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Author's Chapter Notes:

Kudos has to go to Nichelle for the chapter title and Blue Myst for Zee's brief speech...thank you!





As soon as she was out of earshot, I whispered to James.


                “Do you think many people heard her?”


                “Not to worry my dear, this is San Francisco, to some the Gay Capital of America, it will be fine.  Now, how is he?  He’s such a charming young man.”


Melody is asking me and being so kind that I can feel tears starting prickle, linking arms with me, she leads me to a painting and hands me a napkin. 


                “Dry your eyes, take a breath and another one.  Now what happened?”


                “He just overdid it what with the party, trip to Portland but he’s fine, resting at home on orders of Aunt Liddie.”


                “Good, good to hear.  Let’s go back to James and Carlton and you enjoy the rest of your evening.  When you get back to the Steel City give him my best regards.” 


She leads me back where James is waiting with another glass for me, Marek is off in a corner on the phone.


                “More wine than spritz.”  He whispers smiling, I could kiss him


Marek comes back and gives me a squeeze and I squeeze him back, he’s a nice guy, shame he’s gay…dammit!


                “Now come let us introduce you and Marek to some doyennes of San Fran.  Ah Ricardo I would like to introduce you to Miranda Glendale and Marek Yokan, they are from Uptown…”








They’re here they are actually here!  As excited as I am to get them here, I did feel for Brian, he managed to jar his back again so spent most of his time in pain, despite the administrations of Carrie.  Seems he might need to see an osteopath or a chiropractor.


It’s been a long trip in such a short time so I am locking these beauties in the store room and heading home for a well-deserved rest. 








It’s so good to be home and to have the space to ourselves.  Matt and Hunter will be back at the Brownstone on Saturday night.  Carl and Debs are insisting on doing dinner but we might have to go to Britin if we want to see Brian. 


As for the furballs, they keep looking hopefully outside, but the vet says to keep them in for a few days for them to get used to the place.


Uncle Luc has said that he had Lydia almost having conniptions with all the paintings and that I should let her exhibit them.  I’ll give her a call tomorrow, I just want one day of nothingness today.  Leda and Faal are still trying to fix that leak in his Spyder, pointing out that maybe they should just get a mechanic got me a death glare from both of them.






I’m trying to work out which I love more, Hunter as he normally is or Hunter when he allows people to help and nurture him.  He’s been eating Ben and Steve’s healthy cooked meals without complaint and just recuperating, I think it scared him more than he let on. 


He’s currently sleeping with his head in my lap on the sofa.  I’ve got a paper due this week but I can work on that from anywhere and here’s where I want to be.






Ma is still not talking to me properly, she says until she hears from Joshua and Carrie that I’ve apologised I can forget coming for dinner on Saturday.  Them I will apologise to but as she didn’t say anything about Charles and David so I’m not going to bother with them, hopefully, I will never see them again.


Lindsay called and said that the pictures Hunter found are the real deal so he’s getting the finder’s fee; we both think it’s unfair that she doesn’t get a part of it, after all she was there.








                “Hi Ted, no his lordship is with the osteopath now, and judging by the groans and lack of swearing, I think he might be in tomorrow.  No!  Okay the first time it was my fault but the 2nd time was the plane, it hit turbulence!  Okay Ted I’ll speak to you later.”


I go back to my painting and then my phone goes and taking a deep breath I head to the bedroom and slowly open the door.  I see Brian on the table on his front and hear the osteopath is in the bathroom humming.


I make my way over to the side of the table and look into the eyes of my furious and somewhat incapacitated fiancé.


                “Now Brian, I’m going to have to remove your trousers as I said I think the problem is with your coccyx so I will have to manipulate that.  So don’t be surprised if…”


                “I punch your fucking lights out and report you to the medical association!”  I roar.


        “Mr Taylor!  Wh-what are you doing here in the middle of an appointment I mean!”


        “He jarred his back not his ass!”


        “Mr Taylor, clearly you don’t know how osteopaths work, we have to manipulate every core muscle group and…”


        “We have a friend who’s a chiropractor so don’t try that bullshit with me!  So what were you hoping to do with his coccyx or should I say your cock?!  And don’t even think of lying!!” 


I yell advancing on him.


        “Not my cock I swear, he’s Brian Kinney for fuck sake!  I just wanted to touch his ass that’s all!”  He blusters scrambling for his things.  “Please don’t…”


        “And this is Vince Chapel and he’s about to twist you into a pretzel!” 


Vince grabs the guy and hauls him out, yelling his profuse apologies.


                “Oh Brian I’m so sorry!  Alice!”


Alice comes dashing into the room and between us we help Brian get upright and back to bed. 


                “I’m insulted.”  He groans as he sinks back into the mattress


                “Why?”  Alice asks


                “He didn’t want to fuck me.  But at least we’ve got a cool osteopath table out of it.”  He starts to grin.


And within minutes we are all laughing, though I’m still going to report the guy, nobody touches my man!








I love these dinners, although they can be a bit stuffy but in San Fran it is not, they are far more relaxed.  I had a look at the seating plan and Miranda and Marek were stuck in the boondocks but they are now on our table. 


I managed to speak to Ben this morning but didn’t mention Lyndsay’s faux pas that will get back to him soon enough if I have anything to do with it, as Lydia once said the art world is a small one.


Marek looks very dapper in his tux as does Miranda who’s taken a tip from Zee’s book and is also in a tux and fabulous heels, when Zee came down the stairs at Sydney’s bash it was all I could do not to applaud and speaking of Sydney, I have a little surprise for them.


                “My darling girl you look wonderful!  How was your auction day?”


                “So exciting, luckily I had my iPad in my hands so I couldn’t accidentally bid on something.”


I frown at her.


                “For Hunter, Melody said I could.”


I nod in understanding. 


                “Did you do the estate viewings yet, I can give you a few places to go in fact, I can give you a guide.”


Carlton is waving at me.


                “Miranda I would like you to meet your guide for the viewings, I believe you may know him…”


                “Sydney!”  She cries and flings her arms round him.  “Is Norma here?”


He beams and points to Norma who is heading over smiling.  He looks round.


                “Where’s Hunter, Lydia said he would be here.”  He asks.


                “He was ill over the weekend.”  She explains.  “But we’re putting everything on iPad for him to watch when we get back.  So you’re going to take us to the estates?”




Sydney!  Sydney’s here, I must go and find him.  Right now I’m talking to a board member from the MoMA board and they are slightly more important. 


I’ve been having a fabulous time, I went to the auction although lost out on one of the pictures, we were outbid by $5K, in the old days I would’ve just gone for it and explained it later but I’m sure Lydia wouldn’t like that. 


The estate viewings tomorrow should be marvellous and then it’s the early evening flight on Thursday.


I haven’t heard from Mel.   I’ve not had time to call her because I’ve been so busy; I might call her tomorrow morning but with the time difference I might miss her.


                “So Bloom has the Kirkidan Series does it?” 


                “Yes, and they are being delivered as we speak.  In fact they should be there now.”  I smile


                “So is it true?  Were they at the House of Glass?”


                “House of Glass?”  I frown


                “Yes, oh that’s what some folks call Lucian Stark’s home in Portland.  So is it true that’s where they were found.  I would love to see the rest of his art collection, for a man of his background his taste in artwork is exemplary.”


                “Yes, they were found there.  As I was saying I was there when…”


                “You’ve been to his house?  Tell me all about it, rumour has it that it’s worth almost $40 million and that’s without the artwork.  For a man of his wealth he’s remarkably low radar.”


I smile and tighten the grip on my glass, rest of his art collection, fuck and dammit.  Everyone in the art world has heard of Lucian Stark’s collection but I never for one minute thought it would be him!


                “So the house.  Its pure glass on the outside, and the grounds, there’s a maze, which is nigh on impossible to get passed the first bend…”




Oooh that trifling lazy ass bitch is talking like she knows shit!  I spoke to Hunter this morning and he said that she was too busy party planning to come and see them when he found them so he had to call Justin.


I didn’t say anything about what she said and know I shouldn’t tell tales out of school but I so want to tell Aunt Liddie how she said, but Marek said not to.   I can’t understand why not, I’m sure that’s a breach of confidence or something.


                “Come on Miranda time for dinner.”  Marek tells me and links arms.  “Whatever you do, don’t tell my boyfriend but you look better in his tux than he does!”


I grin and all thoughts of trifling bitches are forgotten for now.




What on earth is Miranda wearing?  She sticks out like a sore thumb in that tuxedo, at least, wait is that Diana Bowchurch, ah yes I must see her after the dinner, I didn’t get a chance at Sydney’s do.  Wait, she’s wearing tuxedo as well.  In fact, she and Calista are wearing them!


Right, my first shopping item is a tuxedo, admittedly Zee’s one was gorgeous, I don’t like the way she comports herself but she does have exquisite taste.


                “Ah Lindsay, how are you?”


                “Sydney, I’m very well thank you, how’s retirement?  And Norma how are you doing?”


She smiles thinly at me.


                “Fine, I understand that poor Hunter was taken ill over the weekend.  But that he found the Kirkidan Series, he’s just such an exceptional eye.  How’s Melanie and the children well I hope?”


                “Seems he took on too much and overdid it, his…”


                “Oh poor boy.  But it must be a slightly galling for you?”


                “For me?”  I look at her puzzled.


                “Yes, apparently he ended up asking Justin to verify the Kirkidan when you were too busy to help him despite him coming to you first, just think what you could’ve earned, if only you’d taken the time.  Oh there’s Diana, I must have a quick word with her excuse me Lindsay.”


I can feel the heat flooding my body and hope that nobody else heard her shrewish words.


                “Which table are you on Lindsay?”  Sydney asks.  “We’re on 6 next to James who is on 5.”


                “I’m on 8.”  I smile tightly.  “Now I must go familiarise myself with my fellow dinner companions.”


I head to table 8 passing Miranda and whathisname, they seem very cosy with James and Carlton.  I can’t wait to sit down my feet are killing me.


Sinking into my seat I introduce myself to my dinner companions and notice that two seats are still vacant.


                “Lindsay, how are you?”  Sam’s voice stalls my conversation.


                “Sam!  I’m fine I had no idea you would be here…”


                “I said I would be in San Francisco…”


                “I know but I didn’t realise you would be at this?”


                “Being an enfant terrible has its advantages.  So about lunch or dinner when are you free?”


                “I’ve got the estate views tomorrow and Thursday but I’m sure I can make time for you.”


                “Ah Sam, there you are.  I thought we were on table 5?”  His companion sits down next to him.


                “We were but this table looked much more interesting.  Lindsay Petersen this is Richard Stewart, he’s my “date” for tonight.”


I shake Richard’s hand and the first course is served.


                “So Lindsay, where is it you work?”  Richard asks me.


I go onto tell him about Bloom and the Kirkidan Series being shown soon.


                “Oh yes I heard about that.  Not something I’m interested in if I’m honest I find renaissance rather dull and somewhat pretentious, what genre do you specialise in?” 


                “Renaissance.”  I reply tightly.


He doesn’t bat an eyelid.


                “I prefer the earthiness of more modern artwork, less faff and more fury.”


                “And what genre is it you specialise in?”  I ask spearing a carrot savagely.


                “Free form, more Jackson Pollock…”


                “He’s hardly modern is he?”


                “No but he has more heart and passion than say Degas or…”


                “I would stop there Richard, she’s very passionate about her art.”  Sam warns him


I smile back at his defence of me.


                “It’s okay, not everyone can like the same things, and it’s what makes us individual.”  Is my riposte


                “But individuality should never be taken for conformity.”  He responds and waves at the waiter.


                “Enough about that, what do you think of the food?”  Sam asks.


                “It’s okay I guess.  Not as good as the food I had at Sydney’s bash.  It was inspired to say doggy boxes were available.  Obviously not something they could do in a place like this…”


                “No it’s much too classy…”  I begin.


                “Bullshit, nobody would eat a damn thing, everyone would take their meal home and scarf in the comfort of their homes where they can stuff their faces to their hearts content!”


Sam quirks an eyebrow at me and mouths ‘sorry’, I grin back and mouth ‘it’s okay’.  By the end of the evening, though, I had a headache having listened to Richard spout boorish nonsense all night.  I head to the exit to go back to my hotel when I’m stopped by Sam.


                “Hey kid, how can I call you to arrange a meet up if I don’t have your number?”


                “You do Sam, it’s never changed.  You’ve just never called me.”


                “Ah touché kid touché, but mine has, I have new rules to abide by.”


                “There you go, try to keep it safe.”  I hand him my business card.  “Oh you said rules?”  I smile.


                “Yeah, no fraternising with any trollop of an ex-fuck without the current fuck being present, her words, is non-negotiable, so I’ll get her to call you okay kid?”




                “She’s a little spitfire but I love her.  Get back to your hotel safely.”








                “Ow, ow and fucking ow.”  I whimper.


                “You have a severely strained and bruised muscle, in a minute it will feel better.”  She tells me.


Justin is sitting sketching having decided that he would sit in anymore appointments and made sure he booked a very female and very straight osteopath, he made good on this promise to report the other guy though, my little protector!


                “Mr Taylor, would you like to see how I manipulate his muscle should he suffer the same injury again?”


Justin leaps up and together they manipulate my muscles and at first it is painful but then it starts to feel really very good and I can feel myself melting into the table.


                “This is a first class table, where’d you get it?”


                “From the last osteopath.”  Justin tells her grimly.


                “These retail about 2 grand, why would they leave it?”


                “He had to leave in a hurry.  A big hurry.”






I feel so much better now, I had to take yesterday off as I had a migraine so it was darkened room and no work.  Scottie and Scott picked up the slack but of course they couldn’t see the Kirkidan because I had the key so we’ve agreed to a lock down this afternoon so everyone can see them and then work out the placings.


                “So troops are we locked down?”


                “Yes!  Open it up already!” 


Cara is bouncing up and down, I had sent her pictures and she’s seen some of his smaller pieces.


We carefully manoeuvre them out and lean them against the wall in order before gently unwrapping them.


                “Oh my God, I knew they were going to be beautiful just not that beautiful.”  Scottie sighs.


                “Where are we going to put them?”  Scott asks.


I have to admit that I hadn’t really thought about it much, I was too excited to get them here.  We walk round the gallery each giving our opinions, but Cara was very quiet and looked nervous.


                “Okay Miss C what’s up?”  I ask.


                “I think, well I know that I’m not as au fait as you guys but maybe one in each recessed wall over there…with the lights in the colours of the painting so like for Spring it would be the light blue, Summer the soft gold, Autumn…”


                “Dark gold and for Winter may the snow white!  Cara you genius!”  Scott exclaims.


                “In the words of Jean Luc Picard, make it so!”  I grin at her, she doesn’t smile back as warmly.


After going through my paperwork and finding nothing too bad, there’s a knock on my door and Cara pokes her head round with the mail and the staff diary for next week, we always go through it on a Wednesday.


                “Okay spit it out, you’ve been bristling since I came back.”


                “I thought you liked Hunter that’s all.”


                “I do like Hunter, I adore the boy!”


                “Then why is she still there and not here packing up her desk?”  She’s almost in tears.


                “Cara can you tell me what it is I’m supposed to know?” 


                “But you listened to Marek’s message?” 


                “No, I was going to but my migraine hit…”


“Oh God Lydia, I’m sorry the light was off and I assumed…”


“Let me do it now.”


I put it on speaker and we listen to it twice. 


                “Get her ticket changed to the red eye tonight.  I have another call to make.”








I can finally walk upright!  Okay it’s not my normal strut but I can at least move without that immense pain and more importantly I get to bury myself in my idea of heaven!  Life can only get better!  Justin’s upstairs painting and I might try and see how my back hold out.


                “Kinney.  Hang on Lydia let me put you on speaker, I have been charged with keeping my spine as straight as possible.”


                “Ah so you’ve seen an osteopath?”


                “Two the first one left in a hurry but left his table…I’ll tell you another time you sound pissed off.”


                “That is an understatement.  I have a personnel issue that I need to take care of…”


                “Lydia we agreed that you’d deal with that kind of stuff not tell me about it.”


                “Lyndsay is in San Francisco and at a reception disclosed Hunter’s HIV status.”


I stare at the phone in shock.


                “Brian are you there?”


                “Yeah, yeah, tell me you’re joking?”


                “No we have witnesses, Marek called me on Monday night but I was too tired and then ill and didn’t check my messages till this afternoon.  During which time James Fienman also called.  She’s currently on probation from when she worked for Sydney and…”


                “You want to fire her?”


                “Absolutely!  What she did was reprehensible.”


                I’m all for that but she’s the mother of his best friend, who happens to be my son.  We have to tread carefully, I want her to pay make no mistake, maybe something brutal but not as permanent for now, like…”


                “Suspension for a month without pay…”


                “Six weeks effective immediately.”


                “Okay and...I don’t think we should tell Hunter or more importantly Zee.”


                “No definitely not the last one, for now, I like her this side of prison.”


                “Okay, bye Brian.”


                “Bye Lydia.”


I chuckle as I wonder how Lindsay is going to play this one off.








                “Hey James.  How you doing, how’s Carlton?  Ooh San Fran how glam, Lyndsay’s there at the moment.  Oh you did.  Lucky you.  She what?  Uh huh she did?  No thanks for letting me know.  Bye James.”


I take a breath and count to ten…then I send a text.








I’m still thinking about Lyndsay when my phone goes, I dial a number.


                “Who told you?”


                “Never you mind let’s just say the art world is a small one.  As I said, I’m going to destroy her, there won’t be a crumb on her plate or a piece of lint in her pocket for her to survive on.”


                “You might want to hold that thought.  She’s going to have to survive on no pay for 6 weeks.”


                “Nicely done but not enough.  She came after my boy and nobody but nobody does that.”


                “It’s enough for now.  Zee I know you want to end her but we need to be careful, especially with the suspension, she could go to court and the lawyers would destroy Hunter in the process of making her look lily white, they will bring up his past.  I know Lindsay if she’s not said anything by the weekend, we know we’ve got her.  When the six weeks are up you can have her, I promise you.”


                “And you never break your promises.”




I hang up and place another call.


                “Lydia, she knows.  Not sure but I would call her fast.  I have talked her down but she’s coming for her.”








                “Hey Lydia.  Ah I see.  A James shaped bird told me.  I said I would wait and I will.  Bye Lydia.”


I sigh and feel Faal’s arms wrap round me.


                “You will tell me soon yes?”


I turn into his chest and nod. 








I’ve just got back from an estate viewing and am feeling tired, when my phone rings.


                “Lindsay, its Lydia!  You need to come back tonight, there’s something wrong that only you can help me with.  We’ve changed your ticket for the red eye tonight.  See you first thing in the morning, sorry to cut your trip short.”


                “Okay, Lydia, don’t worry I will be there.”


To be honest I’m relieved, I feel a little rattle by Sam’s behaviour; first he’s flirting with me and then making declarations of love for another woman and I didn’t appreciate being called a trollop of an ex-fuck buddy, we were more than that he wanted me to leave with him for God sake! 


And despite placing three calls to Mel she’s not returned my calls.  I pack up my things and head to the airport.






                “So boys, we’re off, see you tomorrow?  Or are you going to the loft?”


                “No you will definitely see us tomorrow I’ve got used to healthy food!”  Hunter grins


                “You boys take it easy okay.  Have a good evening.”  Steve calls out shoving me out the door.




                “We’re alone at last, how you feeling?”


                “Not as tired but glad to have the house to ourselves.”  He replies snuggling into my side.


                “Hunter, I was really scared and I know how stubborn you can be so please don’t over work yourself like that again, you promise me?”


                “I’m sorry and I promise.” 


He kisses the side of my head before plopping his feet in my lap and resting his head on the other end of the sofa.  I yank of his socks and start to tickle his feet.


                “Matt stop it!  I’m too weak to defend myself!”  He squeals…like a girl.


                “That’s the whole point!”  I guffaw and whirl round and sit on his legs and attack mercilessly.


                “Matt seriously!”


He starts to batter me with a cushion.


                “Uncle, uncle, fucking uncle, yielding, if you tickle me anymore I will puke!”


I stop and turn round only to be hit square in the face.


                “Oof that was deliberate, I think I will start with the ribs!”


                “NO!  I will call your mom on you!”  He screams and tries to wriggle out from under me.


I push my fingers into his hair and use my weight advantage to keep him still, soon he stops giggling.


Slowly I lower my head and capture his mouth, we’ve not made love since he got back not that we don’t want to but I want my boy at full strength.


                “Matt…remember how you calmed me down before I started at Uptown?” 


He murmurs as I kiss his neck.  I smile and gently push one leg to the floor and settle between them.  Slowly I start to grind our hips together, whilst unbuttoning his shirt and then sucking and nibbling on his nipples.


                “Oh, I-I don’t remember you d-doing that.  Oh!”


I smile and plant soft kisses down his ribs and then tongue-fuck his belly button, before lavishing the same attention to the other side of his ribs.  He pants and mutters incoherently, but I hear ‘don’t stop’.


                “Shirt off w-want to feel you.”  He pants as I go back to kissing his neck and grinding.


I take off my shirt and crash back down onto the most wonderful mouth in the world and start to move my hips in earnest.  I keep one hand in his hair and the other grabs his ass to keep him where I want him.


                “Uh!  Oh!”  He yelps and grabs my ass and squeezes.


                “H-Hunter.”  I pant and go from thrusting to swirling and then alternating.


                “Oh God like that please like that!  I love you!” 


He’s gasping and panting into my neck and I’m biting the cushion, it feels so good!


                “I’m gonna oh God Matt I’m gonna…”  He cries out and then shudders hard.


                “Je-sus Ch-Christ!  Hunter I love you!”  I scream as my hips jerk at the strength of my release.


I collapse on top of him and we start to giggle.


                “God I needed that!  I grin at him.


                “Me too.  But right now, I need water and to get out of these pants!”








Momma has been in court these last few days and coming home late, really tired, but she seems to be buzzing, I think it’s a big case.  We’re having beef curry tonight, one of J’s signature dishes, so we’re looking forward to that and we’re definitely at grandpa and grandma’s for dinner on Saturday.  Dad’s back’s much better and it’s the first weekend that all the furballs meet, though I’m not sure how grandpa feels about that.


I loved Portland it was great fun and the house is immense and very cool, a bit like Uncle Luc and Aunt Dee, I’m so glad they’re getting married there. 


Philip texted me back earlier he wants to come over on Sunday to have a look at the car, not sure if this counts as a first date. 


That is the only thing I’m sad about wedding wise, they won’t get to drive to the venue but at least they will be married.


                “Hey J.  You alright?  You look a little spooked.”


                “You would be too if you heard your brother going at it with his boyfriend, seriously Hunter needs to remember to either take his phone out of his pocket or lock it, that’s the 4th time he pocket dialled me!”


I try really hard not to laugh at the outraged expression on her face but in the end we both crack up.


                “At least they love each other as they said, loudly!”  She snorts.


                “Oh don’t!”  I wipe my eyes.


The doorbell going surprises us.


                “You expecting anyone?”  I ask and she shakes her head.


I look through the peephole and it’s Uncle Michael.


                “Uh hi.  Everything okay?”  I ask.


                “Hi, Gus, Jenny, can I come in?”  He asks.


I step aside and let him in and he just stands there.


                “How are you both, did you enjoy Portland?”


                “Great thanks.  Um, momma isn’t here and mom’s not done in court yet.”


                “Actually I was after Hunter.  I wanted to see how he was you know after.”


J and I exchange glances.


                “He’s sleeping.”  She answers.


                “Oh, okay in that case, I’ll call round tomorrow, just to see how he’s doing.  We’re all at dinner on Saturday aren’t we?”


We nod.


                “Okay see you tomorrow or Saturday.  Good night.”


As I shut the door behind him I turn to J.


                “Why didn’t you tell him he was at your papa’s house?”


                “Because he got him a motorbike tee for Christmas and has barely acknowledged him until he heard about the finder’s fee.  Dad must think I get my brains from him.  Ooh mom’s on her way, time to put on the rice.”






Cara and I are back on track, she was mortified when she realised her mistake but I could see how it could look that way.   I have talked to Marek and Miranda, they have given me their statements and I know all three will keep it confidential unlike the lady whose world is going to be rocked and not in a good way tomorrow morning.








Well whatever it is that is bothering her the boxing session she had has eased it back a bit, it is still haunting her and I hate to see my lig so unhappy but when she’s like this she needs to come out of it her way. 


I was glad I was not the punch bag taking those hits, I feel sorry for whoever she was thinking of.






Amazingly enough that arrogant blowhard is late!  Her first thing and my first thing are completely different. 


                “Lydia, how are you?  Oh my goodness what’s happened here?”  She indicates the recessed walls.


                “We’re going to put the Kirkidan Series in each one…”  I reply smoothly.


                “Oh that’s a great idea.”


                “Yes Cara thought of it.  Now shall we step into my office to discuss the little problem we have.”


She follows me in and does that irritating fluffing thing with her hair and settles into her seat.


                “So Lydia what can I help you with?”  She leans forward a bit with ‘concern’


                “Well, you can start by explaining to me why you felt the need to divulge the HIV status of Hunter at the reception on Monday night?”


She sits back in the seat and I can actually hear the wheels of her mind turning as she tries to come up with a plausible lie.




                “I was just talking to James and his partner Carston and…”


                “Carlton, but continue.”


                “They asked how Hunter was and Miranda said he had overdone it at the weekend.  And then Melody Reichmann came over and asked about Hunter I answered.”


                “But having said previously ‘he was taken ill over the weekend’ how the hell does ‘his T-cell count dropped’ come out of your mouth?”


                “She was pressing for an answer…”


                “Which was not yours to give!  Upon being called out on this, your exact words were ‘I didn’t lie.  She asked I answered.  Now excuse me I need to circulate some more’, you knew exactly what you had done and didn’t care.”




                “Why had Hunter been brought up anyway?”


                “I was telling Melody Reichmann about the Kirkidan Series and how it is to be in Bloom and how the show is on Friday and…”


                “Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in, this is a breach of confidence.  By rights I can fire you immediately, do you realise that you’ve put us in line for a lawsuit from Hunter if he so wishes?  You were representing Bloom at the time the remarks were made.”


                “Lydia, I really think that…”


                “But I won’t, because my hands are tied by the new owners, who don’t want the scandal.”


She virtually slumps in relief.


                “But you will be suspended for 6 weeks without pay.  And a note made on your personnel file.”


                “Lydia be reasonable!”


                “You are in no position to make demands on my reasonability.  I see you have two choices, you either take the 6 week suspension or...”


                “Fine I’ll take the suspension!  When does it start?”


                “Today.  The moment you step out of this office.  Staff will be told you have volunteered for the new Bloom Gallery Exchange Programme.”


She stands up and puts her coat back on.


                “And who exactly am I supposed to be working for?”


                “Campbell Lutz.”


Her face falls.


                “Before you go you need to read and sign this letter regarding the suspension.”


She reads it quickly, signs it and heads to the door.


                “Lindsay, you are aware that during your period of suspension you’re forbidden from being on the premises of Bloom and Uptown nor attending any event held Bloom and Uptown Galleries no matter which location?”


She blanches but pulls herself together and stalks out, but pauses, and smiles.


                “Thank you Lydia for giving me this opportunity I look forward to the next few weeks of the exchange programme.”


I slump back in my seat and rub my temples.


                “Double espresso?”  Cara asks pulling on her coat.


                “Oh please darling girl.”  I smile at her.


                “Did she even say so…?”


                “No she didn’t.”




Chapter End Notes:

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