh but why not, it’ll be fantastic all that culture, Mount Fuji, it will be incredible.”


                “Because he wants me to take you instead.”


I look at him in shock and then at Matt who had returned with a tray and some brandies.


                “You told him huh?”


Hunter nods and looks at me biting his lip.


                “So will you come with me?  Please?”


                “When, uh, when is it?”


                “End of July, when are you going to Aspen?” 


                “We’ve not thought about that yet.  But yes, yes I would l-love to go with you!”




As much as I love these events it getting people to get the fuck out of the place in the end that is galling!  They take their time and dawdle, you can dawdle as much as you want but dawdle outside just so we can lock the fuck up!  My feet hurt, I’m tired and quite frankly emotional, but it was a great party.


After about 30 minutes, finally we get to lock up.  The kitchen has been shut down and the wait staff have gone. 


                “Okay people gather round, it won’t take long.  You’ve got tomorrow off enjoy!  Now cars are waiting for you all to take you home, so you don’t need to worry about that, the car numbers are in the back of your brochures, scoot!”


I head to the table where Brian and everyone is waiting for Zee and Emmett, Lyndsey has joined them but Mel seems determined to avoid her, when Norma told me what she said to her I had to laugh.


                “Where’s Emmett and Zee, I thought the kitchens were shut down?”


                “They are, but Emmy Lou started to read the book again and started to panic so some calming is called for!  Ah here they are.”  Mel giggles


A somewhat flustered Emmett comes back with Zee who has her shoes in her hand and is rubbing her back.


                “Look great but…”


                “Hurt like fuck!”  Brian finishes off for her.  “That was one of the first things she said to me after we signed the contract.”


                “Emmett and Zee, thank you so much for everything the doggie boxes idea was genius.   Although I do believe a full scale war was about to erupt with table 14, apparently they barely ate the lamb all wanting to take the entire joint home!”


                “Lydia, I think after tonight you can call me Ems or if you comfortable Emmy Lou.”  He sniffs


                “Emmy Lou it is.  Well goodnight all have a lovely weekend.”




I have Justin’s head in my lap and for once he’s not giving me a blow job.  It’s been a bit tough on him this evening and he’s tired and I can see he’s starting to drift off


                “Right I don’t know about anyone else but I’m heading home. Come on sleeping beauty let’s go.”


                “Wait, I’ve just had a thought.  Mel can you take tomorrow off?”  Zee asks.


                “Already booked, I knew this would be a late one why?” 


                “The kids have half day tomorrow right?  Everyone was getting to ours relatively early, so why not just go to Portland tomorrow evening instead of Saturday morning, that way we have more time there, what do you guys think, seriously geliefde can you rub?” 


Immediately Faal is up and untucking her shirt pressing his hands into her spine whilst holding her against his chest and murmuring into her ear.


                “Well I think it’s a great idea.  But let’s discuss it later, we all need sleep!  Come on let’s go home.”


I pull a sleepwalking Justin after me and we both fall asleep the moments after we get in, I want to kiss Vince for putting a blanket in the car.






I slam my purse down and whirl round to face her.


                “Well what do you have to say for yourself?”  I growl.


                “About what?”  She replies calmly making a cup of tea.  “Tell me exactly what great wrong did I perpetrate?”


                “You didn’t tell me you had today off!”  I snap


                “You didn’t tell me about San Francisco.  So is that it that’s the great wrong in the book of misdeeds against Lindsey Petersen?”


                “Mel, I don’t like this attitude you have these days…”


                “Oh well, back at you sweetheart, back at you.  Good night.”


She heads upstairs humming to herself.


                “Unless you’ve forgotten the kids are sleeping!”  I hiss up at her.


                “Seems you’ve forgotten that they’re with their grandparents…”








                “Oh God right there, right there.”  She groans


I press down on her spine, easing the age old injury and watch her melt into the sheets. 


                “So Leda then, you going to call or shall I?”  She mumbles.


                “You’ve done enough for the last few days, I’ll call.  I’ve also called Mace and moved the flight time, just need to let the family know and Michael.”


                “Yeah, he just couldn’t fucking strike out for one more time.  Inconsiderate wanker!”


                “Oh do you think Emmy Lou and Drew will bring the puppies?”


                “Nah Emmy has already put the kibosh on that, absolutely no dogs were his exact words!”


                “About Shadyside?”


                “Oh yes, over by the, oh that’s better thanks, the dresser, what do you think?”


I find the estate details and whistle, it’s a big place, great garden, four bedrooms and garage space.


                “But I thought you were going for the Petersen place?”


                “Oh I’ve bought that, that’s my New York buffer.  This is in Squirrel Hill.”


I slap her on the butt and she slowly turns over.


                “What are you plotting?”


                “Me plot?  Heaven forfend!”






                “Red we need to get to the Treehouse for four, we take off at half six so should be at her place before midnight according to them?  Can you deal with letting Michael know?”


                “Yeah, I wish he wasn’t coming though.”  She sighs


                “But he is let’s just hope he behaves himself.”


                “Let’s hope they both do, it’s a long walk from Portland!”  She cackles.






I can’t wait to get to Portland, I know his address and all I have to do is tell him what I’ve seen and tell him in no uncertain terms to keep his bratty kid away from Jenny.








I have triple checked the flight plan and if the weather behaves we should be land by ten latest by eleven.  Alice and George aren’t coming as they are taking advantage of the quiet and spending time alone.


People should start arriving soon, so I head to the kitchen to start to box up the inflight food.  The hotboxes are set and Faal is double checking the suitcases and judging by that giggle, here comes an excited Jenny.


                “Well good afternoon can I help you?”


                “Aunt Zee, come on let us in!”


                “Aunt Zee, whom is this Aunt Zee you speak of, I’m sorry there is nobody of that name in residence.”


                “Aunt Zee, I need to pee come on!”  Gus gripes.


Chuckling I swing open the door and he hurtles to the bathroom.


                “Where are your moms?” 


                “We were at grandpa and grandma last night so they picked us up from school.  Should imagine they are coming soon.” 


                “Ah I see, well, come on let’s move the cases out back.  Carl can you take the hotboxes, be careful they live up to their name!”


After about an hour almost everyone is here.  Joshua and Carrie have arrived and Taylor and Sarah become fast friends.  Leda is in the garage with Faal as he noticed some oil coming from his Spyder and we’re just waiting for Mel, Lindz and of course Michael.


I flick Mel a text and she says they are on their way, the delay was caused ‘amongst other things’ by a snarl up just outside town and they should be another 10 minutes.


                “The plane, the plane!”  Carl cries out in falsetto earning blank expressions.


                “Fantasy Island, most of you are too young, google it, Ricardo Montalban oh now he was nice!”


Just as the plane lands, the doorbell goes and a harassed looking Mel and chattering Michael and Lindz come in. 


                “Right everyone out back.  I’ll go get the petrolheads!”


I have to resist the temptation to pull them both out by their ears but finally everyone is present and correct and the Treehouse is locked down.


                “Finally!  We’re off, before we board, Brian and Justin you are at the back, for the leg room of course!  Now, Joshua and Carrie and Ben and Steve you need to be near the front, everyone else sit where they want.”






Joshua is here, this just gets better and better, this can’t just be coincidence, poor Carrie when the truth comes out.




What the hell is Leda doing here?  And why is Jenny so excitable?  Anybody would think she’s got a date!  Oh my God she’s got a date, why wasn’t I told about this?


                “Mel is there something you need to tell Michael and me?”


She looks up from the magazine and puts down the glass of wine and just looks at me for a few seconds


                “Well clearly you think there is so why don’t you tell me what I should be telling you so I can get back to my magazine.”


                “Mel what is wrong with you?  You’ve been moody since we left the…”  Michael begins


                “Hmm let me see.  All you two had to do was stick to schedule but once again, you think you are the certain of the universe and delayed us...”


                “Are you going to blame us for the accident too?”  I snipe


                “Don’t be obtuse Lindsay, all I’m saying is that if you had stuck to the schedule we wouldn’t have been an hour late.  Now is that all?”


                “Is that…no Mel that’s not all, why is Jenny so excitable, it’s not as if she’s not been on this plane before, is there something or someone happening in Portland we need to know about.”


                “Not as far as I’m aware, I know they have been texting and emailing but apart from that she’s said nothing.  Although he does know that she’s in Portland this weekend.”


                “Why haven’t we been shown the emails and texts?”  Michael demands.


                “Because we were asked not to remember?  We said that we would tell you about things that were of concern to us and nothing was, it was just general chit chat.”  Ben reminds us


I was surprised to hear his voice, seems we can move about the plane now. 


                “She doesn’t get to make those decisions until she’s older.  Whilst I pay the telephone bill she…”


                “You don’t pay the phone bill Michael, you don’t pay anything, especially attention!”  Mel snaps.  “Now excuse me I need get another wine to block out your whine.”




Oh God it’s another 3 hours on this plane with them, I don’t think I can do it.  I feel someone behind me and turn to see Jennifer.


                “Fancy a stroll round the poop deck?”  She nudges me gently and after a quick circuit I feel calmer.


                “What’s that noise?”  I ask and then notice that Brian and Justin have disappeared.  “Never mind.”


I return to my seat happily Lindz has moved to sit with Michael so I can stretch out and soon find myself drifting off.  I’m not sure how long I slept but I feel myself being gently shaken, I open my eyes and see Jenny holding a plate for me, she scoots under the blanket and we eat in silence, she looks so happy and excited. 


Its very sweet her first boyfriend and there is no way in hell they are going to ruin it for her by being overbearingly twee or just overbearing.


We end up dozing back off again and don’t wake until we are told to return to our seats and put our seatbelts on.


Twenty minutes later the plane lands, Zee and Faal come out of the cockpit and make sure that everyone is okay and help get the kids off first.  We wait for the cases to be unloaded and everyone is very tired. 


                “Grab your cases and follow me.”  Faal calls out.


                “You’d think in a place this grandiose they’d have servants.”  I hear Michael mutter sarcastically


Admittedly, from the outside it doesn’t look like much but he doesn’t have to be so rude.  We’re lead down a pathway when suddenly the door is flung open.


                “I told you it was them, whoever the hell else is going to drop a plane in our front yard!”  A woman’s voice calls out.  “Come on in people”


We all file into an ante-room and face our hostess. 


                “Aunt Dee, how you doing?!”  Zee calls out sweeping her into her arms.


        “Fine just fine, now come on you must be exhausted, let me show you to your rooms.”


We follow her out up some back steps and to a lift.


“Okay, can we have Brian and Justin, Jennifer and Tucker, Emmy Lou and Drew, Leda, Joshua, Carrie and Sarah first?”


The rest of us wait in confusion, then the lift comes back and she ushers us in, we’re lead into a corridor she quickly points out our rooms from the list she’s carrying and we all head to bed.


                “Mel, Michael and I…”


                “Do you two share a brain or something, lately most of your sentences seem to start with Michael and I.  Can you two have an independent thought that isn’t selfish?”






I have a sleeping blonde drooling on my chest and am slightly confused as to where I am.  I definitely don’t recognise the ceiling.  And what a ceiling it is, I nudge Justin, nothing, I nudge harder.


                “Mmm what is it?”  He mumbles


                “Look up.”


He turns and flops onto his back and it takes him a few minutes to open his eyes and then he gasps.


                “Wow that is fantastic!”


The ceiling is painted a dark black/blue with silver flashes to look like lightning streaking across and grey rolling clouds. 


I look round the room itself, a mix of soothing duck egg blue and greys and pinned to a wall is a sign that says ‘bathroom this way’.   Tugging him out of bed I pull him to the bathroom, I’m so glad that Zee suggested we fly up last night because I fully intend to take advantage of the bath!  It’s a free standing silver grey claw footed slipper bath at least six foot long and the waterfall shower opposite should make for an interesting morning!


We head back to the bedroom wondering what to do next and Justin spots another note. 


                “You are in the Storm Room, when you are ready come out and turn left, take the stairs, when you reach the bottom turn right and follow the smell of coffee.  Luc and Dee.”


I am salivating at the thought of coffee so we pull on some sweats and head out of the room. 


                “Morning mom.”  Justin called out as Jennifer heads to the staircase.  “Morning Tucker.”


                “Morning darling, would you look at them, aren’t they gorgeous?”


The ‘them’ Jennifer was referring to were chandeliers that hung over the staircases and their crystals shimmer and bounce their lights off the walls.


We looked round the hallway in awe, there were four staircases that come from each corner of the house and in the centre of the reception hall, I’m going to assume, is a massive dark chocolate brown shag pile rug, I couldn’t help myself and scrunched my toes in it in and sighed.


                “What do you think the flooring is?”  Tucker brushed his hands over the burnished wood.


                “Oak.”  Carl answered.  “Careful Red.” 


He called out as Debs was too busy looking round to pay attention to where she was going and almost bumped into Tucker.


                “Holy crap check that out.”  Debs calls out and points up.


The roof is made of glass.


                “What is it with this family and glass?”  Carl mutters.


                “Come on guys coffee’s on!”  Emmy Lou’s voice jolts us out of our ogling.






                “Ah good morning people did you sleep well?”


I get nods but they are mostly staring at the kitchen.  It is enormous I know and when we decided to gift it to Zee the first thing I said is we have do the kitchen; put in flagstones, big fridge and freezer, wine cupboard and fridge, lots of counter space, big sofa and armchairs with a nice long table and have a spit roast fire, it’s about six foot across and about 3 foot high, currently it is warming the room nicely…and most importantly lots of light.


                “Aunt Dee have you ever roasted…”  Jennifer begins


                “Adults call me Dee, children, niece and son-in-law call me Aunt Dee, same for Luc.  Yep, pigs and lamb.  And we’ve done sides of a cow, though that takes absolutely ages, we are talking a good two days.”


                “A side, a side of a cow!”  Carl gasps.


                “Yep, now come on folks, sit down, for now take the sofas, we’ll bring the coffee, Zee is doing her tear and share hazelnut and chocolate bread and I think Faal and Drew are getting ready to go jogging to work up and appetite before break…”


                “She’s doing her what?  Where is that girl?  Zee out here this minute!”  Emmy Lou cries


                “You had to say it didn’t you.  Now cool your jets Emmy Lou I wanted to get it just right for you…”


I snort at that assertion that bread is nigh on perfect...


                “Um hello, is anyone in here?”  I hear a little voice outside the door


                “Yep come on in.”  I call out and smile as Jenny looks relieved to find people.


                “Guys in here!  This place is enormous.  Morning!”  Jenny comes in with Gus, Hunter and Matt.


                “Did you say that Drew and Faal are going for a jog?”  Brian asks.  “I might join them.”


                “Me too, you coming Matt?”  Hunter asks.


                “Morning all did I hear the word jog?”  Steve comes in with a little girl on his hip and a very satisfied looking Ben behind him, I raise an eyebrow and he blushes.


They are swiftly followed by Mel and some people I don’t know and a very cute little girl.


                “So who are these folks that I don’t know?”


                “Aunt Dee, starting from Mel; this is Lindsay, Leda, Joshua and his wife Carrie and their daughter Sarah, the hip girl is Taylor she’s Steve’s daughter and lastly Michael.”  Zee tells me.


They all say good morning and I narrow my eyes at Michael.


                “I trust the servants have made the place acceptable for you, after your obvious disappointment last night, they got up early especially.”  I glower at him


                “So what can I do to help?”  Mel comes over and puts a placating hand on my arm.


                “Well first things first, are we all down here?  Good?  So how many of you are going for a jog?”


                “Morning everyone.”  My darling Faal calls out coming into the kitchen with Drew.


                “Right once again, how many of you are going for a jog and how long for, so we can time breakfast, it’s only going to be bacon, eggs and toast and then we can show you the rest of the house.  Luc will be joining us for breakfast but right now he’s in the middle of a call with his nephew.” 


                “Which one?”  Faal asks.


                “Zephaniah.”  I reply.


                “What about this time?”  Zee asks, pulling out eggs from the larder.


                “Not sure, all I heard was oh fuck and he’s been in there ever since.  I hope they aren’t complaining about the condo in New York.” 


                “Bet they are.”  Faal mutters.  “Wait if they got the condo where are you going to live?”


                “They got the small condo, we’ve got the other one still, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with that boy and his wife, Talon, gives grasping a new meaning.”


                “They like to share things my brother and my father like their views…”  Zee says grimly.


                “Extends to the wife too it would seem.”  Luc’s voice makes everyone jump.  “Come here little one.”


Zee barrels into his arms, she has always been his favourite of his brother’s kids.


                “Sorry what do you mean extends to the wife too?”  Debs asks.


                “Zephaniah caught them either post or pre in flagrante delicto, so we’ve got some serious shit to clear up, so we’ve got to love you guys and leave you here.  Can we borrow the plane, we’ll send it back.”


                “Of course, you guys get going, we’re good here.”


                “Any message?”  Luc asks her.




                “Not even I told you so?”  He smiled evilly.


                “Tempting but no.”  She smiles back.


                “Dee can you pack but after breakfast – am not dealing with this shit on an empty stomach.   Zee and Faal a word please?”




I look at my little one and wonder how my brother could be such an idiot.  But his loss is my gain as she now sees me as a paternal figure and I’m so pleased.


                “So I had a looksee, not much there to be honest, she’s the type that looks clean but plays dirty.  There’s something in the eyes of that one.  There’s a lawsuit coming.  Finance wise there’s not much either though she did apply for a credit card recently and was rejected think that was due to her debt load in Canada where she has a mortgage.  Nice two bed about 20 miles from where they were living before, has had it for almost two years, but oddly never lived in it.  Has been renting it out in the meantime.  Work wise, she seems to be in a good place Bloom Gallery is doing well what with the latest ownership change.”


                “House in Canada?”  Faal echoes and looks at my little one who looks equally confused.


                “Now for Michael Novotny, now I couldn’t find anything out about the guy except his father is a drag a queen called Divina DeVore.  Word is that he’s a bit of a weasel, living through your friend Brian until he fucked up big time, which you know about.  My one concern is this, this was taken a while back and I dug a little further, I don’t understand why he’s doing what he’s doing in the photo…”


I hand the photo of Michael and Rita Montgomery and he’s handing her money.


                “Oh my God!  He set it up, he must have sent her to the gallery on purpose!”  Faal snarls.


Little one is sitting there cracking her knuckles.


                “Faal.”  She puts her hand on his arm and he calms down.


                “What are we going to do?”  Faal asks quietly.


                “I don’t know I really don’t know.” 






                “For boys who are going jogging you seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time sitting down?  Now if you’re going jogging get to getting, if not let’s prepare breakfast so I can get my ass to New York and sort this clusterfuck!”


Brian bursts out laughing.


                “What’s so funny long tall fellah?”  I ask grinning at him.


                “You, I can see where she gets her phrases from.  Although I’ve not met her mother, so maybe she gets them from her.”


                “A combination of both since she’s my sister.  Our little hellcat, has one fuck of a temper when she gets there, been on the receiving end once, deservedly so.”


There’s a stunned silence.


                “Overstepped the Faal mark, she will defend him to the death and then come back to haunt your nightmares.  Never did it again.”


                “Wow.”  Leda


                “Indeed, now seriously what’s happening you guys jogging or not?”


                “Yeah we’re jogging, I’m coming with, as family business has fucked me right off!  Give me a few minutes to get changed yeah?”  And she heads back upstairs.


She’s back down in 10 minutes her expression still grim. 


                “So how long do you think you guys are going to be?”  Debs asks.


                “Have you guys changed the grounds much?  Is the stream still there, we can go up there come round the maze, down the steppes and back…”


                “Maze?”  Gus echoes.


                “Uh huh.  So about an hour.  Why don’t the rest of you grab showers and unpack properly whilst we do that and then say in half an hour maybe breakfast can get started.  That okay Aunt Dee?”


I nod and they head out, all that’s left in the kitchen are Debs, Carl, Emmy Lou, Mel, Lindsay, Jennifer, Carrie, the kids and Luc.


                “On the plane Dee on the plane.”  Is all Luc says.






It’s a crisp day and the grounds are beautiful but I have never seen Zee so angry, she’s actually sprinting ahead. 


                “Dad, should we leave her be?”


                “Anything at all we can do to help?”  Brian asks


                “For now, for now, let her run it out.  She’s hurting, she’s really hurting.  Let her drop back or slow down when she’s ready.”


Ten minutes later she starts to slow and then finally stops at a tree at the top of a mound and waits for us to catch her up, Faal wraps his arms round her and says something and she gives a small smile.


                “What do you guys see?  She asks.


                “Lots of greenery, what’s this park called?”  Hunter asks panting.


                “The back yard.”  She grins at the shocked expression on his face.  “Look let’s head back they need to go to NYC.”


                “Zee are you okay?”  Hunter asks and I see a pained expression cross her face.


                “I will be, I will be.”


As we head back she’s with us and everyone relaxes.


                “Hold up let’s make getting home interesting.  Why don’t you have a race?” 


We all stop and she grins.


                “In pairs, I won’t take part because I know the quickest way back and I need a bit of time to think.  All these paths lead back to the house there’s no subterfuge, you just need to get there before the rest.  Last pair to arrive does the dishes.”


She pairs us off and we set off; she paired Michael with Joshua and Tucker with Faal.




                “So how are you enjoying Portland so far, do you have many friends here?”


                “Well you mean apart from David and Charles, not really”


                “Oh yes, I had forgotten them.  Do you think you’ll be seeing them at all?”


                “Uh Michael, less talking more running I don’t particularly want to be washing up after 14 people.”


I smile and nod, I see I have him rattled.




                “What do you think’s wrong?”  I ask Justin who is ass is bouncing determinedly in front of me.


                “Not sure, come on I’m not getting there last, where’s your competitive spirit!”


                “Being subdued by my horny spirit…wait hang on can you hear that?”


                “Brian…it sounds like water?” 


We stop and head towards the noise and find a stream and judging by his expression he is just dying to capture it, unlike ours at home it’s wider and has more boulders and is stronger flowing.


                “Oh wow it’s incredible, I have got to come back and paint this.” 


                “Hmm, I could model for you imagine me draped over that boulder in the middle the water pounding against my naked skin and…”


I hear his breath catch and he looks at me before looking round.


                “That boulder that boulder right there?” 


I nod and he tugs me into the middle of the stream and puts his hands on the boulder and wiggles his ass, I grin and quickly whip his sweats down and sink into my idea of heaven.






                “So shall we get breakfast started?”


They have mostly been sipping coffee and talking, Taylor has gone back to sleep and is currently on Carl’s chest and Sarah is playing with Jenny. 


                “This is a beautiful house.  How long have you had it?”  Jennifer asks coming to help


                “In its current state about a year, we wanted to get it just right for her.  But in total about 10 years, built it ourselves, well had someone else build it but we came up with the concept, it’s kind of amphitheatre style, over three floors with the garden in the middle.”


                “Right for her why?”  Mel asks.


                “We’ve never had kids, unable to carry, she’s basically our daughter after the foolishness of her father and a couple of her brothers who saw dollars rather than family.  But that back fired big time for them…”


                “She said about her father not wanting to marry Faal because he’s white…”


                “Like I said foolishness.  But he proved himself to Luc when he said that he wouldn’t let her accept his proposal if it meant losing her dad.  She fought fucking hard to get him to change his mind and I’m glad he did.  I love that boy.”


                “You mean he was going to give her up?”  Mel gasps.


                “Yep.  But he didn’t and that’s all that matters.  Ooh look they’re coming back, we’d best get the food sorted out, come on everyone that’s going to help!  Now as much as I love my niece we do not roast bacon we fry it, so shall we?”


I take out the slab of bacon and cut thick slices with the cheese slicer, whilst they gawp at me.


                “Doesn’t tear the edges and it’s quicker than a knife.”  I explain.


                “Note to self, get cheese slicer for bacon.”  Emmy Lou mutters.


The door opens and Ben, Steve, Hunter and Matt stumble noisily inside, gasping and panting.


                “What the hell are you doing?” 


Carl asks as the noise startles Taylor and she starts to cry but she soon settles down.


                “Sorry, Carl, we were racing back, last pair in does the breakfast dishes.”  Ben explains.


                “Ah I see, so who we waiting for?”


                “Faal and Tucker, Michael and Joshua, Brian and Justin and Zee.”


                “I can see Faal and Tucker and Joshua…”


                “Oh wait there’s Uncle Brian and Uncle Justin!”  Jenny runs to the door followed by Gus.


                “Come on dad, papa run!”  Gus hollers.  “You don’t want dishpan hands run!”


                “Come on dad’s right behind you!”  Jenny shouts


We see Brian look round and then he and Justin break into a sprint leaving Michael in their wake.


                “Not bad dad!”


                “Considering what we did before, I’d say that was freaking awesome.”  He smirks.


                “Found the stream did you?”  Zee chuckles behind them.


I’m glad to see her smiling.


                “Yep!”  Justin grins.


                “How long till breakfast, time enough for a shower?”  Faal asks digging in the fridge for water.


                “Absolutely, get your stinking asses in there please and thank you!  Looks like they’ve been tiding themselves over with fruit so about another 40 minutes tops, if you not down we’re starting without you.  Now in the words of Aunt Dee…get to getting!”


She joins us in the prep of breakfast with most lending a hand, Carl is still being Taylor’s cushion and is now reading quietly to both her and Sarah, whilst Carrie does her hair.  Jenny and Gus are on table setting seems to me that this is something they are used to doing.  Leda is outside with Luc looking at the cars, when he told her what was in the garage she dragged him out.  Lindsay had followed the boys up to have a shower having decided to read a magazine earlier instead.


Finally breakfast is ready and they all start to file in and sit down.


                “We serve family style here.  So dig in.” 


I tell them as we put down warmed platters of bacon, tomatoes, toast and a bowl of scrambled eggs. 


                “So Mel, I understand that you are currently living in Zee’s Brownstone?”  Luc asks her


                “Yes, it’s only temporary we’re going to start looking for a place soon as oh Christ…”


We all stop and look at her as she seems to be doing some working out in her head.


                “What’s wrong?”  Debs demands


                “We’ve overstayed our welcome, we were only supposed to be there for six weeks.”  She whispers quietly.  “We haven’t even begun to…”


                “Is it?  Are you sure?”  Zee pulls out her phone and counts the weeks.  “Well I’ll be, Jennifer can you just extend it to the end of April, no changes to the lease.  There sorted.”  Zee smiles at her.


                “Really Aunt Zee, really!”  Jenny cries dashing round the table to hug her. 


                “Zee that’s…”  Luc starts but she stops him with a gentle smile.


                “What families do; now come on the food isn’t going to eat itself.”


                “So you like living there then Jenny?”  Luc teases her.


                “I love it!  Though I would love to have dogs.  Auntie Ems and Uncle Drew have...”


                “Dogs Mel, when was getting dogs discussed?”  Lindsay cuts in.


                “And why weren’t we consulted?”  Michael adds


                “Calm down both of you, they weren’t discussed.  Jenny was cooing over Miss Scarlett and Rhett that’s all.”


                “Miss Scarlett and Rhett who the hell are they?”  Michael demands


                “I’d have thought that Jenny mentioning Emmy Lou and Drew and dogs in the same sentence, and Mel mentioning their names means that they are their dogs.”  I respond dryly.


                “And very cute they are too.  See.”  Jenny comes across to show me the pictures.


                “Oh that reminds me, wait here.”  Luc gets up


                “What’s going on and why are you smiling like that?”  Zee demands looking at the door.


                “Nothing.  Nothing at all…”


                “No if it is furry, needs constant care and poops the answer is most definitely…”


Luc comes back in and there is complete silence, Jenny’s mouth is hanging open in awe.


                “Are they…?”  Faal breathes


                “Toyger kittens.”


                “Faal we don’t have the time…to, to no Uncle Luc do not put one in my lap!”  Zee pleads


                “They look like miniature tigers.  And we’re in 90 okay 80% of the time and cats are less trouble than dogs…”  Faal is begging.


                “I’m not looking, take it away, I’m not looking!” 


                “Zee, calm…”  Carl begins


                “Faal Jabari Ugerstacht will you see reason…Jesus fucking Christ!”


We watch as she stands up suddenly and puts the kitten in my arms then stomps to the hallway door.   Everyone’s stunned by her behaviour; out of the corner of my eye I see the smirks on the faces of Lindsay and Michael.


                “Oh one more thing Faal?”




                “Happy birthday!”  Luc and I shout.


Faal looks between me, Luc and Zee.


                “What?  What?” 


                “They wanted to know what they could get you for a present and you mentioned last year that you wanted one but with the two moves and everything it just didn’t seem fair to bring one into the home, but now we’re settled…I almost shit bricks when I saw the puppies, luckily it worked out…right?”


                “Right, absolutely right.”  He mumbles.


                “Now that that’s done.  We have got to go.  Hopefully back by tomorrow.  What plans you guys got?”


Luc is grinning at Faal who has yet to put the kitten down. 


                “Oh shit!  I had completely forgotten!  Dinner!”  Zee exclaims.


                “I’m sure there’s restaurants round here that we can go to and the place looks fully stocked, no need for that over reaction Zee for goodness sake!”  Lindsay smirks.


                “You gonna have to walk from Portland if you speak to her like that again.”  Luc snaps.


                “Now just a minute, you don’t have…”  Michael begins


                “Until we are in your house experiencing your hospitality you don’t get to tell my husband what he does and doesn’t have to do to defend his niece from rudeness in her house!”  I step up to him.  “Do I make myself clear?”


He nods quickly but folds his arms over his chest.


                “You don’t think I know you’re still being rude?”  I tell him glancing at his arms until he lowers them.


                “Um Dee and Luc, what are you doing the second week of April?”  Justin asks


                “Uh nothing as far as I know why?”  I reply.


                “Good you’re coming to our wedding.”


                “Wedding!  When the fuck did you get engaged?!”  I demand. 


                “Almost 10 days ago.”  Justin blushes.


                “Dee sweetheart, come on we have to get going.  We’ll call you boys when we are back to discuss, but first Zee a quick word.”


I follow them out and head upstairs whilst they go to the office.






                “You okay little one, anything you need me to do?”


                “No I’m fine, thought about it, going to do nothing it will all come out and if we get caught in the blast we’ll explain why.”


                “You is a Stark.”


                “And you taught me well.”


I give her a kiss on the cheek and head upstairs.




I head back to the kitchen where Faal, Jenny, Gus and Justin are fussing over the kittens.


                “As I was saying about dinner.”


                “What about it sweetheart, have to say you had us worried when you were queening out about those adorable little things.  Soon we’re going to be overrun with furballs.”  Debs coos


                “We’re being cooked for tonight.”


                “Cooked for?”  Lindsay asks.  “How glamorous is this part of Faal’s birthday present as well?” 


                “No.  He’s been spoilt enough now.  Uh Faal and Justin, can you put up the gate for the fire please.”


He pouts and reluctantly stops playing with the kitten and between them haul the gate across and locking it in place.


                “Yeah, sorry as I was saying.  David and Charles are coming over to cook us dinner and they’re bringing Hank with them.”


                “What!”  Michael shouts stunned.



                “What!  Oh my God I have to get ready!  Mom come on!”  Jenny squeals.

Chapter End Notes:

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