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It took a few weeks for Lindsay to call and tell me it was time to get everything done. When I walked in with my lawyer, Nancy, I know Lindsay wasn’t expecting it. Nancy told me that anything they asked to wait for her to nod before answering. Nancy introduced herself and me to Sam’s lawyer, Malcolm.


“Michael why did you bring a lawyer? Sam’s could explain anything you didn’t understand.” Lindsay tells me.


“I’m here to make sure Mr. Novotny doesn’t sign anything without counsel.” Nancy tells her. 


“Michael already knows what we were doing.” Lindsay tells her.


“Why the hell does it matter if he brought someone Lindsay?” Sam asks her.


“I just don’t understand why he felt the need, when we already agreed about this.” She tells him.


“Can I see the what your asking my client to sign?” She asks Malcolm.


We sat down while she went over the documents, I watched as she wrote notes while going through the paperwork. When she was done she looked to Sam’s lawyer.


“In giving up their rights to the babies I don’t see why there is a clause saying that Mr. Novotny has to inform them of anything in regards to the children.” She asks.


“Why would we care what he does with the kids?” Sam asked, looking at Lindsay and Malcolm


“Ms. Peterson asked to have it put in there.” Malcolm told him.


“Lindsay, we aren’t going to have time to worry about Michael and the kids. Just take that out, since there’s no reason for it.” Sam tells Malcolm.


“Mr Novotny also isn’t requesting payment for the children, so we don’t need that in here either. It’s too close to the idea that Mr Novotny was paid to take the children, when you both are signing away all your rights to them because you feel Mr Novotny could take care of them without help. Also, why is there a clause that Ms Peterson can request to have the children at her discretion?” Nancy asks them.


“Malcolm, care to answer that?” Sam asks, not looking happy.


“Sam, she wanted these things in the documents.” Malcolm told him.


“Which, when you give up your rights to your children means exactly that, you no longer get to dictate what happens in their lives. It sounds as if Ms Peterson doesn’t want to give up her children, and if that’s true maybe the parents need to reconsider, because once Mr Novotny signs anything, the children are his to do with as he wishes.” Nancy tell them.


“If Ms Peterson feels that way then I don’t see any reason to go any further with our plans.” Sam tells Lindsay.


“Sam, I just wanted to know about our children. It’s not like I expected us to take them.” She tells him.


“The way this reads, it sounds as if Mr. Novotny would be expected to allow you complete access to the children that he will be sole guardian over. My client was under the impression that once you gave birth you would no longer be a part of the children’s lives in any capacity.” Nancy tell them.


“Michael and I will always be friends, so eventually I will see him, and I hope, my children.” Lindsay tells us.


“They wouldn’t be yours anymore. Are you sure you want to give them up Ms Peterson, because this last part where you're requesting that Mr. Novotny would give custody back if he decided that he couldn’t take care of the children, sounds to me like you don’t want this.” Nancy tells her.


“Lindsay, if you want the babies then there’s no reason for us to get married.” Sam tells her.


“I told you I didn’t, but Sam, I would rather us be able to place them than make Michael have to take on that responsibility.” She tells him.


“Why? I already told you, once you have them we have no reason to bother with them ever again.” He tells her.


“It’s fine, I know Michael understands exactly what I want.” She tells Malcolm.


“Give me a minute to take out those sections, and are you sure about not receiving funds from Mr. Auerbach?” He asks Nancy and me.


“It’s more along the lines of support and we don’t want to muddy the waters with the idea that two parents who are giving up any rights, have been supporting the children. There are too many cases where the father or mother gave up their rights but the other parents were still asking for money. I just don’t feel my client needs that kind of issue to pop up if either of your clients suddenly want the children back.” She tells him. I nod in agreement.


I got up to go to the bathroom while Malcolm went to change the paperwork. All I could think was that I would have just signed without realizing what Lindsay put in that contract. Sam walked in while I was washing my hands. 


“I don’t want the kids, but I do want Lindsay. Do me a favor and hang up if she calls you. With time, I’ll have her so busy with my life that she won’t care any more about these kids or that other one.” He tells me, making me want to puke at the way he views the kids.


“Why didn’t you prevent them in the first place?” I ask.


“I thought I did, but there were a few times when we weren’t thinking.” He tells me.


“That’s how you get children.” I tell him.


“I’m a selfish prick who only cares for what I want, I don’t make excuses for it, it’s a fact. Lindsay knows that and she seems to love that about me. At least I’m not trying to drag kids into a life where they aren’t wanted, give me that much credit.” He tells me.


“I’ll give you some advice on the woman you're marrying, make sure you can't have any more, because if she can, you might become a father again, only I won’t be there to take care of the next Auerbach mistake.” I tell him.


“Not to worry, that was something your friend suggested, and I’m seeing the merit in the idea. That way I won’t end up with surprise babies from anyone else.” He tells me, washing his hands.


When we walked out I could see Lindsay was frustrated that she couldn’t get me alone, but I made myself the promise that I wasn’t going to fall into any of her shit. Nancy was waiting at the doorway for me to get back. At first, when Warren told Nancy not to let Lindsay see me alone I wanted to tell them that I could handle it, but Warren reminded me that I played fiance to Lindsay when I should have realized that no one would believe it. 


When the new documents came back in the room. Nancy went back through and reread it to make sure there weren’t any more things that she didn’t want in there. She looked up at Lindsay and Malcolm.


“I thought we already said ‘no’ to any form of payment.” She tells them.


“We did, why are you asking?” Sam tells her, looking unhappy at Lindsay.


“Sam, I just wanted Michael not to have to worry about how to pay for his house. I had Malcolm add that you would pay off the mortgage.” Lindsay tells him.


“Which I can do without it being put in the agreement. Can we get the changes they want done, so we can get out of here?” Sam tells Malcolm, who I think was prepared for this.


This time Nancy finished and handed me the pen to sign. While I was, she was asking Sam and Lindsay when the babies were due.


“The doctor told us they could deliver them next month.” Lindsay tells us, staring at the papers she needed to sign.


“Lindsay, we need to go, so can you sign the shit.” Sam tells her.


Lindsay signed the paperwork and shoved them to Malcolm. When we were leaving, Sam asked me to stay for a minute and told everyone to leave. 


“Michael, I already had your house paid off, not as payment for doing this, but as a thank you for doing what I can’t for the kids.” He tells me.


I couldn’t lie to him. “I plan to give the babies to the people Brian and Warren told you about.” I tell him.


“As long as they have a good life and you always look out for them, then I’ll make sure Lindsay doesn’t cause any problems.” He tell me.


“How could you still want her when you seem to know what kind of person she is?” I ask him.


“Michael, love isn’t rational, it just is. Sometimes you love a person that causes everyone to think that you're nuts to put up with that person, but like I said, there’s nothing rational about it. Of course I tend to fall in love at the drop of hat sometimes, so maybe people are really talking about me.” He tells me.


“Good luck with her. You need to make sure she doesn’t try to give Mel shit about Gus. Just like these babies, Gus needs a stable home, and Mel is going to give it to him.” I tell him.


“That’s where we are headed next, I already called Mel to tell her to have anything Lindsay needs to sign done. We are going to stay in New York until she has the kids, and I have a ticket for you and two others to come and get the children. I plan to take Lindsay to my place in Paris after she delivers so she won’t be here to cause problems. Tell Ted and Blake to love the kids for both of us.” He whispered the last part before opening the door and walking out.


“Anything I need to know?” Lindsay asks him.


“Not a thing darling, just letting Michael know where to come to get these babies.” Sam tells her, taking her arm and pulling her away from me. 




Brian and I sat waiting for Sam and Lindsay to show up. I was really surprised by Sam’s call and when he asked that Brian be at my office too, I didn’t know what was going to happen. Lindsay arrived looking unhappy, but trying to pretend that she was thrilled to be on Sam’s arm. Brian was on the phone with Justin and ignoring her.


“Brian and I are here, what did you need Sam?” I asked.


“I felt with Lindsay and I staying in New York for the next month that it was time to get everything settled in Lindsay’s life.” He tells me.


“I thought she was giving Michael the kids?” Brian tells him, hanging up the phone.


“We took care of that this morning, I’m here about Gus.” Lindsay tells us.


“I’m not going to say yes to you taking Gus in New York when you can’t take care of him, especially while being in the last month of pregnancy.” I tell her.


“Lindsay and I already talked about that not being a good idea. What we came to talk about was that Lindsay wanted to make sure that Gus was taken care of while she can't be here.” Sam tells me. 


“So what did you and Lindsay decide?” I ask. 


“You and Brian should share custody so Gus still has two parents.” Sam tells me.


“What’s Lindsay role, because Gus loves her and I need to know how to prepare him for whatever she plans.” I tell him. 


“I still want Gus in my life, but I'll be traveling with Sam, so it's not always going to be possible for me to be there for him. You and Brian will be there to make up for me not being there.” She tells me, as if it's that easy to walk away.


“You think you can just pop in and out of Gus’s life, treating him like he should be grateful for you still remembering you had him.” Brian asks, getting worked up.


“I'll make sure he knows I still love him.” She tells him, crying.


“The way your parents made sure you did?” He asks sarcastically.


“It won't be like that.” She tells him. 


“Then how will it be, since you'll be so busy with your new life, which doesn't include any of your children?” I ask.  


“Lindsay is willing to give up her rights to Gus, but she wants the right to still contact him as long as he wants contact with her.” Sam tells us. 


“Will she be willing to sign today? I can have my partner in this firm act as my attorney. You can have an attorney present too. It's going to take a little time to get the paperwork ready.” I tell him. 


“We can wait, and we trust you to look a out for Gus’s best interest. We would like to take Gus today, so Lindsay can explain to him what's going on, it shouldn't have to be you or Brian doing it.” Sam tells me. 


“I don’t see a problem with that, do you Brian?” I ask. 


“No, but make sure he understands you still love him.” Brian tells Lindsay.


“I will.” She tells him, defeated.


I went to Ron’s office and told him the amendment to make to the documents we already had. When I came out, Lindsay was standing there waiting.


“I wish…” She just stood there as if she didn't know what to say.


“I'm sure, but nothing changes what you did, so answer when Gus calls and make sure he knows you care, that's the only thing you could do now that matters.” I tell her. 




I sat waiting with Sam. He looked at the paintings on the wall before sitting across from me. 


“Can you do me a favor?” He asks. 


“Depending on what it is, possibly.” I tell him. 


“Tell Warren I did what he asked.” He tells me.


Before I could say anything, Mel and Ron came in with Lindsay and everything ready to sign. Lindsay signed it without a word. Sam sat sketching, then as he was leaving, tore off the sheet and handed it to Mel. When he left with Lindsay I looked to see what he had given her. It was a picture of her holding Gus.


“You looked beautiful when I saw you in this moment, Sam” 


“It's the night she introduced Sam to me. I was singing Gus to sleep.” Mel tells me. 


“Mel, it's every night for Gus.” I tell her, hugging her as she cried for end of her family. “We'll make sure Gus doesn’t feel it.” I tell her. 







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