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Friday Brian tried to leave the office early but problems in the art department and a grumbling client kept him there until almost six. As he walked out the door it occurred to him that Justin hadn't even called to see where he was. He hoped that meant that Daphne was keeping him entertained.

When he finally arrived at the hospital Justin was alone and asleep. Brian stood in the doorway watching him. Something was up, it wasn't like Justin to be sleeping this time of day.

"He had a seizure this afternoon."

Brian turned to see one of the nurses standing at his side; he recognized her but couldn't place her name. "What happened?"

"It was just shortly after he got back from therapy."

"Was anyone with him?" Brian asked.

"I was," she answered. "But if you mean visitors, no. We sedated him so when that girl friend of his came by I sent her home. We called his mother; she has been here and gone, although I do expect her back in a little while."

"Can I sit with him?"

"He probably won't be awake for a few more hours," she said.

He looked at her then turned back to Justin's sleeping form. "S'okay, I need to be here when he wakes up."

She nodded. "All right then."

"Brian?" Jennifer wasn't really surprised to see him sitting by her son's bed. He had promised he wouldn't run.

"Was it because he pushed himself too hard?" he asked without taking his eyes off of Justin's sleeping form.

"No," she shook her head. "I thought that at first too, but the doctor assured me that it had nothing to do with that. It's simply a side effect of the head injury."

"So, he'll keep having them? These seizures?"

"I don't know, they'll adjust his meds and we go on. He may never have another one, or it may be something he has to live with the rest of his life. But the doctor said that more than likely they will lessen in their frequency and intensity as time goes on."

Brian nodded.

"Has he been awake?" she asked.

"No, not since I got here around six-thirty."

"Have you had supper yet? If you want, you could go get something at the cafeteria," Jennifer offered.

"I'm fine."

She pulled up the other chair and took a seat. An uneasy silence fell between them. Jennifer shifted in her chair. "The nurse said he may very well sleep through the night," she said.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Are you sure you don't want to go change clothes or get something to eat?"

"I'm fine," he repeated.

The silence resumed.

"You're planning to stay until he wakes up, aren't you?" she asked after some time.

Brian nodded.

"Well then, I think I'll go back home. Save the babysitter for another time. You'll call me if…" she trailed off.

Brian nodded, turning to meet her eyes. "Yeah."

"Brian," the night nurse said when she came in to check Justin's vitals. "You should go home, get some rest. If he wakes up I'll tell him you were here."

Brian shook his head. "No, I need to be here."

The nurse eyed him for a moment. Whatever she saw in his eyes must have convinced her, "Do you want a blanket?"

"I'm fine."

Brian awoke and looked around to see what had brought him from his slumber. Justin moaned and stirred in his sleep. Brian sat up and pulled his chair closer to the bed. He took Justin's hand in his and with the other hand he brushed the hair from Justin's face.

Justin's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," Brian said.

"Mmmm," Justin moaned. "What happened?"

Brian didn't answer but instead squeezed Justin's hand.

"Uhhh," Justin groaned. "I had another seizure didn't I?"

Brian chewed his bottom lip and nodded.

"Who was here with me? Did Daphne see me?"

"No. It was just you and the nurse. I think it was right after you got back from physical therapy."

"Where was Mom?"

"She was at work, they called her and she was here for awhile. She left to go be with Molly."

Justin seemed to relax a little. "What did the doctor say?"

"I wasn't here when he talked to your mom, but she told me that they were going to adjust your meds to see if that will help."

Justin nodded. "So, what time is it?"

"A little after one."

"You should be home, or at Babylon, or someplace other than watching me sleep."

Brian didn't answer.

"You've been waiting for me to wake up, haven't you?"

"I didn't want you to wake up alone," Brian shrugged.

"You didn't want me to think you had bolted again."

Brian was silent.

When Brian didn't answer Justin continued, "You said you were back to stay. I believe you." Justin's eyes closed for a moment then fluttered back open, "And the drugs they gave me are making me really tired. It's silly for you to sit here all night. I'm fine. Go home, and come back in the morning."

Sunday morning Justin sat in bed gazing out the window. He hated feeling like this. The nurses assured him that the emotional roller coaster he was on was very typical for someone recovering from a violent attack. They had even sent a shrink in to talk with him. But knowing it was normal to feel this way didn't really make it any easier.

He was miserable. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear, it was a perfect spring day. All his friends were going about their business and he was stuck in a hospital bed unable to walk, unable to use his arm. He tried to not let it bring him down, he really did and yeah, he knew he was lucky to even be alive, but the fact was, he didn't feel all that lucky. All he felt was despair.

Brian appeared in the doorway. "Hey."

"Hey," Justin said, trying to smile. Brian had spent all day Saturday trying to get Justin out of his sour mood; he didn't want to disappoint him by being glum again today.

"Not feeling any better, are you?" Brian could see right through the façade.

"I'm sorry, Brian. I really am trying to not feel sorry for myself, I am." He turned to look back out the window. "What if I never walk again? What if this is as much recovery as I'm going to make?"

"Justin, that's bullshit. You've only been in physical therapy a week and even the doctors are saying you'll regain the use of your arm and leg."

"Yeah, but they also add that they can't say for sure that I'll walk again."

"That's because they don't know one factor. They don't know how hard you're willing to work for it. But see, I know that. I know if you want something bad enough, you'll go get it. So there is no doubt you'll walk again."

Justin rolled his eyes; he had heard this pep talk before.

"So, what do you want to do? Quit? Are you ready to give up already?" Brian was growing frustrated with his inability to get Justin out of this funk.

"No, I just…." Justin stammered. "It's not fucking fair," he shouted.

Brian closed his eyes and sighed. He walked over and sat down on Justin's bedside. "I know," he whispered pulling Justin up into his arms. "I know." He leaned back to look into Justin's eyes. "But it's reality and the only thing you can control is how it affects you. So, you need to ask yourself which road you are going to let this take you down. Is this going to make you stronger or is this going to turn you bitter?"

Justin nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

"But it's not that easy, is it?" Brian grinned.


"So what do you say? I'll go round up a wheelchair and we'll go sit in the courtyard. We can work on your physical therapy out in the sunshine."

Justin smiled. "Yeah, sure." 

"And grab your laptop and we'll get some Algebra done too."


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