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I had Justin begging me to let him cum and I slowly thrust to keep him on edge. I wanted those screams I told Mel about. I pulled out and slammed in again.



“Fucker if you don't move faster, I'm taking over.” He groans as I slide back out.



I smirk as I slowly push back in and let him moan his curses. Justin tightens his legs around me and flips us so he's riding me and begins to move to get what he needs from me. I grab his hips to slow him down because we have all night alone in our room.



“We… are… never… staying… at… the… girls’ house… again.” I pant out as he squeezes me.



Justin isn’t really listening because he's entered the place where only groaning makes any sense. I feel myself cummings and stroke him to help him finish. Justin yells as he spurts all over me, and just like our first night, the phone rings. I answer my phone.



“Seriously, it's like you hone in on Justin cumming and call.” I tell Mel.



“As much as Justin cumming has my support, I called to get you to let us into the room when we get there.” Mel tells me.



“Not that orgies aren’t fun, but I have a rule that you have to have a dick to be included.” I tell her. 



“My rule is the opposite. I have a sleepy ten year old, who would like to stay with his dads.” She tells me. 



“Okay, I'll let you be the exception to the rule. Give us a minute to clean up and I'll let you in.” I tell her. 



“What's up?” Justin asks me. 



“Gus wants us.” I tell him. 



Justin leaps out of bed and runs in the bathroom.



“Brian hurry we don't want Gus to ask questions.” He tells me. 



“I thought the book you were trying to read said it was good for them to ask questions.” I joke. 



“Not those ones, did you want to imagine your parents having sex?” He asks me. 



“I think you just made my dick permanently soft.” I tell him.



Justin looks over his shoulder and licks his lips as he stares at my cock. “Nope, still capable.” He smirks.



We clean up and Justin helps me handle my erectile function. Justin runs out and gets dressed to answer the door when Mel knocks. Gus heads straight to the made bed and climbs in.



“Lindsay and I decided to let him stay with you. Michael started planning outings you and Justin were going on with him and Ben. We thought we'd save you the time of explaining again that you already made plans.” She tells us. 



“Tell him we can do something later in the week, hopefully he'll be happy with that.” Justin tells her. 



“I swear, if he keeps bringing up that he should father the baby you might have me staying here.” She tells us. 



“Too bad you waited so long to bring Gus, because Justin could have knocked…” 



“Brian!” They say together.



“I seriously need a drink just to deal with him.” Mel whispers. 



“When Deb finds out I'll share a bottle with you.” I tell her. 



“Yeah, we might need to, I can just hear her. “What's wrong with my Michael, he’s the perfect guy to knock your ass up again.” Mel says with a screech in her voice. 



“Of course, you picked her Sunshine, so you could be off the hook.” I tell her. 



“With my luck, she’ll think this gives her the right to tell me how to treat Justin too.” She tells me. 



“She just likes to be included in our lives.” Justin tells her. 



“I know it's just hard to get her to understand that we aren’t like Michael, who let's her do anything she wants. I love her but I don’t need the constant complaints about not letting Jenny stay the summer by herself at Michael and Ben’s house in the past. We wanted Jenny to be older so they wouldn't have a toddler making a mess everywhere. They act like we are trying to keep her from them. It's just Michael and Deb don't see it that way.” She tells us. 



“Sit down and I'll get the drinks.” I tell her.



“Brian it's fine, I just hate feeling like I have to be at their beck and call.” She tells me. 



“I figured with Gus asleep, and no potential to let Justin show me that his age has its advantages, we could let Lindsay deal with him.” I tell her getting us a drink. 



“I could deal with having to listen to monkey sex, want to change accommodations with Mikey?” She tells me taking a gulp of her drink.



“Nope then he'd show up to tell us we aren't doing it right.” I tell her. 



“You two act like this is something new with him. He's always been like this.” Justin tells us.



“I normally can deal with his tantrums, but it's like being away make them less tolerable. He's like that friend you have that as you get older you forget why you liked them. I never got why you never told him off when he treated you like the enemy.” She tells Justin.



“I had what he never could. It wasn’t me, it was that Brian was with me. Over time we were able to not make that something to hate me for. He’ll always wonder, but it's not like it was anymore. I learned to tune him out when he tells me what I should do.” He tells her. 



“What he's trying to tell you is don't listen when Michael tries to tell you what you should be doing.” I tell her. 



“I tell myself Jenny loves him, and don't get out a frying pan and use it the way Deb does her hand.” She tells us. 



“He'd probably think you were cooking for him when you showed up with the frying pan.” Justin giggles. 



“If it wasn’t for having my angel, I'd have hit myself over the head for asking him.” She tells him laughing. 



“I learned to talk to Ben so he can deal with Michael. Ben seems to be able to get him to see reason.” I tell her. 



“Who do you think I call when it involves Jenny? Ben at least listens before freaking out. Michael automatically assumes there's a problem. Ben must have really wanted to get into Heaven to agreed to marry Michael.” She tells us. 



“Ben just likes that Michael depends on him. I think that Ben must like being in charge of everything.” Justin tells her. 



“It was nice until I met you.” I tell him. 



“I let you think you're in charge on Thursdays, but too much and all my hard work goes to waste.” He smiles. 



“You know I sometimes wonder how nobody see that you two make it work. I had my doubts but as the years went on I really saw you two and realize you didn’t try to make each other do things unless you were ready for it. It really made me look at what I did to Lindsay, instead of asking her what she wanted I told her what I already decided.” She tells us. 



“We learned from mistakes we made in the beginning, we are far from perfect. I wanted him to say I love you and didn't realize he was telling me every day. I ended us because I listened to people telling me if we didn't only commit to each other we were just fooling ourselves. What nobody understood was that to us sex with other people wasn’t saying we didn’t love each other, just that sex was fun. Brian knew that I needed to experience life first and made it so it wasn't something that would hurt our relationship.” He tells her. 



“We came home to each other, not other people, so to us it wasn't about us.” I tell her. 



“Lindsay and I had problems because we saw it differently. When I cheated, I didn’t love the other person just wanted something different, and in a way I see what Lindsay did like that now. So I get why you two seem okay with the tricks.” She tells us. 



“Seemed.” I tell her. 



“Really, what changed? Shit you don't have to answer, it's not my business.” She tells us. 



“I'm okay with telling you. After I proposed I was ready to give him everything, so I didn't go back to the tricking. Justin leaving didn’t change my mind.” I tell her. 



“I did about a year ago but got tired of it. We talked and are ready for it to be just us.” Justin tells her. 



“Then we don't have to wait to do this. I was going ask if you guys could refrain until we got pregnant but I guess I don't need to.” She tells us. 



“I still would rather do it at a clinic with all the test they run, it's safer that way. I know I'm clean but I don't want to take any chances on it. I want the baby to have the best chance in life.” Justin tells us. 



“I still have nightmares about the dangerous way we did it with Michael. It was reckless and irresponsible to not make sure, with Ben having HIV. We didn’t even blink when Michael handed Lindsay his donation.” She tells us. 



“You were lucky, because it could have turned out bad. It's why I constantly made sure Justin and I used condoms, I refused to hurt him with the way my life was.” I tell her. 



“I'd better get back, have fun with Gus, don’t worry about Michael we can keep him busy.” She tells us. 



“I want to look into clinics and go ahead and have my part done, so Friday you want to come so we can get that done?” Justin asks her. 



“I love you for doing this.” She tells him pulling him into a hug.



“No touching lifegiver.” I tell her pulling Justin to me.






Mel came home dancing around the bedroom. I laughed when she dipped me and kissed me. She told me that Justin was doing his part this week and she could do her part when it was time. I spun her towards the bed and made her smile again. If only we could have stayed in bed. 



“Michael what are you doing?” I ask staring at the mess he made.



“I wanted to cook breakfast for everyone this morning. That way we can all make plans for the kids.” He tells me. 



“Brian and Justin already have plans. Mel and I are going to do stuff that we couldn't do because of the kids. We figured you and Ben could have Jenny to yourselves. So there was no need to make this big mess for the five of us.” I tell him. 



“Six, until Gus goes.” He tells me. 



“Five because Gus wanted to go with his dads, so Mel took him.” I tell him. 



“You should have told me. I would have taken him, it would have given Brian, Justin, and me a chance to hang out.” He tells me. 



“Sorry Mel and I was thinking of Gus, not you.” I tell him cleaning up the stuff on the floor.



“Michael why are you messing up the kitchen?” Mel asks him. 



“I thought it would be nice to have a breakfast with everyone but nobody tells me anything.” He pouts.



“Look who woke me… Michael what are you doing?” Ben asks holding Jenny.



“Making fucking breakfast, not that anybody told me that Gus was gone.” He tells Ben.



“Daddy said Grandma words.” Jenny whispers to us.



“Sorry Honeybun, Daddy just thinks it would have been nice to be told things, since no one seem to tell me anything until it’s DECIDED.” He tells us.



“Lindsay we’ll clean up, why don’t you and Mel get Jenny dressed.” Ben tells us staring unhappily at Michael.



Mel and I know an out when it’s offered and grab Jenny and get out. Ben looks ready to kill Michael, but hey we don’t have to deal with it so we count it as a win.






“This is really getting ridiculous. They don’t have to explain anything to you Michael. Brian and Justin came to see Gus not you. We came for Jenny, not Brian and Justin. Mel and Lindsay made a decision to let Gus stay with his fathers and you're upset because they didn’t tell you, or is it they didn’t want you to be the father?” I ask him.



“I don’t care about that but I wanted to see Brian and Justin, that’s why I told you we were coming early.” He tells me.



“Do you see what happens when you don’t think before you do things? You make a mess like you did in this kitchen. Mel and Lindsay deserved to know we were changing our plans but no, because you couldn’t do something as simple as make a phone call and tell them. I’m not happy that you lied to me about asking them.” I tell him feeling like a parent not his husband.



“Ben, why should I have to call to see Jenny?” He tells me.



“Like Carl and I have both told you and Deb, it’s not your mother’s house. Most people want to know other people are coming to their house. We came to see Jenny and spend time with Jenny so guess what we are going to do that and nothing else unless we are invited to it. Please tell me you understand what I’m telling you because I’m not asking.” I tell him.



“I’m sorry, I guess I was feeling like everyone wants to do things just not with me.” He tells me hugging me.



“Michael can’t it be enough that Jenny and I want to do things with you?” I ask him.



“Of course it is.” He tells me smiling.



I was just glad he got it and started cleaning the mess he made in the kitchen. Michael stood for a minute then pulled out his phone.



“I need to ask Ma something.” He tells me walking out the back door.



“Ma, you won’t believe…” I hang my head and snort that he couldn’t just leave it alone.









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