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Justin woke up the next morning alone, the smell of Brian's shampoo still on his pillow. After taking a shower and then taking his morning medication and insulin, he went downstairs and was bummed to find Vic at the kitchen table alone, eating a bowl of cereal.

Vic could see Justin's disappointment all over his face. "Good morning to you, too, Princess."

"Sorry," Justin said with a forced smile. "I was hoping Brian would be down here."

"Nope. I heard him creeping down the stairs when I got up to use the bathroom early this morning. He didn't see me, though."

Justin opened the door to the cupboard that Debbie had indicated to him the previous day was where they kept their dry goods and frowned at the selection of breakfast foods. Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Lucky Charms, and Corn Pops. Cherry Pop-Tarts, chocolate chip granola bars, and Entenmann's chocolate frosted donuts. He then looked in the freezer, which contained boxes of Toaster Strudels, Eggo Waffles, and biscuit sandwiches.

"I can't eat any of this stuff," he said with a sigh.

"What do you usually eat for breakfast?" Vic asked.

"Plain Cheerios, Shredded Wheat, oatmeal, wheat toast with some sugar-free preserves..."

Vic faked a gag. "I don't envy you diabetics. You can't have any fun with food."

Justin found a loaf of white bread and put two pieces in the toaster. "I need to go to the grocery store, but I don't have any way to get there. I still can't drive for a few more weeks, and I couldn't buy much if I took a bus or a cab, since I'm not supposed to carry anything over five pounds."

"Call your mom," Vic suggested. "I'm sure she'd be glad to either take you to the store or bring some food over for you."

Justin groaned as he poured himself a glass of milk. "I don't want to ask her for anything right now. She's already supposed to take me to the doctor tomorrow."

Vic smiled. "I know of someone who's probably just sitting around in his loft right now, counting the days until the doctor clears him for ‘strenuous physical activities.'"


Justin was riding in the passenger seat of the Jeep a half-hour later.

"So, why did you sneak out last night?" Justin asked.

Brian shrugged. "That bed isn't big enough for the both of us, and you were hotter than a fucking furnace... and drooling all over me."

"I've always been a hot sleeper," Justin said. "And I don't drool."

"Yes, you do," Brian said with a smile as he watched the road in front of him.

Brian soon turned into the parking lot of one of Pittsburgh's many Shop n' Save stores. They went inside, where Justin got a cart and made his way to the produce section. Brian trailed behind him with a basket in his hand and grabbed some apples and grapes.

They later turned into the cereal aisle, where they found Lindsay with baby Gus in tow.

"Brian!" Lindsay exclaimed. "What a surprise, seeing you at a grocery store."

"A man's gotta eat sometime," Brian replied.

Lindsay looked at Justin and smiled. "And who is this?"

"This is Justin," Brian answered as he sat his basket on the floor to pick Gus up from his seat in the cart. "Hey, Sonny Boy."

Lindsay let out a tiny gasp. "The Justin? The one you...?"

"Yes, the one I..." Brian echoed. "Justin, this is Lindsay, and this handsome little man is our son, Gus."

"It's very nice to meet you, Gus," Justin said to the baby boy in Brian's arms, a spitting image of his father. "And it's nice to meet you too, Lindsay."

"You too, Justin," Lindsay said to Justin as she grasped his right hand in greeting. "I was hoping to pay you a visit in the hospital the day I came to see Brian, but a nurse told me you were somewhere having a test run. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," Justin said with a smile. "I still feel some abdominal pain and weakness now and then, but it's getting to be less each day."

"Well, it's great that you're both out and about," Lindsay said. "Walking is important, when you're recovering from surgery."

"Thank you, Dr. Peterson," Brian grumbled.

"You're a doctor?" Justin asked Lindsay.

Lindsay snorted. "No, I'm an art teacher. Brian is just demonstrating his dry sense of humor."

Brian gave Lindsay the finger behind Gus's back.

"Really, you're an art teacher?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, but of course we're on summer break now."

"Where do you teach?"

"At the Institute of Fine Arts," Lindsay answered.

Justin's mouth dropped open before he gave Brian a light smack on his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me you knew someone that worked there?"

Brian sat Gus back in the cart. "I didn't know I was supposed to." He then looked at Gus and said, "You're getting heavy, Son."

"It's been my dream to go to PIFA for as long as I can remember," Justin said to Lindsay. "I was hoping to apply for next year's spring semester."

"If you're serious about it, you need to apply soon," Lindsay advised. "Most of the spots will be filled up with returning students, but they do accept first-time applicants if their work is good enough."

"Only I can't afford it now," Justin said sadly. "My dad threw me out of the house last week when he found out I was gay."

Lindsay gave Justin a sympathetic look. "Oh, no. Where are you living now?"

"With Debbie and Vic. I work at the diner with Deb. That's why I called and asked Brian to take me to the store, because they don't have any diabetic-friendly food I could eat."

"I imagine," Lindsay said with a chuckle. "When my partner Mel and I go to Deb's for dinner, I usually only eat a salad for lunch that day and the next."

"Well, I'd love to stand around the cereal aisle all day and chat, but we should get going," Brian said as he picked his basket up off the floor.

Lindsay ignored him as she said to Justin, "If paying for school is a problem, you may be able to get some grants and scholarships. I'm friends with a lady in financial aid, and I could give her a call for you when I get home."

"Really?" Justin asked as a full-watt smile spread across his face.

"Sure," Lindsay said. "And I'd love to see some of your work. What type of stuff do you do?"

"Mostly sketching, but I also love to paint," Justin said. "I only have one sketchpad at Deb's house, but I have several more at my dad's house, along with some paintings. Hopefully, he hasn't fucked with any of them."

"Well, you should see about getting those before he does anything to them," Lindsay said.

"Gee wiz, look at the time," Brian said as he looked down at his naked left wrist. "Shouldn't you be checking your blood sugar or something soon, Sunshine?"

Lindsay smiled as she looked between the two men. "Sunshine?"

Brian began pushing Justin toward the front of the store. "I'll give him your number, Linds, and he'll call you later."

"Why don't the two of you come over for dinner tonight?" Lindsay called out. "I'm making roast chicken with a mushroom risotto and steamed vegetables."

Brian clicked his tongue. "As much as I would enjoy seeing Mel-"

"We'd love to!" Justin said in a cheery tone. "That sounds delicious."

"You little shit," Brian whispered.

"Great!" Lindsay said. "And bring that sketch pad with you at, say, six-thirty?"

"We'll be there," Justin said.

Brian turned around and gave Lindsay a fake smile. "Yes... we can't wait."


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