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Brent and Jamie seemed to decide on their own when to do things, and it had nothing to do with any book on raising children. When they learned to crawl, it was because Jamie wanted what Gus was eating in front of the TV. Brent learned to walk when I was getting his juice and stopped to answer the phone. I didn’t even realize Brent walked over until I felt him tugging at the sippy cup in my hand. Talking became something of a game with the boys, they did this gibberish thing with each other but wouldn’t say more than Da or Jus, Gus sat with the boys and told them Daddy not Jus. Justin came in talking on the phone with Lindsay about a potential client, blocking the TV. Jamie and Brent seemed to get tired of him blocking the red sock puppet and told Dada to get out of the way. Justin hung up without saying good-bye, thrilled to finally get the title of Dada.

We were planning to spend our first anniversary at the lodge and invited the rest of the gang if they wanted to come. When Justin called Mel, the conversation seemed to be about more than the simple invitation we were extending. When Justin hung up, he looked confused.

“Mel and Lindsay need to talk to Michael, Ben, and us tomorrow.” He tells me.

“About?” I ask, when he hesitates.

“She just said it was important. You don’t think they’re having problems again do you? I mean she sounds happy, but with them you never know.” He tells me.

“As far as they go, it’s happy one minute, breaking up the next.” I tell him, calling Michael to see if they told him more.

“I don’t know, Mel talked to Ben. Probably because they know I’d try to pester them until they told me. Why not call Lindsay and see if she’ll tell you?” Michael suggested.

Instead, we all waited to find out what they wanted. When we got there, Hunter and Shelby were waiting and told us they were going to watch the kids for us. It didn’t help when he didn’t smile or act like we'd like what we were going to hear. It had Michael more worried that the girls planned for the kids to be out of the house. Gus didn’t look happy, but went without saying anything.

“Dad, just remember not to get pissed.” Hunter tells him, taking Brent and Jamie with him.

I looked at the refreshments, and the girls smiling before they dumped the bullshit on us. Mel barely let us sit down before letting it fly at us.

“I was offered a job that means moving again. It’s an opportunity I’ve wanted my entire career. I will be helping create the laws, not just finding ways to use laws already antiquated. And we’ll only be in Washington D.C, it’s not like the last move. Lindsay can travel back and forth with the kids and still work for Justin. We know it means once again the kids are further away, but it's not like any of you can't visit, and the kids can see you anytime you ask.” Mel rushes out.

“How long have you known about this?” Ben asks.

“A few months, but I didn’t get selected until a week ago.” Mel tells him.

“We wanted to tell you, because Mel being asked is a great honor as she will be the only woman in the group. We know you'll understand she can't say no, because it's affects all of us.” Lindsay tells us.

“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, once again.” Justin tells Lindsay, getting up walking towards the door.

“Justin, I can still work. I can go like I have been, meeting possible clients and bringing them with me when I come to Pittsburgh.” Lindsay tells him.

“Yeah, that was all I was thinking about.” Justin tells her, slamming the door as he left.

“What’s wrong with Justin?” Mel asks.

Michael had stayed quiet through the whole thing, and for once didn’t turn it into a fight. He kissed Ben and told him he wanted to check on Justin. “What did the kids have to say about this?” He asked at the door.

“Naturally they don’t want to leave, but the school one of Mel’s colleagues sends his children to is highly rated. The house the firm is using as an incentive is twice the size of this one. Once we settle in Gus and Jenny will love it.” Lindsay tells him, barely finishing before Michael closed the door.

“Brian this is Mel's chance to change the world. I know you wanted Gus closer, but when you think about it, he won't be that far away.” Lindsay tells me.

“I promise, you and Michael can have Jenny anytime you ask.” Mel tells Ben.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Lindsay asks me.

“It's sounds like you and Mel already decided everything, once again. You even baked cookies, but we haven't gotten to the part that sounds like you're waiting for our permission to take the kids.” I tell her.

“Or maybe this time you aren't asking.” Ben tells them.

“It’s also because, with your support, Gus and Jenny will see this can be a good move this time.” Lindsay tells me.

“Only if we did, sorry, but I don't and this time there isn’t a bomb to have Michael saying yes.” Ben tells her.

“Ben, this is something I know you wouldn't turn down if you were asked.” Mel tells him.

“Let me ask you two a question. I'm going to assume Mel will be working long hours, being expected to attend political functions, parties, and generally speaking, furthering her career.  Meanwhile Lindsay is going to be traveling to meet with new talent, helping to get them to sign by flying to Pittsburgh, and working with Hunter and Rachel remotely. Have I got that right?” I ask.

“This isn’t like sitting in my office waiting for clients, so yes, there will also be times when I’m asked to be at out of town engagements to garner support for what I’m doing, but otherwise it’s the same as when you started Kinnetik. There will be times when my career will take me away from the kids, if that’s what you're getting at.” Mel tells me.

“The only difference for me will be not being at the office, but it’s one of the advantages of scouting. Now I’m glad Hunter got the job, because I would have had to quit and ask to go back to scouting again.” Lindsay tells us.

“You're both missing what Brian was trying to say.” Ben tells them.

“I guess, but I don’t see why he brought it all up.” Lindsay tells Ben and me.

“Where in all that do either of you think you can raise two kids?” I ask.

“They’re older now, and there are a lot of programs they can get involved in.” Mel tells us.

“Let me be clearer. Who will be taking care of them? Nothing in all these plans includes the kids, who are going to need someone around to raise them.” I tell them.

“We plan to hire someone. Not only to be there if we can’t be, but also to tutor the kids.” Lindsay tell me.

“No.” Ben tells them.

“I’m fine if you and Mel want this, but Gus stays with me and Justin.” I tell them.

“Brian, even Justin saw it was a great opportunity.” Lindsay tells me, ignoring the slamming door and what Justin was really saying.

“Then once again you weren’t listening to what Justin was saying to you. He did what we wanted him to, but the entire time, Justin rearranged his life because he wanted to be with Gus and have children. All he and I see is, once again, you and Mel make a decision about Gus and Jenny thinking that we all will just go along with it. Gus wants to be around his brothers, not visit on weekends and holidays. Jenny has friends and her fathers here, but a tutor is your answer. I understand why Mel needs to do this and can agree it’s an opportunity I would have a hard time turning down. You compared it to the start of Kinnetik, but I also wasn’t a full time father and I could take off without worrying who was going to take care of the kids. Now I know my children need me to put aside things for them. It’s why I think and Ben will most likely agree with me, that the kids should live with us while you two get to do the things two kids get in the way of. You’ll still be able to see the kids, but they won’t end up feeling like they're in the way of the life you both want.” I tell her.

“Before we talk about this any further, we need to have Jenny and Gus here. Hunter told me what Gus said to you two when you couldn’t decide on the home you planned to live in here, and you both need to honor the promise you made to both him and Jenny to include them on decisions that affect their lives.” Ben tells them.

“Gus overheard us talking about this and hasn’t said a word to us since he found out.” Mel tells us.

“Telling him you’ll include him, then only finding out something that will change his life only because he overheard it, just tells Gus he can’t trust you.” I tell them.

“We both knew the kids wouldn’t be happy about another move. Until last week there wasn’t any reason to think we would need to again. We planned to take both kids down there and show them the new house and the reasons it would be a good thing for us. Now you're telling us you won’t let Gus come with us.” Mel says, getting upset.

“Michael and I won’t agree to let Jenny go either. Like Brian said, where in all the things you two discussed was there room for Jenny and Gus?” Ben asks.

“We would find time for the kids, it’s something we’ve always done.” Lindsay tells him.

“And you can, on weekends and holidays and any time you two want the kids. I just don’t see a tutor making up for the family they could have here.” Ben tells them.

“I agree, and if you think about it you would too. A stranger raising Gus wasn’t something you wanted when he wouldn’t have even remembered it, but now when he’ll resent you for it, you think it’s okay. It will give you the chance to be selfish without hurting the kids. It’s why I wanted to wait before Justin and I had the boys.” I tell them.

Ben and I got up to find where Justin and Michael disappeared to, and once again Deb had her two cubs needing her to soothe their anger with food.

“We told them not with the kids.” Ben tells Michael.

“Do you really think they care what we say?” Justin asks.

“I hope they listened, because the life they both are describing doesn’t have room for the kids.” I tell him, as Hunter brings Brent and Jamie in.

“I don’t want to fight for custody again, but I will if it comes to it.” Michael tells Ben

“I don’t think you’re going to have to. When I took Gus home, Lindsay and Mel stopped him from marching past them and told him your suggestion that he could live here with you and Justin.” Hunter tells us.

For the first time today I let the tension go that I hid better than Michael and Justin.

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