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A Tale of Four Queers

Chapter 7

The boys watched Edna climb into an old classic Cadillac. Her husband may have been a missionary but Edna had invested wisely; she led a very comfortable existence living on the outskirts of Colon. She promised that after a rest and change of clothes she would meet the boys at their hotel for dinner and help them with their travel plans and investigation.

Brian and the boys checked into the Sheraton Hotel of Colon. This time they decided on adjoining rooms. Not because they were getting on each other's nerves; just the opposite, their bond was deepening. They would be spending at least two weeks in Colon. The two couples appreciated the extra space and the privacy. They had several hours before Edna was to show up so a shower, a rest and a snack was in order. Oh, and a little lovemaking to take the edge off.



"Do you think Edna will help?"

"Don't know. I guess we'll find out soon. I think if she just shows up for dinner, it'll be a help. I mean she doesn't know us and she is a bit up there in age. I don't expect her to get in a Jeep and get bumped all over the countryside with us. We just have to wait and see."



"I kinda miss John and Bobby. I know our talking in bed all the time gets on their nerves but I miss them being in the same room with us."

"I know what you mean. I miss them too. We're going to have to leave the connecting door open."

"Think they'll mind?"

"Nah. I bet if you open the door, one of them will be on the other side opening their door."

"You really think so?"

"Go for it."

Justin got out of the bed and crossed over to the connecting door. He opened the door. As he did, Bobby was opening the door on his side. Blue eyes, pale skin, golden and flaming hair and sunny smiles met. The 'twinks' giggled then returned to their partners awaiting them in bed. The connecting doors remained open.


"Feel better," John asked his partner.

"Yeah. Silly, isn't it."

"I don't think so. The four of us have become close. I've gotten used to their chatter and their bickering."

"And their fucking."

"That too. Bobby, this trip was supposed to be a graduation present for you. Somehow it's turned out to be a quest for some long dead artist and his lover. Justin seems to have the most invested in this. Brian is curious, of course, so am I, but Justin is obsessed. Why did you agree to this? We could have gone to Hawaii or some place like that."

"I don't know. I guess Justin's quest was infectious. I really wanted to do this. He'd email me when I was at Penn. He still has doubts about being at PIFA. He's anxious to get out and work. I've tried to keep him on track. We chatted a lot about 'our' men. The differences and the similarities."

"You and Justin have a lot in common. You're both very smart, both so beautiful and stubborn enough to put up with me and Brian. Although I think Justin's job is a bit more challenging. My brother and I are very lucky men."

"He said that."

"Who said what?"

"Brian, after my rescue. He said you were a lucky man."

"My brother happens to be very intelligent. Bobby, I'd like to think that eventually we would have found one another but I thank God every day for that little blond in the next room. If it wasn't for him and his Sunshine File, I would have never had a brother. The Farm would have never been this financially secure. Those paintings would have never been found, and you. They both opened my eyes to the possibility of being gay. And now I have you. I love you, Bobby."

"I am so in love with you, John."


"Brian? When should we get ready for dinner?" Justin asked.

"Edna said something about being here around seven. It's only five."

"So we have time for a little fooling around?"

"Sunshine, you should know me better than that. I never fool around. I take my fucking very seriously."

"Pardon me. Then I suggest we get very serious in this bed."

"Very serious."


"Maybe I shouldn't have opened that door," Bobby said.

"Are they still talking?"

"No, fucking."

"So what else is new? Bobby, we do have some time before Edna gets here. You want to get serious with me?"

"Very serious."


"Edna, over here!" Justin called out. The four companions watched the petite woman navigate the restaurant to join them at their table. Being gentlemen, when they wanted to be, they all stood until Edna had been seated.

"Your mothers have raised you well," Edna beamed.

"Some of our mothers did," Brian snarked. Justin elbowed Brian then turned to address Edna.

"Thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate this," Justin told Edna.

"Justin, I lead a rather quiet life, I'm grateful for the distraction and I don't often get a chance to have conversations in English," Edna replied.

"Mrs. Galloway..." John stared.

"John, isn't it? Please call me Edna."

"Thank you, Edna. My companions and I are here following the path of an ancestor of ours. Of mine and Brian's. But I wanted to tell you, the artist and his companion weren't just friends, they were lovers. And the four of us are gay. Does it bother you to be with us? We wouldn't be insulted if you decided to leave." John stopped and waited for Edna's answer. The four travelers were all waiting.

Edna scanned the faces of the four men. She noted the two younger 'boys' with sweet sunny expressions, the young blond holding his breath in hopeful anticipation. John too, appeared nervous, awaiting her decision. Only Brian was able to keep up the walls that he had perfected over the years. She also noted how Brian silently slipped his hand over Justin's as a comfort for Justin if her answer was a disappointment.

Edna smiled. "With such potential and very handsome companions, why would any rational woman turn down the opportunity to be in your company? My husband may have been a missionary but that doesn't mean I am ignorant of the ways of the world. Your lifestyle is not offensive to me and I appreciate your candor. Now, with that said, I suggest we order dinner and then you can tell me about the churches you plan to visit. I may be able to help you with that and I am very curious about your artist and his work. The chapel that my husband and I worked from is not on your list but it has many beautiful renderings. I am curious to find out if your artist did any of them. I could never find a signature."

Justin could not resist going into detail about how some artists hide their signatures. He continued his babble throughout dinner and when dessert arrived. It never ceased to amaze John and Bobby how Justin could continue to talk and shovel food in his mouth at the same time. Brian smirked, shook his head now and then and let his lover's enthusiasm spill over. By the time the second round of coffee was served, Edna had been thoroughly filled in on JABK, Patrick, Santa Ana, San Marco and the monastery in Cabimas.

Justin put down his cup, hiccupped into his napkin then asked, "Did I leave anything out?"

"Don't think so," Bobby answered.

"Well, maybe about the frogs," John stated, with his tongue in his cheek. Brian scowled as the three giggled.

Edna realized there was much more than what met the eye with these four men. So she addressed her comments to Brian. "I see I'm missing an inside joke. Well, no matter. I don't like frogs either and many of the species that live here are very poisonous. It's best to give them a wide berth." She winked at Brian, who knew that there was something that he liked about this woman from the minute he had met her on the plane. Brian beamed back, straightened his shoulders and returned the wink. Then he let one of his death glares fly at his companions who immediately stopped their giggling and went back to sipping their coffees.

Satisfied he was back in control, Brian nudged Justin and whispered in his ear. Justin nodded and removed the journal from his ever present messenger bag and showed it to Edna. They gave her some time to peruse the pages then Brian took out his digital camera and handed it to Bobby who was seated closest to Edna. Bobby showed Edna the pictures of the paintings they found in Santa Ana and in the monastery.

"Oh my!" Edna gasped.

"What is it?" John asked.

"The angels. I've seen those angels before." Tears were forming in Edna's eyes and she began to fish for the tissues she kept in her purse. "I must go home."

"What? Why? Have we upset you?" Justin exclaimed almost in a panic.

"No, no. You must come with me right now." Edna got up and was heading for the exit. Brian and John scrambled to pay the check while Justin and Bobby followed the almost sprinting woman. As they stepped out of the front door of the hotel, Edna's car was pulling up. Her driver hurriedly got out to open the door for Edna. The boys piled in after her and they found themselves being driven down the streets of Colon while Edna quickly barked out her orders to the driver in Spanish. She was talking so rapidly that Bobby couldn't keep up. But he managed to pick out a few words.

"We're being driven to her home, the chapel is located there," Bobby whispered to John who passed the info to Brian and Justin.

"At least we're not being kidnapped and sold into white slavery," snarked Brian who maintained a protective grip on Justin anyway.

About twenty minutes later the car turned into a dark dirt path. Brian marveled at the expertise of the driver. The narrow turnoff was barely visible from the main road and the only lights were from the stars and the moon. Edna spoke again to the driver as he slowed, driving them past an adobe brick ranch style home on a sprawling hacienda. The car came to a halt; the driver opened the door for Edna and assisted her egress. He then opened the other car doors.

"Thank you, Miguel. Can you get the extra flashlights?" Edna spoke in a mixture of Spanish and English and was calmer. When Miguel returned with the flashlights, he distributed them to each man and with his own escorted Edna and her guests to the chapel.

The heavy doors opened easily and they stepped inside. Miguel lit the candles and torches that lined the brick walls. Edna led the boys to the mural of the last supper behind the altar. Looking down on the figure of Christ and the Apostles were a bevy of angels. Two of the angels had a familiar look. Edna gazed at the angels and at Brian and John. There was no mistaking, the Kinney countenance ran strong. The serene smile the angel 'Patrick' wore was the same that graced Justin's face.

Edna sat down on the nearest pew.

"Senora Edna, you are not well?"

"I'm fine, Miguel. Go to the house and ask Marta to make some tea. We'll be there shortly."

"Si, Senora." Miguel left to fulfill his mistress's request.

Edna watched as the boys examined the paintings and as Brian took out his camera. Brian turned to Edna for permission to photograph and she smiled her consent. John and Bobby looked at the smaller paintings that lined the other walls. There were no more images of Kinney or Patrick but the cherubs in the paintings bore a remarkable resemblance to Kinney's children. Brian took more pictures then they followed Edna to her home.  Edna gave her companions a quick tour of the ranch house and then settled them all in the kitchen for tea and lightly sweetened biscuits.

"Edna, thank you. We haven't been here more than eight hours and already we've seen so much. Thank you." Justin got up from his chair and hugged the woman. He sat back down and went through the display of the pictures Brian took in the chapel. Justin yawned and leaned on his arm as his droopy eyes tried to examine the tiny view screen. Brian smiled at his stubborn, tired boy, then made a suggestion.

"Edna, would your driver mind taking us back to our hotel. It's been a long day and I need my beauty sleep." He nodded toward Justin and Edna understood.

"This ranch hasn't had company in a long time. I have plenty of room here. Stay the night and after breakfast you can see the chapel one more time then I'll go back with you to your hotel. The first chapel on your list is about an hour away. Miguel is very familiar with that area, he has family there. The roads are good and my car is as sturdy as a work horse. We can spend the day there. I know the Pastor of the church; I may be able to make your search easier."

Justin perked up enough to give Brian a pleading look. Brian chuckled then looked to his brother and Bobby for their consent. When no one voiced an objection Edna showed the boys to their rooms and bid them all a goodnight.


"Shh, go to sleep. You were about drop off at the table."

"I know and I will but I wanted to say thank you."

"Why? I haven't done anything."

"Yes you did. It isn't easy for you to trust strangers. You took a chance by bringing us here. Thank you. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Come here. Now. Go. To. Sleep. I have a funny feeling that Edna has just as much energy as you do. She'll have us running around the countryside in search of Kinney's."

Justin snuggled into Brian's protective arms and promptly fell asleep. Brian swept away a stray lock of blond hair from Justin's face and kissed the top of Justin's head. "What am I going to do with you?" Brian whispered. He sighed and tightened his grip. The soft snuffles of Justin's breathing lulled the man to sleep.

The next morning the boys awoke and joined Edna for breakfast. They thanked her for having them spend the night, and had a lively chat with her about what they would look at next. She again suggested the church she had mentioned the evening before. They all agreed, and she asked Miguel to drive them back to their hotel. As they were about to leave with her chauffeur, Edna turned to Brian and asked if he still wanted her to accompany them to the town.

"You've been a Godsend, Edna, but if you don't feel like it we'll understand," Brian explained giving her an out if she wanted one.

"No, no, no," she replied with a laugh. "I love having young people around. If you want me to come with you, I am more than ready."

"Then it's settled. You will be our guide."

Edna smiled back at him. "I have another proposal for you."

"A proposal?" Brian asked.

"I'd love to have you boys come stay with me while you're in Colon. Then I can go with you on your adventures. And don't think you will be imposing. I haven't felt this young and alive in years. You'd be doing me the favor."

"That's far too generous. We shouldn't," Justin said hesitantly.

"It's not generous at all. It's selfish on my part. And if you want to pay me back, you can make a donation to my husband's church. They would be most appreciative of anything you care to give them."

Justin looked at Brian who looked at John who looked at Bobby. Finally Bobby said, "If you don't mind having four queers invade your space, I'd say it's an excellent idea."

Edna smiled. She really did love having some youthful exuberance and energy in her house. "Why don't I get Miguel to drive you back to your hotel and you can bring your belongings here. We can spend the afternoon in the chapel here, and go to the village of El Puerto tomorrow."

"That sounds great," Justin said with a smile.

"Then off with you!" Edna said. "Miguel's waiting outside."

Brian leaned in and kissed Edna's cheek. "Thank you. It'll almost be like we're at home," he whispered.

Edna blushed. "It'll be like having four sons, the sons I never had," she said wistfully.

When they returned a couple of hours later Edna had a lunch all ready for them and they sat and talked like old friends. She took them back to the chapel where they studied the art more closely and took many more pictures.

Back at the house, Edna said, "We eat late in the tropics. You might want to take a nap until it's time for dinner." She winked at Brian who blushed a little at her blatant suggestion.

"Why, Miss Edna," he said. "I declare, you are a caution." Justin chuckled at the attempted Rhett Butler accent.

"Not much of a caution," she snorted," or I'd ask if I could watch."

They all blushed at that, but quickly headed up to their rooms.

"That Edna's quite the woman," Justin said as took off his clothes and slid under the soft cotton sheet. It felt cool and luxurious against his skin. He felt his dick harden as he watched Brian undress.

Brian glanced at Justin's cock which was quite evident through the thin sheet. "Hm, maybe we should ask her to watch. She might get all hot and bothered."

"But then what could she do about it. None of us could help her out."

"Miguel?" Brian asked with that crooked smile of his.

"Did you notice that too? He's always at her beck and call. He seems to know what she wants before she asks for it."

"Do you think they have a little thing going on the side?"

"I wouldn't put it past Edna," Justin stated.

"I wouldn't put anything past Edna, and I'm so glad she's going to help us. Letting us stay here will give us the chance to experience local culture without the culture shock."

"I'm really looking forward to the village she's taking us to tomorrow."

"Me too, but until then something else needs attention."

"Oh, what?"

Brian looked at Justin's dick poking against the sheet and rolled towards his boy. He knew just the remedy too.

Since they did indeed eat late in the tropics, after their nap, the boys were looking for something to do. Justin asked Edna if her chapel had any old records or Bibles like the ones Father Paul had shown them. When Edna said yes, Justin's spirits soared. He followed Edna back to the chapel and to a small rectory behind it. It was similar to the room that Father Paul had in his church. She left Justin there, happily searching through the Bibles and making notes in his part of the journal that he had put together to chronicle their journey. That left Brian, John and Bobby to fend for themselves.

Miguel drove John and Bobby back into Colon so they could walk around and explore. John was fascinated by the architecture and Bobby was just fascinated by John's enthusiasm. They promised to meet Miguel in front of the Sheraton at 6PM to be taken back to Edna's. Brian relished the quiet. He found that Edna had an extensive library. He chose an old Sherlock Holmes mystery and settled himself on the veranda to read. Every once in a while Edna came out with a glass of iced tea or biscuits. Brian dozed in the quiet of the afternoon.

A noise behind him woke Brian.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"Don't be, but I could get used to this. The peace and quiet."

"I take it your life is not as peaceful back home."

"Edna, now that is the understatement of a lifetime," Brian chuckled. Edna urged Brian on and he found himself telling Edna about his business. Brian was determined to make it rich, big time, so that he could retire early and make sure Gus was financially secure.

"And then there's Justin," Edna stated.

"And then there's Justin," Brian repeated.

"Why didn't you go into town with John and Bobby?"

"John is an architect and a bit of a history buff. Looking at old buildings is his passion. Bobby's passion is John. I'd be the third wheel. They need this time alone."

"And Justin?"

"He's fine, doing his research in the chapel. He'll come running when his stomach tells him he's had enough."

"And you?"

"A good book, good company, that's all I need." With no more explanation required, Edna and Brian enjoyed the quiet of the afternoon.

Dinner was light but filling and it was agreed that they all retire early so that they could get an early start on their adventure the next day. So far their experiences in Colon had been very satisfying.


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