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“Brian, there's someone here that asked to see you.” Cynthia tells me.

“I'll go, and hope it's just the full moon.” Dan tells me.

“Stay, we can go have lunch.” I tell him.

“It's not a client, at least I don't think so.” Cynthia tells us, I raise a brow. “She a teenager.” Cynthia tells me.

“Oh hell, what is Molly doing here?” Dan asks, looking out my door.

“Do you want me to tell her no?” Cynthia asks.

“Let's see why she's here.” I tell them.

Cynthia went out to lead her in, she scowled when she saw Dan.

“I need to find Justin.” She tells me.

“Why would you think I know?” I ask.

“You were at Justin’s house. Chris found out who you were.” She tells me.

“Which means I'm less likely to help you.” I tell her.

“Justin needs to help my father, it's not right that we suffer because Justin doesn’t care.” She tells me.

“Justin cares too much, when it comes to you.” Dan tells her.

“Right, that’s why he left and never came back, he cares so much that he won’t even answer me anymore.” She tells him, rolling her eyes.

“You want him to answer, then do your brother a favor, don’t give Chris a way to keep tabs on Justin. He doesn’t need to know what the real brother does.” Dan tells her.

“Dan, she’s a kid. She wants to believe that everything Justin did was to ruin her life. She doesn’t see that her father made it impossible for Justin to be there.” I tell him.

“I’m sitting right here and you can talk to me.” She tells me.

“Why would I? you won’t listen to anything that makes what Justin did not about you.” I tell her.

“My parents were fine until he had to live the way he wanted to.” She tells me.

“Justin staying and being straight wouldn’t have stopped where your parents were headed. Molly, if you want something, you fight for it, not find excuses for why it happens. Your brother being gay might have caused them to think they had problems, but it couldn’t make them leave each other. There are things you’ll never know because it wasn’t about you or Justin, but something wrong with them.” I tell her.

“He could at least give my father a chance.” She tells me.

“To do what, what could your father do Molly? He forced Justin to leave by not loving Justin enough to understand that being gay wasn’t a choice, but a part of what makes Justin the man he is. Do you want me to tell you the first thing he said when I asked why he would want someone in his life who seems to make him miserable?” I ask her.

“That he puts up with me.” She tells me.

“That he loves you, even when you can’t love him. Does that sound like he walked away? He is willing to love you even when you treat him like he is’t good enough.” I tell her.

“Then why won’t he talk to me anymore?” She asks.

I shook my head no when Dan looked like he was going to tell her exactly how he feels about the way she treated Justin.

“Do you want me to treat you like an adult or let you live in the child version your head made up?” I ask her. “Before you answer that, what I will tell you won’t make you as innocent as you think you are.” I tell her.

“Brian, I don’t think Justin wants her to know what was happening.” Dan tells me.

“I never did anything wrong.” She tells me.

“Then go home and continue believing that. When you're ready to hear the truth then call me and I’ll have your brother there to tell you.” I tell her.

“No. I want to know.” She tells me.

“Then I have to call Justin.” I tell her.

“Why can’t you tell me?” She asks.

“Like Dan, I’m not a fan of you. I wouldn’t spare your feelings.” I tell her, as I dial my phone. “I have someone here who wants to talk to you.” I tell Justin when he answers. “Molly.”

“Did he say he was busy?” She asks when I hang up.

“No, he told me that he’d be here as fast as he could. I guess you’re right, he doesn’t care.” I tell her.


Grant wouldn’t let me leave without him. I was worried that Molly skipped school and showed up at Brian’s office. My father would see it as another reason to keep her away from me.

“Justin, I doubt this is going to be any different from all the other times.” Grant tells me before we walk in.

“I don’t expect anything different.” I tell him.

“You know, I hate when she does this to you.” He tells me, ignoring Dan standing outside the office.

“Grant, let Brian be there.” Dan tells him.

“Justin needs me.” He tells Dan.

“He has someone to be there, we don’t have to worry, Brian will be there for him.” Dan tells him.

“Listen to Dan, I can deal with Molly.” I tell him, walking in.

“I want to know why they make it sound like I did something.” She tells me when I walk in.

“Molly, I don’t think you knew what you were doing when you told Chris things about me. I want to believe that, because anything else would kill me.” I tell her.

“Chris isn’t in love with you, he hates you.” She tells me.

“Okay, if you want to believe it, then it’s true.” I tell her.

“You caused Mom to leave.” She tells me.


“You left me.” She tells me, crying.

“I never left you, I’ll take the blame for anything else, but I never left you. I don’t want to never have a chance to have you in my life someday. Call me an idiot, because I love you Mollusk, no matter how much you hate me.” I tell her.

I watch my little sister dry her tears and stand up to walk out. Maybe one day she’ll stay.

“I don’t hate you.” She tells me, running to me and letting me hold her.

“Then when you call I’ll answer, but you can’t tell Chris things about me.” I tell her.

“Why? I need to know why?” She tells me.

So I sat my sister down and told her. Then let her go to make up her own mind. Brian waited for me and I walked into his arms feeling better then I have before.

“Do you think it will make a difference?” I ask him.

“She listened, that’s more than my sister ever did.” He tells me.


Carl was waiting in the kitchen when I got home. I knew he hadn’t been happy with Michael or me lately. I sat down across from him, but when I tried to hold his hand, he pulled away.

“You know I love you.” He tells me.

“Yes, and I love you too.” I tell him.

“Then understand this isn’t about us, but me having to do my job.” He tells me getting up and pulling out some papers. “Michael, I need you to come down here.” Carl yells up the stairs.

“What?” Michael asks from the stairs.

“I need you to come downstairs to the kitchen so I can explain some things to you.” He tells Michael.

“I’m busy.” He tells Carl, turning to walk away.

“Get your ass in the kitchen, Michael.” Carl growls.

“Fine, but I have plans tonight, so could you make it quick.” Michael tells him, sitting down.

“The DA isn’t going to pursue your case, and if you persist, he will prosecute you for wasting our time with a false report.” Carl tells him.

“Thank you.” I tell Carl, for not having Michael put in jail for this.

“Don’t thank me, I wanted them to let me lock him up. I don’t like that Michael made a mockery of the law by doing what he did.” He tells me.

“I got beat up, how is that my fault?” Michael sneers.

“Michael leave it alone, because I will happily show you what we do with people that lie to us. The second thing that I need to give you and explain to you, will have you in a cell if you don’t listen to me.” Carl tells him, handing him a piece of paper. “That is an order that you stay away from Brian Kinney and Gus Marcus-Peterson. You can not get within five hundred feet of them.” He tells Michael.

“What the hell? Why are you doing this?” Michael asks, standing up and knocking over his chair.

“Brian wanted this Michael. Going over to Mel and Lindsay’s house, trying to use Gus was the last straw for Brian.” He tells Michael.

“What did you do?” I ask him.

“Nothing, I just suggested that if the girls wanted to have another kid, that I would be willing. I wouldn’t be like Brian and cause problems between them. I also think Gus needs someone who won’t run in and out of his life the way Brian does the back room.” He tells me.

“Do not accuse Brian of not being there for Gus. He loves his son and I won’t let you twist that.” I tell him.

“Since you mentioned the club; you're no longer a member, and won’t be admitted. Kinnetik is also off limits, and even calling on the phone will violate this order. I need you to tell me you understand what I am telling you.” Carl tells him.

“This is bullshit, that little shit is jealous of me. Brian would never want me out of his life.” Michael tells Carl, tearing up the paper as he tries to walk out. “What is that?” Michael asks when Carl pulls out another paper, and blocks Michael from leaving.

“I made copies, so tear at will, it doesn’t make what Brian wanted not true.” He tells Michael.

“No one tells me I can’t talk to Brian.” Michael tells Carl, getting in his face.

“I’m not just telling you, I’m giving you a chance to stay out of jail.” Carl tells him, standing his ground.

“Fuck you and anyone who thinks that they can make me.” Michael tells Carl, shoving him.

“Michael, you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer.” Carl tells Michael, as he grabs Michael’s arms and cuffs them behind his back.

“Ma, tell him he can’t do this.” Michael yells, trying to get away from Carl.

“She can’t stop this Michael.” Carl tell him.

“Ma?” Michael looks at me with the lost little boy look.

I walked over, kissed his cheek and then turned around and went in the kitchen. I didn’t do what I would normally do and try to help him. I listened as Carl called to get someone to pick Michael up and Michael screaming that I would tell them Michael didn’t touch Carl. When the officers came to get Michael I nodded my head when they asked if I witnessed my son assault Carl, then let Carl do his job.

“Red, he needs help, more than you can give him.” Carl tells me before leaving.

I pulled out the phone number that Ben’s attorney gave me at the diner this morning.

“Dan, how do I get him help?” I ask him.

“Trust me to do it for you.” He tells me.


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