[Reviews - 3] half-starPrinter ePub eBook

Jack has the misfortune of being sent to 'Hell' by a man wielding an artifact that has come through the Rift. However, Ianto and the team manage to save the day, and Jack, but all is not well upon his return and secrets abound. Is honesty truly always the best policy?

Rated: M
Categories: Torchwood Characters: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Abduction, Death, Dirty Talk, Established Relationship, Implied Death, M/M
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Fantasy, Hurt/Comfort, Magical/Supernatural, Porny, Romance, Science Fiction
Pairings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Yes
Word count: 16351 Read: 17184
ePub Downloads: 3 Published: Nov 18, 2016 Updated: Nov 18, 2016
Story Notes:

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This is a re-edited version of a story which I had previously posted on both fanfiction and on my LJ. I felt it needed a huge tweak, so here it is. This story is unbeta'd - all mistakes are solely the fault of my keyboard. (it hates me, really) Banner was also created by me.

Disclaimer: The audiobook 'In the Shadows' by Joseph Lidster (which does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form) was my inspiration for this fic and is where my story directly takes off from, with all the regular type having been written and conceived by little old me. Any part of Mr. Lidster's work is only here to act as background information to anyone who may not have read it or listened to the audiobook so that they may better understand the story.

1. Time to Unwind by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 2] half-star (850 words)

This first part is mostly events from the audiobook 'In the Shadows' by Joseph Lidster and does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. All bold sections are direct dialogue from the audiobook and does not belong to me. The italicised portion of the prologue is summarised from the book also and does not belong to me.

2. Home Sweet Hub by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 1] half-star (1803 words)

3. Aftershocks by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1430 words)

4. Safety in Numbers by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1487 words)

5. Memories best left forgotten by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (2109 words)

Disclaimer: ~ Bold portion is the direct dialogue from the audiobook 'In the Shadows' by Joseph Lidster and DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. Solely printed here for contextual purposes so that people who have not read the book understand what events Jack & Ianto are referring to. ~

6. Shouldering the Blame by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1164 words)

7. Let the healing begin by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1617 words)

8. One single word by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1865 words)

9. F*cking pheromones by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (1459 words)

10. Home is where your heart is by Soul1essharpy [Reviews - 0] (2567 words)