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Bad as New

Chapter 4

Brian walked into Kinnetik the next day.

"Where's Bree?" Cynthia asked.

"Good morning to you too," Brian replied. It seemed his daughter was more popular than he was.

"Didn't you bring her?"

"Do you think I have her hidden under my shirt or that I left her outside the front door?" Brian asked now fully annoyed. "No. I didn't bring her."

"You haven't had your coffee yet, have you?"


"Let me rectify that immediately," Cynthia said going into the break room and returning with a steaming mug just the way Brian liked it.

After a few sips of coffee had passed Brian's lips, Cynthia ventured to ask, "Why are you here today? I wasn't expecting you."

"I need to see Ted. He's supposed to be meeting me here … right now."

"Morning, Cynthia, Bri," Ted said as he came through the door.

"Very punctual, Mr. Schmidt," Brian observed.

Ted gave his little smile and went to grab a coffee. "Be right back."

"When you call him Mr. Schmidt something big is up," Cynthia said looking at Brian. "Want me to get lost?" she asked still able to read Brian pretty well.

"If you wouldn't mind," Brian replied.

"I mind, but I'm used to it."


"You'll tell me if it's anything I need to know about."

Brian's non-committal shrug puzzled Cynthia as she left the office closing the door behind Ted who had just returned.

"What can I do for you, Boss?" Ted asked.

"Sit down."

Ted gave Brian a quizzical look but sat on the sofa next to him. He took a drink of his coffee. "Is something wrong? Am I being fired?"

"Not yet," Brian replied with a smirk unable to resist the temptation to play with his old friend.


"Calm down, Theodore. I'm not firing you."

"Thank God."

"You are, however, being sworn to secrecy."

"I am?" Ted asked. Brian nodded. Ted made the motion of locking his lips and throwing away the key.

"That's not good enough this time, Ted," Brian said solemnly.

"Oh fuck!" Ted reacted. "Is it the 'C' word again?"

Brian nodded.







"Cody?" Ted asked grasping at straws.

"Fuck no!" Brian grimaced at that awful memory.

"Then what the fuck is it?" Ted asked sweat beginning to break out on his brow.



"Yes, Theodore, charity."

"Charity for who? Why are you scaring the shit out of me about charity? Who needs charity?"

"I do."

"Fuck, Brian, you haven't gone and done something stupid, have you? Have you lost all your money on some fly by night scheme?"

"Do you really think I'm that much of an idiot, Schmidt?" Brian shook his head. "I'm beginning to wonder why I keep you around when you think so little of my judgment."

"Brian, Bri, Boss, just tell me what's going on. Please!"

"Okay, but not a word of this goes any further than this office."

"I promise … on my mother's grave."

"She's not dead."

"I know but I didn't know what else to say."

"Your solemn promise will suffice."

"Solemn, solemn," Ted promised his hand on his heart.

"Okay, listen up. I need to know exactly where my finances stand and how much cash I can safely donate to a charitable cause."

"Oh, you mean to get a tax break? I already took care of that. You don't…"

"Shut up, Theodore, and listen."

"Sure, Bri."

"I want to renovate Terry's bath house and turn it into a clinic and drop-in center for gay and straight street kids, hustlers and other unfortunates."

Ted's eyes had got very big. "Have you any idea…?"

"Yes, I fucking do have an idea. I want to do this, Ted. I want to help some of those kids like Jason Kemp. I don't want any more of them to die or get AIDS."

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

"It will take a lot of money."

"That's your job."

"And there's all the red tape."

"Bobby's looking into that."

"And the renovations."


"And who's going to run it?"


"Hunter? He's just a kid."

"He has his masters in Social Work. He's not a kid."

"You really have thought this through."

"All I need to know is if you can spring enough cash to cover the cost of the building, the renovations and the licenses and all that shit."

"I'll see what I can do."

"All the money from Babylon that was going to the Farm is now going to be channeled into this project."

"That should help."

"I realize that things may be tight for a while, but I want this to happen. Bill is willing to come down from the Farm after they close up for the season. He'll help Hunter get everything set up. John's looking at what renovations need to be done and he'll start as soon as I buy the building."

"Buy the building? You're closing the last bathhouse in the area?"

"No, Terry will still run his business from his current site, but it will be updated and he will be paying us rent."

"Okay," Ted said shaking his head. "This is a big undertaking."

"Make it work, Ted. I know you can do it."

"I'll do my best."

"I know you will."

Ted stood to go get started shuffling finances and crunching numbers. "You're sure about this?" he had to ask one more time.

"Very, and Ted, no one is to know about my part in this. Is that clear?"


Brian gave him a funny look and they both chuckled. Ted had come a long way from the bad old days of crystal meth.

"Now, I have to go see a man about a building, and then I'm going home to play with my daughter."

"You do that, Bri. I'll call when I have some bottom lines for you."

"I know you will. And thanks."

Ted left the office wondering how he was ever going to keep this all to himself. He knew he couldn't even risk telling Allen. He felt like he was going to explode. But he also knew that he would make this work for Brian. Who the fuck would have thought?

Brian took the time to consult with Cynthia on Kinnetik's latest clients and current campaigns. So far so good, Cynthia had everything under control. The Westbury campaign was in full swing and despite Pullman's initial protestations, the campaign was doing very well. It earned Kinnetik a bonus and a renewal even before the contract was up.

Brian was pleased and relieved. Even if the clinic did acquire grants and donations, Brian might never re-coop what he'd have to lay out. If he was lucky, the bathhouse rent might cover the operating costs of the clinic. How ironic was that?

Brian finished up his calls, packed up his briefcase and after saying goodbye to Cynthia and Ted, he decided to walk over to Terry's. He stopped by the Vette which was parked on Liberty to stow his briefcase before going to the bathhouse. The late August air was hot and sticky, the Labor Day weekend was upon them, Brian and Justin decided to host the family's Labor Day bash at the cottage. Brian wanted to check on Frank before going home to help Justin prepare for the barbecue. He placed his case on the passenger seat, pulled off his tie and threw it into the backseat, locked up then cut through the alley toward Terry's. Unbeknownst to Brian, he was seen.

Across the street Michael was sprinting down the avenue to get to the comic book store. He had stopped by the diner for breakfast but it was so busy that his order took longer than expected. He was sweating, his t-shirt had an orange juice stain down the front and he was expecting a delivery. Michael was about to break into an all out run when he saw Brian across the street. He was ready to yell out to get Brian's attention before he drove off but then stopped in his tracks when he realized that Brian wasn't getting into the Vette.

'What the fuck?' Michael thought to himself. As he watched Brian throw his tie into the car, lock it then head back down the alley. 'Where the hell is he going?' Michael crossed the street and started to follow.

Michael hung back as he watched the tall brunet duck into the alley toward one of the sleaziest bathhouses in all of Pittsburgh. 'I do not fucking believe this,' Michael mumbled to himself as he watched Brian take a quick look around then head up the steps and into the bathhouse. Michael stood there for a while, dumbfounded. He wasn't sure if he should leave, or go inside and yank the slut out of there. He wasn't sure if it was any of his business. Then again this was his best friend. Brian might need him like he always did in the bad old days when Mikey would drive the drunk or stoned Brian home. Or take him out of the backroom of Babylon when Brian's tricks were trying to make a four-course meal out of him. Michael knew that Brian could never really change. Not really change. Nothing could change Brian fucking Kinney.

Michael was about to leave when the door opened and Brian and some blond kid walked out. He watched as Brian dug into his pockets and handed the kid a wad of cash. 'Holy fucking shit!' Brian patted the kid on the head then opened the door to allow the kid back inside. Michael ducked behind a dumpster as Brian started toward him and to his car. He heard Brian's cell ring.

"Hey. I'm done. Want some lemon bars? No? You sure? Okay, I'm heading home after I meet up with the locksmith. Kiss the Squirt for me. Yes, dear, I'm fully prepared to shuck corn. Bossy bottom. Love you too. Later." Brian shut his phone then walked to his car.

Michael crept out from behind the dumpster, not only was he sweaty, now he smelled like a garbage truck. 'Shit.' Michael made a beeline for his store and for the phone.


"Emmett? It's me, Michael."

"I guessed. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing. I wondered if you heard anything about Brian."

"Brian? No, nothing except the usual buzz at Babylon. He made the grand entrance last Friday night. He looked so fabulous in his leathers. Why?"

"Oh nothing. In his leathers? Was Justin with him?"

"No, but someone had to stay home with the baby. Besides, Justin's been working very hard on the movie and he has another show coming up."

"So Justin wasn't with him."

"I think I just said that. Michael? What's going on?"

"Nothing. I gotta go, I have a delivery."

"Bye, Honey."

Around lunch time, Michael had the chance to go home to shower and change into clean clothes before heading back to the store. Ben was home working on a lesson plan for the upcoming semester.

"Hey Baby, have time for lunch before you go back?" Ben kissed his husband gently.

"Yeah, I have time. My delivery came early so I don't have to rush back. Boy, it's hot out."

"Then you're in luck. You can enjoy your lunch in air conditioning."

"Did Hunter call?"

"Yeah, he said he'd see us this weekend at the barbecue."

"Oh that."

"You do want to go, don't you?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Good, it'll be nice to spend a relaxing day with the family in the country."

"Oh yeah, very relaxing. Um, Ben, I think I'll take my sandwich with me back to the store. Is that okay?"

"Sure Baby. Oh, Scott and Brad asked us over tonight for some wine and hors d'oeuvres. Is that okay with you?"

"That's fine. See you later."

"Later, Michael." Michael barely pecked Ben on the cheek as he scurried out the door.

Brian pulled into the yard at the cottage. He smiled as he thought about Justin and Bree waiting for him inside. His life was just about perfect. If he could get the clinic up and running, it would be perfect. He shook his head at that thought. In the past whenever things seemed to be going too well, life would kick him in the ass. He thought about the prom, the fiddler, Stockwell, Vance. Surely that was all behind him.

He gave himself a good shake and grabbed his briefcase before heading into the house.

"Honey, I'm home," he called out.

Justin stepped out of the kitchen carrying a squirming Bree in his arms. "There's Dada, sweetheart. She's been calling Dada all morning."

Brian smiled. His two favorite people and they seemed to have missed him as much as he missed them. "Have you been calling, Bri, all morning?" Brian said with a smirk as he took the baby from Justin. Bree giggled happily as Brian nuzzled her neck. Now everything was perfect in her world too.

"I wasn't calling your name, but I think that could come later," Justin replied with a suggestive wink. "I have some lunch ready and Bree has been fed."

They went into the kitchen and Brian placed Bree in her high chair. She watched her father's dig into the salad that Justin had made.

"How did it go today?" Justin asked.

"Ted's on board."

"Good, we need him if this is going to fly."

"Are you worried?" Brian asked looking into his husband's eyes.

"A little bit. This is a huge undertaking, Brian."

"I know. I'm a little freaked too. I don't think I really believed it could happen."

"It's happening," Justin smiled offering encouragement to his partner.

"I saw Frank today, gave him the latest installment of his salary."

"Interesting that you call it a salary," Justin observed.

"He's a good kid. I think he's heading in the right direction now."

"Don't be too disappointed if every kid doesn't turn his life around."

Brian raised an eyebrow. "I guess I sound like Pollyanna."

"Remember when you used to call me that?"

"Yeah, how times have changed!"

"For the better," Justin said as he finished his salad. "I'm going to put Bree down for her nap. Want to meet me in the bedroom?"

"I'd rather meet you in the sun porch."

"Okay," Justin smiled as he lifted a sleepy looking Briana from her high chair.

Brian poured a couple of glasses of wine and carried them out to the brass bed. He set them down by the bed and threw back the covers. He started removing his clothes.

"Hey, wait for me," Justin grinned as he joined his lover.

"Always," Brian said softly. He handed the wine glass to Justin. "Here's to a successful undertaking."

"Absolutely. Here's to the Jason Kemp Clinic and Drop-in Center," Justin added.

"Where did that come from?" Brian asked.

"You always let me name your businesses. I thought that would be appropriate."

"It's perfect … like you," Brian said taking Justin's glass.

Brian tumbled them onto the bed removing clothes and kissing his delicious partner. In short work they were naked and locked together. Everything was perfect. Just the way it was supposed to be.

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