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When Lindsay was informed of the supervised visitation in the emergency order, all I can say is, it wasn’t pleasant. She managed to get her parents to pay for a lawyer by telling them that Mel was really the reason Gus was having issues, and she was being denied her rights to their grandchild. Which we all thought was a joke since Lindsay’s parents never bothered with Gus. Once again, Gus was asked to see a psychiatrist of her choice. Which went very badly for her because with Doctor Webber seeing Gus once a week, he stopped trying to protect Lindsay from what he really thought. Which meant that Lindsay wanted her and I to go through mediation. 



Daphne, Justin, Mel, Allen, and I were in the room when Lindsay came in with none other than the sperm donor on her arm and a lawyer following behind them. Justin didn’t even look at Craig when he came in. The mediator, Kelly Wilson, came in and introduced herself, then she told us how this was going to work. 



“This isn’t a formal hearing but a chance to avoid the courts if we can come to an agreement on the minor children Gus and Jenny Marcus-Peterson. Please allow your lawyers to speak for you and be ready to answer any question they have. After that, if there are questions or comments we can talk freely. So, I see that there is an emergency order that Ms. Peterson and Ms Marcus are supervised with the minor Gus Peterson, do you have the file that explains why this was necessary?” She asks Daphne, who hands her the file. “James, you're representing Ms. Peterson?” She asks Lindsay’s lawyer.



“Yes, and her fiance, Mr Craig Taylor.” He tells us, and I see Justin look at his father smiling, not good.



“You can go first.” She tells James.



“Ms Peterson had raised Gus as the primary caregiver for the first thirteen years of his life. Until his father, Mr Kinney, announced that he had not only been in a relationship for five years, but married for four years, there were never any issues with Gus. Ms Peterson feels that Mr. Kinney and his spouse no longer wanted her around her son because she would have seen that it was really them that caused Gus’s emotional issues, not my client. We feel that Gus would be better off in a home with a father and mother who will raise him properly, that a home with two fathers and no mother couldn't possibly meet his emotional needs. She also feels that Mr Kinney introducing people into Gus’s life without allowing her to meet and be made aware of them, shows that he was unconcerned about his son’s welfare.” He tells her.



“Is that all?” Kelly asks him.



“For now.” He tells us.



“Daphne, you or Allen?” She asks us.



“I’ll go first since this about Gus and not Jenny Peterson-Marcus.” Daphne tells her smiling.

“Mr Kinney became aware of Gus’s homelife with Ms Peterson and Ms Marcus just recently, and found that Gus and Jenny Peterson-Marcus were being subjected to loud arguments that were happening on a daily basis in their home. Because of this, Gus has taken on the responsibility of caregiver for his younger sister, at the age of thirteen, which he is not emotionally ready to do. Gus has indicated that in his father’s home his emotional needs are well met. Mr Kinney also feels that with Ms Peterson and Ms Marcus beginning divorce proceedings, they are not able to provide the stability Gus needs at this time and would like to keep supervised visitation until such time that Gus no longer doubts the care he receives from his mothers. At this time Gus has asked not to be forced to see Ms Peterson.” Daphne tells her.



“Allen.” Kelly acknowledges. 



“Ms Marcus is in full support of Mr Kinney’s petition because she wants what's best for her children. She is here to petition that Ms Peterson be taken off all documentation as related to Jenny Marcus. She feels that Ms Peterson has never bonded with Jenny Marcus in the way a caring parent should, and sees no reason that Ms Peterson would object to giving up her rights to Jenny.” He tells her. 



“James.” She asks. 



“Although Ms Peterson loves Jenny Marcus, she knows that she must focus on her child and is willing to sign away her rights to Jenny to Ms Marcus. If Allen could have the paperwork ready she will sign, but in return wants the same for Gus Peterson.” He tells her. 



“Ms Marcus is that agreeable?” Kelly asks her.



“Ms Marcus has asked that she keep her guardianship over Gus as Mr Kinney has put her in charge of Gus’s trust fund, and feels that Ms Peterson’s financial situation and mismanagement of money doesn’t show that she uses sound judgement in money matters. Ms Marcus is willing to further clarify if allowed.” Allen tells Kelly.



“I’ll allow it.” She tells Mel.



“During our marriage, Lindsay Peterson’s spending habits have put us in positions where we were dependent on Brian Kinney to keep our home and necessities, such as electricity and water, on. She had open credit accounts and spent well above what our income could handle, which led to the arguments our children have been witness to. Recently, I was made aware that a small account that I opened in our daughter’s name has been accessed by Lindsay Peterson without my permission. The Liberty Bank is looking into how she took the funds out of an account that she shouldn’t have had access to, and will be giving my attorney the information as to how it came about that she took money out of an account for our daughter.” Mel tells her.



“Yes James.” Kelly asks.



“We would also like to present evidence that Mr Kinney is not someone who’s history recommends him to be raising any children, including the minor children he shares with his husband. My clients are willing to take in those children and raise them in an appropriate environment, seeing that the children are my clients fiance’s grandchildren.” He tells us, as Craig smiles at Justin.



“Yes Daphne.” Kelly asks.



“I have documentation showing that Mr Taylor’s petition would not be in the best welfare of any of the minor children. Mr Taylor disowned his own son simply because of his sexuality, and then attempted to illegally obtain Mr Justin Taylor-Kinney’s trust fund. The family didn’t prosecute at the time but it was with the understanding that Mr Craig Taylor never again contact Mr Justin Taylor-Kinney. Since Mr Taylor signed knowing that any contact would break their agreement, he will now be prosecuted for breaking the agreement. Which would make it impossible for him to care for his grandchildren.” Daphne smiles at Craig’s frown.



“Can’t you see they are trying to make me look bad?” Lindsay blurts out.



“Ms Peterson, unless it pertains to how you’re better suited to raise your son, please refrain from speaking.” Kelly tells her.



“James.” Kelly asks.



“My client was not made aware of Craig’s Taylors involvement in any crime, and would like to not see it reflect on her case.” He tells her, looking unhappy.



“May Justin Taylor speak at this time?” Daphne asks Kelly.



“You feel you have something to add that will help in making the decision?” Kelly asks Justin.



“I wanted to make sure that you know, as well as Lindsay, my willingness to raise Gus, as he’s a wonderful son and brother. Gus and I have a very close relationship and I have always made time away from my career to see that his needs are met. Brian and I made the decision to have more children when Gus told us he wanted more siblings to complete his life with us.” Justin tells her.



“He’s not your fucking child, and if Brian doesn’t stop Gus from calling you 'Daddy', then I’ll make sure neither of you ever see him again. Brian, you choose right now, your son or a blond piece of ass.” Lindsay stands and yells.



“James, control her.” Kelly tells him.



“James sit down. I won’t have that blond bastard replacing me in the life that should be mine. Brian made a mistake marrying you, but I won’t have everything I want taken from me because you think anyone cares about you. This was my life, and you show up and suddenly Brian is questioning how I spend OUR money. Mel thinks that she can leave me, and that she and Brian are friends? I won’t have it, and you need to put on paper that Gus cannot be with Brian if he stays with him.” Lindsay leans over Kelly, yelling in her face.



“James, unless Ms Peterson agrees to Mr. Kinney’s wishes, this mediation is over.” Kelly tells him, standing up staring down Lindsay.



“I won’t agree to anything unless HE isn’t allowed around my child.” Lindsay tells her, pointing at Justin.



“I’ll forward my notes to the three of you, but as of right now, the emergency order stands.” Kelly tells us.



I walk out with Justin and Daphne, while Craig yells for Justin.



“Justin, you know that your children shouldn’t be raised around homosexuals.” Craig says loudly.



“How were you planning on raising them Craig? Last I checked, you lost your store and are living off what’s left of your retirement fund. You weren’t planning to make this homosexual pay for your life were you? Because I learned to keep any money that belongs to your children away from your greedy hands. Why not go calm down your fiancee, you know, the LESBIAN, which means you would be raising them in a home with a homosexual.” Justin tells him.



“Craig, you're in enough trouble without pissing off Justin. I’m filing the charges on you as soon as we leave here, I’d run while you can.” Daphne tells him.



Craig walks off like nothing could touch him. 



“They really thought that they could play ‘straight couple’ and take the kids. I swear, I will never get how sperm donor managed to get smart kids, since he’s an idiot.” Daphne tells us.



“I don’t want to see him again Daphne.” Justin tells her.



“Justin, he doesn’t matter.” I tell him.



“I’m not saying he does, but I want him where he can’t come near our kids, because if they let Lindsay see Gus, trust me, he’ll try to be there too.” Justin tells me.



“Are they really engaged?” Daphne asks us.



“He’d do it just to have a way to get to the money, I guess greed can make you do all sorts of stupid shit.” I tell Daphne.









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