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I woke up from a sound sleep and suddenly realized who I'd been sniffing. Shit, how did I forget him? I got up and checked on Callie, but couldn't go back to sleep. My husband is in Pittsburgh? This is what I get for trying to pretend it doesn't matter. Normally I'd tell Daphne, but she's most likely sleeping. I walk out to the balcony and stare out at the city. 


“How the hell am I supposed to find you?” I whispered. 


Here's the problem with my husband, I don't really know him, so I made up this great life in my head. It gave me something to do at night. Now the reality is going to ruin the fantasy. 


I heard someone talking on the phone below me, and I'll admit I eavesdropped, it was just he starting talking about after cancer. I'm a doctor, with a lot of opinions on the subject. 


“Ted, it's just everything tastes like shit lately. I do eat, but it's hard when even bread taste like cardboard.”


“Thai is killing me after, which sucks because it still tastes good. Look, worry about Blake and remind me to tell you about Lindsay, because I'm not getting trapped in her schemes. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.” 


Which gave me an idea that could help him. Part of the reason Thai most likely tastes good is they are heavy garlic users. I check to see if the ingredients are in the kitchen. Grabbing a Dutch oven pot, I crush eight cloves of garlic and put olive oil in the pot to heat. When the oil was hot I added the garlic, which just stinks up the room, but it’s necessary. Throwing ground chicken and ground up mild Italian sausage which means stirring until my arm screams, but I need the pieces to separate. I would make chicken stock, but we had some so after the meat was done I pour in the whole carton, added potatoes and mushrooms then poured in the heavy whipping cream. I had an hour before it was ready and hopefully the guy will still be up. When the potatoes were done, I grabbed a lidded container and filled it up, leaving some for Callie for tomorrow because she loves this.


Now how to get it to him without him thinking I was sort of eavesdropping. I wrote a note and did the whole knock and run thing. Most of my patients in Africa liked it because it was hearty and easy on digestion when they were sick. I hope it helps him, at least I'm not going stir crazy about my screwed up marriage. I grabbed a bowl and wondered if he got it. I could check later.




After getting off the phone with Mother Ted, it really bothered me that nothing was appetizing, it’s been months and I still don’t like most foods that usually I eat. It’s been great that the family never seems to think I eat, so when I wasn’t, no one seemed very surprised. 


The smell of garlic cooking came through the window, it’s one of the things that I still like, but unfortunately I’m not really good at cooking anything that doesn’t come from one of the menus in my drawer. The other thing I hate is the fact that I can’t sleep without nightmares, but I never really slept a lot anyway. Whatever the person upstairs was cooking really smelled good and I almost went upstairs to see, but I really didn’t want my new lawyer looking at me like I was a lunatic. I checked Gus and he wasn’t breaking out all over, but the doctor told me when I called him back that Gus had the immunization so it should be a really mild case. I wish he hadn’t had to get even the mild case, he was miserable before he went to bed. 


‘What the hell is Lindsay trying to pull with me?’ kept running through my head, because Mel and I have actually been able to deal with each other when it comes to Gus, and I want to keep it that way. I’ve loved having my sonny boy with me the last few weeks, without having Lindsay show up telling me all the things that she thinks I’m doing wrong. This latest dilemma is one mess she is entirely on her own for, all I care about is Gus. 


When my phone rings I almost yell at Ted I was fine, but he’s only doing this because, and I can’t believe this myself, he cares.


“Brian, Kelly at Eyeconics called me to invite us to a charity event for Doctors Without Borders. Apparently she wants to fly your husband in for the event, what the hell am I supposed to tell her? Since you may be married but you and hubby don’t fucking know each other.” Poor Theodore is on the verge of a meltdown.


“Did I forget to mention that hubby is somewhere in Pittsburgh?” I tell him, waiting for his next meltdown.


“That could be great because then we could convince him to do you this favor, you know, for a divorce.” He tells me.


“One problem, he didn’t exactly recognize me.” I tell him, and really, is it necessary to hyperventilate over this?


“Brian we need to find him, because Kelly isn’t going to fall for ‘he’s busy’ again. She likes that you seem to be in a stable relationship.” He tells me.


“Look, when I find him, hopefully he’ll agree to help since it was the organization he was working with, until then, let me deal with Kelly.” I tell him, because Ted under pressure is like Emmett with gossip, they both blow eventually.   


I go to the door when someone knocks, no one was there but there was a container on the ground with an envelope. Picking it up and in the container it looked like soup. Placing it on the counter, I remember Ted. “Help me figure out how to tell a hormonal Mel that Lindsay’s exploration into the hetero world left a present, night.” I hang up to Ted probably going into convulsions, but when I opened the note and the container I was too busy looking for a spoon. 


For the first time in months something tasted good and seemed to want to stay where I put it. I looked at the note and now all I need to do is figure out where he disappeared to, which tasting the garlic in this gave me a clue. 


“This was something that worked for children who couldn’t handle heavy seasonings. It should at least stay down. 



J. Taylor, MD.”


What the hell were the chances that it would be this easy. I look for my phone and dial Andrew.


“Hey Brian, look I’ll get to the contract in the morning, my wife just had a baby.” He tells me.


“So you're not upstairs?” I ask him.


“No, but my wife’s best friend is staying with us. He’s got our daughter right now.” He tells me.


“I was going to at least meet you guys, but I could go introduce myself, just so if he needs anything he knows where to find me.” I tell him.


“Justin’s with our daughter, but I’m sure he’s bored. He took her home and said they were going to nap. Justin’s a bit of a night owl so he’ll probably welcome the company.” Isn’t my lawyer just helpful.


I finish a bowl and decide to go upstairs and surprise my long lost husband, and I would have if Michael wasn’t standing there looking at me like I’m a murderer when I open my door.


“I can’t believe you guys were just letting Gus run around sick and not thinking of Ben and Jenny.” He tells me.


“Since we didn’t know Gus was sick because the symptoms just started, you need to calm down, it wasn’t like we were trying to hurt your precious little family.” I tell him.


“I expect everyone to understand that Gus can’t be around any of us until there is a doctor to clear him, and definitely not the blond shithead who acted like he was the authority on everything.” I slam my door shut in his face. Ever since he gave Mel sperm, it’s like he thinks he knows everything about being a father. Well wait until Jenny get’s sick, then he’s going to realize how little he knows.


At that point, I didn’t want to bring my shitty mood upstairs. I grabbed another bowl and dug in because so far it’s the best thing I’ve had in awhile. 


My phone rings again and I see it’s Lindsay, just wanting to add more shit on the pile, so I didn’t bother to answer her. A text came through from Andrew telling me to call Justin, and he even supplied the number. I sit for a second debating if I want to hear his voice for the first time face to face or over the phone. With Gus here, the phone would have to do.


“Hello?” Justin answers.


“Hi, I was talking to Andrew and he mentioned you were in the apartment. I’m Brian Kinney, his boss and landlord, and apparently your new patient if the soup was from you.” I tell him.


“Yeah, sorry I kind of overheard you talking and when I was out of the country, it was an easy thing to make for my patients. I could make like gallons in no time. I hope it helped you?” He tells me, and really do people like him exist?


“It tasted like it smelled when you cooked it. Thanks.” Hell, I sound so not me.


“The garlic is really strong and is actually good for cancer patients, but depending on how you feel about the carbs, it’s just something easy. I usually add smoked Gouda to it but that might have been too much if you haven’t been eating a lot lately, and I am so sorry that you now know that I overheard you.” He tells me.


“It got me something that actually tasted good and seems to be staying down, so overhear all you want.” I tell him.


“That’s what a doctor likes to hear, that the patient is eating well.” He tells me laughing.


“So the MD was for doctor?” I ask, because well, maybe he’ll keep talking, it’s relaxing for once.


“Yep, I made my father so proud with that one, probably the only time in recent years.” He tells me.


“Why would your father not be proud, you’re every mom’s dream husband?” I ask him.


“God, I hope you aren’t homophobic, because if you are we should like end this before it becomes awkward.” He tells me.


“Kind of hard, when I’m probably the happiest gay man on the planet.” I tell him.


“Well that’s exactly my father’s problem, he pretends that I’m not. Which I probably made easier by leaving the country, you know, see no evil. Shit, sorry for talking so much, but you're the first adult I’ve talked to that isn't my best friend.” He tells me, and I can almost hear the smile.


“Makes it hard to date if you don’t talk to adults.” I tell him.


“Tell me about it, but then I guess I should worry more about the husband I somehow got.” Okay I’ll admit I had to bite my tongue because I felt like Emmett right at this moment.


“Bad marriage?” Really how bad could it be, I let him go away for five years, not that we really discussed much but whether the shower was big enough for two that night.


“No, but then I don’t really remember how it happened and somehow don’t really remember his name. Although things are looking up, because I realized tonight that I saw him while I was at the hospital. So at least until I can get a copy of the marriage license, I can go all stalker detective looking for a tall gorgeous Armani wearing hunk. The best part, at least in my eyes, is that even drunk I managed to land a fifteen.” I really wanted him to keep laughing but I was also getting sleepy for the first time.


“What happens when you find him?” I ask around my yawn.


“I can hear my soup is doing the trick. I guess we need to figure out how to get a divorce.” He tells me, and I’m really not excited that he’s thinking we should, but then I never meant to marry him, so why am I now trying to think up arguments for not getting divorced.


“What if he doesn’t want one?” Jesus, I need to stop talking.


“Why wouldn’t he, we met, got married and he left without really giving me a way to contact him? Well, I think he tried, but there was a bit of a water accident with the note he left, then the license got covered in ink, and did I forget to mention that I’m the biggest procrastinator on the planet. Man, this afternoon when I was checking on this adorable kid, I actually walked right by him and didn’t realize it. I’m sure he’ll just love to hear that, although he should have been burned in my brain, it took me a few hours to remember him. Now I’m imagining all sorts of ways to say hello to him, and on that note, get some sleep, doctor’s orders.” He tells me hanging up.


I look down and my husband just gave me a woody. Which has been hit and miss lately, but apparently I hit it today. Which was the last thing I remembered because I feel asleep dreaming of the wedding.






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