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Between Brandon and me, we manage to get Kyle to stop hyperventilating.


“Okay, before we do anything, put up a notice to say that we are closed for stock taking.  Say we will open later tomorrow evening.”  I order him.  “I need to call Mel…”  I wave a document in the air.


“Why not Joshua?”  Kyle has finally regained his power of speech.


“He’s on holiday.”  I remind him.  “And I need this to be looked over quickly.  Mel, it's Slick.  Can you come to the store downtown as in now?  Thanks.”


I start on the second box and they are filled with more comics but when I get on the 3rd very large box, I have to stop and stare.  Inside are original Marvel costumes and masks. Kyle almost rips my hands off stopping me from touching them barehanded.


“Jeez boy, chill!”  I snort.  “I know what I’m doing.”


“I know. Sorry.”  He whispers, as he reverentially takes out a Spiderman outfit.  “Jesus, this is from the 1950s!”


For two hours, we go through the boxes as treasure after treasure is unveiled.




“Okay you want the good news or the bad news?”  I ask from the counter where Brandon had planted me...literally carried me from the door to the counter, before going to work.


“Good news.”  She looks up.


“You’re going to be dealing with him when he find out.”


“That’s a given, so what’s the bad news?”  She sighs.


“You sign this and they’re yours.”


“WHAT?!”  She and Kyle both shout, almost blasting me off the counter.


“Fuck!  Calm down!”  I snicker.  “Seems that Michael had a degree of smarts.  He legally entrusted this stuff to his father.  So in the eyes of the law, it’s his to do as he wishes and according to this, he wishes to give them to you.  Just sign here and here and they’re yours.”


“How is this bad news?”  She gasps as she signs.


“Oh you meant bad news for you?”  I giggle.  “There is none.”


Slick sits back on her heels.  “We need a meeting and I mean with everyone.”




“At the meeting Mel, can you make the calls okay?”






I’m so excited!  Catherine said that the first of the classes starts today.  I’m so looking forward to sharing my knowledge of the Renaissance with the wider world.


“So are you ready?”  Catherine asks and I nod.  “Now let us go.”


We head to a room we hadn’t been allowed access to.  I’m surprised to see Terez is there as well.


“Good morning Terez, class.  How are we all this morning?”


“Oh my goodness, these are beautiful.”  I sigh at the pencil drawings.  “Such talent.”


“Lindsay come on.”


“So exciting.  What do we do first?  Is there a timetable as to what the students are learning?”


“No.  This is not how we work…”  Catherine begins and takes her seat as I go to sit next to her.  “No you would need to be over there.”  She whispers and points to a space next to Terez.


“Good morning, this will be a life drawing class.”  She smiles at the screen before turning to me and whispering.  “Lindsay if you can go over there and sort yourself quickly, then we can begin.  When you’re done, stand next to Terez.”


I head towards Terez, who brazenly drops her gown and she’s completely naked.


“Class, this will piece will be entitled Fecundity and Famine.  So I want you to contrast the ripeness of Terez’s figure to the sportsman like figure that Lindsay has.”








“Sidney Bloom speaking.  Oh hello how are you?  I’m very well thank you and yourself?”


I sit down and prepare myself for the disappointing news.  “A-are you serious?  I can tell them that?  It’s definitely confirmed.  Email?  Wait... excuse me, let me just d-double check.  Oh it’s there!  Thank you. They will be delighted!”


I stare at the email and then make the next call.  “”Hello it’s Sidney, they’re in!  So can I definitely ask him?  Remember he might not say yes at this stage as I suspect but can you hold a place for him for the next placing?  I know incredible talent.  Thanks.  I will let you know.”


I sit back and smile then laugh. This definitely needs to be to be sold to him.   First person to call is my new friend and comrade-in-Justin-arms… his mother.


“Jennifer, it’s Sidney.  I’m very well.  Yourself? Good to hear good to hear.  Look I have to go to a meeting but could you come to the diner at say five? I have an announcement to make.  Great see you then.”


Now the hard ones.  “Justin, Sidney... can you and Brian meet me at the diner at say five this evening?  Great see you then.”


I blink back tears. I’m so happy for them but extra happy for him.






Sportsman-like figure!  I’m earth mother like and as for Terez’s fecundity and ripeness…pah!  She’s fat, end of story!  I need to have a word with Claire because she could’ve told me exactly what her sister expected of me!


She waves at me from the hatch and I wave back smiling at her.  Luckily, Michael is still trying to get some time with France and Casper so we can have this conversation in relative privacy.


After another wait for about five minutes, she comes over sinking tiredly into the seat.  “Oh what a day!  But it’s what I signed up for!  So how was class?”  She grins at me.


“It was an interesting day.  You didn’t tell me that she expected me to model for her.”


“Why would I tell you that?  I have no idea what she does in her class.  Why didn’t you ask her what was expected of you?”


I bridle at her hectoring tone but before I could reply the door opens and Jennifer, Justin and Brian come in.


“Can we move down a bit so we’re not in the draught?”  I shiver slightly.


“Sure.”  She slumps into the booth one away from them but as it’s quiet, I can still hear their conversation.


“Sidney wanted to meet here why?”  Brian is checking out the hatch and looks disappointed to see Richard.


“No Claire?  Shame.”


“I’m right here!”  She waves an arm then ambles towards the booth.  “You want it now or can you heat it up when you get home?”


“Oh home please.”  Justin smiles at her.  “Go do whatever you were doing.”


She comes back and lies back down.  “So are we done with the Catherine Class being Claire’s fault thing?”


“I wasn’t…”


“Yes you were and after your weekend faux pas?  Not the wisest course of action.”


“Sorry.”  I mumble, my cheeks heating.


“Hmm.”  She regards me coolly.  “Isn’t that Sidney the gallery guy?  Wouldn’t have thought this would be a place he would hang out.”




Oh this couldn’t have gone better if I planned it.  I wave at Lindsay and am hugged by Debs as she bustles by.


“So what can I get you?”  Debs leans against the booth.


“Mint tea for me please.”  I smile at her and wait for her to come back because I think I need her too.


“So Sidney…”  Justin prompts me.


“It’s about the show at the Mitheson Gallery. It can’t be held there anymore.  Due to a visit by one of the board members, the show is being moved to another location.”


“What board member and what location?”  Brian is already in protective mode.


“Oh.  Catriona Barker-Wiles came and she’s on the board of MoMA. They have a Young Talent Night and she wants to move all three of you and your pieces to MoMA instead to join the others she has booked.  Justin?  Justin!  Debs, can you get me a paper bag quickly!”


Brian manages to get Justin’s breathing back under control.


“A-are you serious? MoMA?!”  Jennifer gasps and then bursts into tears.


“Fuck Sunshine.  I’m so proud of you!”  Debs sniffles.


“So you need to get a tux as the reception will be Black Tie.”  I grin.  “Nod if you are happy for me to say yes to them?”


Justin nods but doesn’t take his eyes off Brian, who is almost bursting with pride.


“And there’s more.”  I pause.  “As I asked before, but he did say he would need to speak to you first Brian, can you extend the end of your trip for a week?”


“Why?”  Brian asks, holding the glass so Justin can have some water as he’s trembling.


“Mitheson Gallery has a placement scheme for 3 months and wants to offer it to you in May.”


“But…”  Justin immediately says.


“Wait, let me finish.”  I stop him.  “The reason I would like you to extend the trip is so that you can work with Mitheson for those days to see if you really want to do it because like I said, it starts at the beginning of May…”


“Brian and I need to discuss this because it impacts our plans for…”


“Justin, this is the chance of a lifetime. Surely you can see that?”  Jennifer interrupts.


“She’s right.  You should take this opportunity and…”  Brian brushes Justin’s bottom lip.


“If I could finish properly!”  I demand.  “Yes, this is the opportunity of a lifetime and if I were you, I would take it like a shot.  But what with everything you’ve been through in the last couple of months, I would wait and…please let me finish…take the autumn placement instead.”


“Autumn?”  Debs echoes.


“Yes, they are willing to wait for you.  They are that impressed.  Take this summer to recharge and have some fun and one of the pieces you could work on is the Fox portrait.”


“What happens if I don’t take the place now?”  Justin asks.


“I could send another artist in your place.”  I reach over and squeeze his hand.  “And that’s what I want to do.  But you and Brian talk and let me know by the end of next week, please?”


I gather my things and start to head out.  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the look of incredulity on Lindsay’s face but then she smiles at me.


Oh she has got to be kidding!



Chapter End Notes:

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