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Chapter 12


When Brian and Gus arrived home from Kinnetik, Justin met them at the front door. He was holding Briana in his arms and JR stood patiently beside him.

"So, how was your first day as an intern?" Justin asked Gus as he handed their daughter to Brian.

"Dad ate a donut," Gus said with a laugh.

"Be still my heart," Justin chuckled clutching at his chest. "A donut and being nice to Owen all in one day? What is the world coming to?"

"Fucking Armageddon," Brian said with a glare. Bree patted her Dada's face and the glare immediately dissolved into a smile for his daughter.

"So other than the donut incident, what else did you do?" Justin asked Gus.

"I helped Ted check some numbers and I bought the donuts and I got coffee for about a million people and I loaded the easels with the boards for a presentation."

"Ah, a man after my own heart. I had to load those easels one time," Justin said with a long ago, far away look on his face.

"Seems to me that you didn't handle it all that well either," Brian smirked.

"Got your attention, didn't I?" Justin asked.

"And the Eyeconics bitch who liked your suggestion."

"You upstaged Dad in a presentation?" Gus asked with a look of wonder in his eyes.

Justin nodded and looked smug.

"Should have fired your ass on the spot," Brian griped.

"Seems to me you did fire me very soon after that."

"You fired Justin, Dad?" Gus asked.



"He hired me back though … to work long hard hours deep into the night."

Brian and Justin stared at each other. Gus knew that look well.

"I need to get out of this suit," Brian said.

"Um … I'll help you," Justin offered.

"I'll take Bree and JR to the play house for a while," Gus offered. He took Bree out of his father's arms. "Come on, guys, let's hit the play house."

Brian and Justin headed for their bedroom while Gus ushered the kids out to the play house.

"Gus?" JR began.


"Why did Uncle Brian need help getting out of his suit?"

"Um … he didn't really need help. They just wanted some alone time."

"Oh," JR replied mulling over the meaning of that statement. Sometimes her mothers wanted alone time too. They usually went to their bedroom and there would be strange noises for a while. The door was always locked. "Will they lock their door?" JR asked.

"If they're smart, they will," Gus laughed.

"Now I get it," JR replied. "Just like the Moms."

"Just like the Moms," Gus agreed. "Only don't say that to Dad."

"Why not?"

"Um … Dad doesn't much like to be compared to them."

"Oh," JR said thoughtfully. "How do you know this stuff?"

"You know lots of it too. You watch and observe what happens. If I wanted to set Dad off, saying something like that would certainly do it. But I like it much better when he's in a good mood, so I wouldn't say that to him."

"Okay, I get it."

"That's your life lesson for today," Gus smirked looking so much like Brian.

"Thanks, I'm glad I have a big brother."

"And I'm glad I have two little sisters," Gus said with a smile.

"Gus, look," Bree said as she brought him the big frog from St. Augustine. "Mine."

"Yes, Bree, it's yours," Gus laughed. She still had some trouble with that concept of sharing. "Want to build something with the Legos? I'll help you."

Bree immediately dropped the frog and headed for the bucket of Legos. She could always make something great when Gus helped her.


"Dad, Justin, I'm going to start dinner. We're getting hungry."

"Okay, Sonny Boy."

"There's some chicken in the fridge, Gus," Justin's voice came through the bedroom door. "If you start to brown it, I'll be out in a minute."

"Will do," Gus said as he walked into the kitchen. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Are they done yet?" JR asked.

"I think so. I'm supposed to start browning the chicken. See if there's some potatoes in the fridge. We could peel them and start them boiling."

JR started rummaging through the fridge. She pulled out all the fixings she could find that would go into a salad, and in the bottom of the drawer, she found a bag with potatoes.

Gus had the chicken sizzling, and there was no sign of Justin yet, so he opened a cupboard door and pulled out a can of mushroom soup. He looked at all the stuff JR had pulled out of the fridge and found a bag of mushrooms. He quickly cut them up and threw them in with the chicken. After he let them brown a little bit, he added the can of soup and a little water. When it started to bubble, he turned the heat down low and put a lid on the frying pan.

"Let's get this salad going," he said to JR and Bree.

When Brian and Justin finally put in an appearance, they both had satisfied smiles on their faces. Gus was slicing cherry tomatoes in half after JR washed them in the sink, and then Bree was tossing them into the big salad bowl.

"Looks like you have everything under control," Brian said as he lifted the lid on the potato pot.

"You can mash those, if they're soft. It's all ready. We're having chicken with mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy and salad."

"A million calories," Brian groused as he drained the potatoes.

"Did you work off the ones from the donut?" Gus asked with a knowing grin.

"I may even have worked off enough to have some of this delicious looking gravy," Brian smirked.

JR watched Justin blush and start to dish up the chicken and gravy. Her moms never seemed to blush much, although Mama Lindsay did sometimes. She'd have to watch for that next time. She smiled to herself as she started setting the table.

By the time they sat down for dinner everyone was in a good mood. Gus' dinner turned out to be delicious, if fattening. When Brian voiced that fact, Gus had the perfect comeback.

"Everyone knows it's fat that gives things taste. If you don't want me to cook these kinds of meals, you'll have to curtail some of your activities." He did his best to keep a straight face.

"I bow to your culinary skills, oh Iron Chef of Pittsburgh," Brian laughed. "I'll keep my activities and let you cook any day. This isn't half bad."

"Thanks," Gus beamed. "But Bree and JR helped too."

"Well done, all of you," Justin stated as he dug into the meal.


Over the next couple of days Kinnetik was abuzz with business. It was a short work week so everyone was on overdrive trying to get as much done as possible before the long weekend. Gus was beginning to feel at home and he was making friends with some of the other interns even though they were older and in college. Justin, along with Bobby and John, were finalizing the plans for the fourth of July party and Justin confirmed their plans with Simon and Ken. Brian was pleasantly surprised when a large fruit basket arrived; the card indicated it was from Molly and Owen. He burst into laughter as he read the words on the attached card. "Thank you for being so nice!" Brian shook his head then brought the basket into 'Day care/School'. He knew the children would love all the fruit. Whatever was left would find its way into the break room. It was around three in the afternoon when Gus gently knocked on Brian's door. He let himself in when he heard the familiar grunt.

"Dad, I need to tell you something but I don't want to get anyone in trouble." It was evident by the look on Gus' face that whatever it was, was serious. Gus looked torn.

"Have a seat. Do you want some water?" Gus nodded and Brian got up for two bottles of water. He waited until Gus took a sip.

"You know you can tell me anything, Sonny Boy."

"I know, Pop. But right now I need you to be my boss and not my dad." Brian looked grim as he nodded, straightened his shoulders then took on the air of the arrogant formidable owner of one of Pittsburgh's hottest and most profitable businesses.

"Get to the point," Brian said curtly. Gus steadied himself. He had witnessed most of his father's moods but never as the head of Kinnetik. He took a deep breath and continued.

"I believe I'm the victim of sexual harassment, me and a couple of other interns."

Brian paled, this was serious. He had barely survived the Kip Thomas fiasco. It almost ruined his entire career.

"What makes you say that?" Brian tried to stay calm. As a father he wanted to tear whoever did this to his son apart. As a business owner he had to gather all the facts. "Gus, before you continue, I'd like you to choose a representative, someone you'd feel comfortable revealing this all to. I'd like that person here. Choose whomever you wish as long as it's not another intern. It has to be a fulltime Kinnetik employee." Gus understood and contemplated for a few moments. He considered Cynthia but then he felt a little embarrassed. Gus chose Ted. Brian picked up his phone to call in his CFO.

"You asked for me, Boss?" Teddy stated as he walked into the office.

"Ted, please take a seat. Gus has something to say and I need you to be a witness and I may need your advice." Ted looked a bit shocked but quickly sat down next to Gus. "Go on, Gus, whenever you're ready."

"I have to first tell you that everyone's been great to me and to the other interns. Most of them have worked here before and they all said how much fun it is and how much stuff they learned about the business. It's only been a few days but I think this is what I'd like to do when I grow up. We're all guys, except for Mary and she deals with Cynthia more so we don't talk to her as much. David is great. He's such a good artist; it's almost like talking to Justin. He sees everything in so many colors." Gus paused, he wasn't sure if anything was making sense.

"He's the kid I was telling you about, Bri. The art department wants him the minute he graduates," Ted interjected as Gus gathered his thoughts.

"Sean, he likes the word stuff, you know. He's not much of an artist but he comes up with these great lines." Brian knew Sean was quick. Some ads called for subtle, others warranted quick, in your face, expressions. Sean would make a great ad man one day.

"Then there's Trevor. He said this was his third time here, so I thought I could learn from him but, um, he's not what I thought he was." Gus and Ted could see the smoke begin to rise from Brian's ears. Mount Kinney was about to erupt at any moment and it wasn't going to be pretty.

"Gus," Ted started in hopes of warding off the storm, "can you explain it better for me. I'm not as perceptive as your dad."

Brian knew that was far from the truth. Ted was one of the smartest men Brian knew but he appreciated Ted's tactics.

"Trevor is smart and he's very good looking but I noticed he's always looking into stuff that he shouldn't and he says things that make me and David feel funny."

"I take it, you don't mean funny, ha ha, you mean funny, uncomfortable." Ted was trying to help get the facts clear. Gus nodded.

"I've heard him try his crap on Sean, but Sean has these fast comebacks and it frustrates Trevor so he stopped. It's like Sean is much more secure than I am so it doesn't bother him as much."

"Sean and Trevor will be graduating at the end of next semester, they both have a good five years on you. David just finished his first year, and he just turned eighteen. He's still a kid." Brian spoke softly and precisely. Ted was amazed that Brian knew so much about the kids; he was impressed. "Gus, I need you to tell me what Trevor did that made you uncomfortable."

"At first I thought it was guy stuff and that maybe I misunderstood but this morning when I was coming out of the restroom...I think he tried to…to, um…touch me." Gus turned scarlet and hung his head down. The experience scared him, and thrilled him in a weird way. Now, after saying the words he wasn't sure what he was feeling. Gus stood up.

"Maybe it's all a big mistake. I mean guys touch guys all the time and gay guys, well you and Justin touch and Ted and Allen and...I'm not so sure what I mean anymore." Gus was trying not to cry but he was getting himself all confused. Ted was surprised that Brian wasn't out the door already and killing Trevor.

Brian moved from behind his desk to stand in front of his son. "Gus, right now I'm not your boss, I'm your dad. What Trevor did, whatever his intent, was inappropriate. No one has the right to touch you in places that you don't want them to. No one. You're old enough to know what's a good touch and what's a bad touch so I'm not going into detail. If you don't like it or want it then it's bad and it certainly doesn't belong here. You have nothing to be ashamed of and you did the right thing coming to me. Shit like this happens sometimes and it hurts all of us. I had to learn that lesson the hard way and I won't stand for that kind of behavior in my shop."

Brian paused to hug his son. "I love you, Sonny Boy, and I'm very proud of you. You have guts; you've shown that to me today. Ted, call in Cynthia then get Bobby on the phone. I want to consult you all before we go any further." Ted went out to find Cynthia.

"Dad, could I have mistaken Trevor's meaning?"

"Did he ask you out or say something to indicate he's attracted to you in any way?"

"Not really. He's always pointing at some guy's ass or at the front of their pants. And he makes bad comments about some of the ladies here too. Then he tries to pretend it was all a joke. And then I thought I saw him going through people's desks. He just gives me the creeps."

"Did he actually touch you or just try?"

"He got real close like there wasn't enough room for me to get by. His hands were up in front of him then they were on my shoulders and traveling down fast. That's when I got out of there."

Brian hugged Gus closer. He remembered when he was a kid all those ads about 'the uh oh feeling' and the anti-drug campaign of 'just say no'. He never in a million years thought he'd ever relate to them. Now some bastard tried to molest his son. Shit, maybe Craig Taylor wasn't so far off the mark as he thought. Brian shuddered at that thought. He'd have to deal with that later; now he had more important things to deal with.

Ted and Cynthia entered Brian's office. Ted had quickly filled in Cynthia on the problem. Cynthia looked at Brian with a concerned expression. Brian shook his head.

"Gus," Cynthia began, "I want you to know that in those papers that I sent to you were rules of conduct that we hold the employees of Kinnetik to. We have zero tolerance regarding inappropriate behavior. Sexual harassment is on the top of the list. Schools send their kids to us and it's our job to protect them as well as educate them. I will not tolerate this and will prosecute if necessary."

"No, I...I don't want to get anyone in real trouble. I just want it to stop and I'm not sure if I did anything to...to..." Gus' eyes grew large. He had read all the pre-work stuff that Cynthia emailed him. He was so excited about his first real job that he practically memorized the whole packet.

"Lead him on?" Brian offered and Gus nodded. Gus was flattered that someone found him attractive but scared too. Brian had always used his looks to his advantage and he knew his behavior was far from exemplary.

"Brian, Bobby's on the line." Ted had called Bobby and had him on speaker.

"Bobby, I have Cynthia and Gus here with me, and Ted. We may have a situation and I can use your advice."

"I'm listening."

"At worst, Gus may be the victim of sexual harassment." Brian was doing his damnedest to keep his tone level. "At the very least, we have cause to think that one of our interns is behaving inappropriately. Either way, I want it stopped, but since no one else has come forward we have only Gus' word on this and very little other evidence."

"Gus' word is all I need," Bobby said emphatically, "however, it may not hold up in court." Gus let out a loud gasp. "Easy, little guy, that's just an expression. We have no intention of going anywhere with this other than getting the culprit to stop immediately and possibly issue an apology. This is what I recommend..."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I know we're all putting in very long hours trying to clean up before the long weekend and vacation time begins so this won't take long. But something has been brought to my attention that is very disturbing and may threaten our future." Brian had the entire staff in the conference room including the interns. "I'm talking about sexual harassment."

A few scattered giggles were heard amongst those in the room.

"Yeah, I know, Brian Kinney talking about sex, no big deal. But this isn't about me, it's about Kinnetik and Kinnetik is about all of you. Everyone here has a stake in what we've accomplished, what we've built and now Kinnetik is being threatened by someone in this room. I have received several emails and a few messages regarding a certain individual. I applaud those of you who have the guts to stand up for yourselves and I'd appreciate it if anyone else has had the same experience to let me or Cynthia know. I have been in contact with our attorney. Any evidence we have will be useful. I imagine you're all wondering why I'm saying this in front of all of you. Very simple. I want it to stop." Brian paused to look around the room. He let his gaze fall on Trevor several times and fixed him with his strongest death glare.

"I know who you are and you have some options. First, change your behavior. We all joke around but we keep it light. This is a business and I expect businesslike behavior. As part of your conditions of employment at Kinnetik you signed a 'rules of conduct' statement. Your behavior is in direct violation. Second, you have my permission to resign if you don't think you can change. Third, keep your job, apologize to whom you may have offended, change your behavior, and we can offer you counseling. We're a family and families help each other. We can get you that help." Brian looked at his watch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's almost quitting time so let's wrap it up for the day. Please consider carefully what I've said. I'm very proud of all of you; we're a very special family. Let's keep it that way."

The members of the Kinnetik family filed out of the conference room and went back to their desks. Very quietly, one by one, computers were logged off or shut down. Desks were straightened, supplies put away for the day, 'i's were dotted and 't's crossed.

Brian sat alone at his desk. He had Cynthia go home and Ted took Gus back to his apartment for a while. This was the most difficult day Brian had ever experienced at Kinnetik. He hoped he'd never have to go through something like this again. Brian checked his email one last time before shutting it all down. A few new emails were in his inbox.

"I was afraid to say anything but since you know about Trevor then I guess it's okay. Thank you, Mr. Kinney. Trevor didn't touch me but he said some things that made me feel very uncomfortable. He's a nice guy but sometimes he's not very nice.  Thank you again for speaking out."

"Trevor creeps me out. He's always pointing at someone's ass and saying lewd remarks. Thank you for stopping it."

A few more emails popped up all having similar sentiments. Brian forwarded the lot of them to his home PC then shut down his terminal. He grabbed his briefcase and prepared to go home.

"Mr. Kinney?" David stepped into the office.

"What can I do for you, David?"

"I just wanted to say thank you. Trevor came up to me and apologized. He said he didn't know that what he was doing was considered sexual harassment. He said when he hung out with some of his friends they'd all talk garbage but nobody cared. I was afraid to say something."

"I know, David. And thank you for coming forward. It was very brave of you." David beamed. "And I want you to know that you have impressed the art department. You have a job here with Kinnetik the minute you graduate from PIFA."


"Yes, really."

"Thank you! Wait till I tell my parents! Thank you, Mr. Kinney. Thank you so much."

"Hang on, let me walk you out. You need a ride home?" Brian and David walked out, shutting off the main lights. The night lighting was on and the cleaning crew was preparing to do their job. Brian nodded to the foreman.

"No sir, my car is right outside."

"Then I'll walk you to your car."

"I'm not a kid!" David protested.

"You're only a few years older than Gus and that makes you a kid. Besides it's a Kinnetik tradition. When I'm here, I walk the last one out to their car."



"Then who am I to argue with tradition. Good night, Mr. Kinney, and thanks again for everything." Brian watched the kid get into a Volkswagen and drive off.


After Gus and Brian got home the drama didn't end. They all had a pleasant dinner. John, Bobby and Patrick joined them. They all made small talk then after dinner, John took the little ones into his end of the cottage. JR was outside on the swing. Bobby, Brian, Gus and Justin went up into the attic office where they discussed the day's events and convinced Gus to tell his moms. Brian knew that if Melanie ever caught wind of it from some other source, there would be hell to pay.

Surprisingly it was Lindsay who almost lost it while Melanie remained calm and reasonable. Bobby explained that he was consulted and how the incident was handled. Melanie approved. It took a lot of reassurance but Lindsay was finally convinced that her baby boy was in no danger. They left Gus alone to speak to his mothers.

"Justin, I need to say something to you." They were in bed and Brian snuggled up against his lover.

"What is it?"

"I did molest you."

"Where the fuck is this coming from?" Justin couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Justin, you weren't more than two years older than Gus when I fucked you. I was thirty."

"Twenty-nine, and the circumstances were completely different."

"Not that much different."

"Yes they were. I was seventeen and on the prowl for a man. Sure I was half scared out of my mind but I knew what I wanted, and the minute I saw you, I knew who I wanted. What happened with Gus is completely different."

"But I should have known better. Your father is right about me."

"Brian I refuse to have this conversation with you. You are not and never have been a child molester. And you hate chickenhawks. I may have been barely legal but I wasn't a child. And I refuse to sleep with you if you think so little of me."

"What? I don't understand."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Of course not! You are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met."

"In that case I should be able to recognize a bad person. And you, Brian Kinney are not a bad person. You handled this whole thing admirably. I'm very proud of you and proud of Gus."

"He was very brave."

"Yes, he was. He takes after his father."


"Brian, I used to complain that you never talk, I take it back. You're talking too much. Now shut up and kiss me. I love you Brian Kinney and that's all you need to know."

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