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I got back into town after being away for a month and went to meet the guys at the diner. It's weird that I haven't been able to get Justin out of my head, but he was different from the usual. I walk in and for once Michael didn’t act like I'd been gone forever. Even Ted was acting different. Instead of avoiding looking at guys, he was smiling at them. At least Emmett was being Emmett.



“Hey, back in town?” Deb asks me.



“I got the account, no reason to stay,” I tell her. 



I kiss her on the cheek and slide in next to Michael. He smiled but ignored me, talking to Emmett. 



“We should go, it beats hanging out all night in Babylon,” Michael tells him. 



“He said that the house he rented has a bunch of rooms, he even offered to send us tickets. It might be fun to go,” Emmett tells him. 



“I'm due a vacation, so I say we go,” Ted tells them. 



“Where are you guys going?” I ask them.



“A new friend we meet a month ago invited us to vacation with him. It's sounds like fun, so we were making plans to go,” Michael tells me. 



“It's a good time if you want to go Ted,” I tell him.



“He did say there were guys everywhere,” Emmett tells Ted, excited.



“Who?” I ask him. 



“Jen introduced us to her son. He only stayed long enough to pick up his sister but he seemed really nice. I've been calling him to keep in touch, we became friends. He was getting bored and told us he'd pay for us to come and save him from the women,” Emmett tells me. 



“We all think getting away from here would be a nice change of pace,” Michael tells me. 



“It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that he's gorgeous,” Ted tells him dryly.



“I doubt he's interested in me, he kissed you,” Michael pouts.



“He wanted me to see that I wasn’t a troll,” Ted tells him. 



“We've been telling you that for years, guess we should have just laid one on you,” Emmett tells him. 



“Where are you going?” I ask, because I can't imagine kissing Ted.   



“He's in Destin, Florida. He sent pictures of the beach and said there was a beach where we could go west of him if we wanted less people around. He's been exploring the area, but said it would be nice to have someone less girly around,” Michael tells me. 



“He thinks Emmett’s less girly?” I ask, kidding.



“We're tired of the bullshit here. It would be nice to get away from it all for a while,” Emmett tells me.



It just reminds me of Justin saying he needed a change from the world he lived in. Why am I still thinking of him when it was supposed to be just fun? I could offer to go with them, just to get my mind off those blue eyes.



“Think he would mind if I tagged along?” I ask, because change sounds good.



“As long as you don’t fuck him and treat him like shit afterwards,” Michael tells me.



“He would probably take one look at Brian and walk away because he has a level head on his shoulders, not like the idiots who think they will be the one to change Brian Kinney,” Emmett tells us.



Emmett dials his phone. “Hey Baby, you mind if we bring a friend with us?… He just got back into town and we told him about visiting with you… He’s okay, but he’ll probably pull the usual and run off with any available ass, so it’s not like we’ll see him much… Okay, then we’ll see you in a couple of days,” Emmett tells him, hanging up.



“So he doesn’t mind?” Ted asks Emmett.



“He said it was fine, he’s been trying to forget some guy. I think it was an ex, but I haven’t really asked. So, Florida here we come,” Emmett squeals.



I get up and leave before I say something to Emmett about how I act. I just haven’t found what I’m looking for, but that’s not how they see it. Michael comes running out and catches up to me.



“Brian, don’t take it the way it sounded,” He tells me.



“It sounded like my friends think I’m a shallow asshole,” I tell him.



“You don’t help them view you differently, so you can’t expect them to see what I do,” He tells me, smiling at me with damn stars in his eyes.



“I’m not going to be what you want,” I tell him.



“I know and I think it’s time for me to stop pretending that you will. I want to see if there’s a possibility with this new guy. He didn’t act interested but his mother told me he never does, so not to give up, because he’s worth trying for,” Michael tells me.



“Just stop trying to change to make them happy and show them the real you. It might get better results,” I tell him.



“He’s the first guy I’ve meet that I didn’t compare to you,” He tells me.



“Then hopefully you’ll get what you want,” I tell him.



“Even if I don’t, it’s nice that for once I could look at a guy and not think they couldn’t be you for me,” He tells me.



“What’s his name?” I ask, because I realized they never used one.



“Justin Taylor.” He tells me, walking away.



Shit, this isn’t going to end well.






Do you know what the beach is? It’s sand and shitty water that seems to get up your nose and in your ears. I was at the hospital because my ear was infected from the water that stayed in it. The doctor was asking me about everything but my ear.



“Is there a chance you could be pregnant?” He asks me.



“No. Well, I don’t think so. I kind of had a one night stand and realized that one condom for three times wasn’t a wise move, but I don’t think I got pregnant. It’s not like it’s that easy, right?” I ask him.



“I have a list of patients who could tell you it is. We need to make sure because the antibiotics I want to prescribe could harm a fetus,” He tells me.



He gets out a needle to draw blood. I turned because needles going in bother me if I look. After that he told me to wait while he had the results checked. Seriously, it would be my luck to get knocked up without even trying. 



“Justin, you’re pregnant,” Was all I heard before passing out.



Waking up, I looked around and see the doctor talking to Daphne and hope maybe I misheard him. I want a baby someday, but when I have a relationship, not from a guy who I’ll probably never see again. Daphne turns to look at me, shaking her head.



“Even I know you don’t use a condom more than once. You better be glad that so far everything is coming out clean. Who the hell knocked you up?” She asks me.



“It could only be the guy from the show, I never bottom for people,” I tell her.



“Are you going to tell him?” She asks me.



“I don’t even know him at all, I doubt he wants a kid from a one night stand. I can take care of my baby,” I tell her.



“I’ll be there to help and so will Molly, so I guess we’re happy about this right?” She asks me.



“I was planning to have a baby one day, so it’s just earlier than I expected,” I tell her.



“Are we going to tell anyone?” She asks me.



“Not now. Terry would kill his friend, and Mom would be disappointed that I wasn’t in a relationship. I don’t really know the guys that well, so I think until I’m further along let’s just keep it between us,” I tell her.



“I have some prescriptions for you that won’t hurt the baby. I also prescribed the vitamins you need for the baby. You need to start looking for a prenatal doctor. There’s one in the next town who only sees men. I can give you the card to call him,” The doctor tells me.



I planned to spend five more months here, but maybe I’ll stay long enough to have the baby. I’m really happy, but should I see if Terry could find Brian? Just because I should let him know. I don’t expect anything from him. 



“Daphne, don’t let it slip when the guys get here. They might tell my mom,” I tell her.



“I promise, but you are going to take better care of yourself. Pizza is not a food group,” She tells me.



“I never really liked it all that much before, but maybe the baby does,” I tell her.



Which would explain why I’ve been ordering pizza three times a day, because I used to hate when everyone wanted pizza all the time. 



We go to get my prescriptions and I needed to lay down because the ear infection has been a pain in the ass. Daphne tells me to stay in bed the next day and she and Molly would pick up the guys for me. It sounded great because I was still feeling like my ear was throbbing. 



It’s so strange that now that I know it feels like I can feel the baby. I ran my hand down my flat stomach and smiled, because hey, I’m going to have a baby to give everything to. I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up to hear people down stairs. I turned to my back and looked up at my favorite painting hang up there.



“So, I guess we meet again,” I hear, and look to see Brian sitting in a chair across the room, holding my prescription in his hand.






I spent the next couple days trying to figure out how to get Justin to act like we didn’t know each other. Michael seems to be picturing they will see each other and Justin will suddenly see him as ‘the one’. I just see disappointment headed his way. I could be wrong, but Justin seemed like he didn’t like people who kissed his ass, and Michael would if he thought it would get him somewhere. I promised myself not to try to pick up where we left off, but something happened when I was leaving that morning and I have a feeling I won’t be able to resist him.



I was glad that he didn’t meet us at the airport because I needed us to talk about how we would handle everything. Daphne was telling us that Justin got an ear infection and she wanted him to rest so he would be ready to entertain us. We got to the house and she showed everyone to their rooms, then told them lunch was waiting when they were ready. I waited till the guys headed down the stairs to go look for Justin. 



I found him asleep and stared at him. He looks so young when he’s asleep. I noticed the bottles next to the bed and was about to wake him when I picked up one and read ‘Prenatal Vitamins’. Picking it up, I sat across the room from him and stared at them. Is it mine? Only one way to find out. I waited for him to wake up and almost laugh when I look up to see he nailed his painting above his bed again. I looked at his stomach and smiled because if it’s mine, he’s never getting away from me. Then again, if it isn’t I don’t really see a problem with helping him. I kept from insisting Terry give me his number because I wasn’t sure why I wanted it. Now, seeing him again, I know it’s because I found what I’ve been looking for all my life, him. Let’s just hope he doesn’t think it’s crazy to know after only one night.


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