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Gus's Birthday

By the time Saturday rolled by, everyone was so excited that they all woke early. Gus was the first to be up, and after waking his mothers and sister, he rushed downstairs to the guest bedroom. He didn't knock, simply barging inside.

He found his dad and Justin hugging in the middle of the bed, snoring loudly. Climbing in bed, behind Justin, he started shaking his shoulder.

"Wake up! Wake up! Lots to do!"

Gus beamed when he noticed his dad blinking sleepily. "What crazy time is it?"

"Almost eight. Wake up, guys!"

"Gus, how about you give us five minutes? We'll be right with you," Brian promised.

To his surprise, his son listened, leaving and even closing the door.

Brian focused on the sleeping man in his arms. He had no idea how Justin could sleep through all that.

"Wake up," Brian said against Justin's ear.


"No time for sleeping in, Sunshine."

"Umghh." Justin rolled on his other side, tugging the blanket over his head.

"Gus is going to wonder why you won't show your face on his birthday," Brian teased, diving under the blanket and kissing his boyfriend's shoulder. "This is a glorious day."


Brian didn't relent, stroking Justin's hip. "This is the day we met. How about you turn around and kiss me?"

Justin tugged the pillow over his head, groaning. "Mhmmsleep."

"No. No sleep."

For a minute, Justin was convinced Brian gave up, but then he felt a wet finger in his ear. "Fuck off, Brian! I can't function on three hours of sleep like you!"

"Now whose fault is it that you're tired? You were the one saying 'up for one more', remember?"

The door opened to reveal a bouncing Gus. "Are you guys up yet?" He noticed Justin still under the blanket. "Is Jus okay?"

"Thirty minutes," Brian whispered in Justin's ear, kissing the spot behind it. "How about we let him sleep for a little while longer?" Brian joined his son, guiding him out of the room. "Is everyone else awake?"

"Yup." He beamed proudly. "Though, is Jus okay?"

"He's just tired. He'll be up soon. Don't worry."

They reached the kitchen where Lindsay was preparing the coffee and Melanie was working on breakfast. JR sat in her seat sleepily.

"Morning," Brian greeted them, sitting next to Gus, who started talking about his plans for his big day.

"I told you not to wake them, Gus." Lindsay groaned, giving Brian a sympathetic smile. "Where's Justin?"

"Still sleeping. We didn't get right to bed…" He smirked, enjoying to see her flustered.

"And the younger one is more tired?" Mel laughed.

"Ha fucking ha." Brian sneered.

"Watch out, Brian!" Lindsay chided his choice of words.

"Do you have insomnia? A glass of hot milk before bed is recommended for that," Gus explained seriously.

"You can say I had hot milk— OW! Christ, woman." He shielded his head from the spatula in Mel's hand. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Gus."

"You do that. Or you can count sheep."

"I could count the moles on Justin's body."

"I bet you know their number by now and their exact spot," Lindsay joked.

Brian shrugged, refusing to give her the satisfaction. Of course, he knew how many moles his partner had and exactly where they were placed and their size and shape.

By the time their breakfast was on the table, Justin appeared in the kitchen. He took a cup of coffee, sitting next to Brian, his head on his folded arms on the table.

"Oh!" Gus exclaimed suddenly, looking crushed.

"What's up, buddy?" Brian frowned.

"What happened to your kitty?"

Justin choked on his gulp of coffee, thumping on his chest while his eyes watered. Even Melanie managed to find it funny, because she was laughing in her toast.

Brian shot them dirty looks, before focusing on his son. "He's home," he said solemnly.

"But why? You should have brought him. Now he's all alone." Gus pouted.

"He's not quite alone. Our... friend is going over to make sure he has food and water," Justin explained, unsure how to refer to Evan.

"I thought you guys took him everywhere with you," Gus insisted.

"Well, Baby Purry is used to stay alone during the day. We don't take him to work with us," Brian said amused. "Don't worry. He's doing well. Want to see? My friend is sending me pictures to prove he's okay. Every day." He brought his phone from the guest bedroom, showing Gus the pictures Evan had been sending.

Gus frowned at the screen, tapping his chin, before sliding his finger over the screen. "Daddy?"


"This is the same picture. Or close...looks like sequel...seqand...sequ...somehting."

"Sequence?" Justin suggested, peering at Brian's phone.


Brian's eyes narrowed as he looked at the pictures for the first time that way. He had simply opened the picture Evan sent him, downloaded it for safe keep, then went on with his life. "Fucking asshole! You don't suppose he's been fucking with me this whole time? Do you think he took a few pictures then stopped going, and is simply sending them?"

"One way to find out," Justin told him, shrugging. He doubted Evan was that irresponsible. Everyone could tell how much Brian loved the cat, and if he wanted to still breathe, let alone call himself Brian's friend, he should have kept his word to take care of Baby Purry.

While Brian excused himself to call Evan and rip him a new one over the phone, Lindsay urged Gus to finish eating so he could get ready for his big day.


"And he's still alive?" Brian demanded, gripping the phone to his ear.


"And he's not starving."


"And he has water."


"And he's not lonely."


"And you are the biggest asshole ever."

"Hey!" Evan groaned. "It's not my fault, I always find him on the small table by the door when I get in your condo. First thing I do is take a picture. The scenery is the same, and it's crazy how now that you made me look, the pictures sort of look in sequence."

"I really want to believe you, Steele. If I come home and find my cat starving, I'm going to murder you."

"Do you want me to take a video next time I visit?"

"You could go over now and show me," Brian suggested.

"I am at work now. I came over by the office for a few hours."

"Well, whenever you head home, make a detour by our place. I have to go now. It's Gus's birthday, remember?"

"Sure. Have fun! As much as possible, while surrounded by seven year olds."

"Will do." Brian hung up, letting out an angry huff.

"Everything okay?" Justin asked from behind him, slowly approaching his partner.

"Apparently, he takes a picture every time he steps in the condo, and Baby Purry is on the table by the door."

"Aww, how adorable. You know he stays there every time you're not home?" Justin grinned. "I bet he misses you so much."

"You too, Sunshine. You made friends, didn't you?" Brian stroked a hand through Justin's hair.

"I guess. He's warming up to me, whenever you kick him away."

"He needs to understand we can't play the usual way when I'm wearing Armani."

"Anywaaaay," Justin dragged the word out. "Ready for today?"

"Not in the least."

"What? You're not looking forward to play the whole day? Where's the child in you?" Justin gasped. "You know how many games the girls have planned for the children."

"That's scaring me."

Hours later, when Gus's friends had arrived, Brian was the one playing with them. It also gave Justin a break, because he had the glorious idea (or so it seemed at the moment), to paint the kids' faces. After two children, his hand rebelled on him, but he kept at it until the last child.

"What do you feed him in New York?" Mel asked incredulously, watching Brian running around the garden and laughing.

Justin scowled, not liking when anyone, especially their friends, thought so little of Brian. "I'd like to think this is Brian. He's always been like this, but he's showing it to everyone now."

"You mean, this is how he was around you from the beginning?"

"More or less. It took a while to crack his tough facade. Mel, don't forget that we lived together for ages. It was bound I'd find out all kinds of things about Brian that he wouldn't let other people know."

Mel kept her eyes on Brian, still unable to believe he could be so free and actually have fun surrounded by ten kids age seven.

Lindsay returned from the house with fresh orange juice, placing it on the table, taking a seat next to her wife. "We should invite you two over more often. We barely knew we had Gus under the roof, since you kept him entertained."

"And I think I aged ten years," Justin joked. "He's great, but in small quantities."

"Quoting from Brian?" Mel snorted, pouring herself juice.

"Actually, he's making plans for the summer to have him over for a month. Well, my plans for the summer… this is going to sound horrible, but my plans don't involve running after a kid. I know I'd most likely be locked in my studio painting away, or travelling around the States, meeting all these galleries interested to display my stuff."

"I knew you'd hit it off." Lindsay pulled him in a tight hug. "And you're not horrible. You're young and want to make a name for yourself."

"Stop blaming my age on what I do. Don't get me wrong, I love Gus to bits, but damn, he's tiring me worse than if I'd run a couple miles."

"Imagine that we have him and JR. That's why, against my better judgement, I'll accept Brian's proposal to have Gus over for the summer. I bet Michael and Ben would love to have JR over too." Mel grinned. "Imagine one whole month without them, babe." She turned to Lindsay.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Though, I'd love a while away from the two rascals to have some alone time with Mel."

Justin smiled, seeing them still happy and very much in love. "Tell us when."

At that moment, Brian slumped in the chair next to Justin, catching his breath.

"Is someone getting old?" Justin teased, stroking his partner's sweaty hair.

"I need to pick up going to the gym, but I need someone to go with me." He narrowed his eyes at Justin.

"I told you that with my hectic schedule…. But fine, I'll try."

"Good. I miss it. And the stationary bike and treadmill at home are nice, but I miss going in the gym with all the other equipment, the smell of sweat…"

"The sight," Mel added under her breath.

Brian shrugged, but smirked, catching Justin's eye. "Especially when Justin bends over or leans the right way while on the bike." He licked his lips.

Justin flushed. "I'll reconsider the whole thing if you decide to torment me like the last time."

"I haven't done a thing. It's not my fault you're shit at lifting weights. I did my job at spotting you, but you go distracted by my dick."

Lindsay coughed loudly. "Children present!"

"They don't pay us any attention," Brian said, waving a hand dismissively.

"You should use a filter around Gus, or I'd rethink the whole allowing him in New York for the summer," Lindsay said teasingly.

Brian glanced at Justin, before grinning at his friend. "You mean it? That you'd allow him with us for so long?"

"Why not? You're his dads, as he likes to say it."

"Thanks, Linds. Can't wait." Brian smiled, watching his son playing with his friends and laughing loudly. He couldn't wait for summer to have him at their condo and show him New York.

Chapter End Notes:

PS: For those interested and following, I updated Ask and You Shall Get series. At last...after too long. The new installment is called The Kinky List.

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