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“Michael,” Emmett whispered nudging his friend.  He had awoken on Brian's sofa to the most god-awful noise.  It took him a little while to figure out it was the sound of Brian's snore.  “Good God, how can anyone sleep through that?” he muttered and went to see if he could maybe put a sock in Brian's mouth or something.

When he walked over to the bed, Brian was laying flat on his back, Michael was curled up on the side of the bed sleeping, somehow, through the noise.  The red display on Brian's alarm clock read 5:10.

 “Michael,” Emmett nudged him again. “Let's go home.”

 “Humm?” Michael opened his eyes.  “What time is it?”

 “A little after five, and how can you sleep next to that?” he motioned toward Brian, still snoring loud enough to wake the dead.

Michael shrugged.  “I must have drifted off.  I suppose it's okay to leave now.”

 “Yeah, he's fine.  Besides as hung over as he's going to be, well, let’s just say I don't want to be anywhere near him when he finally comes to.” 

Brian awoke to the annoying buzz of his alarm clock.  It sounded as if it were going off inside his head.  He slapped at the clock until he hit the button to silence it.  He let his eyes fall back shut hoping to catch a few more hours of sleep.  His head pounded, his eyes burned, his whole body ached.  He tried to remember how he got home but thinking only made his head hurt more.   Then his stomach rolled and lurched, he jumped from the bed and barely made it to the toilet before he emptied his gut.  He puked so hard he swore it was coming from his toes.  When the heaving finally stopped Brian flushed the toilet and pulled himself to his feet.  He turned on the shower and stood under the hot spray.  Again he tried to remember the night before.  The seizure -  that’s how it had started; then the trip to Woody's.  After that everything was a blur.

He stepped out of the shower and dried his body, then slipped on a pair of jeans and a tee.  Slipping on a jacket, he grabbed his sunglasses, wallet, keys and cigarettes and headed out the door.

There sat his jeep in its usual parking place.  He had no memory of how it got there.

On the way to the hospital he pulled in a drive thru for coffee, hoping the caffeine would make him feel somewhat human.

Jennifer and Debbie were standing out in the hallway when Brian walked up to Justin’s room. 

 “Brian?” Jennifer saw him first.

 “Holy cow, you look like shit.  And just where have you been?  Justin's been asking for you all morning,” Debbie started in.

Brian held up his hand to stop her.  “Not now, Deb.  You can berate me later.  Right now, I have all the noise in my head I can handle.”

To Debbie's credit she sighed and let it go.

 “How is he today?” Brian asked Jennifer.

“He seems fine. He says his vision is a little better, but he has no memory of the seizure.  He remembers talking with you last night but he doesn't remember anything else.”

 “Did you tell him?”

 “The doctor did when he was in earlier.”

Brian nodded then turned to go face the music.

He walked into Justin's room and saw him sitting up in bed.  “Brian, there you are,” Justin said grinning brightly.

 “Hey,” Brian said giving Justin a quick kiss before sitting down in his chair.  He found it  hard to meet Justin's eyes.  He felt guilty.  That was something new.  Not guilty about the prom, but guilty for running out last night. 

So he went out and got his needs met, that was nothing to feel guilt over.  But, he felt he had let Justin down in some way.

 “Wow,” Justin said when Brian finally pulled off his sunglasses. “You’re looking a little hung over.”

Brian frowned.  “Just a little tired.”

Justin shook his head.  “You got bombed last night, I know that look. Was it because I had that seizure? Was it that bad?  I mean, I don't remember, but the doctor told me. Did it freak you out?”

 “I'm fine,” Brian said trying to look Justin in the eye to convince him it was true, even if it wasn't.

Justin nodded.  “So anyway, the doctor said that they’ll move me to a regular room this afternoon and then I can have more visitors.  So Daphne, Emmett, and Lindsay can come see me instead of just calling Mom and Deb all the time.”

Brian nodded.  “That's great.”  He rubbed his temple, wishing he had some aspirin or Vicotin to get rid of his headache.

 “Yeah, and I can see a little better, but I still can't move my arm or leg yet.  I keep trying but-”


 “Yeah? Oh - Yeah, you probably have a headache, huh?”

Brian wet his lips.  “Yeah.”

Justin nodded.  “Sorry,” he whispered.

They sat like that for a while.  Brian wished he could lay back in the chair and close his eyes, but that would only give Debbie more to bitch about.  He could still see her and Jennifer out in the hall visiting.

 “Brian?”  Justin's voice was softer, trying to be considerate of Brian's condition.


 “Was it at the prom?”

Brian's world stopped.  All he knew was that there was no way he felt up to having this conversation.  “What?” his voice cracked.

 “The prom? Is that where we danced? I remember asking you to be my date and you turning me down.  But did you change your mind or something?  Is that where Hobbs attacked me?”

Brian felt the color drain from his already pale face.  “Um,” he stammered.  Suddenly the hospital room was too hot, too stuffy and way too small.  He had to get out of there.  “I need a cigarette,” he said and bolted for the door.

 “Brian?” Jennifer called as he blew by.  She turned back to her son. “Justin?”

 “It’s okay, Mom.  Let him go.  He'll be back.”

Jennifer nodded wondering what Justin had said to him to cause him to flee like that. 

The fresh air hit Brian's face as he exited the hospital.  He reached in his pocket for his keys and smokes; he had to get away from there.  His cell rang as he pulled out of the parking lot.  Looking at the ID, he rolled his eyes.  “Hello, Mikey.”

 “How are you feeling today?”

For an instant Brian remembered being at Woody's and Michael telling him it was time to go home.  “Like shit.  You drove me home?”

 “Yeah,” Michael admitted.

 “How did you know where I was?”

 “The bartender called me.  He didn't want to witness the train wreck you were about to become.  Are you at the hospital? I called the loft and your office, I figured you must be there.”

 “Just leaving.”

 “Yeah? Where are you going now?”

 “Home to change clothes and then to work.  I can't just sit up there and hold his hand all day.  That's his mother's job.”

Michael frowned wondering exactly what had happened to cause Brian's reaction. After what he witnessed last night it must have been something major.

 “Shit, Mikey, he's not my responsibility,” Brian went on, his voice growing louder.  “I can't be his nurse maid.  I can't do this.  He should know not to rely on me.”

 “Brian,” Michael interrupted.  “Calm down.  No one's asking anything from you.”

 “I gotta go, Mikey.  I'll talk to you later,” Brian said flipping his phone shut before Michael could answer. 

 “Brian. I wasn't expected you until after lunch,” Cynthia said when she looked up to see her boss striding toward her.

 “I came in early,” Brian muttered as he walked by.

She jumped up following him to his office.  “I moved all your appointments.  The first one isn't until two.”

 “That's fine.  I have plenty to get caught up on,” Brian said.

She nodded.  “So, how's Justin?”

Brian closed his eyes.  He was so sick of that question.  “He's fine.”

 “Good,” she said taking the hint and turning to leave.

 “And Cynthia?”


 “I don't want to be disturbed.  You understand?  I'm not here.  No phone calls, no drop ins, no one.  Got it?”

She chewed her lip. “Got it.” 

 “Justin?  Did you and Brian have a spat?” Jennifer asked later that morning.

Justin rolled his eyes.  “No, Mother, we didn't have a spat.

 “Well, I just wondered; the way he left-”

 “Leave it alone, Mom.”

A couple of orderlies arrived at the door.  “Mr. Taylor? We're here to move you up to the general ward.”

 “Yeah?” Justin grinned.  “Does that mean I can have more visitors?”

 “I wouldn't know anything about that,” one of the attendants said as they began unhooking the machines from the wall and preparing to move the bed and all. 

 “Daphne,” Justin said when his friend stuck her head through the door, that afternoon.

 “I couldn't find you,” she said smiling and pulling up a chair.  “I went to your old room and you weren't there.”

 “No shit.  I'm here,” he said grinning.

 “So where's your mom?”

 “She went to go pick up Molly from school.  She'll be back later.  Daphne, did Brian come with me to our prom?” Justin dove in with the question he had had on his mind all day.

  “Um,” she stammered, not sure if she should tell him.

 “I remember asking him, but he turned me down.  That's the last thing I can remember.  When I asked Brian about it this morning, he totally freaked out and left.”

Daphne frowned.  “I was your date to the prom,” Justin's face grew puzzled.  “But Brian showed up.”

Justin lit up.  “He did?”

  “Yeah.  You guys danced one dance.  You should have seen it Justin,” Daphne lost herself in the memory.  “You had the whole dance floor to yourselves. And the way he looked at you; I swear I thought the other kids' heads would explode.  Then he spun you around and kissed you.”  She stopped and sighed.  “You left to walk him to his jeep.  I was beginning to think you had ditched me when I heard what had happened.”

 Justin sat chewing on the end of this thumb as he listened to her.  “So that's where it happened?  In the parking lot at the prom?”

She nodded.

 “He kissed me? In front of everyone? Shit.  I wish I could remember.”

 “So what did he freak out about this morning?”

 “I'm not sure,” Justin shrugged.  “I had some sort of seizure last night while he was here. I think that freaked him out ‘cause he didn't even get here today until almost nine, and he looked really hung over.  But when I asked him about the prom he bolted.  I'm worried about him, Daph.”

She shook her head.  “You're the one in the hospital.”

 “Yeah, but if he witnessed the whole thing, I mean, I'd be a little freaked out if I saw someone take a bat to his head.”

“Yeah, he was pretty messed up that night. He wouldn't talk to anyone; he just sat out in the hallway staring into space.”

 “Really?  He was that upset?  But see, that’s what I mean.  So if he hasn't come back here by the time you go home I need you to stop by the loft and check on him.”


 “Well, who else?”

 “Why don't you call one of his friends?”

“Yeah, okay.  Maybe he'll come back before then.”

The two friends went on talking until they heard a soft knock on the door.  Both turned to see Mel and Lindsay.

 “Justin?” Lindsay asked.  “Are you awake?”

 “Yeah, come on in.”

 “Hi, Daphne,” Lindsay said as she and Melanie came into the room.

 “We can't stay long, we have to go pick up Gus, but we wanted to come see how you're doing.”

 “I'm doing better,” Justin said.  “I’m starting to get my vision back and the doctor said I should start regaining the feeling and movement in my arm and leg soon.”

Mel and Lindsay exchanged a look.  “That's great, sweetie,” Lindsay said.

 “Justin, I need to go home,” Daphne said standing up and gathering her jacket.

 “But you'll do what we talked about, right?”

 “Yes, and I'll call you when I get home.”

 “Okay,” Justin said.  “Will you come back tomorrow?”

 “If my mom will let me.”

 “She better,” Justin said grinning.

 “Bye, Daphne,” Mel and Lindsay said as she walked out the door.

 “I'll be glad when the rest of the swelling goes down and the bruises are gone, so I don't look like such a freak,” Justin said into the uncomfortable silence that had settled in the room.

 “You don't look like a freak,” Lindsay tried to reassure.

 “So, how's Gus?” Justin asked, ready to change the subject. 

Brian stayed sequestered in his office until after five.  His head still throbbed and his eyes still burned but at least his stomach had finally calmed down.  He cursed himself for drinking so much the night before.

Cynthia appeared at his door.  “I'm going home, Bri.  You need anything?”

“No,” he answered, then changed his mind.  “Wait.  What time is my first appointment tomorrow?” 


He nodded.  “Thanks.  G'night.” 


After she left Brian began clearing his desk and shutting down his computer.  If he went home now and went to bed, he should have no trouble getting here early in the morning to put on the finishing touches on the account.  Besides he was too tired to be at his best.  Better to get some sleep and look at things tomorrow with fresh eyes.

He turned off the lights in his office and closed the door.

Driving home he tried not to think of Justin at the hospital.  The kid wasn't his responsibility and yeah, he had implied to Jennifer he would help out, but really, she was right; it wasn't his place. 

Once home he stripped and crawled into the shower letting the hot water cascade over his tired muscles.  He took his dick into his hand and gave it a couple of tugs before letting it fall, deciding he was too tired to even beat off.

Once in bed, he let out a long breath and closed his eyes.


His eyes flew open.  Sighing he flopped over onto his side and fluffed up the pillow. Again letting his eyes drift shut.

Justin, his own voice echoed in his head.

He threw the covers back and climbed out of bed, padding to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. He refused to be haunted by the dream tonight. He rummaged through until he found what he was looking for.  Opening up the bottle he shook out a sleeping pill then thinking it over he shook out another and popped both pills in his mouth washing them down with tap water.

He strode back to his bed, flopping down on the mattress.  He laid, staring at the ceiling trying to keep his mind blank until the drugs kicked in. 

Justin was just about to reach for the phone and call Daphne's house when it rang.  “Hello?”

 “Justin, hey, sorry.  I got home and I couldn't remember your room number.”

 “Yeah, so what did he say?”

 “I don't think he was home.  He didn't answer his door and all the lights were off.”

 “Was his jeep there?”


 “Then he was home.  Are you sure you knocked hard enough for him to hear?”

 “Yeah, I know how to knock on a door.  Maybe he went with someone in their car.”

 “I doubt it, but thanks anyway,” Justin said hanging up the phone.  He sat staring at the dial for a minute then picked the receiver back up and keyed in Michael's number.


 “Michael, it's Justin.  Have you seen Brian today?”

 “Oh, hi, Justin.  Ma said they moved you to a regular room.”

 “Yeah, but have you seen Brian today?”

 “I talked to him on the phone this morning.  He had just left the hospital and was going home to change and on to work, why?”

 “Did he seem upset?”

 “I don't know,” Michael was evasive. “Why? What's up?”

 “I think something's wrong.  Daphne went by the loft and his jeep was there but he wouldn't answer his door.”

 “Maybe he was in the shower.  Did you try calling his cell?”

 “No, I don't want him to think I'm checking up on him.”

 “So you want me to do it?”

 “He won't think anything about you calling him.  I know it's probably nothing, but I'm starting to freak out,” Justin said trying to keep the fear out of his voice.  He was being irrational and he knew it, but he didn't know how to stop it.

 “Okay, stay calm. I'll call him and see what's up.”

 “Maybe you should go over there.”

 “Okay, okay, I'll go over.”

 “And call me back? I'm in room 221.”

Michael sighed, “Yeah, I'll call you.”

Michael hung up the phone and ran his hand over his face.  He knew Brian was hurting over all that was happening to Justin, but he really didn't know how to help.


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