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Finally did it...my very first crossover story, and my QAF muse has come back home too.  So I hope you'll enjoy this new story.  For those who love Spartacus (and especially Agron and Nasir) you'll know them well.  This story is set during the revolt of the slaves of Rome between 73 B.C. and 71 B.C.  I have done my best to be as accurate to true history as I can, but the story is based on the way history is told by the Starz series, 'Spartacus'.  I've changed Brian and Justin's names slightly to fit what was used in that time period.  All the names I've used for characters are accurate according to my research.  At the beginning none of the four men have met and spent any time together.  I promise you, that will change quite quickly.  The Agron/Nasir part of the story is more canon, while the Brian (Brion)/Justin (Justinus) part of the story is certainly AU. I hope you will enjoy the blending of these two magnificent couples.

A special note of thanks to my darling Granddaughter, Amy for the banner.  A very special thanks to my beta, Judy...plus I wish to dedicate this story to her.  Her support and friendship has been invaluable in getting me back on track in writing stories.


Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Spartacus Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: M/M, Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Rape, Underage Sex, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Cross-Over, Drama, Historical, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Other Cast Pairing
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes
Word count: 85580 Read: 146395
ePub Downloads: 4 Published: Nov 27, 2016 Updated: Nov 28, 2016
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.    

1. Within the City of Rome by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3158 words)

A Full Year After the Slave Revolt Begins    

2. Outside the City of Rome by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (2633 words)

A Few Months After the Slave Revolt Begins    

3. A Party for the Romans... A Celebration for the Rebels by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3464 words)

Brion has been ordered to prepare an invitation to his Master's dinner party (being that he is so skilled at advertising an event worth coming to), and Justinus's father insists his son attend the gathering with him.  Hmm, could this mean there will be a meeting between two like-minded men coming up?  As for Agron and Nasir, we move forward in time since first we met them so both couples are in the same time period.  Agron and Nasir are now what they were meant to be since day one... deeply devoted and passionate lovers.  So enjoy as we check on them too.

A little clue, which Spartacus lovers should recognize, as to how at least one of our Britin couple will meet up with Nagron, and where it will happen, is provided for you.  Can you find it?

Many thanks to Judy for her diligent beta work.


4. A Fateful Meeting...A Fateful Plan by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (4213 words)

As promised, Brion and Justinus are about to meet.  Where it will lead to in the future, only the fates know.  As for Agron and Nasir, they are simply moving forward with the rebellion, but could plans that Spartacus is thinking of pursuing lead to changes for the loving couple... as well as two other men they haven't met yet?  Only time will tell.

Many thanks to my beta, Judy, for her help.

5. Two Journeys Towards Their Futures by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3672 words)

The night after the gathering at the House of Cassius is filled with intrigue and odd feelings coming to the surface. But with the dawn comes unwelcome news for the young Roman, Justinus. Similar news awaits the slave, Brion. Are they fated to meet again, and what becomes of it if that happens?

Meanwhile there is also intrigue and plans being developed in the Rebel encampment. Could this mean that all roads lead to the same end, and the beginning of major changes in the lives of several people?    

6. Roman Rules, Be Damned by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3660 words)

Four men, each on the road to the same destination.  Two are already very much in love, and facing a dangerous future once they reach their destination.  Two have connected, but in a way that has them both confused.  Reaching their destination means the end of any chance to invest more of themselves into that connection... or does it?  

Many thanks to my wonderful beta, Judy, for her help.


7. A Costly Mistake by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (5044 words)

Brion and Justinus have fallen in love, but being in Sinuessa has prevented any chance to enjoy each other's company.  And now they learn their visit there will be extended, making them even more miserable.  Then a plan to bring them together is set in motion... which sets in motion far more than they had counted on.  But is the activity outside the city gates going to save or destroy them?


8. One Man's Death Means Another Man's Life by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (4261 words)

Sinuessa is about to explode in an orgy of violence and retribution.  How does this affect Brion, Justinus, and so many others?  Will the lovers survive to love again, and if they do...how will they manage it.  And will their survival affect another couple some day?  That is a question to be answered later, but first they must meet each other.  A lot will happen on this singular night.  And so it begins.



9. Friendships Formed & Evil Deeds by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3126 words)

A great deal happens during the first two weeks after Spartacus and his followers take control of the seaside city of Sinuessa en Valle. The hundreds of Romans who once lived within the city walls has been reduced to a few dozen known survivors. There are, however, survivors who have escaped detection. Perhaps one or more of them hold the key to survival for one man who has gone undetected right under the noses of the rebels. In the meantime, new friendships have formed quickly for two couples who share similar stories of love and affection. But how strong will these new bonds be when tested by outside, and inside forces?    

10. A Dangerous Discovery & the Green-Eyed Monster by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3797 words)

Brion and Justinus have learned that the wife of the man who once owned the estate they live on is still living, although locked away as a prisoner of Spartacus. This has made them cautious, as she is the one person they know could expose Justinus and his false identity. This, however, is not the only problem cropping up to stir the muddy waters of life in Sinuessa. There is the arrival of Heracleo and his fellow pirates, one of whom causes tempers to flare. Shall we see how life is treating our two couples, as they continue to live within the walls of the conquered city?



11. A Snake Within Their Midst by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (2974 words)

Brion is eager to discover Laeta's true intentions regarding her knowledge of Justinus's true identity.  Meanwhile, the rebels have unwittingly allowed two venomous foes to enter their safe enclosure.  One is suspected, the other a wolf in sheep's clothing.    

12. Secrets Kept, Knowledge Gained by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (4061 words)

Justinus seeks Brion's advice on whether they should reveal their secret to Nasir, before it is exposed in some other way.  Meanwhile, Caesar is extremely successful as a spy, gathering information while stirring up the pot between two separate factions among the rebels... those supporting Spartacus and those supporting Crixus, as the two leaders diverge drastically in their goals for the rebellion.  But Caesar is not the only danger lurking in the shadows of Sinuessa.    

13. Changes in the Air by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (2485 words)

An innocent scene between Justinus and Nasir causes a rift between Nasir and Agron, but there is something even more disturbing in the air.  It could possibly put all other concerns aside for the immediate future.



14. Intrigue & Deception by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (4107 words)

Major changes that everyone within Sinuessa has been expecting are just beginning. It all starts with intrigue among the leaders... even touching those who are not what they seem, as well as those not seen at all. But what part will deceptions of all kinds play in the coming events?    

15. Fight For Survival by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (4844 words)

The war between the rebel slaves and Roman masters has finally been brought to the gates of Sinuessa in the form of Crassus and his mighty army. But it is the threat from within that turns the tide against the rebels, forcing them to fight for survival.  Two young men have to fight harder than most, as snakes finally strike and reveal a secret that could destroy one of them.    

16. Escape From Hell by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (3649 words)

The rebels now find themselves trapped on Melia Ridge, with no obvious means of escape from the threat of Crassus's mighty army, let alone survival when a merciless snowstorm bears down on them from above.  Where is the miracle they need so desperately if any of them are to live to fight another day?  And what of the great secret now shared between Nasir and Justinus?    

17. A Question Of Which Path To Take by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (5396 words)

Spartacus and Crixus have been at odds over how to conduct their rebellion against Roman authority from the beginning.  Crixus has always bent to the will of Spartacus up to now, sensing he is the better leader, but now they have come to a crossroads... a chasm too wide for them to continue on the same path.  How will their decision to go their separate ways impact Agron, Nasir, Brion, and Justinus, especially when a secret is finally bared?

A special note:  The final dialogue between Agron and Nasir is taken verbatim from the series, as I simply could not improve on the original writer's perfection.  All else is from my own fevered brain.  A special note of thanks to Judy for being the kindest beta ever.


18. Consequences by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (5751 words)

Agron and Nasir are parted when Agron learns the truth about his friends, Justinus and Brion, and Nasir's part in keeping it from him.  As often happens when secrets are kept, and then exposed, there are consequences that change everything.  By following Crixus, instead of Spartacus, Agron may have sealed his fate, and destroyed Nasir's happiness forever.  Yet sometimes the Fates enjoy playing games with people's lives.  What do they have in mind for our lovers?    

19. The Way Back To What We Were by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (2668 words)

Agron has been returned to Nasir's loving arms, but there is much left to settle between them, including the story behind the couple that they had taken to their hearts.  And, of course, their war is far from over.  Before their final conflict with the enemy, many of them will need time to heal, some in more ways than one.


20. Life or Death, But Free Either Way by mandagrammy [Reviews - 0] (6018 words)

At last, it has come.  The war of slave versus Roman masters for the call of freedom has reached its final deciding battle, led by two brilliant tacticians... both determined to be the victor. Rebels will be divided into two groups... those attempting to escape to the Alps so that they can cross to true freedom, and those staying behind to meet the superior forces of Crassus and his legions. Naturally, Agron wants more than anything to follow Spartacus into battle, but will he be able to after being severely injured when nailed to the cross? And which direction will his lover Nasir take? What of Brion and Justinus... will they choose the road to freedom or feel compelled to join Spartacus too? Choices are made, and fates are seale    

21. Epilogue: Life as Free Men by mandagrammy [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6599 words)

Spartacus, and nearly all of his most important followers have long since passed into the afterlife, sent there by the Roman Imperator, Crassus and his army. However four of his most devoted... Agron, Nasir, Brion, and Justinus... survived and have made lives for themselves outside the reach of Rome's influence. But there has always been a hole in their hearts, especially Agron's, knowing that Crassus has never paid for his cruelty. Eventually, a chance may have presented itself for them to right that wrong.

Just a brief note. The fate of Crassus in my story is based loosely on actual history. All of the events involving Crassus did indeed happen in essence. I've simply played with the facts enough to include our beloved fictional characters.  One last thank you to Judy, my beta, for her wonderful support and Amy, my banner maker.