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Last time- Chapter 8

"I'm leaving, Theodore. Go home to your wife. I'll be fine," he announced as he tipped the bartender and walked out the door.

Ted followed him and ran to catch up. "You okay to drive, Brian?"

Brian stopped walking, looking at Ted. "Better call the service. Justin will be pissed enough as it is," he responded as he ran his hands over his face.

Ted called the service and waited with Brian until they arrived. "See you tomorrow," Ted called out as Brian got in the car.

Brian nodded his head and shut the door. "West Virginia," he commanded and closed his eyes as the driver took him home.


Chapter 9

It was after midnight when he arrived home. He disarmed the alarm, crept softly in the door, and reset the alarm. Hanging his keys on the hook, he looked around for his briefcase, realizing that it was still in his car. "Shit!" he cussed out loud. Looking around, he didn't see any lights on and hoped Justin had not been woken up by his entrance.

"Brian is that you?" came a groggy voice from the area of the media room.

Brian took several deep breaths, cursing that last beer he had had, and walked into the media room, but did not put on the light. "It's me. Didn't mean to wake you. You want to go to bed?" Brian asked solicitously.

Justin squinted his eyes, rubbing at them with his good hand until he could open them fully. He looked at Brian, seeing he was still in his work clothing. "You just coming home?" he asked, concerned.

Brian thought about lying, but quickly decided that was not a good idea. "No, I've been at Woody's. Played some pool," he responded casually as he walked over to Justin, offering his assistance to get up.

Justin accepted his help, and recognized the familiar smell of alcohol on Brian's breath. "You've been drinking too," Justin said, the accusatory tone only slightly hidden.

"Your point?" Brian snapped back.

"Did you drive home? Mikey wasn't there to take you under his wing," Justin snapped back.

Brian finished helping Justin to a standing position and stepped back from Justin's angry voice. "I took the service home. Are you ready to go to bed? I'm beat and I have an early morning meeting."

Justin's shoulders sank at Brian's response, but he refused to give in. "How early? I'd like help showering, unless you're too busy," he snapped back.

Brian's guilt washed over him. He leaned over and gently kissed Justin on the lips. "I'm..." he started, but stopped before he finished his statement. "I'm not too busy, Justin. I'll help you shower and then I'll go to work." He gently kissed Justin's lips again and ran his hand over his good arm. "Let's go to bed. I'm beat."

Justin reached for Brian's hand and squeezed it gently, and then leaned in to give him a warm kiss on the lips. They made their way up the stairs. Brian put toothpaste on Justin's toothbrush and brushed his own teeth, dampening down the liquor smell. He completed his evening ritual and walked out to the bedroom.

He waited until Justin left the bathroom and then without asking, helped Justin remove his shirt and pants. Standing behind Justin, he leaned his torso against Justin's back as he smelled his unique scent. He gently kissed his ears and neck while running his hand down Justin's good arm. "I wish we could do more, but for now, this will have to do," Brian whispered in his ear. He walked in front of Justin, lightly pulling on his good arm to follow him to bed. Brian pulled back the duvet, shut the light, and then got in his side of the bed. He placed his arm over Justin's torso and both men fell asleep quickly.

When Brian woke in the morning, he was thankful that Vic had not visited him again. Hopefully he will stay away. The old man is dead and he needs to stop his meddling visits.

Brian helped Justin in the shower as he promised, and then took his own shower. When both men were dressed, they went downstairs to eat breakfast. Rosa was there and cooked Brian an egg white omelet and made Justin pancakes.

"Kinnetik still standing?" Justin joked as he poured syrup on the short stack.

"Of course. Cynthia and Theodore are doing a fabulous job. They even landed a new account while we were on vacation," Brian boasted on their behalf. He pulled Justin's plate toward him and started to cut the pancakes.

"I can do it, Brian. Pancakes are pretty easy to cut. It's the other stuff like chicken that I need help with," Justin explained as he pulled the plate back to himself. He demonstrated by cutting through the pancakes and stabbing a few, bringing them to his mouth. After swallowing his bite, he proudly said, "See, I can do it."

"Good to know. I've got to get going, Justin. I really do have a meeting this morning, and if I don't leave now, I'll be late. I called the service and they should be here any minute," Brian explained after he swallowed his last bite of omelet.

"Thanks for the shower. Will you be home early enough to help me tonight?" Justin attempted to ask nonchalantly.

Brian inwardly bristled at the question. "I'll be home." He leaned over and kissed Justin on the lips. "Later." Brian grabbed his car keys on the way out and met the service, thinking he would get Ted or Cynthia to get his car later in the day.

Justin finished his breakfast and went to his studio to work. After several hours, he was tired and napped. Giving his hand more time to rest, he watched some TV and then read a few art magazines. He called Sam for an update on the next show and checked his email. Overall, he was happy with his day, and when he looked at the clock, he realized it was close to 7:00 and he hoped Brian would be home soon.

Brian went to work and his day was filled with meetings, conference calls and completing research on a new product line for Remson. They were rolling out several new drugs and he needed to develop the focus groups to test his campaign ideas. This was one of his favorite parts of the job, developing new ideas and seeing the picture of the campaigns in his head. He was very busy and when Cynthia came to tell him she was leaving, he was surprised that it was so late.

He picked up his phone, dialing Justin's cell. "Hey."

"Hey," Justin answered back.

"I'm getting ready to leave. Want me to pick up anything in town before I come home?" Brian asked as he shut down his computer.

Justin grinned at Brian's thoughtfulness. "How about some lemon bars? I haven't had any since I was at the hospital," Justin explained.

"Sure. I'll go by the diner and pick up a dozen. Anything else?"

"No. Just you. Rosa was making that chicken dish you like so much. She put it in the fridge to be heated when you get home. Maybe we can watch a movie or something tonight."

"Sounds good. Later," Brian said as he smiled and hung up. He drove to the diner and picked up a dozen lemon bars. Luckily Deb wasn't working and he was able to get out of the diner quickly.

Justin and he enjoyed a nice evening together. They ate dinner, talked about their day, and watched Torchwood on TV.

"Captain Jack is hot," Justin commented as they watched him kiss Ianto.

"Yeah, but you're hotter. I can't wait until your ribs and collarbone heal. It is seriously cutting into my fucking," Brian teased.

Justin smiled. "Soon. Only a few more weeks. I'm sure your right hand can survive the workout," Justin teased.

"I might have to get you to massage my right hand with your good hand. It hasn't had this much of a workout since I was fourteen," Brian laughed and gave Justin a playful kiss. I'm such a shit. If he ever found out about the trick, I'd be using my right hand for a really long time.

"Thanks for being here tonight," Justin said sincerely.

Brian gave Justin a small smile, but didn't respond. Brian picked up the throw that was covering them and folded it, placing it on the back of the couch. "It's getting late. Let's go to bed."

Justin used the couch arm to stand up, puffing as he completed his task. "Can you help me in the shower or are you too tired?"

"No, I'm not too tired. We'll make this quick since you look exhausted."

Brian assisted Justin in the shower and they climbed into bed. Brian lay close to Justin, draping his arm protectively across his abdomen. Leaning over, he kissed him goodnight. Justin closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. Brian, on the other hand, stared into the darkness. This is my life, here with Justin. He's so accepting and trusting and I have broken that trust. I ... Brian looked at Justin, peaceful in slumber and cursed his drunken foray.

The next few days were filled with similar activities. Brian worked and came home by 7:30 every night. Justin busied himself with his art and reading. His mother, Daphne and Lindsay had all stopped by in the last few days. Thursday evening, Brian had gotten home late, after 9:00, but he had called to let Justin know he had a board to fix for a presentation tomorrow and would be late. When Brian got home, Justin had eaten, but sat with Brian while he ate a warmed dinner.

"How was your day? Are you bored out of your mind yet?" Brian asked, half-seriously.

"I'm feeling a lot better now. It's been almost two weeks since the accident and the pain has dulled to an ache. I usually take an Ibuprofen once a day and only if I've been drawing with the stylus too long," Justin explained.

"That's good to know." Brian cut a piece of chicken and popped it in his mouth. He looked at Justin, seeing his color was good and the pained expression that his face had held for too many days was practically gone. Maybe he will be up for another hand job in a few more days. Something to think about.

"I've been walking around the grounds a lot. While it's not exactly spring, its not freezing out there. It's very peaceful," Justin explained as he watched Brian eat. Seeing that Brian was almost finished with his meal, he suggested, "Can we watch another episode of Torchwood tonight?"

Brian laughed. "Subtlety is still not your strong suit, Sunshine. Since you can't have the hottest guy on the planet, I guess you can have the next best thing. Yes, we can watch Captain Jack." Brian picked up his plate and glass and brought it to the kitchen, where he dumped his uneaten food in the trash. "We'll watch two episodes and then I'll help you shower," he called out from the kitchen. "Why don't you go to the media room and I'll meet you there."

Justin walked to the media room sat on the couch, and Brian joined him. They watched Torchwood, laughing at Owen and Tosh's UST and both smiled as they recognized Jack and Ianto's not so furtive looks between them. Brian made popcorn for Justin and didn't tease him about his habit of dropping the kernels all over himself.

Justin stood up and announced, "Time for my shower. I'll be really glad when I can do that for myself. Don't get me wrong, Brian. I love it when we take showers together, but I hate feeling so helpless," Justin lamented as he made his way up the stairs.

Brian helped him take off his clothing and he undressed as well, kissing his chest lightly as he unbuttoned his shirt. He prepared the shower and they stepped in. Brian took extra time washing Justin's hair, massaging his scalp and neck, one of the few places he didn't hurt.

"You seem different tonight. Everything okay?" Justin questioned.

"What do you mean?" Brian answered innocently, hoping to negate Justin's observations.

"I don't know. Solicitous. I usually have to beg for you to watch TV with me and you even made me popcorn," Justin explained.

"You're just imagining things, Justin. I guess being cooped up in the house for almost two weeks is giving you hallucinations," Brian joked. Maybe I am being extra attentive, but he deserves the best, not some cheating partner.

"You've had a long week. Why don't you meet the guys at Woody's or Babylon tomorrow after work? Relax a little, dance, hang out. I'll be fine," Justin suggested as Brian soaped his torso.

"Thanks. I think I'll take you up on your offer on one condition," Brian replied.

"Depends on the condition." Justin turned around so Brian could wash his hair.

"Let's go visit Gus sometime this weekend," Brian suggested.

Justin grinned. "That is soooo not a condition. I love Gus and I think I'm ready to get out of the house. Deal."

Brian gave Justin a quick kiss and finished giving him a shower. They prepared for bed and slept until morning.

Friday was a busy day for Brian at work. He had two conference calls and a meeting with Ted and Cynthia for strategic planning for the company. The story boards he worked on last night were ready for his review by noon, and he spent some time examining them as well.

It was after 8:00 when he left Kinnetik. He decided to pop in and see Michael and grab a change of clothing. He punched in the code for the building and knocked on the door when he arrived. While he assumed Ben and Mikey weren't busy, this was their temporary home and he respected their privacy.

Ben pulled the heavy door back and smiled when he saw Brian. "Brian. Hey Michael, Brian is here!" he yelled toward his partner.

Michael was seated on the couch with a towel under his leg. "Hey Brian. Come in. I'd get up but..." he joked as he waved his friend over.

Brian went to the living room, leaned down and gave Michael a kiss on the forehead, as usual. Sitting down on the other end of the sofa, he loosened his tie. "How's life, Mikey?" Brian asked as he looked at his loft filled with unfamiliar items.

"Pretty good. I go to the doctor on Monday and hopefully I can get a walking cast and return to work. I used to complain about work, but after this, I don't think I'll ever want to stay home again," he lamented.

"Staying home wouldn't be so bad if you could spend the entire time having sex, but a broken leg puts a crimp into that," Brian stated.

Michael slightly blushed. "Brian, I don't want to discuss my sex life with you!" he admonished his friend.

"When did you become such a prude?" he teased. "I would think that living in the loft would have its advantages. Justin and I had hot sex in that bed! I thought for sure the great sex vibes would rub off on you," he teased, tongue-in-cheek.

"Brian," Michael said, exasperated. "Speaking of Justin, how is he?"

"He's good. We're going to see Gus this weekend and probably go to Deb's for Sunday dinner. I think he is getting tired of the house. He misses painting." Brian looked around the room and saw the TV was on, but the picture wasn't moving. "I see you were watching something. I just came to grab some clothes and I'll get out of your way."

"You don't have to leave, Brian." Michael attempted to encourage him by giving him his best puppy dog eyes.

"I'm headed over to Woody's for some pool and to see the Absolute Abs contest. Don't want to miss the show," he announced with a false sense of interest.

Michael frowned. "Does Justin know?"

Brian stood up and gave Michael a quick kiss, and then headed to the bedroom. "Yes, he knows. It was his idea. Now quit being a mother hen and tell me which shirt is better," Brian directed as he held up two black shirts.

"They look the same to me, but the one on the right, if I have to choose."

Brian changed from his business attire into casual clothing. He hung up his suit and made a mental note that it was at the loft. Rejoining his friends in the living area, he kissed Michael again and shook Ben's hand. "I'm off. See you at Deb's."

After Brian left, Michael turned to Ben, worry on his face. "I hope Brian's okay. I'm anxious to see Justin. I want to go over the new story line for Rage and JT with him on Sunday."

Ben leaned over to kiss his husband. "They're grown men, Michael."

"He seemed a little too cheerful. I know Brian better than anyone. He isn't going to share his worries. Everything is always fine," Michael shared his insight.

"Michael. Don't read something into every action of Brian's. If there was something wrong, he would tell you. Let's finish the movie and go to bed. It's been a long week."

Michael gave Ben a big smile and leaned over to kiss him. "You're right. They've been together for a long time now. Sometimes, I just forget how much Brian's changed."


Brian went to Woody's and found Ted, Emmett, Drew and Blake standing by the bar.

"Brian," Ted greeted him with a nod.

"What are you doing here? Nothing's happened to Justin, has it?" Em asked worriedly.

"Justin is fine. I'm out for a little relaxation. In fact it was Justin's idea, so don't worry, Honeycutt."

"Don't call me Honeycutt," Emmett directed.

Ignoring Emmett's statement, Brian turned toward the bartender and ordered a shot of Beam. He drank it quickly, and ordered a second and then a third.

His friends watched, but didn't say a word.

"Anyone up for pool?" Brian asked as he turned toward the small group.

"I'll play you," Ted said as he walked toward the tables.

They played and, despite the three shots Brian drank prior to the game, he beat Ted. They agreed to a rematch, and Brian racked up the balls.

The trick from the other night approached Brian and whispered in his ear, "Want to hit the restroom?"

The gang watched the familiar scene, each man shaking his head at the trick's naiveté.

"No thanks," Brian said and continued to gather the balls.

"You've got a lovely cock and I'd love to suck you off again. The other night was hot," he said loud enough for everyone around the table to hear.

"I said no." He walked away from the trick and looked at his friends. They'd heard the comment. Shit. Ted will be quiet--he wouldn't dare say a word and Blake did whatever Ted asked. Drew is a gentleman and won't say a word either, but Emmett... "I need another drink," Brian announced.

Walking over to the bar, he ordered two shots and a beer. Ted walked over to the bar, standing silently by Brian. After Brian ordered a second beer, Ted looked at his boss with a worried face.

"You okay, Bri?" Ted asked as he watched Brian chug half a beer.

"I'm fabulousss," Brian slurred his words slightly.

"Let me call the service. I think you need to go home," he stated firmly, brooking no arguments.

Brian looked at Ted, seeing the caring in his eyes and wondered how did he get to be so close to this man? In many ways, Ted understood him better than Michael, and he could confide in Ted. Ted knew about the cancer before any of the others and had kept it quiet.

"Justin's at home," Brian stated sadly.

"Justin wants you to be there," Ted assured him.

Brian shook his head. "Don't think so. I'm such a shit."

Ted led Brian out of the bar and away from prying eyes. "He loves you, Brian. He's your partner."

"I hurt him, Theodore." The anguish in Brian's voice cut straight to Ted's heart.

"The car's here, Brian. Go home to Justin." Ted opened the door and instructed the driver to take him home to Britin. He walked inside to rejoin his friends. "We Did Not just hear that conversation. It should be between Justin and Brian. Now, I'm up for Babylon. Anyone going to join me?"



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