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High School Reunion

Chapter 5

* * *

“Fuck, Brian!” Justin gasped as his orgasm ripped through him.

“Yeah,” Brian agreed hoping his dick was still in one piece and the top of his head hadn’t blown off. Their chair sex was the absolute definition of mind blowing.

Justin clung to Brian, his arms coiled around Brian’s neck and his legs wrapped around Brian and the computer chair. His head lolled on Brian’s shoulder as he fought for clarity. He moaned as he felt Brian’s cock slip out of him. It always left such a void.

“I know,” Brian whispered in Justin’s ear. He felt the same way when they separated, and he also knew that Justin would be returning to New York in only one more day. The thought made him hold on tight to his lover.

“How am I going to get through the next weeks without you?” Justin asked breathlessly.

“You will. You’re a survivor.”

“Will you miss me?”

“Maybe a smidge,” Brian said, not wanting to get too maudlin.

“Asshole,” Justin cooed, his mouth against Brian’s ear. “You know you love me and you’ll miss me like crazy.”

“I’ll see you next weekend,” Brian said smugly.

“What? You’re coming to New York?”

Brian nodded. “I couldn’t have you pining away for me all by your widdle self in the big, bad city.”

“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Justin gushed kissing all over Brian’s face.

“Okay, okay,” Brian laughed. “I get it. You love me.”

“Yes I do.”

“Now can we get this fucking reunion crap organized?” Brian demanded.

“Sure, but why is your picture on the website?” Justin asked turning his attention back to the computer screen.

“Check underneath the picture,” Brian advised.

“Every day since this site was created we have featured different graduates on the homepage,” Justin read. “We have spaced them out over the available time so that everyone will get their fifteen minutes of fame.”

“And the portrait of yours truly just happened to be up there when I logged on,” Brian stated.

“What are the odds of that?”

“About a hundred and twenty to one based on the size of my graduating class fifteen years ago,” Brian surmised.

“Wow! You are lucky.”

“Lucky? You call it lucky being faced with that.” Brian gestured to the geeky picture from his high school yearbook.

Justin burst out laughing. “It’s not that bad.”

“Yes it is.”

“Okay, it’s bad,” Justin admitted. He still sat on Brian’s lap, naked, as he scrolled down the page. He found the link for registering and clicked on it. “They have a form they want you to fill out.”

“What the fuck for?” Brian asked peering around Justin to look at what was on the screen.

“I think it’s just background information. They want to know what you’re doing now and how you turned out.”

“I thought that’s why we were going to this fucking reunion, so they could find out how I turned out,” Brian snarked.

“Come on, let’s fill it out together,” Justin said leaning into Brian and rubbing his cheek against Brian’s, and his other cheek against Brian’s groin.

“You don’t play fair.”

“I didn’t think there was a rule that said I had to,” Justin laughed.

“Twat! If we’re going to fill this out, I need a drink of something stronger than coffee,” Brian said, giving Justin a gentle shove to get him off his lap. Brian strolled across the loft, naked.

Justin’s eyes followed him hungrily. “It’s not even five o’clock,” Justin ventured.

“As the saying goes, I’m sure it’s five o’clock somewhere in the world. And who the fuck cares anyway?”

“Then bring me some too,” Justin replied, as he sat in Brian’s computer chair waiting for his lover to return.

Brian grabbed two glasses off the bar cart and a fresh bottle of Beam. He carried them back to the computer desk. “Should I get you a chair?” he said when Justin showed no sign of moving.

“I like where I was sitting before,” Justin grinned.

“Up!” Brian ordered, before Justin vacated his spot. Brian sat down and Justin deposited his butt on Brian’s lap, giving a wiggle for good measure. Brian groaned, “Stop that or we’ll never get this fucking thing done.”

“There’s no rule about having to fill it out in one sitting, is there?” Justin asked as he slid his ass over Brian’s lap in a most suggestive manner.

“What’s with you and rules today?”

“I’m anti rules in case you haven’t figured that out,” Justin corrected.

Brian’s eyebrow arched, but he didn’t comment. “Okay, what the fuck do we have to do with this thing?”

“Full name,” Justin read.

“They know my full name and address,” Brian bellowed. “They sent me the fucking invitation, didn’t they?”

“Yes, I know,” Justin replied in his most soothing voice. “I’ll type; you dictate.” Justin shifted around so he could use the keyboard more efficiently. “Okay, start dictating.”

“Brian A. Kinney,” Brian mumbled.

“Say again.”

“Brian A. Kinney,” Brian repeated more forcefully.

Justin typed it in the required space. “Shouldn’t you use your whole middle name instead of just the initial?”

“No, I shouldn’t.”

“I don’t think you ever told me what the “A” stands for,” Justin said innocently, or as innocently as he could make it sound.

“I never have,” Brian replied. “And that’s the way I like it.” He took a big drink of his Beam, polishing off the glass. He promptly poured himself another.

“Come on, Brian. Tell me what it stands for,” Justin wheedled.

Brian sighed dramatically. “If I have to…”

“You have to,” Justin said quickly.


“I’m not an asshole.”

“No, it stands for asshole.”

“It does not!”

“Why did you ask me what it stands for, if you refuse to believe me when I tell you?”

“Because I know that’s not what it stands for,” Justin said adamantly. “Even your mother wouldn’t do that to a child.”

“Aren’t you the knowledgeable one!” Brian said sarcastically.

“This should be the easy part to fill out,” Justin griped. “What’s going to happen when we get to the difficult questions like ‘Hobbies’?”

“Hobbies? Fucking hobbies?”

“Yes, hobbies.”

“The ‘A’ is just an ‘A’,” Brian stated changing the subject.


“It’s just ‘A’. It doesn’t stand for anything.”


“’A’ like the ‘J’ in Michael J. Fox.”

“You’re shitting me, right?” Justin asked.

“Do I look like I’m shitting you?” Brian asked with a cloud of anger clearly reflected in his eyes.

“Okaaay! Moving right along. Address.”

“Surely you can fill that in. You live here.”


Brian glared at Justin who typed away. pretending to be oblivious to Brian’s comment. Brian finished his glass of Beam and poured another. He also topped up Justin’s.

“Job?” Justin asked.


Justin laughed. “What job do you have?”

“I don’t have a job. I have a career,” Brian corrected.

“What do you want me to put in here?”

“Fucking best advertising executive in the world.”

“I can’t put that,” Justin protested.

“Why not?” Brian asked smugly.

Justin frowned but he typed it in anyway, fully intending to change it later. “Married?” Justin asked wondering how Brian would answer that.

“Yes, I have a ball and chain.”

“Is … is that what you consider me to be?”

“Who said I was referring to you?”

Justin turned with a sharp intake of breath and looked into Brian’s eyes. Brian could see the hurt in the blue ones that stared at him.

“Okay,” Brian backtracked. “It is you, and I don’t think you’re a ball and chain. I just said that to be funny.”

“Is that an apology?”

“As close as you’re going to get,” Brian admitted before taking a nip at Justin’s shoulder.

“Stop that,” Justin laughed. “We have more to do.” He took a big drink of his Beam.

Brian promptly refilled Justin’s glass and his own. “Put in ball and chain. They can figure out what it means when we get there,” Brian ordered.

Justin typed obediently wondering if this would ever get sent, and how much editing he would have to do before they could possibly send it off.

“Kids,” Justin read next.

“One,” Brian said and Justin typed. He noted there was no joke about Gus.

“What have you been doing since high school?” Justin read.

“Screwing around, university, screwing around, advertising, screwing around,” Brian rhymed off.

“Does it need to be in that order?” Justin giggled as he typed. He took another drink of the Beam when he was finished.

“Of course.”

“Interests and Hobbies?”

“Fucking, clubbing, fucking, drinking, fucking, the baths, fucking.”

Justin laughed as he typed. “I see a trend developing here. What about photography?”

“Right, add it and another fucking, and pornography and another fucking after that.”

“Got it,” Justin chuckled. He took another drink and Brian refilled his glass.

“Furthest you’ve travelled?” Justin read.

“Ibiza,” Brian said flatly.


“Ibiza,” Brian repeated in a voice that clearly said that was what he wanted in that space, so Justin typed it. “Are we done yet?” Brian asked as he drank some more Beam.

“Not quite,” Justin replied. “Fondest memory from high school?” Justin read from the screen.

Brian opened his mouth and then closed it abruptly.

“You don’t have one, do you?” Justin asked. “I don’t either. My prom might have been, but I … don’t remember it.”

Brian gave Justin a little squeeze when he said that, and he felt Justin sigh. So much had been stolen from them that night.

“Slamming Buck Hansen’s hand in his locker door,” Brian stated.


“That’s my favorite memory.”

“But you don’t want to put that, do you?”

“Yes, I do,” Brian said again, and forcefully.

“Okay,” Justin whispered and he typed it in.


“One more thing,” Justin informed him.

“What’s that?”

“They want to know your favorite saying or mantra to live by.”

“No apologies, no regrets,” Brian replied without a second thought.

Justin smiled. “Now, that one’s true.” He typed eagerly. “You can pay for all the events with a credit card,” Justin added as he looked at the bottom of the screen.

“Use the one in the desk drawer,” Brian said.

“What do you want to go to? The luncheon, the dinner?”

“Just pay for it all … for two,” Brian stated.

Justin smiled and typed in the information. “We’re done, but I should check it over.” He knew he wanted to change some of the answers so that Brian didn’t sound so much like the asshole he had claimed for his middle name.

“Why bother?” Brian asked reaching around Justin and hitting “send”.


“Sh, it’s time to fuck,” Brian said setting down his glass. “Reward for spewing all that bullshit for the edification of homophobic bigots who won’t give a shit about it anyway.”

“’Kay,” Justin grinned as he stood up.

They headed for the bedroom.

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