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If It's Broke Then Fix it

Chapter 5

Day 3

"Dada, can you fix my hair?" Bree asked with her best smile. She stood beside Brian's chair holding her brush and scuffing the toe of her pink slipper on the kitchen floor.

"Dada has to leave soon, sweetheart," Justin said. "I'll do your hair."

"No, I want Dada. He makes it perfect." Bree did her best pout.

"I can make your hair look just the way you want it," Justin protested.

"No, want Dada," Bree repeated.

"I'll do it," Brian said. He knew it was one of his guilty pleasures to brush his daughter's hair and fashion it just so. Both he and Briana took great pride in the finished result.

"You shouldn't give into her all the time," Justin contradicted Brian. "You said that you and John wanted to get an early start."

"It won't take long," Brian said as he took the brush from Bree and turned her around so that he could begin brushing.

"Fine," Justin said, grabbing his mug of coffee and heading for the sun porch. "You can get her off to school as well."

"Justin," Brian called. His plea was totally ignored as Justin kept right on going.

He was about to get up and follow his husband when Bree said, "Hair, Dada."

Brian refocused on the hair, deciding that he would smooth things over with Justin later. He brushed gently, all the while thinking about Justin's reaction. They didn't often disagree, but when they did it was usually about how to raise Bree. Justin didn't want her spoiled, and Brian spoiled her at every opportunity. At least Justin called it spoiling, when in reality it was merely Brian providing the things that Bree wanted or needed, well mostly wanted. They had a beautiful daughter who was willing to share and help whenever the occasion arose. What more could anyone ask for? Briana was not spoiled as far as Brian was concerned.

Brian was pulling the soft blonde hair into a ponytail at the side of Bree's head when Patrick came in with Bobby.

"That looks cute," Patrick said admiring Bree's hairdo. He knew she liked to be complimented on her hair.

"I know. My Dada always makes it perfect," she replied with a big smile.

"Maybe you missed your calling in life, Bri," Bobby chuckled.

"F you," Brian reacted.

Bobby chuckled knowing he had got Brian's goat. "John's ready to go. He said to tell you to get your ass off the chair and meet him at his truck."

"Do I look like some flunkie that your husband can order around?" Brian demanded indignantly.

"Today, yes you do," Bobby grinned. "That is, if you want his help at the Munchers."

"Fu… Okay, I'm ready," Brian grumbled. "There you go, Squirt. You look fabulous! Have a good day at school." Brian kissed Bree's cheek.

"Thank you, Dada," Bree replied touching her hand to her hair.

"Go say goodbye to Daddy," Brian told her.

Bree ran off to the sun porch to do that, while Brian stood and gathered up the papers he had been looking at. They were the tentative new plans for Kinnetik N'rgy in New York. He put them in his briefcase which was beside the table and closed the case with a decided snap.

"Is something wrong?" Bobby asked.

Brian shook his head. "Justin thinks I give into Bree all the time."

"Justin's right."

"What? You're taking his side in this?"

"I'm not taking sides, but you know that you do give Bree everything she ever wants."

Brian frowned. "I try not to."

"Then let's just say that's one thing you haven't been very successful at. Come on, kids," Bobby said as he ushered the children toward the front door.

Brian debated going to speak to Justin. He walked to the entrance to the sun porch and looked in at Justin. His husband stood with his back to the kitchen staring out at the snow. He held his coffee mug in one hand and his other hand was ruffling through the fur on Beau's neck.

"Justin," Brian said gently. There was no answer. "Justin, I'm leaving now," he said more loudly.


"I … I didn't mean to contradict you," Brian said by way of explanation for his earlier actions.

"Go fix the shower or whatever the fuck it is that needs fixing at Lindsay's," Justin muttered.

"Looks like there's something right here that may need fixing too."

"Brian, I…"

Brian waited but Justin didn't finish that statement. "I could tell John to go ahead on his own," Brian said after a bit.

"No, this isn't the time. I think we need to talk, but maybe later."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just go. I'll see you when you come home."

"I certainly hope so," Brian said.

He turned and went back into the kitchen to pick up his briefcase. He was about to grab his coat when he looked out to the sun porch again. Justin was still standing there, in the same position with Beau by his side. Maybe he should stay home today, Brian wondered. But Justin didn't seem ready to talk.

Finally Brian grabbed his coat and headed out the door. Maybe when he came home they could really get to the bottom of what was bothering Justin, and Brian was pretty sure it wasn't Bree's hair.


"See you later," John said through the window as he dropped Brian off at the diner. It was early. Brian had a couple of hours yet before his telephone conference and he hated taking over Cynthia's office. So he had John drop him off at the diner for a light breakfast.

"You know you could have come to the bistro and had a popover," Emmett said as he plopped himself down on the seat across from Brian. "They're very fresh."

"I bet they are," Brian said looking over the contract in his hand. "I'm sorry, Emm. I guess it's just force of habit coming here."

Emmett looked at Brian with a shocked expression.

"Brian Kinney actually apologizing for something? Be still my heart."

"Asshole," Brian grumbled. After a while Brian attempted small talk. "Is the season over for the Ironmen?"

"Almost. In a few weeks Drewsie and I intend to spend at least a month at the cottage. Peace and quiet here we come. Why?"

"Just asking. You really like it up there?"

"Brian, I love it there and so does Drew, blizzards notwithstanding. I still have to pinch myself every time I'm there. The cottage is beautiful, Brian. I am very grateful. What brings you to the Pitts?"

"Stacey and N'rgy. She and Ken have worked up some plans for expansion. And I've been itching for a little more hands on experience. I love being able to work from home, but with Bree in school most of the day..."

"Man cannot live on love alone?"

"If you mean love in the afternoon with Justin, of course I can. But he does need a little space so he can paint. He doesn't need me under foot all the time."

"So you come here or go into Harrisburg to give him time to create."

"Or wherever Cynthia and the clients need me to go."

"Must be nice to be the master of your own dynasty."

"You tell me. You have your own dynasty to rule."

"Ah, but mine is still brand new whereas yours is..."


"Well established. Brian Kinney does not do old. Have you heard from the girls?"

"Yes, they're in Florida trying to reconnect as we speak."

"You seem skeptical. You don't think they can work things out?"

"I'm not so sure. Sometimes I think Lindsay would be better off without the bitch. But..."

"She loves her."

"Yes, she does. Who am I to interfere?"

"You're Brian Kinney, but I see your point."

The two friends became quiet, lost in their own thoughts.

"I better be going; I have buns and tarts to play with," Emmett said with a wide grin and a wink.

"You do that. I have a dynasty to rule."

"My liege," Emmett said as he slid out of the booth then took a bow. Brian threw some bills onto the table then made a regal exit with Emmett close on his heels. The friends parted company at the corner as they each walked to their respective kingdoms.


"Mr. Anderson, it's good to see you again," Ronny the hot plumber said with a flirtatious smile. The two had arrived at Lindsay and Mel's house at the same time.

"It's John, and how about we get to work. A few of my men will be here to assess the damage. There are a few more things I want to look at before you all raise a dust cloud."

"Of course, John. I'll be in the bathroom sizing up my pipes," the handsome young plumber cooed as he sashayed his way up the stairs. John stood at the bottom of the staircase shaking his head.

"That boy is in for a world of hurt if he isn't careful," Danny exclaimed as he caught the hip action. "Those tools of his could be lethal."

"Mmm," John agreed. "Danny, I'm going to the basement. If this house and its appliances are as old as I think they are, it's a disaster waiting to happen. We might as well fix everything all at once."

Danny nodded in agreement then led John to the basement.


"Brian, it's John on line one," Cynthia's assistant called over the intercom. The telephone conferences went well. Brian, Cynthia and Ted were discussing the expansion plans as well as the several projects the other branches were involved in.

"Hey, big bro, pipes all fixed?"

"Yes and no."

"I'm not going to like this, am I?"

"Since you've decided to foot the bill, no."

"Give it to me straight," Brian said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The furnace is shot, the water heater has a crack and the kitchen sink is about to go. As soon as we upgrade the water heater, the old pipes won't be able to take the pressure. They must be replaced."


"Listen, you know I'll get you the best deal..."

"It's not the money. I'll spend whatever it takes. Can you have it done before the girls get back?"

"Yes. Let me get my men in here and we'll have it all done. I can even find similar fixtures so they won't realize anything's different."

"Just get it done, big bro."

"Whatever you say. I'll be by within the hour to pick you up."



The girls decided to take a drive along the A1A highway. They had lunch at the Shark House. Fortunately for them, the Shark House was minus one lounge singer. It gave them time to talk.

"Lindz, we said we'd talk today."

"I know," Lindsay said as she fiddled with her salad.

"Sometimes I think we're on two different planets. I keep thinking everything's fine but then I find out I'm mistaken. The kids are growing up so fast. I've missed so much."

"Whose fault is that?"

"Mine, I suppose. Gus is practically a man and JR is almost a teenager. Shit, it seems they were just in diapers a year ago."

"I know," Lindsay laughed at Mel's exasperation. "Gus keeps hinting about getting a car."

"A car?! Good Lord, he doesn't know how to drive yet."

"He's going to take drivers' ed soon and then he will know. Have you noticed how JR keeps painting her finger and toe nails? Every night a different color. She found one called pomegranate. I find it quite lovely," Lindsay said as she wiggled her fingernails at Melanie. "Even Brian noticed at Christmas. He called me and JR twins," Lindsay proclaimed proudly.

"I didn't notice. I haven't noticed a lot of things," Melanie said sadly as the realization hit her. "And yet Brian noticed that my wife and daughter were both wearing the same nail polish."

The girls got quiet as the waitress brought their main course.

"JR and I go to the nail salon every two weeks. Why don't you join us?"

"How long has this been going on?"

"About a year."

"A year? Where have I been?"

"Work. We've asked you to join us several times but you always say..."

"I'm busy. I'm sorry, Lindsay."

"Then do something about it. We mark our appointments on the calendar. Take a whole weekend off, for once, and come with us."

"Lindsay, my work, my clients are very important to me. It's how I make a living."

"More important than your own family? Mel, my work is no less important to me but family time must come first. A couple of hours every two weeks is not much to ask."

"You're right. I bet the great Brian Kinney spends more time with the kids than I do. Doesn't he?"

Lindsay didn't answer, her silence was all Melanie needed to hear.

"Maybe I need to learn some parenting skills from Brian fucking Kinney."

The girls continued their meal in silence.

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